rescue situations, in certain military settings, and in large national parks and other wilderness areas.
EMT SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE EMTs must respond to medical emergencies at all hours of the day and on every day of the year. They respond to a variety of emergencies, including fires, behavioral crises, accidents, and other traumas. Because of the extreme circumstances they must work in, they need to work safely and with a great deal of self-care. One of the biggest risks for the EMT is exposure to blood and body fluids. With exposure to blood comes the risk of bloodborne pathogens, such as hepatitis C, hepatitis B, and HIV disease. Blood can be splashed in the eyes, come in contact with mucus membranes, or enter the body through an open wound or cut. Intact skin that can be washed is not a source of a bloodborne pathogen. In order to protect yourself as an EMT, you should wear long pants, long sleeves, and gloves. In some cases, safety goggles and a face shield can be used when blood splashing is likely. All open sores should be covered. Hands should be washed before smoking or consuming food and beverages. All work surfaces should be decontaminated. The drive itself to and from the scene can be dangerous. The driver should drive defensively and everyone should wear seatbelts. There should be a dedicated driver and adequate numbers of personnel dealing with the patient. There is a high risk of stress-related injuries associated with being an EMT. There can be signs and symptoms of PTSD and injuries from sleep-deprivation and poor concentration. Adequate rest and a proper diet should be followed at all times. Working odd hours can lead to the health problems associated with shift work. Injuries can happen because of the strenuous activity associated with the job. There can be injuries from lifting patients, bending, kneeling, and getting into difficult situations, such as with extrications and highway accidents. There are things that need to be done in order to avoid twisting injuries from getting supplies and reaching for things. There are ways to lift and carry patients properly, which will be discussed next.