AIESEC Philippines MC13-14 Applications

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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

Outline of Content • • • •

Introduction The Member Committee in the Philippines MC 2013-2014 Proposed Structure Selection Process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Overview of the Process & Dates to Remember Application Convocations Election Selection / Allocation

• Questionnaire

Questionnaire Guidelines 2. Video Questionnaire 3. General Questionnaire 4. Specific Questionnaire 1.

• MCEB 2012-2013 Directory • More about the Philippines • Resources from the Global Office


Dear fellow AIESECer, My congratulations to you for taking the time to read through this application pack. Once you have concluded sifting through it, no matter the outcome of your decision, you have opened up your mind to the possibility of this opportunity to explore and develop your leadership potential—and that is the true mark of a great AIESECer in the making. To some extent, many of us have ended up becoming AIESECers out of mere curiosity, unaware of the impact we are about to make on ourselves and on others. When I joined AIESEC five years ago, never did I imagine that I would step up to lead a generation of this country to tackle this daunting and worthwhile dream of making the world a better place. I suppose not all great things are planned. What sets this organization in motion is not the plan. It rests on you, the individual, by simply pushing yourself to see how far you can go. We are, after all, in the business of making leadership an infectious value to one’s life – the one constant, fundamental answer to changing the world. Imagine every other person on earth with a drive same as yours. Let that vision be your calling and you will find that nothing is impossible. It is that time of the year again when we are somehow burdened yet fueled by many things; pressured to meet goals, anxious to make decisions about the future. Let this be a guiding principle to you in the coming weeks —a true genius and wise man of many reasons once said: “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” –Albert Einstein My response to that is not to fear failure, but the inability to try. You already have the patience, the strength and the passion to achieve your ambitions. Your goals and your dreams have allowed and will allow others to meet theirs. Now all you need to do is try. Good luck!



The Member Committee in the Philippines The AIESEC in the Philippines term 2013-2014 officially starts on May 1, 2013 until April 30, 2014. All MCEB members are required to attend the Transition and Planning Conference (STRATCON) on April 10- 14, 2013. MC Work Hours:

1. Earliest start for office hours is at exactly 8:00 in the morning and ends at 20:00

the latest.

2. MC Office hours are from Monday to Friday at MC Office and Saturdays are 3. 4. 5. 6.

for team meetings or other events. Working on a Sunday is optional. Full Time MC member: The official working hours are 40 hours/week (minimum). Part Time MC member: The official working hours are 20 hours/week (minimum). A member has 2 days off after National Conference, and 4 days off holiday after International Conference. Every MC member is eligible to have a maximum of 15 days off during the year to be used as needed by individuals besides Weekends and all National Holidays.

Benefits • • • •

Internet and working space in the office is provided. Travel costs and fees for national conferences are covered. Prioritized consideration for participation in international conferences. Full Time MC members (except the MCP and international MCVPs) will receive P10,000.00 for monthly living expenses subject to their performance.


MCVP Business Development (BD)


MC 13’-14’ Proposed Structure FULL-TIME

Strategic structure /MCVP organization design Initiatives (SI)

MCVP Projects

MCVP Marketing & Comm (MAC)





MCVP Talent Management (TM) MCVP Organizational Development (OD) MCVP Information Management (IM) MCVP Finance & Legal Admin (FLA)





POSITIONS OPEN FOR INTERNATIONAL CANDIDATES: • MCVP BD • MCVP Projects • MCVP GIP ICX • MCVP GIP OGX • MCVP OD • MCVP IM *International MC members shall be considered FULL TIME for their function APPLICATIONS: • MCVP Applicants may apply for more than one (1) position. S/he must submit a separate application for the other positions/he is aspiring for. • Once elected by the national plenary, allocation of roles will be subject to the decision of the MCP-Elect. Full time time and part time ALLOCATION of POSITIONS: • Positions are subject to further evaluation. This may still change due to the MC1314 team’s circumstances.


