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About Wonderlic

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Wonderlic in the current WonScore version is the easiest and quickest way to measure intelligence and future job performance. Psychometricians design and develop the tests as well as the scoring systems. The Wonderlic WonScore tests are considered to be very statistically reliable and valid.


The goal of a Wonderlic test is to determine how a potential employee measures up to educational, job, and training potential. As you just heard, there are a number of other test options that may be used to accomplish this task. The advantage of Wonderlic, though, is that it is quick and easy to administer.

There are five versions of the original Wonderlic. However, in an article in the Journal of Applied Psychology, it was noted that some versions were more difficult than others. This report by Weaver and Boneau was published in nineteen fifty six. It was believed that test forms A and B were harder and skewed the scoring. Scores on versions A and B were much lower than those on forms C, C, and F at that time. These differences were explained by the fact that forms A and B were much newer versions.

The report also suggested that version F was the easiest of the five while version B was the hardest. Then in nineteen eighty two, a study was done by Carl Dodrill. He gave the original Wonderlic to a group of fifty seven adults twice in five years. He determined that the original Wonderlic was much more reliable in the retesting area than other IQ tests such as the Pearson test. These results were reported in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology and Psychological Reports, respectively. From all of this data, Wonderlic has come to be and is still considered very reliable.

The Wonderlic is also considered to be valid and “associated with overall intellectual functioning. ” This was the consensus of Kerry Lassiter and T Matthews in a Psychological Reports article. They found Wonderlic test results to be just as valid as the General Aptitude Test Battery.

As used by employers, the WonScore score might be compared to a set standard or an average. The scores could also be compared among all prospective job candidates rather than to any specific standard. It's up to the individual employer.

Today’s Wonderlic company is grounded in Industrial Organization, or IO. IO is the scientific study of human behavior in the workplace and within organizations. This field of psychology focuses on employees being treated fairly by their employers. Fair treatment, of course, makes employees more productive and satisfied with their jobs.

The role of Wonderlic’s WonScore in all of this is to help employers find the right employees to start with. Identifying the knowledge, skills, and abilities that managers in all professions want from their employees is Wonderlic’s specialty. Their tests measure who is likely to perform well at their assigned duties and should be hired. The Wonderlic staff works constantly to make their assessments accurate in predicting job performance. They assess the motivation, cognitive ability, and personality of the candidates. These aspects are then weighted against the knowledge, skills, and abilities an organization has identified as desirable in prospective employees. The staff is consistently evaluating and updating the WonScore to be sure it is the most accurate assessment possible.

Compared with other IQ tests, WonScore is easy, quick, and reliable. It tells the employer what they need to know about you. Employers will be able to quickly assess your cognitive abilities, motivation, and personality. They will use this information, among other things, of course, to determine whether to hire you or not. Consequently, it is very important that you are as prepared as possible for the Wonderlic WonScore exam.

So, just how can the Wonderlic Company be sure your talents match up specifically with a particular job? Members of the staff at Wonderlic have spent a lot of time and creativity into creating over one thousand different job profiles. You can be sure a job you want fits one of them.

The Wonderlic team includes specialists in artificial intelligence, industrial organization, and machine learning. Their goal is to provide tests that help employers hire the best talent by facilitating hiring decisions. Wonderlic provides the client who is looking to

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