Tuesday, 05 November 2013 | | Volume 21 | Issue 5
Increase in bike thefts around campus Stephen Barry | News Editor @StphnBarry
Overcrowding: A typical lunchtime in the Mature Students Common
Mature students call for common sense Robert O’Sullivan | Film & TV Editor
students here. We are grateful to the college for this space, but the Common @theCircleGuy Room really has become a victim of its Last Thursday, mature students held a own success.” demonstration in the Mature Students’ The Windle Building is set for renoCommon Room to raise awareness vation as part of The Student Hub proabout what they see as unsuitable condi- ject, which is set to begin construction tions. in 2016. At present, many offices and The current space, located in the Win- rooms have been emptied and locked. dle Building, can hold approximately 30 According to Kiely, there also weren’t people, yet there can be as many as 60 any bathroom facilities available near students in the room at times according the Common Room until very recently. to users. “There are fantastic rooms just down the There had been an overflow space hall that have kitchen facilities, electricabove the Common Room, but that was ity, proper ventilation and heating, and closed off at the beginning of the year are very accessible, but they’re just sitdue to health and safety concerns. An- ting idle at the moment.” other overflow room had been provided, The HEA (Higher Education Authorbut that has since been closed. ity) stated the goal in its 2008 ‘National Tomás Kiely, Mature Students Of- Plan for Equality of Access to Higher ficer of the Students’ Union, said, “It’s Education’, that Mature Students should embarrassing, especially when you make up 20% of full-time college enbring first year or prospective mature trants by 2013. Currently, mature stu-
dents make up 9% of the student population in UCC. “At the moment we feel surplus to requirements,” says Kiely. “The community we have here in the Common Room is a fantastic support structure for mature students, but there simply isn’t enough room here.” The retention rate of mature students from first year is 83%, versus a 94% retention rate for the wider student population. “If there was more of a support structure that would make them feel less alienated; then the extra fees could pay for a new Common Room. We’re not just giving problems to the University here, but solutions.” Both the SU and the Mature Students’ Society have said they’ll help fund the new Common Room. Mary O’Sullivan, UCC Mature Students Officer, feels the Mature Students’
Common Room is an essential service: “A lot of mature students commute to college every morning from all around Munster. When they do have free time, the Common Room is important as a space that they can relax during the day and socialise. “Integration is an important issue in the case of mature students, but they need a safe space that they can go to if they’re feeling alienated or out of place among the wider student body.” The mature students Common Room was introduced last year, and had an average daily footfall of 120 people. This figure has doubled this year, with an average of 240 people coming into the Common Room daily. For more information on the campaign, organisers have asked people to call into the Mature Students’ Common Room itself.
There have been a number of warnings in the past fortnight to students who use bicycles to commute to and from campus. Barrack Street based retailer, the Bike Shed reported that 5 or 6 bikes were stolen in one go on the weekend of the 19th and 20th of October around campus. The Bike Shed estimated that at least 20 bikes around the city are stolen every week. The average value of these stolen bikes is €350. Official Garda figures say that 76 bikes were stolen in the period July to September in the city; however they also acknowledged that many thefts go unreported. Most of these robberies happen in the UCC area. Sergeant Tony Davis, the crime prevention officer in the city, spoke about the measures owners should take with their bicycles. “They should always take a picture of them and log their security numbers.” Speaking to the ‘Irish Examiner’ he went on to say, “They should also report to us when they are stolen and provide us with the details, so if we recover the bicycle we can return it to the owner.” The Bike Shed recommends using two locks on a bike, including a U-lock for the frame and a cable lock to secure wheels to the rail. They advise locking bikes in busy walkways, especially where CCTV is available. They also warned against leaving bikes out overnight and reminded cyclists that bikes can also be taken from back-gardens and garden sheds. Gardaí in Cork currently have 80 recovered bicycles on their website, where they hope owners can identify and reclaim them.
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Tuesday October 22, 2013 | UCC EXPRESS
Bird is the word
All I’m asking...
Mental Health
Audrey Ellard Walsh | Editor
“ It is sickening in fact to see how little such people clearly think of female students.”
Page 10
Page 8
College Dinners
Coat of Arms Page 16
Page 13
The New Corker
Bat Crazy
A White Iris
Features 7-9 Gaeilge 12 Photography 14 Fashion 16-17 The New Corker 18 Colour Writing 19
Deputy Editor: Stephen Barry
Contributors: Jack Corbett Elaine Healy Rae Laura Flaherty
Deputy News Editor: Heather Steele Marita Maloney Features Editor: Grace O’ Sullivan Deputy Features Editor: Claire Crowley
Aoife Stapleton Peter O’ Brien Peter Mahony
Photo Editor: Emmet Curtin
Nichola Fennell
Irish Editor: Rachel Ní hAodha
Tara Higgins
Fashion Editor: Nicole Clinton Fiction Editor: Eoghan Scott Sport Editor: Barry Aldworth Designer: Cathal O’ Gara
Padraig Martin Gearoidin McEvoy Robert Joseph Bolton Kevin Galvin Ellen Desmond Rob O’ Sullivan
me- bar the 11,000 plus “likes” it has gained- was to see a number of people in my own friend list, including society and Students’ Union officers, “liking” the page. It is sickening in fact to see how little such people clearly think of female students, including, evidently, those in representative positions. So to whomever is administrator of that page, and to whoever “likes” it, you should be ashamed. I ask you how it would feel to have your sisters or girlfriends portrayed publicly as masterbatory material as the girls on that page are. If you disagree with the previous statement, I ask you to only look at the comments. It is clear from there what I mean. And if it wouldn’t bother you, then that amazes me. This is an open invitation to anyone who can defend the page to come in contact with us to tell us why. And it is a call for boycott of the page and those like it, for those who cannot.
around by each original reader to 10 different students. Anyway, I’m on the Economics Society and I reckon we’ve a pretty good case to make for being one of the most welcoming and diverse societies on campus. Our events have featured debates on economics-related
make sure to throw us an email if you’re interested! Plus we’ve plenty of opportunities for you to participate, if you want to get more involved as the year goes on! We’ve some major and varied events in the pipeline for the rest of the year with wellrenowned speakers lined up for our conference and regular events, and plenty of acts on the way for our Chinese New Year celebration too. Plus we do dodgeball, table quizzes, inter-class parties, talks, debates, screenings, socials, freebies and trips away to Kilkenomics next weekend (repetition being the mother of learning!). So with the integrity of my column finally spent, if it wasn’t already in debt, I hope that one or two of ye will send in an email and just give Economics Society a go – sure one event won’t hurt! That all said I hope my moany column proves a good way of attracting members, rather than a vehicle for driving them away. You could even say I hope it is a vehicle for bringing people to Kilkenny this weekend (repetition being the mother of a good trip to Kilkenny!).
