Official PSAT Vocabulary 3000

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SAT Vocabulary 3000


Contents Introduction ................................................................................ 1 Vocabulary ................................................................................. 3 Easy Words Exercise - 1 ......................................................... 4 Easy Words Exercise - 2 ........................................................19 Easy Words Exercise - 3 ........................................................34 Easy Words Exercise - 4 ........................................................49 Easy Words Exercise - 5 ........................................................64 Easy Words Exercise - 6 ........................................................79 Easy Words Exercise - 7 ........................................................94 Easy Words Exercise - 8 ......................................................109 Easy Words Exercise - 9 ......................................................124 Easy Words Exercise - 10.....................................................139 Medium Words Exercise - 1 .................................................154 Medium Words Exercise - 2 .................................................169 Medium Words Exercise - 3 .................................................184 Medium Words Exercise - 4 .................................................199 Medium Words Exercise - 5 .................................................214 Medium Words Exercise - 6 .................................................229 Medium Words Exercise - 7 .................................................243 Medium Words Exercise - 8 .................................................258 Medium Words Exercise - 9 .................................................273 Medium Words Exercise - 10 ...............................................288 Hard Words Exercise - 1 ......................................................303

Hard Words Exercise - 2 ......................................................318 Hard Words Exercise - 3 ......................................................333 Hard Words Exercise - 4 ......................................................348 Hard Words Exercise - 5 ......................................................363 Hard Words Exercise - 6 ......................................................378 Hard Words Exercise - 7 ......................................................393 Hard Words Exercise - 8 ......................................................408 Hard Words Exercise - 9 ......................................................423 Hard Words Exercise - 10 ....................................................438 Conclusion...............................................................................453

Introduction Welcome to SAT Vocabulary 3000! This product is a vocabulary builder designed to help you increase your vocabulary and earn a higher score on the exam. The words in these lists have been selected from a group of high frequency words that have appeared on previous exams. This audiobook contains 3000 vocabulary words grouped into blocks of 100 words. These words are grouped into three levels: easy, medium, and hard. Each word is spelled out, and defined. Additionally, to better help you understand the word, several synonyms and antonyms are provided, as well as a sentence exemplifying how the word is used. For example, for the word “essential,” you will first see the spelling of the word. Next, you will see the definition, “a quality or part needed to make something what it is.” This is followed by the synonyms, “crucial” and “fundamental” and the antonyms, “inessential” and “unnecessary.” Finally, you will see an example sentence: “good food is essential to a healthy lifestyle.” It is best to study these words in groups of 100 at time, so as not to overwhelm yourself with too many words at once. As you study, be sure to take frequent breaks. Additionally, as you study and become more familiar with the words in a section, begin to challenge yourself. Don’t forget that learning new words takes time and dedication. However, with a little help from this book, you will be on your way to learning more vocabulary and earning a higher score on the exam. 1




Easy Words Exercise - 1 1.

STOUTHEARTED - [spell]- S T O U T H E A R T E D Definition: brave Synonym: adventurous, brave Antonym: cowardly, afraid Sentence: The soldier was stouthearted even in the midst of battle.


RECOGNIZABLE - [spell]- R E C O G N I Z A B L E Definition: that can be made aware of as already known Synonym: discernible, apparent Antonym: ambiguous, imperceptible Sentence: His face was easily recognizable in the crowd.


DOSAGE - [spell]- D O S A G E Definition: amount of medicine to be given or taken at a time Synonym: measure, quantity Antonym: Sentence: The doctor prescribed a small dosage of the medication.


BASIS - [spell]- B A S I S Definition: the fundamental principle Synonym: foundation, support Antonym: top, peak Sentence: Correct grammar is the basis of good writing.


GULF - [spell]- G U L F Definition: a large bay Synonym: inlet, basin Antonym: Sentence: Many different types of wildlife made their home in the gulf.


ENTRUST - [spell]- E N T R U S T Definition: give the care of Synonym: assign, allocate Antonym: keep, hold Sentence: She entrusted him with her darkest secrets.


TIMID - [spell]- T I M I D Definition: easily frightened Synonym: shy, demure Antonym: brave, bold


Sentence: Though she was a timid person, it didn't stop her from trying new things. 8.

STAGNANT - [spell]- S T A G N A N T Definition: not running or flowing Synonym: motionless, dormant Antonym: activity, energetic Sentence: The pool of water was completely stagnant.


PANICKY - [spell]- P AN I C K Y Definition: caused by a sudden outbreak of alarm Synonym: anxious, nervous Antonym: calm, comforted Sentence: The absence of her father made the child panicky.


INHUMANE - [spell]- I N H U M A N E Definition: lacking in kindness or mercy Synonym: barbaric, brutal Antonym: humane, kind Sentence: It is inhumane to keep pets locked up all day in a cage outdoors.


