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Galileo’s Contributions to Astronomy

increase, so does the force of gravity between them. As the distance between the two objects increases, the force of gravity will decrease. The only reason there is force between the sun and planets is because of the large masses involved.



Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer and scientist who lived from 1564 to 1642 AD. He improved on the telescope and developed his own theories on motion. Rather than using mathematics, he was able to use observation in order to confirm the elliptical orbits of the planets in the solar system. His telescope showed the craters on the moon and indicated that the Milky Way was made of many different stars, which challenged the theories on the “perfection” of the universe. He also saw phases in the different planets and moons of Jupiter. The moons of Jupiter orbiting this planet also destroyed the geocentric theory of the solar system.

One of his most interesting experiments was the one where he dropped balls of different sizes and weights from a tall building. He found that all objects conformed to gravity with the same acceleration regardless of the size or mass of the object. He showed the parabolic fall of objects thrown in the air. He was fascinated with timekeeping and kept pendulum-type clocks that he himself invented.

While he did not actually invent the telescope, Galileo was probably the first to use it effectively to study the skies. He also improved on the telescope constantly. His first experience with the telescope was in 1609 AD and started to make his own lenses. Through his telescopes, he was able to see things up to about 9 times magnification, which was better than had existed before then. He saw the rings of Saturn for himself. He found four of the largest moons of Jupiter, which are today called the Galilean moons. He was the first to see Neptune but did not know what it was.

Around 1616, there was still the position of the Church that the earth was still the center of the universe so, when this was challenged by Galileo, he was sent to Rome and told not to teach his theories. He persisted and published a mathematical approach to the idea of heliocentrism but was placed under house arrest because of what the Church felt was heresy.

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