Another Promotion @StphnBarry
Page 21
Editor: Audrey Ellard Walsh
I’m known for being a little... argumentative. It’s something that I pride myself upon. My mantra is “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything”. Well no, it isn’t... It generally varies between “can’t talk, I’m busy” and “coffee?”. But what I’m saying is, I’m not one to be quiet, and neither should you. You will see from this issue’s Comment section that we have already generated debate from the student body- both on our own content and university policy. This is something I wholeheartedly
Stephen Barry | Deputy Editor
Editorial Staff:
Is for a little respect.
encourage. This paper, as I have said in the past, is a space for student opinion to be expressed. We are an independent space for information and discussion on issues of the day. And so, I have something to get off my chest. The latest in the slew of inane “UCC” pages that have popped up since our last issue are at best a pitiful attempt at humour and at worst a very clear reflection of what passes for acceptable amongst the student population. “Banter” is not a blanket excuse for normalising the objectification of fellow students and the idea that it may be a compliment to be posted there is laughable. Unfortunately I am by this stage used to reading hideous commentary on women by administrators of pages like this, enabled by the anonymity guaranteed by Facebook’s lax privacy rules. So sadly the content of the page is by now nothing new to me. What has shocked
Right, I think I’ve run out of things to moan about… Well actually I haven’t; I’ve just run out of things to moan about that are publishable and don’t reflect (excessively) badly on me. Plus commenting on how difficult this bloody editorial is to write must wear a bit thin at some stage – well that’s assuming there are people who read this column; and that’s also assuming that those potentially existing readers don’t always find it scintillatingly well-written and relentlessly stimulating. Alas, this space remains mine to have my way with, and thus I have decided to sing the corporate tune for anyone who names my price… Or a price… I have my own stuff to promote too; there’s my patent pending computerised editorial-generator (soon it will produce the bitterest editorial known to man). And then there’s also the bit of society work I do. Among 160 or so other clubs and societies, it’s hard to make a uniform case to 20,000 or so students to choose any one of them above the other. Of course that’s assuming that every copy of this issue is picked up, read and subsequently passed
I have decided to sing the corporate tune for anyone who names my price… Or a price… topics (GAAconomics for one). We’ve had screenings and socials, which have been very well attended, and our EGM saw three or four people running for every position. We’ve given our members more discount cards, wallplanners, newspapers, pencils, pringles and pizza, than they can possibly consume; as good a reason as any to look for more members! This weekend we will be sending a cohort of students to Kilkenomics, David McWilliams’ festival of economics of comedy in Kilkenny, which is an annual highlight for the society. I’d imagine there will still be a few places available for that trip at the time of publication, so
UCC EXPRESS | Tuesday November 05, 2013
SUSI confirms grant system is running smoothly Heather Steele | Deputy News Editor
Almost two thirds of grants have been paid to students already this year according to a statement by SUSI (Student Universal Support Ireland), the single Awarding Authority for all new student grant applications. The system is well ahead of time compared to the multiple system failures it experienced last year. Grants have been paid to 39,000 of the 43,000 students who have been approved, with the final number of students it anticipates awarding grants to being 60,000 this year. This time last year, only 6,000 students (10% of applicants) had been informed that they had been awarded a grant. Thus this year has seen a more than 7-fold increase in the capacity of the system in the period to the start of November. SUSI was introduced as a way to merge the dozens of bodies that used to implement payment of grants, including county councils and VECs. All of the former awarding bodies stopped taking new applications last year, but SUSI‘s
procedures for those applying for grants failed to work, with many cases of lost documentation, delayed payments and poor support services. After last year’s chaos SUSI introduced a number of changes to streamline its system and in a statement last week SUSI said that these improvements meant that it has been running “more efficiently and on schedule.” These measures included opening up the application process earlier and providing an online grant-tracking website. These steps alleviated the burden on an increased number of staff while the process of renewing grants for those who received
payments last year is shorter than the method for new applicants. SUSI will become the sole awarding body of student grants by 2015, by which time students receiving grant renewals from local authorities will have graduated. By the end of October 20,000 first time applicants have been paid. This means that SUSI has given a first payment to approximately half of its anticipated new sign-ups. 3,000 more students have received confirmation of being awarded a grant, with SUSI awaiting confirmation from their colleges that they are registered or for bank details to be provided before making any payment.
SUSI is still awaiting documentation from 18,000 students; 7,000 of those having submitted no supporting documentation. It is highly unusual for students not to pursue their initial grant application; of last year’s applicants, only 10,000 decided not to proceed with their application. 19,000 of those seeking grant renewals have been paid, with just 1,000 of those approved for renewal awaiting payment. So far this year, 5,000 applications have been cancelled and 11,500 have been refused. All of the students who met SUSI’s deadlines and submitted the correct documentation have been awarded their grants within three months of the August 5th deadline. The applications which were received late are still being processed. The President of the Union of Students in Ireland, Joe O’Connor welcomed the news while UCC SU Welfare Officer David Berry has said that he has had no complaints regarding SUSI from students this year.