Selection Process

Selection Process Candidates should send an application package in zip format containing the following documents: 1. Endorsement Letters - Each candidate should submit together with the application form, a minimum of 3 and at maximum, 5 endorsement letters. Required letters are as follows: 1. From 1 Team Leader (current or previous) 2. From 1 Team Member (current or previous) 3. For international candidates, an endorsement letter from the MC of the AIESEC country of origin, 4. For MCVP BD candidates, an endorsement letter from an external party (partner or alumni) whom the candidate has previously worked with. 2. Questionnaire – in the Candidates package you will find the Video, General and Specific questionnaires. Please follow the page limit in answering the questions. Each candidate can use his/her creative methods and innovation to design the application form. 3. Curriculum Vitae (CV) – maximum of 1 page 4. 360ºassessment by CAT in – a document with the results of the 360º assessment with at least 10 contributors (Names of contributors must be included) 5. Personality Tests – accomplished personality test sheets found in this application pack (Belbin and MBTI) 6. General Plan of Action – minimum of 1 page and maximum of 3 Recommended components: 1. Analysis of current reality 2. Department ambition / vision 3. Goals 4. Focus areas / drivers / strategies / priorities 5. Timeline / key activities and milestones 6. Proposed structure for the department (MC Team and LCs)

to and no later than 23.59h (GMT+8) on 04 FEB 2013.


Selection Process Candidates must prepare the following for convocations: 1. Opening Speech — Each candidate shall be given 10 minutes to present him/herself in front of the National Plenary to introduce his/her background and motivations for running. 2. Plan presentation — Each candidate has 20 minutes to present their plans for their department. Candidates may use any form or medium (ppts, videos, etc.) for their plan presentations. Another 10 minutes is given for an individual Q&A session addressing the candidate’s plans. 3. Question and Answer — Each candidate will participate in a 40-minute panel Q&A session with the plenary along with other candidates, the timing and grouping depending on the agenda and number of candidates participating. 4. Closing Speech — Each candidate will have 5 minutes for a closing speech to finally convince the electorate on why they are most suitable for the position. International Candidates who will not be able to attend the event must: 1. Send a video of the following to on or before 23.59h (GMT+8 ), 08 FEB 2013 1. Opening Speech: 10 Minutes 2. Plan Presentation: 20 Minutes 2. Be virtually present during convocations (schedule to be arranged) for Q&A. Questions will also be addressed via a reliable virtual platform. Additional reminders: 1. Presentations for convocations must be submitted to the election committee by 08 FEB 2013 so as to prepare for the live stream and online forum as questions will also be entertained from a virtual audience. 2. Candidates are recommended but not required to produce hardcopies of their specific plan of action or handouts to their presentation to be distributed to the audience during convocations. 3. Required attire: business / corporate


Selection Process ELECTIONS shall take place right after the CONVOCATIONS. Voting entities (MC, AdMU, DLSU, MiC, UPd) should be represented for the event in order for them to be eligible to vote. CANDIDATE’S ELIGIBILITY FOR THE SELECTION POOL: (1) NO ABSTENTIONS: • All candidates are voted by the full-member voting LCs and MC. Simple majority is needed to be part of the selection pool. If the MCP elect deems that there are no suitable candidates part of the selection pool for certain functions, the MCP elect shall appoint an individual for the position upon the approval of the National Executive Board. (2) WITH ABSTENTIONS • To be eligible for the selection pool, a candidate must gain a majority of valid confidence votes. Valid confidence votes are defined as nonabstention votes by authorized Voting Local Committees present. A candidate must get a 2/3 majority of all valid confidence votes to be part of the selection pool. Each voter has 3 options for voting which shall be given by the voter under their own discretion: • Vote of confidence Candidate is capable of fulfilling the job, they must give a vote of confidence. • Vote of no confidence: Candidate is not capable of fulfilling the job, they must give a vote of no confidence • Abstentions Abstentions are greatly discouraged. Abstentions reduce the total number of votes and thus reduce the figure for the 2/3 majority needed to reach a result. Further Electoral Procedures shall be discussed prior to the commencement of the voting proper.