MISGUIDANCE - [spell]- M I S G U I D A N C E Definition: misdirection Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: He fell prey to the misguidance of his friends.


DUNGEON - [spell]- D U N G E O N Definition: a dark underground room where prisoners are kept Synonym: prison Antonym: Sentence: The prisoners were taken immediately to the dungeon.


UNKINDLY - [spell]- U N K I N D LY Definition: harsh or unfavorable Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: I have never been treated so unkindly in my life.


EXCITABILITY - [spell]- E X C I T A B I L I TY Definition: the quality of being easily stirred up emotionally Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: The child's excitability was due to her anticipation of the vacation.



DREARY - [spell]- D R E A R Y Definition: without cheer Synonym: bleak, colorless Antonym: cheerful, bright Sentence: She looked out the window to see a dreary September sky.


UNPREDICTABLE - [spell]- U N P R E D I C T A B L E Definition: uncertain Synonym: fickle, unreliable Antonym: certain, definite Sentence: The weather is often unpredictable.


GODLESS - [spell]- G O D L E S S Definition: not believing in God Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: He lived a godless life until he met his wife and she convinced him to convert.


STRAGGLE - [spell]- S T R A G G L E Definition: to wander in a scattered fashion Synonym: dawdle, wander Antonym: Sentence: The child straggled behind his classmates.


SCREWY - [spell]- S C R E W Y Definition: very odd or peculiar Synonym: eccentric, abnormal Antonym: normal, regular Sentence: Something seemed screwy about their relationships.


ASTRONOMY - [spell]- A S T R O N O M Y Definition: a science that deals with the sun, stars, moon, etc. Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: Because she loved to study outer space, she decided to study astronomy in college.


EXTERMINATION - [spell]- E X T E R M I N A T I O N Definition: complete destruction Synonym: annihilation, eradication Antonym: Sentence: The man saw to the extermination of the rodents infesting his house.



MAXIMIZE - [spell]- M A X I M I Z E Definition: increase or magnify to the highest possible amount Synonym: boost, inflate Antonym: minimize, diminish Sentence: He searched for bargains in order to maximize his spending power.


CHARMED - [spell]- C H A R M E D Definition: protected as by a magic spell Synonym: enchanted, fortunate Antonym: unfortunate Sentence: He seemed to live a charmed life, with every possible wish coming true.


SNUGGLE - [spell]- S N U G G L E Definition: lie or press near for warmth or comfort Synonym: cuddle, nestle Antonym: separate, release Sentence: The puppy snuggled up to its mother for warmth.


HAZE - [spell]- H A Z E Definition: small amount of mist, smoke, dust, etc. Synonym: cloud, fog Antonym: Sentence: The early morning haze made the commute to work difficult.


RADIOLOGY - [spell]- R A D I O L O G Y Definition: Science dealing with x-rays for medical diagnosis or treatment Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: The nurse decided to shift her career path by studying radiology.


MISINTERPRET - [spell]- M I S I N T E R P R E T Definition: to explain wrongly Synonym: misread, misunderstand Antonym: Sentence: It was too easy to misinterpret his words.


DISINTEGRATION - [spell]- D I S I N T E G R A T I O N Definition: a breaking up Synonym: fragmentation, decentralization Antonym: Sentence: After the disintegration of government, the country was launched into chaos.



SCENERY - [spell]- S C E N E R Y Definition: the general appearance of a place Synonym: surroundings, furnishings Antonym: Sentence: She took a drive along the mountains to enjoy the scenery.


STRATEGIC - [spell]- S T R A T E G I C Definition: of strategy (skillful planning and management) Synonym: crucial, important Antonym: inessential, insignificant Sentence: The general made a strategic plan to win the battle.


HEAP - [spell]- H E A P Definition: pile of many things thrown or lying together in a confused way Synonym: stack, jumble Antonym: Sentence: She had a heap of books on the floor of her room.


DREADFUL - [spell]- D R E A D F U L Definition: causing great fear Synonym: frightening, horrible Antonym: innocuous, inoffensive Sentence: He caught a dreadful cold after being in the rain all afternoon.


MIDTERM - [spell]- M I D T E R M Definition: the middle of a school or office term Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: Students had to take a midterm exam in January.


RETORT - [spell]- R E T O R T Definition: reply quickly or sharply Synonym: quip, rejoinder Antonym: Sentence: She was always ready with a witty retort.


HEADMASTER - [spell]- H E A D M A S T E R Definition: person in charge of a school, especially a private school Synonym: principal, administrator Antonym: Sentence: The headmaster of the school had very high expectations for his students.


GIGGLE - [spell]- G I G G L E Definition: laugh in a silly or undignified way


Synonym: chuckle, snicker Antonym: Sentence: The girls giggled as they watched the boys walk by. 37.