Jazz festival attracts 40,000 to Leeside Ellen Desmond | Entertainment Editor
The annual Guinness Jazz Festival started and ended on a high note from the 25th to the 28th of October last, with an estimated 40,000 attending events. A renowned tourist attraction and a much welcomed economic boost for the city to tune of €15m, the ‘Jazz Weekend’ saw Cork bustling with buskers, blues and beer. Names such as Chic & Nile Rodgers, Rene Marie and Bilal took to the stages of the Everyman Palace Theatre and Cork’s Opera House. Arguably the most anticipated act gracing Cork during the festival, Primal Scream, headlined the finale of the weekend to rave reviews. In the lead up to the Festival, Thursday the 24th in UCC saw saxophone and keyboard players in the Student Centre café for some daytime entertainment. This was later followed by a student jazz party in The New Bar, featuring The Marron Swing 3io and special guests. UCC’s very own Head of Jazz and Popular Music, performer and composer Paul O’Donnell, demonstrated the University’s talents throughout the festival with the launch of his new group POD during the weekend.
POD played the compositions of O’Donnell in the Granary Theatre on Friday and later “with high energy rhythms and a fusion of jazz, pop, celtic, latin and world music elements” in UCC’s Devere Hall on the Sunday. Legendary Irish musician and composer, Mícheál O Súilleabháin described POD as a band that “sizzles.” “Cork has been building towards something like this for the past three decades, and the music energy at UCC is central to its emergence.” With core magical musicians such as Niwel Tsumbu on guitar and Oleg Ponomarev on violin and with guest musicians such as Cora Venus Lunny and Mel Mercier, O Súilleabháin remarked, “it is more like a nomadic global experimental jazz school.” Well known as the primary creative force behind the emergence of jazz and popular music studies at UCC, O’Donnell is a regular performer at music festivals at home and abroad, and he has worked with many leading jazz musicians. The future of Jazz links with Cork and UCC were set strong following the atmospheric and impressive talents on show over the four days.
Eminent Human Rights academic to speak at UCC
Jack Corbett | News Writer
Professor Brian Burdekin, visiting Professor at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights and International Law and a leading international Human Rights authority, is to address the UCC International Relations (IR) Society next Friday. Burdekin, who lectures in the postgraduate programme in the Melbourne University Law School, was Federal Human Rights Commissioner for Australia from 1986 to 1994 and was subsequently advisor to three successive United Nations High Commissioners for Human Rights. He was one of the key figures responsible for drafting the UN criteria for National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) known as the ‘Paris Principles’ and now advises governments on the creation of NHRIs across Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe. Burdekin will speak at the IR Society’s annual National Model United Nations (NatMUN) Conference. The Society will also be addressed by Lt. Gen. Pat Nash, recently retired from the Irish Defence Forces and commander of the high-profile EU military action in Chad and the Central African Republic. Nash will close NatMUN on the topic of peacekeeping and its continued relevance in international affairs. NatMUN, now in its 11th year, is a secondary schools’ competition run by the IR Society which is attended annually by over 200 students from across the country. It will take place in UCC next weekend and will see its opening and closing ceremonies addressed by these high calibre guest speakers. Burdekin will speak in WGB G05 at 4pm this Friday, and Nash will close the Conference in Boole 3 at 3pm on Sunday the 10th. Both addresses are public events and UCC students are invited to attend.
Tuesday November 05, 2013 | UCC EXPRESS
Glucksman gets stamp of approval NEWS IN BRIEF Stephen Barry | News Editor
UCC’s Lewis Glucksman Gallery has been featured in a set of stamps just released by An Post. The gallery has been earmarked as one of Ireland’s most outstanding contemporary public buildings by its inclusion alongside Croke Park Stadium and Fingal County Hall. Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) is the fourth public building set to be celebrated on a new set of stamps which will be included in the limited edition Irish Stamp Yearbook. The four stamps were designed by Zinc Design Consultants and the public buildings featured are said to “project a forwardlooking and creative image of Ireland, and demonstrate contemporary architecture
enhancing the environment. “The Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork, is an outstanding example of contemporary public building design for the arts and culture.” Designed by O’Donnell + Tuomey Architects, it was named Best Public Building in Ireland by the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI) in 2005. Meanwhile CIT’s main building, voted Best Educational Building in 2007, was commended for resonating “with notions of permanence and durability. Its remarkable structure emphasises the significance that should be placed on the design of educational buildings.” Both Cork buildings will be featured on 60c stamps.
Stephen Barry | News Editor
UCC advance lawsuit against ESB
Conference to take place on Pope John Duo elected as part-time Paul II SU Officers Elaine Healy Rae | News Writer
Stephen Barry | News Editor
The School of History at UCC is hosting a major international conference on the life of Pope John Paul II next Saturday. Present in Boole 4 will be a range of expert speakers from Ireland and Poland who will address various aspects of the late Pope’s career. The late Pope, who is due to be canonised next April, had a major role in some international conflicts, especially in countries under dictatorships or Communist regimes. His role in European affairs will be discussed by Tadeusz Dmochowsk of the University of Gdansk while Ciarán Ó Coigligh will discuss the Pope’s poems, plays and politics. Presentations will also examine the Pope’s effect in both Poland and Ireland, with the talk about
Poland delivered by Dr. Marek Lasota, the head of the Krakow branch of the Institute of Remembrance. The conference, which will be held in the Boole 4 lecture theatre, was organised by Gabriel Doherty of the School of History, with assistance from the Polish Embassy and the MyCork organisation. Other speeches will feature talks on the moral theology of Pope John Paul II by Dr. John Murray of the Mater Dei Institute and the role of woman and womanhood in the teaching of the Polish pontiff. There will be a Q&A session after each presentation. The conference, which is free and is open to the public, is being held as part of the annual Polish Culture Festival in Cork.