Selection Process 1. The MCP-elect decides on the final structure and the positions of the MCEB within the intended budget for legislation. 2. Each candidate who has been elected into the selection will have one (1) selection interview with the MCP-elect, and a maximum of two (2) should the MCP-elect deem it necessary after the first interview has been concluded. Should a second interview ensue, the MCP-elect reserves the right to invite other members of the current MCEB or BOA to the interview for added insight with the condition that the candidate be informed beforehand. The MCPelect may also choose to consult with other members of the current MCEB, the BOA, or the individuals endorsing the candidate for a further analysis of the candidates’ suitability for a position. Such consultations will be deemed confidential. 3. The MCP-elect may choose the order of interviews and the timing of selection for the different positions, depending on the availability of both the qualified candidate and the MCP-elect. This may include selecting certain positions before others. Selection interviews will be held from 11 FEB 2013 to 13 FEB 2013, with a maximum of 2 hours per candidate. Each candidate is required to indicate all possible schedules for the interview upon submission of the application pack. The interviews will be held in intervals of 2 hours each starting from 8:00 to 22:00 GMT +8. Example: Candidate A – Preferred Schedules for Selection Interview 11 FEB 2013: 8:00-10:00, 12:00-14:00 12 FEB 2013: 16:00-18:00, 18:00-20:00 13 FEB 2013: 10:00-12:00, 14:00-16:00, 20:00-22:00 Once a result is achieved for the selection, the announcement shall immediately be made to the National Plenary.


Selection Process: Summary



Questionnaire Guidelines All candidates are expected to accomplish and submit the following SECTIONS WITH THE INDICATED SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Video Questionnaire 1. 2. 3.


Maximum of 10 minutes Uploaded in Youtube by the application deadline Title must be “AIESEC Philippines MCVP1314 FirstName_LastName Position” (Ex. “AIESEC Philippines MCVP1314 Audrey Elumba BD”) URL included to the general and specific questionnaire document All questions must be answered

1. 2.

5 pages max. 8.5 x 11 letter sized paper All questions must be answered

1. 2. 3.

10 pages max. 8.5 x 11 letter sized paper All questions must be answered Answer the questions for the position/s you are applying for


2. General Questionnaire 3. Specific Questionnaire


Video Questions 1. Who are you? 2. What are your motivations for running as (1) an MCEB member and (2) as MCVP of the department you aim to lead? 3. What about your skills, characteristics or attitude will you bring to the table as an MCVP? How will this add value to the MC team and to your department? 4. How do you best represent strong leadership? 5. [Optional] What is your mantra in leadership or in life?

General Questions 1. Using any framework or assessment tool of your choice, provide an analysis of the current realities of AIESEC Philippines as a whole and draw three important conclusions with the corresponding action steps (focusing on the three most important) to grow the organization in meeting the 2015 ambition. 2. Describe and assess the term 2012-2013 according to its vision and four focus areas. What do you think are the foundations that this term has set that will enable the growth of the entity for the term 2013-2014? 3. What is AIESEC Philippines’ role in (1) the international plenary and (2) the Philippine society? According to your analysis, which programs or initiatives should AIESEC Philippines capitalize on to focus its resources on positioning the entity competitively in both markets? 4. What are the main responsibilities of an MCEB member? In relation to this, describe the ideal relationship between (1) the MC team as a whole to the LCs, (2) the MC team members amongst each other and (3) the MCVPs to their corresponding LCVPs. Provide insights on values and key action steps one should have or take in order to achieve this. 5. In your own words, define the concept of strong leadership. It will help to provide examples of your own experiences demonstrating such leadership and explain how you can further develop this in yourself as an individual and in others.


Specific Questions

MCVP BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 1. In order to be an effective MCVP BD, you must have a deep understanding of all our products and operations to be able to determine what strategic collaborations we should be having with other entities. Give five (5) examples of partnerships that you should focus on initiating on a national level so as to help AIESEC Philippines achieve, or even exceed its goals for your term. Explain particular synergies with other MCVPs or departments as well in developing such partnerships and delivering on them. Ensure you are able to justify why such partnerships are needed. 2. Given the range of products offered in both national and local portfolios, what kinds of partnerships with which kinds of organizations will you develop to encourage diversified accounts (accounts with more than one kind of partnership involvement/contract)? What key value propositions will you offer along with a range of product packages? Also, how would you qualify which partnerships to grow on a local and national level? 3. Historically, while AIESEC Philippines has a strong portfolio when it comes to large-scale events, it has had difficulty in developing a significant number of ‘sales stars’ to meet its financial goals. What could be the cause? Design a sales development plan that will allow you to raise an aggregate of P5,000,000 generated purely from financial sponsorships from both the MC and the LCs. Some areas of consideration include: (1) areas of synergy with TM for human resource development in sales, (2) areas of collaboration with SI for product portfolio development and management, and (3) competitive positioning of our products in terms of value, pricing and packaging. 4. AIESEC Philippines has had prestigious partnerships in previous terms; however, there has been poor CRM because of the lack of their integration and poor transition. Propose specific strategies so as to assure that our partnerships remain to be of quality and long term. 5. What is your role as MCVP BD in building a stronger sales culture in AIESEC Philippines across all departments?


