Pulmonary Medicine: Medical School Crash Course

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PREFACE This course delves deeply into the subject of pulmonary medicine, which is something all medical practitioners will encounter on some level. There will be a discussion of the anatomy and physiology of the airways and an in depth understanding of the different disorders faced by the practitioner of pulmonary medicine. It includes the common disorders, such as asthma, pneumonia, and COPD, as well as complex lung diseases like the different pneumoconioses, pulmonary hypertension, and cystic fibrosis. The complicated issues of respiratory failure, ventilator management, and ECMO are also covered so as to understand the phenomena of the various lung diseases and how they are managed by the pulmonary specialist. Chapter one in the course introduces the topic of pulmonary medicine with a discussion of the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. This system includes the conducting zone and the respiratory zone, which will be discussed. The different mechanism of breathing and gas exchange are also covered. Lastly, the anatomy of the pulmonary circulation will be discussed as a review of normal pulmonary anatomy and physiology. Chapter two covers the basics of different types of pulmonary testing. There are multiple types of lung tests that can be done to evaluate a patient with lung symptoms. These include spirometry, pulse oximetry, and arterial blood gases, which are basic tests of lung function. The chest radiograph is an important radiographic tool that can detect multiple types of lung diseases. Finally, ventilation-perfusion lung scanning is covered as a tool for detecting pulmonary emboli in the lungs. The focus of chapter three in the course is the approach to the patient with different respiratory symptoms. The underlying pathophysiology of dyspnea is discussed as well as the approach in the diagnosis of the patient who has dyspnea as an outpatient. The approach and management of the individual who has subacute or chronic cough is covered as well as the diagnostic approach to the patient who has chest pain for pulmonary and non-pulmonary diseases.


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