Last week saw the election of both the Postgraduate and International Rights Officers to the Students’ Union in UCC. Both non-sabbatical roles were highly contested, with each competitor working hard to prove why they should be elected to the Union. The Postgraduate elections took place Wednesday last, the 30th of October. Both contenders for the position, David Terence McCarthy and Claire O’Connell, were put through their paces by the 41 students who came to cast their ballot. Both spoke confidently and clearly about why they should be chosen as the officer for the coming year. McCarthy was elected with 25 votes in his favour and 15 votes for O’Connell. One vote was spoiled on the night. The International Rights Officer elections took place a day previous. The turnout for this election was lower, with 32 unspoilt votes cast. The result was Rebecca Ssanyu 8 votes and Kevin Devey 24 votes, with Devey elected as the new representative. Thus, two elections that were contested by a male and female candidate in each produced two male officers for the year. In his speech, Devey highlighted the crossover between International Rights and the other Rights positions on the Equality Group, in particular
The case brought by UCC against the ESB for flood damage caused to its buildings will be heard next summer. The damage was caused in November 2009 during exceptionally heavy flooding in Cork city that month. UCC is seeking €18m in compensation, claiming that ESB was acted negligently by releasing too much water in too short a time period from the ESB-owned Inniscarra Dam on November 19th. UCC says 30 acres of its 80-acre campus were submerged with significant damage done to the Western Gateway Building, Tyndall, Glucksman Gallery and Mardyke Arena. The ESB deny the claim retorting that the affected buildings were constructed on a flood plain and UCC failed to take adequate measures to protect them.
Mental Wellbeing Week on campus this week Mental Wellbeing Week takes place this week. The annual awarenessraising week is organised by the Students’ Union and features events and campaigns between societies and the SU. Recently UCC was awarded the Amber Flag by Corkbased organisation, Suicide Aware, in recognition of the University’s excellent standards of mental health promotion.
Caulfield tipped for City role
with regard to McCarthy’s position and Tomás Kiely as Mature Students’ Officer. He went on to outline how his plans revolve around the issue of integration into the community for both International Students coming into UCC and Irish Students going abroad.
UCC Soccer manager John Caulfield is the front-runner to become the new manager of Cork City FC. The formerstriker holds the club record for most appearances and the jointrecord for most goals and would replace Tommy Dunne, who was sacked in August. City finished sixth in the League of Ireland last season but are expected to lose some of their big-name players in the coming weeks. Last season Caulfield managed the students to the Collingwood Cup final, where they lost to UCD, and a second place finish in the Munster Senior League Premier Division. They are currently fifth, three games into the new season.
UCC EXPRESS | Tuesday November 05, 2013
Tyndall to help create 100 new jobs per annum AROUND THE Stephen Barry | News Editor
Tyndall National Institute’s new 5-year strategic plan outlined the UCC research centre’s aim to help create 500 new jobs by 2018.These jobs will come in high-tech startups, foreign multinationals coming to Ireland and already established Irish companies. The plans were unveiled by Minister for Jobs, Research and Innovation Richard Bruton, who used Tyndall as an example of the Government’s employment plans. “Tyndall is a top-class research centre which has established a global reputation over its decade in existence; it is an example of what we are trying to deliver across our research infrastructure. “A key part of the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs is our determination to build on the major successes in science, technology and innovation we have achieved over the past decade and turn more good ideas into good jobs.” A first step in this direction for Tyndall is the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Dyke Paradebased research centre and PCH International, a Cork headquartered company with 5,000 staff and revenue figures of $710m in 2011. Speaking at the announcement, Tyndall National Institute CEO, Dr. Kieran Drain said: “As part of our
clear strategy to derive economic impact from research excellence, Tyndall is focused on generating employment and building capacity within the technology space across Ireland.” The MoU provides for close collaboration between Tyndall and PCH. Researchers located in the Tyndall building will have greater access to PCH’s two programmes for start-ups, Highway1 and PCH Accelerator. The Institute currently employs over 460 researchers, engineers and support staff and generates
around €30m in income each year, with 85% of that income coming from competitively won contracts nationally and internationally. Meanwhile PCH, who sell product development and supply chain management services to a range of companies, will be able to use Tyndall’s international network of over 200 industry clients to identify market opportunities. “Together we aim to provide end-to-end support for high-tech start-ups from concept to shelf,” continued Drain, “benefiting from PCH’s insights as a market leader
to extend commercial reach from Ireland to China and beyond.” Potential joint-projects will target the electronics, medical devices, energy and communication industries with research and development to occur at Tyndall’s unique state-of-the-art research and pilot-line fabrication facilities in Cork. Commenting on the partnership, PCH International CEO, Liam Casey said: “We are delighted to partner with Tyndall. The research work we have seen from them is worldclass, particularly in the health and wellness market, and we are both focused on promoting successful high potential hardware start-ups. “Tyndall’s expertise in ICT hardware research, combined with PCH expertise in getting products to market, means that we are creating huge opportunities for entrepreneurs in Ireland to achieve success on a global scale.” Minister for Research and Innovation, Sean Sherlock who was also present at the launch added, “Commercialisation and market reach are key to deriving maximum value from research. “The Tyndall-PCH partnership is a prime example of what can be achieved when industry and research institutes work together and will be a flagship collaboration for Ireland, working to incubate start-ups, provide better jobs and drive Irish and European competitiveness.”
Media a hot topic for college conferences Grace O’Sullivan | Features Editor
The 13th Annual Law Conference is set to take place in the coming fortnight, with its subject being The Changing Landscape of Media Law. The Conference is conducted by a number of legal professionals, and prominent members of the public sphere - with a vested interest, and wide range of experience in Media Law. Supported by William Fry and Cork Chamber of Commerce, the event is chaired by the renowned Mr. Justice Bryan McMahon – author of seminal Irish legal text ‘Law of Torts’ by McMahon & Binchy. The focal point of the keynote speakers will be on the most recent developments in Media Law. According to organisers, the conference explores an extremely topical area due to the increasingly dynamic, instantaneous and media focused society we live in. It seems that in recent years the law has been attempting to play catch up with media, namely social media. Regulation – or lack thereof – can create much contraversy. Take for
example a situtation involving a super-injunction, model and footballer. Thus the Conference ensures that media users are well informed on grey areas of the law. Taking place on Tuesday the 12th of November in the Aula Maxima, the event is free to all students.