Specific Questions MCVP PROJECTS

1. Provide an analysis of the current perceived GCDP market in the Philippines vis-a-vis GCDP as a service AIESEC provides to local organizations. Illustrate through a service value chain your strategies on how AIESEC as a youth leadership organization can deliver or maximize current market opportunities. What tangible results can LCs benefit from these strategies? 2. The GCDP value proposition varies per stakeholder. Assess and identify these stakeholders and correlate their involvement in quality delivery. Design your ideal quality management system to be implemented nationally for the next peak of bulk realizations, including action steps taken, stakeholder responsible, timeframes and feedback system. Specify support required from other departments. 3. One of the aspired milestones for the term was reaching 500 realizations, but organizational health did not assure sustainable growth and success. There is also skewed performance in ICX GCDP among LCs. As product responsible for PBOX strategy & delivery, what are your top 3 priorities for the term to ensure sustainable growth of GCDP nationally till 2015? 4. As a youth leadership organization, the heart of GCDP business model is the EP experience. How do you plan to enhance the EP experience (such as servicing, integration, etc.) on a national level, while still boosting MoS? 5. Examine the talent capacity of each LC for PBOX delivery. Historically, ICX GCDP has been experiencing low member retention. What are the root causes of this behavior? Taking a national perspective, what are your recommendations in order to prepare project managers in facilitating high quality and impactful exchange experiences for our EPs? 6. Evaluate all PBOXes that have been implemented this term. As part of the Business Strategy team, what initiatives do you plan to co-create to link external opportunities and support LC project design & delivery?



1. Construct a table of all nationally-driven strategic initiatives or events that AIESEC Philippines currently runs, and do an analysis based on the following factors: (1) how it directly or indirectly contributes to the goals of our ELD programs (organizational value), (2) its marketability or relevance to its target audience or customers (market value), and (3) how it motivates and connects members to the essence of AIESEC (individual value). Draw three main conclusions about these activities and suggest points for improvement. 2. Given your analysis from the previous question, taking into account factors such as the financial sustainability of projects and the organization as whole, also the availability of human capital, which initiatives would you continue, discontinue and prioritize? What other initiatives would you suggest to drive both short-term and long-term growth for AIESEC Philippines within the context of the 2015 ambition? 3. What do you think is your role in managing or ensuring the quality of strategic initiatives of the local committees? Consider how such initiatives in the local level affect elements such as branding, partnerships, and financial sustainability of the entire organization. How do you plan to make these initiatives more cohesive and in line with AIESEC’s essence and goals? 4. Given your choice of initiatives, both national and local, how would you strategically place these events within a timeline to support ELD goals and maximize other resources, human and financial? What kind of support from other departments or functions will you require to drive on a national level? How flexible will you be in entertaining sprouting opportunities into initiatives as well? 5. Most strategic initiatives are born out of partnerships that have grown and developed throughout the years. Name three external trends or opportunities that AIESEC Philippines can leverage on in (1) creating more initiatives should you deem them relevant and (2) strengthening current initiatives to drive organizational growth.


Specific Questions

MCVP MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS 1. One of the most important responsibilities of the MCVP for Marketing and Communications 2013 - 2014 is to be able to come up with a solid marketing program for each of the ELD programs and other strategic initiatives. Thus, it is crucial that the MCVP has substantial understanding of how each program operates. With this said, thoroughly break down all ELD programs and explain how each works. You may use various frameworks to communicate your answer (e.g. business model canvas, business process map, service blueprint, etc.). The objective is to be able to showcase your holistic understanding of AIESEC's services. ELD Programs: TMP, TLP, iGCDP, oGCDP, iGIP, oGIP 2. OGCDP has usually been one of the most aggressively marketed programs of AIESEC Philippines. Walk us through the process of being able to create and implement a successful year-long national marketing program for OGCDP. Please include critical success factors of the marketing program that would serve as milestones to its success. Be as intensive and as extensive as you can be. No limits to content and presentation. Assumptions: You are aiming for significant growth nationally You want to establish and build a national brand image for the program You may create a sub-programs for OGCDP OGCDP marketing budget cannot exceed P20,000 for the year Timeline is from March (planning) to April (legacy). Minimum output: Current assessment of OGCDP's performance and stature as a brand Proposed STP and Marketing Mix strategies Rough timeline with milestones (monthly) Rough expected financial expenses The objective is to be able to demonstrate your proficiency in creating an integrated marketing program that takes into consideration the goals, national realities, innovation opportunities, and various constraints.