CENTERPIECE - [spell]- C E N T E R P I E CE Definition: the focal feature or outstanding point Synonym: climax, highlight Antonym: Sentence: The centerpiece of the conference was the keynote speaker.


INFLAMMATION - [spell]- I N F L A M M A T I O N Definition: a diseased condition of some part of the body, marked by redness and swelling Synonym: redness, swelling Antonym: Sentence: The inflammation of his wrist was due to a broken bone.


SANITIZE - [spell]- S A N I T I Z E Definition: to make so as to prevent disease Synonym: decontaminate, disinfect Antonym: Sentence: Be sure to sanitize the countertops in the kitchen after cutting food.


RESPONSIBILITY - [spell]- R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y Definition: being obliged or expected to account for something Synonym: duty, accountability Antonym: Sentence: Children should learn responsibility at a young age.


INSTALLATION - [spell]- I N S T A L L A T I O N Definition: a being put in place for use Synonym: establishment, accession Antonym: removal Sentence: She was completely happy with the installation of her new entertainment center.


ANTISOCIAL - [spell]- A N T I S O C I A L Definition: opposed to associating with other people Synonym: introverted, aloof Antonym: sociable, outgoing Sentence: Feeling antisocial, she decided not to go to the party.


BROTHERHOOD - [spell]- B R O T H E R H O O D Definition: a group of men with some common aim, belief, or profession Synonym: fraternity, kinship


Antonym: Sentence: The men, all of the same faith, formed a brotherhood. 44.

DISTINCTION - [spell]- D I S T I N C T I O N Definition: a distinguishing from others Synonym: differentiation, feature Antonym: Sentence: A distinction of the author's books was his writing style.


ZANY - [spell]- Z A N Y Definition: comical in a ludicrous or whimsical way Synonym: crazy, kooky Antonym: Sentence: The novel was a zany interpretation of recent political events.


MAJORITY - [spell]- M A J O R I T Y Definition: the largest number Synonym: most, bulk Antonym: Sentence: The majority of his life was spent serving others.


BLABBERMOUTH - [spell]- B L A B B E R M O U T H Definition: a person who talks too much and without good judgment Synonym: gossip, chatterbox Antonym: Sentence: Because she was such a blabbermouth, no one trusted her with their secrets.


ENTHRONE - [spell]- E N T H R O NE Definition: set in high authority Synonym: crown, inaugurate Antonym: dethrone Sentence: As soon as the new king was enthroned, peace began to come to the kingdom.


TAILGATE - [spell]- T A I L G A T E Definition: board at the back of a truck that can be let down or removed when loading or unloading Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: At the drive-in theater, the couple put down the tailgate and sat on it to watch the movie.


BINDING - [spell]- B I N D I N G Definition: anything that holds together by promise or obligation Synonym: irrevocable, mandatory


Antonym: optional, inessential Sentence: The student signed a binding contract, asserting that they would attend the college. 51.

SHAMELESS - [spell]- S H A M E L E S S Definition: without any feeling of having done something wrong or improper Synonym: corrupt, indecent Antonym: decent, moral Sentence: She was shameless when it came to speaking her mind.


CONTAMINANT - [spell]- C O N T A M I N A N T Definition: something that makes impure by contact Synonym: pollutant, impurity Antonym: purifier Sentence: A contaminant was found in the water supply of the city.


THORNY - [spell]- T H O R N Y Definition: full of spines Synonym: sharp, prickly Antonym: smooth, even Sentence: The thorny plant was difficult to pull up.


PROFITABLE - [spell]- P R O F I T A B L E Definition: yielding a financial gain Synonym: lucrative, gainful Antonym: unprofitable Sentence: The business venture proved to be quite profitable.


TRANQUIL - [spell]- T R A N Q U I L Definition: calm and peaceful Synonym: temperate, serene Antonym: hectic, chaotic Sentence: He visited the tranquil lake once a year for some relaxation.


FORMERLY - [spell]- F O R M E R LY Definition: at an earlier time Synonym: previously, once Antonym: later, afterwards Sentence: She had formerly disliked him, but her opinion changed over time.


UNANSWERABLE - [spell]- U N A N S W E R A B L E Definition: that cannot be disproved Synonym: conclusive, compelling


Antonym: ambiguous, disputable Sentence: His theory proved to be utterly unanswerable. 58.

HOGWASH - [spell]- H O G W A S H Definition: worthless stuff Synonym: nonsense, absurdity Antonym: Sentence: His story was full of hogwash.


DEPORTATION - [spell]- D E P O R T A T I O N Definition: removal from a country Synonym: expulsion, eviction Antonym: Sentence: Many illegal immigrants were faced with deportation because of the new law.


BARRIER - [spell]- B A R R I E R Definition: something that is in the way Synonym: hurdle, obstacle Antonym: opening Sentence: The wall around the property created a barrier that he had to surmount.