A number of other respected speakers will also be attending. The key speakers at the conference include: Dr. Eoin O’Dell, Trinity College Dublin lecturer in the area of freedom of expression and defamation; Professor John Horgan, Press Ombudsman and former DCU
lecturer in journalism; John Maher BL, practicing barrister specialising in the area of Defamation law and author of The Law of Defamation; and Andrea Martin, media lawyer and former in-house counsel for RTÉ and TG4. Meanwhile a digital media masterclass takes place this Wednesday. Entitled ‘Smartphone media maker’, the course aims to show practitioners how to produce the best video, audio and pictures using their smartphones. The course will be given by former Reuters digital boss Ilicco Elia, who is now head of mobile at DigitasLBi, one of the UK’s top digital agencies. Tom McCarthy, Media and Public Relations Officer at UCC said: “Smartphones are powerful computers that have an important role to play in the future of journalism and story telling.” “This one day course will show journalists and media professionals how to use the latest apps and technology to tell compelling stories with their smartphones.”
COLLEGES Heather Steele | Deputy News Editor
TCDSU President survives impeachment vote Students of Trinity College have voted against impeaching their Students’ Union President, Tom Lenihan. 1,643 of the 2,730 valid ballots (60.18%) said he should not be removed from the position. Lenihan will return to his position immediately from his leave of absence. On the result of the vote Lenihan said that he was keen to get back on track: “I am eager to get back into my role as President and to continue with the hard work that my team and I have been doing so far.” At the time of the incident where Lenihan was caught cheating in his exams, the SU President said he had been experiencing personal difficulties. Trinity to prioritise certain DARE applicants Trinity College has announced that it is to give increased priority to applicants who have physical or sensory disabilities over other DARE (Disability Access Route to Education) students. This means that a student with a sensory or physical impairment who receives 450 CAO points will be offered the place ahead of a DARE applicant with ADHD who got 455 CAO points. The change in policy is due to the decrease in students entering Trinity with sensory and physical disabilities. According to 2011 Census figures, 4.5% of 15-34 year olds with visual impairment, 7.5% of those with serious hearing impairment and 6% of those with severe physical disabilities were in higher education. NovaUCD boosts economy by €37million According to a newly published study, the UCD start-up incubator Nova has supported 1,000 Irish jobs and added almost €37million to the economy. Nova provides support for hi-tech start-up companies in their infancy and commercialises research from UCD academics. Since 2003, 123 start-ups have availed of Nova’s incubation services and 30 spin-off companies have been directly created from it.
Tuesday November 05, 2013 | UCC EXPRESS
Lettersto the
Bynes Article ‘Disgust’
Contraceptive Fee ‘Disgrace’
Dear Madam,
Dear Madam,
I was completely disgusted to see Adam
The introduction of €20 fees for contraceptive
O’Reilly’s article, ‘Amanda Bynes – A whole
appointments in the Student Health Centre, as
lot of crazy’ in your most recent issue (22nd
highlighted by Deputy News Editor Heather
October, 2013), a single page after an article
Steele in Issue 3, is an utter disgrace.
highlighting the stigma of mental health issues.
Charging for this important service and not
Bynes’ behaviour is a result of a serious mental
for others smacks of unfairness. The services
health condition that she is seeking treatment
included under this charge cannot be seen in
for. This appalling article laughs at, condemns
this day and age as ‘elective’, particularly in
and dismisses an individual who is chronically
a university environment where safer sex is
ill, vulnerable, and suffering hugely. That she is
actively, and rightly so, encouraged.
in the public eye compounds these hardships for her.
It is also important to note that for many,
1 in 4 Irish people will experience mental illness and some point in their lives and
the use of oral contraceptives is not a choice but a real and present necessity. Use of the
suicide rates amoung young Irish people are
pill is recommended for many reasons other
4th highest in the EU. Phrases such as ‘bat-
than contraception and for many female
shit crazy’ are derogatory and offensive, and
students, is a vital medication in the course of
improving their quality of life.
I think it was an error to publish this article, at a time when so much work is being done by individuals and organisations to highlight the damage that this kind of ignorance does to the most vulnerable people in our society.
May I recommend a lesser charge, but spread across all services in order to combat financial difficulties in the Health Centre at a lesser cost to the majority rather than a heavy blow to the minority?