Specific Questions

MCVP MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS 3. The demand for more and better functional experts in Marketing and Communications has been significantly increasing nationally for the past few years. Give your recommendations as to how AIESEC can satisfy this demand sustainably. How can we have more and better functional experts who are satisfied and productive in the organization? Areas of Consideration: • Type of specializations under the function and which to prioritize • Integration with different talent management processes (recruitment, performance management, training and development, R&R, etc) • Different MAC needs of LCs • We need MAC leaders also, not just experts • Outsourcing our work versus letting our members handle them The objective is to prove your capacity to create more Marketing and Communications leaders in the organization.


Specific Questions MCVP OGCDP

1. Given the functions and goals, design a half-term departmental structure for each of the following entities with the conditions that number of TLs and members are as you see fit for each entity to efficiently achieve reach its goal, OGX/OGCDP is the overall responsible for recruitment and synergizing with Marketing for the marketing plan, and that country partnerships are as you see fit: 1. Local Committee A with an OGCDP department aiming to realize 150 GCDP EPs for the summer peak 2. Local Committee B with an OGCDP department aiming to realize 50 GCDP EPs for the summer peak. 3. Local Committee C with an OGX department aiming to realize 50 GCDP EPs and 25 GIP EPs for the term. 2. The LCVP IGCDP of Local Committee Apple in Country Orange has reported to one of your LCVPs that an OGCDP EP has been missing for three (3) days already. Create a week-long (7 days) timeline (you may use any framework or model you prefer such as a gantt chart or a flow chart) in response to the situation beginning on the day the news was received, and include the following elements: 1. Main activities 2. Action steps 3. Output per action step if applicable 4. Key responsible 5. Deadlines 6. Support from/Works with 3. An EP's OGCDP XP is co-delivered by the sending entity, and hosting entity the EP is matched to. What are three (3) strategies you intend to implement to ensure alignment and efficient co-delivery of the OGCDP XP? Place emphasis as well on ensuring that these strategies are executable by LCs.


Specific Questions MCVP OGCDP

4. A main bottleneck for OGCDP in term 2012-2013 of AIESEC in the Philippines is the delays in TN Raising and the inability of many countries (IGCDP) to prepare for Q2 (April) Realizations during their Q1 Realization peaks. Create at least two (2) strategies to ensure a timely and sufficient TN Demand for your summer peak. Explain your strategies, and plot out the planning, execution, and evaluation of the strategies in a week-by-week timeline. 5. There is a great degree of importance that AIESEC Philippines as a national entity places on OGCDP given that (1) we find that it is relevant to our market given its subsequent growth in recent years and (2) it drives both performance in exchanges and financial sustainability. Given its continuous growth, it is said that the program could be nearing its maturity phase. As such, perform an assessment of the program’s relevance or marketability to its current partners and customers. You may use frameworks such as the BCG matrix, the innovation ambition matrix or the global pillars of AIESEC (you have the freedom to choose any), provide your recommendations and name opportunities as to how you can grow the program further. Specify as well the kind of support that you will require from other functions/departments, should you lack the skills or the knowledge to apply your recommendations.


