PRAXIS Core AudioLearn - Complete Audio Review for the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Tes

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tests will take you about five hours to complete. If you take the tests on three different days, each test will take about two hours. If your schedule permits, you might find it less stressful to take the tests at separate times. Most people are not at their best after five straight hours of test-taking. Also, if you separate the tests, you can focus your study on one section, and then take that test before studying for the other sections. You can register for the PRAXIS at the website e-t-s-dot-org. You will get your official score about two weeks after you take the test. Each state has different PRAXIS scores required to pass the test.

QUESTION TYPES In this section, we will cover the types of questions that you will see on the PRAXIS test. There are three types of questions that you will see: One. The PRAXIS calls some questions “constructed response” questions. This means that you will type in your own answer to the question. There will be two essay questions on the PRAXIS test, and we will review them in this guide in the chapter on the writing test. Two. The PRAXIS will have what it calls “selected response” questions. These include traditional multiple-choice questions, which will be most of the questions. But in some cases, the question may ask you to select all of the answers which are correct. Or, it might ask you to click on a sentence or on part of a graphic. Another question type asks you to “drag and drop” something from one part of the screen to another part. A final question type involves a drop-down menu from which you will select the correct answer by clicking on it. Three. The PRAXIS also has what it calls “numeric entry” questions. For this question type, you will enter a number. Because there are several different types of questions, be sure that you read the directions carefully so that you are clear about exactly what the question is asking for. There will always


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