Audrey Snyder's Portfolio

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A u d re y S n y d e r

P o r t f o l i o o f c re a t i v e w o r k

Contents S t u d i o P ro j e c t s

G r e s h a m C i t y H a l l

6 12 20

M a s t e r ’s T h e s i s ( M i d t e r m P ro g re s s Wo r k )


C e n t e r f o r U r b a n A g r i c u l t u r e A c a d e m y f o r S t o r y t e l l i n g

Wo r k E x p e r i e n c e C u b i x s f a n d 3 0 D o r e S n y d e r H o u s e

S c u l p t u re a n d S t u d i e s

32 34 36

S t u d i o P ro j e c t s

Center For Urban Agriculture The phrase “urban farming� conjures anachronistic scenes – a hipster using an iPhone app to tell him when to water his garden, or a blogger who writes only about canning and preserves. Urban farming is at once about longing for the past, and about hope for the future. In this spirit my architectural response was to create forms that are reminiscent of old farm architecture and then organize them along a glassy spine containing for display and education the primary service areas along with greenhouses, hydroponic hanging gardens and kinetic farming.


Different paths from farm to table: the local and the global


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vs... Different paths from farm to table: the local and the global


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Concept Diagram


Massing Model


Center For Urban Agriculture




First Floor Plan


L i v e / E a t / G ro w

B u y / S h a re

B u y / S h a re


P ro c e s s

Center For Urban Agriculture

Urban Farmhouse Concepts


Academy For Storytelling The academy is a place to hone the craft of storytelling, a universal form of communication. It is wrapped in a “quilt-wall” which becomes a storytelling device as students replace and reconfigure its modular panels. The primary storytelling venue, The Story Space is sprinkled with circular “storytelling pods”. Made of wooden ribs, fabric, and seating, each pod is meant to recreate the intimate and enclosing space that facilitates storytelling. In section, the pods are meant to recreate the enigma of the storytelling space around a campfire: drawing people in with warmth and light, while keeping them apart enough to prevent individuals from occupying center stage.




1 2 3


Academy for Storytelling

South Elevation


Quilt Wall Detail


Academy for Storytelling

East West Section



Academy for Storytelling

Gresham City Hall Gresham intends for the new city hall to be a catalyst for further sustainable design in the community, and for it to encourage increased citizen participation in government. To this end, the site and building are planned in such a way to make sustainable features such a storm water collection, green roofs, and natural ventilation systems highly visible to the public and to public employees that use the building. The council chamber stands in its own jewel-like building, emphasizing the public meetings that occur there, and is sunk into the ground to make meetings more visible to the pedestrians on the street. The design was created as a group effort with two other students.





Gresham City Hall

M a s t e r ’s T h e s i s S t u d i o ( M i d t e r m P ro g re s s Wo r k )

PEOPLE Center for Local Foods

Reno, NV ( M i d t e r m P ro g re s s Wo r k )


The conventional food system and its methods of production, distribution, and food preparation create separations of people, place, and time in our communities. It is my view that supporting local food systems can help repair these separations, that a deeper sense of place can be formed by creating a space that celebrates local foods. To further strengthen the community’s sense of place and time, the local food center will transform through the seasons, always


maintaining a balance with the seasonal weather changes and the rhythms of local agriculture. In the same way that snow falling on a field can remind us of the snow storm that happened last year, or make us consider the scene’s contrast from the summer, the local food center becomes a continuous stream of changes that mark important events, and lend a specificity to “here” as opposed to “there”.

culinary school, and living spaces. The market, covered by a tree-inspired canopy, serves as the focal point of the project, and is framed by the school as well as ground floor retail and services. It reaches out to the larger downtown, forming a link between the civic spaces along the river and the redeveloping Freight House District.

In contrast to the conventional food system, the Center For Local Foods is a place that is owned, supplied, and enjoyed by a community – or in fact is a community, comprised of a public market, a






Master’s Thesis Parti Diagram


Wo r k E x p e r i e n c e

Wo r k E x p e r i e n c e

Cubix and 30 Dore In the role of Assistant Project Manager on the construction team at Hauser Architects in San Francisco, I executed procurement, scheduling, contract administration, permitting, finish selection, design of lighting fixtures and signage, and other responsibilities on Cubix, a 98 studiounit condo project and on 30 Dore, a 34 unit rental project. Both projects were designed by George Hauser, AIA with Aaron Hoffmans as Project Architect.



Snyder House A few years ago, I had the opportunity to help my parents design their home near Yerington, NV. The design focused on framing views of the river and surrounding mountains, as well as creating an open airy living space that spoke to its rural setting, but was also crisp and modern. The photos shown were taken during construction.



Sculpture and Studies My sculpture work is primarily in fabric and mixed media, focusing on how natural forms can be created through certain proscribed processes. I have also worked in wood, creating a loom that acted as an interactive art piece, and in metal, create large-scale kinetic sculpture.



A u d re y S n y d e r e: p: (775) 287-2563 w:

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