1 minute read

Creating change

There have been many groups, events and campaigns to highlight the need for diversity in our industry. Some have been corporate efforts which don’t ring true while others have been great, grass roots ideas that start a conversation or, at the very least, cause people to stop and consider their work, business or brand in a new context. All have led us into 2023 with less of the corporate agendas seeking to position a brand as modern. Still, it’s clear that multiple voices and campaigns are hard to hear in the wider industry and two moments are key in changing this. First is the Abbey Road EQualise event (running since 2019) which invites open discussion among guests and second, our cover star Leslie Gaston-Bird speaking out as AES President-Elect means the industry is forced to consider the difficult questions but also given a wider context to understand the challenges first hand. It’s easy to forget that it’s just just two years since Gearslutz decided to change its name after a petition. A walk around countless studios, live venues and conventions show there is still much the industry needs to do too. And the industry media is part of that too which is why we’re always looking for balance in each issue. We’d love to hear your thoughts, opinions and ideas around how we can help the cause. This is a movement, not a passion project, after all. On that note, you can check out our free back issues online to see how we’ve done so far.


Lexie at HHB, Elly at AMS NEVE, Jack at TYX. Merck, Fran and Nile Rodgers. GOT greg@audiomediainternational.com

AMI HQ Audio Media International Unit 23, Tileyard Studios, Tileyard Road, King’s Cross London N7 9AH, UK

Richard Melville richard@audiomediainternational.com

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