Specific Questions MCVP IGCDP

1. As MCVP for IGCDP, it is expected that you have a deep and concrete understanding of AIESEC’s community development program both in the local and international sense. Focusing on developing and managing partnerships with TNs, describe the impact of this program, from a long-term perspective, to all its partners and stakeholders. Specify or emphasize how you will concretize the concept of measuring impact and assess whether our current reality produces the kind of impact you would like the program to have. 2. More and more corporations and organizations are open to diversifying their volunteer programs along with the expansion and enhancement of CSR initiatives. Name specific partnerships or external opportunities that you will gun for to increase realizations in IGCDP TN. How much have we actually capitalized on the both the NGO and CSR markets? Should you have other trends in mind, names these as well. 3. Explain the growth of IGCDP from the year 2010 to the current term. What specific trends (both internal and external) would you like to capitalize on; which issues remain constant; and, which practices will you continue or discontinue? Keep in mind that you are growing the program in accordance to the 2015 goals, meaning producing more (in terms of quantity) and better (in terms of quality) experiences of what the program offers. 4. As MCVP for IGCDP, you are a product manager expected to be knowledgeable of all phases and aspects of product delivery – raising, matching and servicing. Given this structure’s infancy: a) What are your qualifications for this role and what kind of support will you be needing from other departments (should you need any) in terms of functional capacity; and b) What sorts of systems and structures would you have in place, both local and national, to ensure that each phase is carried out in a manner of quality and efficiency? It will help to provide a context of the current reality of the IGCDP process and what you plan to improve its delivery. 5. More of AIESEC Philippines’ IGCDP realizations are produced by PBOXes, not TNs. This is due to the fact that PBOXes can accommodate more trainees in bulk at a time. How do you plan to increase TN realizations significantly? What certain advantages about GCDP TN realizations over PBOX realizations would you focus on to reach your goals?


Specific Questions MCVP OGIP

1. Cluster the Local Committees of AIESEC in the Philippines based on talent capacity for oGIP. 1. Design an oGIP department/team structure for each of the clusters you have created 2. Briefly discuss the activities of each role in the structure 2. Perform an analysis of the talent supply of the Philippines as a country. In which 3 talent backgrounds are we most competitive at? 1. Where in the country can we find these backgrounds (i.e. universities, associations, etc.)? 2. Which countries as based on external realities have a growing demand for these backgrounds? Which among these are viable country partners? 3. It has been said that targeted recruitment for specific TNs/sub-products is highly needed in order to recruit and match smartly. In the current AIESEC Philippines context, however, this is not being done by Local Committees. 1. From the point of view of a consultant, identify 2-3 bottlenecks triggering this at the Local Committee level and present your solution/s for each of these. 2. Design a system/structure for the efficient implementation of targeted recruitment for specific TNs forms received at the National Committee level. Detail this step by step from planning, requirements to execution. 4. The raise-match ratio of AIESEC in the Philippines is at roughly 45%. Provide three support strategies for Local Committees to improve this. 5. Identify the top country we have sent to nationally since 2008 in two of the following regions: (1) Iberoamerica, (2) Western Europe (3) Eastern Europe and (4) Asia Pacific. Describe the visa procedures required for each complete with duration and requirements needed.


Specific Questions MCVP IGIP 1.

Determine which GIP sub-products to focus on next year based on (1) the Philippine market, (2) talent supply within the network and (3) historical performance.


What strategies will you use to increase efficiency from Raising to Realization? How will you equip the LCs to implement the same?


What are the bottlenecks to increasing TN sales, particularly in the LC level, factors both internal and external? What strategies or initiatives will you implement to address these?


How will you position AIESEC Philippines before AI and its Global Exchange Partners such that GEPs will be encouraged to raise GIP internships in the Philippines, and other countries are encouraged to match with the Philippines?


Analyze the current pricing model of IGIP as a product we offer to companies vis-Ă -vis its value proposition. Provide recommendations as to how we can position GIP more competitively in the local business market.



1. Design three main strategies as to how talent capacity in AIESEC Philippines should drive GCDP and GIP. Discuss the main bottlenecks and indicate certain milestones in the implementation of these strategies during your term. 2. Define the role of TM in creating and developing integrated experiences (IXP). Create a proposal as to how you can transition: (1) TMP to GCDP, (2) TLP to GCDP, and, (3) GCDP to TMP. The following are your objectives for IXP development: (1) improve performance to meet ELD goals, and (2) increase member experience satisfaction. 3. Develop a cluster-based TM process pool according to each of the LC’s realities. What significant factors will you take into consideration in developing these clusters? What key strategies will you have to develop local capacity of these entities in different stages? 4. As MCVP TM, how will you ensure that TM process implementation trickles down to the LCs? What certain systems, structures or measures will you have in place to support your strategy? Plot your implementation strategy within a timeline and indicate the necessary action steps it will take to ensure that minimums in implementation are met. 5. In your term, what will be TM’s direct contribution to the vision of developing strong leadership experiences?