TEMPLATE - [spell]- T E M P L A T E Definition: a pattern or mold from which something is formed Synonym: pattern, arrangement Antonym: Sentence: She used a template to sew the blanket.


REDUPLICATE - [spell]- R E D U P L I C A T E Definition: to double or repeat Synonym: copy, imitate Antonym: Sentence: She had to reduplicate the recipe to have enough food for her guests.


CANVAS - [spell]- C A N V A S Definition: a strong cloth Synonym: tarp Antonym: Sentence: The workers spread a canvas out in the backyard on which to do their work.


SPLENDID - [spell]- S P L E N D I D Definition: magnificent or gorgeous Synonym: beautiful, dazzling


Antonym: ordinary, dull Sentence: The sun created a splendid array of color on the stained glass window. 65.

SERENE - [spell]- S E R E N E Definition: peaceful or calm Synonym: undisturbed, tranquil Antonym: agitated, turbulent Sentence: She enjoyed the serene atmosphere at the lake house.


COMPRESSED - [spell]- C O M P R E S S E D Definition: squeezed together Synonym: crammed, constricted Antonym: enlarged, expanded Sentence: The clothes were compressed into a storage container.


UNEVENTFUL - [spell]- U N E V E N T F U L Definition: without important or striking occurrences Synonym: dull, tedious Antonym: exciting, interesting Sentence: Though the food at the party was great, it was ultimately uneventful.


AFFECTATION - [spell]- A F F E C T A T I O N Definition: behavior designed to impress others Synonym: pretense, artificiality Antonym: genuineness Sentence: His affectations soon began to annoy everyone in the office.


ABSURD—[spell]—A B S U R D Definition: clearly not true or logical Synonym: ridiculous Antonym: reasonable, sensible Sentence: Though he knew his nightmare was completely absurd, he still felt afraid.


TYPICAL - [spell]- T Y P I CA L Definition: being representative Synonym: usual, conventional Antonym: abnormal, eccentric Sentence: His behavior at the social gathering was typical for him.


SCRIPT - [spell]- S C R I P T Definition: written letters Synonym: Antonym:


Sentence: We asked Helen to address the invitations because of her beautiful script. 72.

REFERRAL - [spell]- R E F E R R A L Definition: the act of directing a person somewhere for information or something required Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: She was given a referral from her general doctor for a dermatologist.


SELDOM - [spell]- S E L D O M Definition: not often Synonym: infrequently, occasionally Antonym: often, frequently Sentence: She seldom discussed her personal life at work.


COMPENSATION - [spell]- C O M P E N S A T I O N Definition: something given as an equivalent Synonym: earnings, coverage Antonym: loss, penalty Sentence: He was given compensation for being injured on the job.


SPECIES - [spell]- S P E C I E S Definition: group of related organisms Synonym: class, variety Antonym: Sentence: There are many different species of bear.


SHRILL - [spell]- S H R I L L Definition: having a high pitch Synonym: sharp, discordant Antonym: Sentence: The mother got her children's attention by scolding them in a shrill voice.


FACELESS - [spell]- F A C E L E S S Definition: lacking individual characteristics Synonym: forgettable, nameless Antonym: Sentence: She was just a faceless individual in the crowd.


COATING - [spell]- C O A T I N G Definition: layer covering a surface Synonym: blanket, veneer


Antonym: Sentence: He gave the walls a new coating of paint. 79.

READINESS - [spell]- R E A D I N E S S Definition: being prepared for action or use at once Synonym: preparedness Antonym: inability, unpreparedness Sentence: Students had to take a test to determine their readiness for the workplace.


BLOOMING - [spell]- B L O O M I N G Definition: flourishing Synonym: budding, blossoming Antonym: barren, declining Sentence: She was a blooming woman in her early twenties.


DEPENDABLE - [spell]- D E P E N D A B L E Definition: trustworthy Synonym: loyal, reliable Antonym: unreliable, untrustworthy Sentence: Their friendship was strong because they knew each other to be dependable.


ATTEST - [spell]- A T T E S T Definition: give proof or evidence Synonym: authenticate, substantiate Antonym: contradict, oppose Sentence: He could attest to the fact that she didn't do her job very well.


LOGO - [spell]- L O G O Definition: symbol, name or trademark Synonym: emblem, symbol Antonym: Sentence: The company logo used a flashy font and a bright image.


MANIAC - [spell]- M A N I A C Definition: an insane person Synonym: psycho, lunatic Antonym: Sentence: She acted like a maniac after her recent breakup.


INCONSEQUENT - [spell]- I N C O N S E Q U E N T Definition: not logical Synonym: inconsiderable, minor Antonym: logical, pertinent Sentence: His assumptions about her character were inconsequent.


Conclusion This concludes the SAT Vocabulary 3000. We sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed and gained from your experience. Be sure to go over any sets of words that you may have found difficult.


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