Úna Hennessy, Final Year Arts Student
Anna O’Keeffe, College Road
UCC Students’ Union Academic Class Rep Training 2013 Class rep training was held in the Brehon Hotel, Killarney on the 10th and 11th of October. The day consisted of a full day of workshops, lectures and seminars running from 10.30 until 18.30 with a 30 minute break for lunch. Key speakers were Dr Ian Pickup, Head of Student Experience, Mary McNulty, Careers Service, Mary McDonald, Exams and Registration Office, Catherine O’Mahony, NAIRTL, Fiona Croizer, Quality Promotions and Joe O’Connor, President of the Union of Students in Ireland. Presentations were also given by the Students’ Union Officers. In the evening we held a Gala Dinner where the Keynote Speaker was Cllr. Niamh Bhreathnach, former Minister for Education. After the dinner a DJ was put on for all to enjoy the evening. The goals of the training were to encourage reps to get involved in the Students’ Union and in their academic department, to get reps to bond and to expand their knowledge on the mandates the union has on equality, citizenship and respect. These goals were achieved to a maximum effect where the attendance at Student Council has been increased to over 100 attendees up 50% on last year. Data from Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union from where they switched to an overnight from day training increased their engagement at Student Council by more than double. The feedback we have received from students has been positive. Elaine Healy Rea from first Arts wrote ‘I just wanna thank you for the brilliant experience in Killarney. I know a lot of work must have gone into it and I’m really grateful for it and I made lots of new friends’. Kate Moriarty from first Chinese wrote ‘Cllr. Niamh Breathnach really shed light on the male dominated student council, she made me feel that someday I could be run to be an SU officer. Her speech was invaluable to me. Cllr. Breathnach and Annie both empowered me as a female student in UCC. The Class rep. training really rang clear “Your voice, your union”’. Training was well received by the public in general. The hash tag #ucccrt13 trended nationally for 8 hours and on the Thursday 10th was the 6th highest trend in Ireland, considering there were 8 other class rep training events on at the same time all tweeting this was a considerable achievement. The hotel sales representative responded to an enquiry about training to Dr Ian Pickup ‘Ian, they were a pleasure and a credit to themselves and UCC – the country’s future is bright and our students should be credited more, after all we were all there once ourselves! [We] Would love to have them back again.’ Governor of UCC and Head of the College of Biological Environmental and Earth Sciences Prof John O’Halloran stated, ‘the positive affect on the class reps was obvious with strong leadership being shown by a number of first year reps in SEFS’. This was the first class rep training in 5 years where the Students’ Union did not hand out free alcohol vouchers and this offset the cost of the event, this did not affect the enjoyment of training as was recorded by class rep Aoife Cafferky second year wrote ‘the outstanding organisation of presentations, the life time advice and the new friends that we all made with the late night bonding session that we had.’ The training itself cost €14,000 compared to €9,000 the previous year the difference of this was made up by €5,000 sponsorship from Bank of Ireland. To call it an extravaganza would be an over inflation of a getting a good deal from the Brehon. Class Rep training was the culmination of 4 months of planning by the SU President Pádraig Haughney and SU Vice-President for Education Gavin Lynch-Frahill. From the positive response from all areas Class Rep training was a resounding success. Gavin Lynch-Frahill, UCC SU Education Officer
Please send letters to with “Letter” in the subject line. Letters should be no more than 200 words and must be submitted by the Thursday before print. The next deadline is the 14th of November.
UCC EXPRESS | Tuesday November 05, 2013
But a number:
0 3
Try it, test it, taste it Grace O’ Sullivan| Features Editor
Does age play too large a role in our society?
As per usual, my endeavours to make the most of my final year of college life are well under way – P8 here are some of things I’m “researching”: I have gone on the hunt for the best dessert in Cork (I haven’t found it yeah, but I’ll keep you posted – any suggestions can be sent to features@ I can genuinely say I am enjoying this one a lot – but the zip on my jeans aren’t. I also joined a team – yes an official UCC sports team. I can genuinely say the last time I “professionally” played a sport was with Dungarvan P8 GAA under 12s – but by God did I revolutionise ladies football. (Honestly I went along for the bag of Tayto, bottle of Cadet, and the banter.) Bird is the Word: I have also begun a couple of other little ‘UCC Bird of the Day’ endeavours to do the mammy, and the parish pun page creator Teals proud – more of which will follow over the coming us about the page’s origin weeks. after detecting fowl play However, this issue’s column has been sparked in fellow students. by a television advertisement no less. I’m sure you’ve all heard it (unless you’re a shneaky studier – whatever works for you). It’s the one where the guy is like; “Dear thirty year old me….” This caused a bit of an alarm bell to go off in P9 my head – this will be me in a few years. THIRTY, wha? At thirty the last generation were married, had careers, and kids and …. OH NO, responsibilities. History>Math? To top it all off, I heard someone say that ten years With Quinn entertaining ago wasn’t the 90s, it was 00s – make you feel old? debates on the value of history, we re-examine its importance
After I had a tiny panic attack and calmed down alternatively Google images the hell out of the (aka a cup of tea and a bun) I realised there’s way main ones and pretend you’ve been there. too much pressure on us to do everything before 4. Know yourself – well, this really is the biggest we reach a certain milestone – granted not the best farce ever. Seriously, why does everyone need argument to run with when it comes to my “Try it, to find themself these days? To be honest Test it, Taste it”. However, it got me thinking about you’re only setting yourself up for a bit of a the pressure to reach certain goals, and establish fall – who knows what you’ll find if you look oneself by a certain age. hard enough. Well, my rational response to all this is: what 5. Career and a car – these seem to be the driving difference does it make if you do something by the force behind everyone these days. Listen if time you’re thirty or forty or fifty – if it’s meant to you have a job these days, you’re one of a be it’ll be. Plans are for architects, and goals are for lucky few and there’s always the bus. football. 6. Stop with labeling – does everything need to be defined? No you don’t need to be able to So here’s my mini guide of things NOT do before describe your style in three words. So what if you’re thirty; you haven’t got a signature scent. All this time 1. Don’t rush down the aisle – seriously what’s spent establishing yourself is a waste – why the hurry? Wait it out a few years. No one has not enjoy the moment! a dowry anymore so you’re not gaining much. Minds change and so do people, so take it By trying to make yourself do it a certain number handy. Also, Orlando Bloom is recently on the of things, are you not boxing yourself in? Go out, market so you’d never know. stay in, listen, or talk – do whatever you want, as 2. Children are best left to the adults – if you’re long as it makes you happy. Life is short and it can not ready to be an adult just yet, wait for a be taken away in a matter of moments – so avoid while to go having the kids. Put it off-spring the pressures other people seem to put on you. for a while after the big 3-0. Live your life Remember if people have the time to worrying as much as you can – think of the wealth of about what you should be doing – they lead a very stories you’ll have to tell the kids! boring life. Don’t spend all your time pressurising 3. Do you really need to see the whole world? yourself – enjoy the here and now. At least you can You’re going to make yourself miserable hang your head high and say “No” with pride when because you haven’t seen every continent asked about your loyalty card. Being thirty won’t by the time you’re thirty. Set a more realistic be too bad – the cake will have to be fairly big to goal – try and see a few different places, or hold all the candles.
Why are the French so obsessed with immigration?