Specific Questions

MCVP ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1. AIESEC aims to provide as many leadership experiences as possible to the youth, thus it has become an organization of very short institutional memory. As the change management expert of the entity, what will be your role in ensuring its continuous growth for a long-lasting impact on society? What key factors will be crucial to your success? 2. Analyze the current LC coaching system and provide recommendations for its improvement. How much of an LC’s successes and failures can you attribute to coaching? What are the initiatives you will run to support the customization of coaching strategies for AIESEC in the Philippines? 3. How would you structure the local planning process for the term 20132014 in a way that ensures its coherence to the global and national plan from the very beginning? Please specify a timeline as well. 4. What are your plans for the country’s expansion strategy? Provide an assessment of the current expansion status or plan, decide and justify your targets, describe your timeline, and determine the roles that certain LCs will play. Indicate any kind of support that you will require from other functions or departments as well. 5. Construct or design an analysis model to showcase the health and performance of each LC and group them into clusters. From your analysis determining the stage of growth the country is in, what then is the role of your term in growing the entity to achieving the 2015 ambition? What specific kinds of services should the MC be providing each cluster to cater to the needs of these LCs?


Specific Questions

MCVP INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 1. Evaluate the current IM reality of AIESEC in the Philippines using the McKinsey 7S framework. What important conclusions can you draw from your analysis which will determine your priorities as MCVP IM? From your assessment, determine the ideal state for IM as well using the same framework and name strategies that will help you get from Point A (this term) to Point B (next term). 2. Explain how information management can be a key driver for productivity and success across all departments of AIESEC Philippines. It will help to have a holistic understanding of the IM needs of these departments and how they cooperate with each other which the overall structure requires. 3. As this is the first time that AIESEC Philippines will be having an IM department, name at least three good case practices of IM infrastructure implementation of an enterprise within or outside the AIESEC network that you can apply to our country. Describe the case practice first, determine critical success factors, and contextualize. 4. One of the key objectives of IM is process optimization. If executed well, strategies in IM can lead to a faster and more efficient delivery of our programs thus enabling a higher customer satisfaction rate. Name a program of your choice and describe and analyze the process of service or value transfer to a particular customer. Identify ‘waste’ or cost areas within the process that can be depleted or improved through an IM solution, and provide other recommendations which you deem necessary. 5. Given the technical nature of the function, as MCVP IM, how will you encourage members of the MC and the LCs to maximize IM tools and platforms?


Specific Questions

MCVP FINANCE & LEGAL ADMINISTRATION 1. The current financial model is based on having direct returns on investments in order to pay for fixed expenses. Some may say there are some expenses that may be unnecessary like salaries as it comprises the biggest part of expenses for a non-profit organization. How would you structure yours? 2. The current term was unable to invest much into programs. If you were given PHP 50,000 for the whole year for investments, what would you invest on? Take into consideration, the term's goals, the organization’s sustainability and cost effectiveness. Justify. 3. What is the role of the MCVP for Finance and Legal administration in ensuring goals of each of the departments are met? How are you suited to take on this role? 4. How will you ensure that financial and legal policies are enforced? What systems or structures will you have in place to support your role in policy enforcement? 5. Describe the Finance and Legal Administration department culture of the different local committees. What about them will you use to your advantage in meeting financial goals nationally? What changes would you like to see happening, and how will you bring about those changes?


Selection Process: Summary


“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.�


Audrey Elumba MCVP External Relations MCP-Elect

Peter Gyorfi MCVP Talent Management & Local Committee Dev’t

Dominic Santiago MCVP Finance & Legal Administration

Lia Ejercito MCVP Business Development

Michael Fua MCVP Communications

Kat Sanchez MCVP Projects

Ann Dumaliang MCVP GIP (Outgoing Exchange)

Diosa Quiñones MCVP Incoming Exchange COMELEC Head

TJ Godiaco MCVP GCDP (Outgoing Exchange)



It only takes 3 minutes to see why it’s more fun in the Philippines!  AIESEC in the Philippines The Philippines AIESEC Philippines Reception Booklet For entity realities, feel free to consult with any of the current MCVPs who will be more than glad to entertain your questions and lead you to more helpful resources. Thank you! 


AI 2012-13 Plan Global Strategic Meetings Outputs • GCDP • Talent Capacity driving GCDP&GIP: • GIP: • Brand: • Sales: Global Steering Team Outputs


Good luck!

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