Easy Words Exercise - 1 1.
SERGEANT -[spell]- S E R G E A N T Definition: a military officer ranking above a corporal Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: Now a sergeant in the military, he aspired to move up the ranks.
COMRADE -[spell]- C O M R A D E Definition: companion or friend Synonym: colleague, crony Antonym: enemy, foe Sentence: The two men had been friends since their days as comrades in the military.
UNDERSCORE -[spell]- U N D E R S C O R E Definition: to emphasize Synonym: accentuate, highlight Antonym: Sentence: The speaker underscored the importance of his message by repeating it several times.
SECONDARY -[spell]- S E C O N D A R Y Definition: next after the first in order, place, time, importance, etc. Synonym: subordinate, unimportant Antonym: primary, significant Sentence: His secondary reason for attending the conference was to see his old boss.
COMMONSENSICAL -[spell]- C O M M O N S E N S I C A L Definition: showing practicality Synonym: sensible, levelheaded Antonym: impractical, foolish Sentence: He always thought in the most commonsensical way.
HUFFY -[spell]- H U F F Y Definition: easily offended Synonym: crabby, disgruntled Antonym: cheerful, happy Sentence: Her huffy attitude was due to a rough day at work.
BIRTHRIGHT -[spell]- B I R T H R I G H T Definition: rights or privileges that a person receives at birth