Easy Words Exercise - 1 1.
COMMENTARY - [spell]- C O M M E N T A R Y Definition: series of notes explaining parts of a book Synonym: explanation, narration Antonym: Sentence: The commentary in the margins of the book was very helpful.
NIMBLE - [spell]- N I M B L E Definition: active and sure-footed Synonym: agile, deft Antonym: clumsy, bungling Sentence: The gymnast was impressively nimble.
HEALTHFUL - [spell]- H E A L T H F U L Definition: giving well being Synonym: wholesome Antonym: unhealthy Sentence: She made a conscious effort to eat only healthful foods.
CALLIGRAPHY - [spell]- C A L L I G R A P H Y Definition: handwriting Synonym: script Antonym: Sentence: She took a class in calligraphy to learn more about the art of writing.
ACCEPTABILITY- [spell]- A C C E P T A B I L I T Y Definition: a quality that is agreeable Synonym: welcome, respectable Antonym: inadequate, insufficient Sentence: The employer was searching for more than acceptability in his candidates—he wanted them to be extraordinary.
WRETCHED - [spell]- W R E T C H E D Definition: very unfortunate or miserable Synonym: pathetic, depressed Antonym: Sentence: He was in a wretched state after his dog died.
NONEXISTENT - [spell]- N O N E X I S T E N T Definition: not being Synonym: tenuous, vacant