1 minute read
Course Conventions
For the rest of this chapter, will discuss how the course will work and the chapter quizzes you can expect. I will also talk about your companion study guide that we like to call the Follow Along PDF Manual. So, if you are ready, let me get right into it.
Here, now, is a brief word about how to get the most from this course. Right off the bat, I want to give you some important information: As this course was in production, we were still under the effects of many changes cause by the Covid Nineteen Pandemic. The timelines I present to you in this audio course will be those for normal circumstances. So, when you are about to begin your registration process, understand this: lingering Covid restrictions may or may not have an effect on times and dates. Please look into this and plan accordingly. Now, back to the course conventions.
I would strongly suggest that you listen to the audio lectures more than once. Listen at least twice, three times if you can.
Throughout the chapters, I am likely to repeat some points more than once. These will be important points to remember as you prepare for your boards. There may be keywords or phrases that you will need to understand and remember. I will repeat those, and I will remind you of why I am doing so.
This audio course offers you a great deal of material. You will soon understand why I have said you need to listen to the lectures more than once. You need to listen to the audio and follow along with the PDF manual whenever possible.
This course is divided into several chapters; you heard me give a rundown of them a bit earlier. Many of these chapters are split into smaller sections. Each time I start a new section or chapter, I will give you its name.
I will give you a short recap of the material I discussed and a ten question quiz near the end of each chapter. I will close out every chapter with a list of the most important things to remember from the chapter. In this course, I will refer to those key points as takeaways.