Kevin Galvin | Features Writer
P9 Library Life:
Final year student Gearoidin McEvoy enlightens us on what makes her tick (Hint: see above)
In a country with less than 150,000 of them in a population of over 63.5 million (compare that to Great Britain’s 500,000/62.2 million) the issue of immigration is one that constantly dominates the French political scene. 70% of its citizens said in an opinion poll conducted at the start of the year that they believe there are too many immigrants in France - while another conducted by the French opinion poller BVA (Brulé Ville et Associé) saw that Marine Le Pen, the leader of the far-right French Front National party, polled above current President François Hollande. With local elections having just taken place, once again the topic has risen its head, and stirred debate which has provoked fanatical patriotism in a country that feels it’s culture is being lost in a swamp of cosmopolitanism. Two weeks ago, Leonarda Dibrana, a 15 year old Roma girl was detained on her way to school and deported with the rest of her family back to Kosovo having not attained asylum status. The story drew massive press and drew a mixed response from the public. Many of Dibrana’s age were outraged, and the incident sparked two days of protests from ‘Lycée’ students. On the other hand, some were totally in favour of the move believing the family deserved the treatment given their status, and reinforcing the idea of many as Roma’s as second class citizens. In the aftermath, Hollande offered Dibrana the chance to return to France, without her family, and finish her studies, a move which inevitably fell flat on its face. The offer sparked outrage from the French public, for it’s complete lack of a political and moral compass as much for it’s ridiculousness. Le Pen criticised the President (The irony missed
on her of the fact that she was involved in a protest movement against deportation) for his words, while the teenager herself called him ‘heartless’. This egg-on-the-face moment for Hollande coincided with the report into the incident, which showed Dibrana’s father Reshat as a wife and childbeater, as well as unemployed and showing no interest in assimilating into French culture. Not only have these revelations seemingly justified the Government’s decision, but have (rightly or wrongly) cast a further bad light on the Roma community, reinforcing stereotypes that have existed for years. All of these discoveries about the father are well and good, but the man was deported back to Kosovo weeks before the incident with Leonarda happened, and though President Hollande conceded that the operation could have been done better, his interior minister Manuel Vallis defended the decision. Speaking to French periodical ‘Journal de Dimanche’ he said “We should be proud of what we are doing, rather than feeling sorry for ourselves...Nothing will make me deviate from my path. The law must be applied and this family must not come back to France”.
While all of this is happening, Samia Ghali, a Senator of Moroccan descent running for the position of Mayor of Marseille, France’s second biggest city, was defeated in the race to become the Socialist Party’s leading candidate. While massively popular in the poorer ‘Banlieus défavorisées’, Ghali could not apply this popularity to the greater ‘Marseilles’ a-la Barak Obama, and ultimately lost out on Sunday the 20th despite the huge media storm following her in the build up to the elections. That was yet another hammer blow to the minorities, who have undoubtedly been targeted in the last 15-20 years. Despite the press holding an open view towards immigration, the massive (and swelling) popularity of the Front National, and its leader, shows that this openness isn’t necessarily reflected in French culture. While figureheads like Ghali serve as pin-ups to aspiring second generation immigrants, the case of Leonarda Dibrana shows that there are many hurdles for immigrants to still overcome.
But a number? Laura Flaherty | Features Writer
1603 4687 3164 9637 1986 4963 1946 1978 6471 2641 7924 6120 0024
In light of the impending referendum to lower the Irish voting age to sixteen, the question has to be asked; does age play too large a role in our society? From the moment we are born, our age plays a fundamental part in all aspects of our lives. It decides at what age we first attend school, regardless of our mental capacities at that age. Why is it that a five year old that might have the understanding of a four or even three year old is put into a class and expecting to keep up with more advanced children, simply because of age? One of the most talked about applications of age restrictions is the legal drinking age, mostly because of its variety throughout cultures. If French children can drink wine with meals and Irish teenagers are allowed consume alcohol, why is it that Americans must wait until they are twenty one? If it clearly is not to do with medical implications, why do we have legal drinking ages at all, and why are they so high? The most interesting aspect of age's influence in society is its diversification and often oxymoronic nature. For instance, in Ireland at the age of sixteen you can legally have sex and have a child. Can you vote for a government that offers the best future for your child? No, you cannot. Can you go to a shop and buy a knife to cut food for your child's dinner? No. Can you get a full time job and pay taxes? Yes. If you stole a toy for your child, would you be tried in court as an adult? No. Our legal system works on the premise that we undergo some kind of magical transformation at the age of eighteen which changes us into mature adults who are capable of deciding how their country is run. It assumes that maturity comes with age, which is both ageist and often wrong. A native American chief famously said, "we do not inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children." Is it fair to leave the future of our country up to the elderly, when it is the sixteen year olds that will have to face the ramifications?
Tuesday November 05, 2013 | UCC EXPRESS
Bird is the Word in UCC The creator of Facebook pun page UCC Bird of the Day tells us how it all hatched and flew to nearly 2,000 likes in 48 hours.
I was at home - doing an essay. So obviously, I wasn’t actually doing the essay, I was on Facebook. Luckily, I wasn’t reduced to Facebook stalking as usual, there was actually something interesting going on. As of the 25th of October 2013, UCC joined the ranks of UL, UCD and the Trinners and had a “Bird of the Day” page. For those who don’t actually know what this is I’ll quickly elaborate. Creepy boys/girls with low selfconfidence send in photos of girls they know, or themselves, bidding to be crowned “UCC Bird of the Day”. The photo is then shared by the page for, as of now, 8852 people to gawk at. Just a note, it is the most unattractive thing in the world when you see a guy liking this kind of page. I’m not going to get into why I believe this is wrong. I’m sure you can see how this sets us all back a long way. Instead of petitioning the administrators of the page who, let’s face it, are not going to listen, I set up a mockery page for the craic. My page uses witty bird puns and photos of pigeons to show the student body how ridiculous the first page is. It was great; good response, loads of jokes, photos of giant chickens - what more do you want? Everything was great until this morning. This morning I got a notification of 100+ new likes and, delighted with myself, I flicked through them to see if I actually knew anyone. When I do this, I can see names and jobs or schools or colleges people have attended. This is how people tell the world what they associate themselves with. Now, I can’t say much as I have “failure” as my job and “life” as my workplace, so I obviously don’t take this stuff too seriously. But this morning when I saw that one of my new likes was a girl whose tagline was “doggystyle at prostitute” I just had to have a look at her profile. Now, don’t get too freaked out. I don’t stalk all my new likes but you have to admit, that’s an eye-catching tagline. I didn’t recognise her and soon learned she wasn’t actually part of UCC… yet. I say yet because sometime in the future this girl might be. That would be in about 3 or 4 years because this girl is 15. Now I'm not a crazy lady who sits at home hating men and putting curses on them. I'm not a prude - far from it. I wear short dresses and I’m up for canoodling as much as everyone else. In fact, as I write this, I’m wearing my finest push up bra and I'm not going to burn it anytime soon. I laugh at jokes like "why do girls have smaller feet? So they’re closer to the kitchen sink". I even liked “the Lad Bible” on Facebook because they put up really funny things sometimes.
But that girl is 15 years old and she thinks it’s appropriate to market herself as a prostitute on a site that you can create the best version of yourself to attract other people as friends. How have we created a world where this sort of thing is ok? How have we let ourselves live in a society where calling yourself a prostitute and sending naked pictures to lads
(as we all know happens now, thanks to the Snapchat leaked revolution) is an acceptable way to attract their interest? I told my mother about this girl. She was so shocked she said everyone should like my page. Ok, she didn’t say that but I’m trying to plant the idea in your head. She asked me was I sure she didn’t mean “dog stylist” and she misspelled “poodle”? That’s the innocence of the past generation: obviously, no one would market themselves as a prostitute - damn autocorrect replacing prostitute for poodle again! Yes we have
But that girl is 15 years old and she thinks it’s appropriate to market herself as a prostitute - on a site that you can create the best version of yourself to attract other people as friends. How have we created a world where this sort of thing is ok? the vote, yes we have full education rights, and yes we get jobs and cars and have equality for all. But the need for feminism in a world where little girls feel the need to be overtly sexualised and slutty to survive in a bird eat bird dating scene is still there. People have always been under pressure to create an image that others find attractive. It’s human nature. But getting people’s attention because you are hinting that you'll be sexually experimentative by 16 is not the way to go and derogatory pages like the original UCC Bird of the Day are a reason why girls feel they need to do that. I’m never going to be one of those girls who runs naked through Patrick Street for equal rights or boycotts make up. Power to ye ladies, but that’s just not me. The reason I set up the Bird of the Day page was to show the people who like the other page that they are being ridiculous and pathetic. There are plenty of other ways to vent your sexual frustration. Stop forcing it down our throats in an institution that is supposed to be an intellectual hub. I’m off to Google photos of blue tits; you get interesting results for that by the way.
UCC EXPRESS | Tuesday November 05, 2013
History: More Important Than Math? Robert Joseph Bolton| Features Writer
which has no other purpose than to feed the ever hungry economy. To deny the young a basic historical consciousness, is to deny them a comprehension of one’s place and meaning in the world. This we do not need, because as art historian professor Camille Paglia argues, the history of humanity can be summed up as the search for meaning of one’s place in the cosmos. It is painted through our ability to memorise, and gives humanity direction, scope and perspective - a reason to live. Without the lens of history, meaning becomes vague. Without knowledge of history’s continuum, life seems purposeless to the point where suicide becomes the answer to our nihilistic chasm. How can the younger generation ever escape the deepest darkest depths of the psyche when the great struggles of history are denied to their expansive minds? With our soul destroying economic climate, the young are yearning for even an ounce of reassurance. The great tales of the past, where hope once seemed lost, but where people overcame all the odds to achieve freedom is precisely the spirit of overcoming that is needed
today, but none of this can be gained from studying the likes of calculus. From our early days as homo sapiens, the world’s magic beauty and mind boggling complexity transfixed man into a state of childlike wonder. Science has and continues to fulfil the aching questions of our inquisitive wonder, but owes its progress to the process of constant experimentation and our appetite for ‘why’ and ‘how’, stemming from our urge to give meaning to the world. The betterment of humanity, which science constantly promises, cannot be realised without a grasp of humanity’s rich historical tapestry. But meaning also has practical uses, since grand narratives and values provide a pillar with which to organise society. Like the scientific method, history provides a reference point with which we can make decisions. Our consciousness of these reference points sometimes resurface from our subconscious waters, using past events to judge how we shall act upon the world presented before us. Without a basic sense of history, all human choices become a meaningless void which promotes random compulsions and nihilistic tendencies.
The wider society is not exempt from this. It is a common cliché to say history teaches us lessons, but it is a matter of fact cliché whose relevance persists, since nothing could be so important as to learn from past. If the window of the past is blurred, foresight becomes a blind and dodgy enterprise, leaving hopes and prospects for the future stained with a lingering uncertainty. In the age of information technology and stifling surveillance, never has history been as important as now. Edward Snowden’s stunning exposè of America’s surveillance programmes, with their titanic omnipresence and a “who cares” like acceptance among the political establishment, rings of fascistic tones. Time will tell whether the historical perspective will guide the backlash against the tyranny of fascistic surveillance. America must realise that past horrors may resurface without a historical glimpse into humanity’s dark crevices, which is precisely why humanity has written the noble protections of international law. Therefore, without memory and a sense of history, we become the walking dead, and slaves to whoever wants to enslave us. To obliterate memory is to become oblivious to the external world and what it means in context to its past. Without history, we deny basic truths about how the world came to be and how it might and could be. Trees would become a confusing mass of brown and green. Our fellow humans become enemies. We would see the world through an empty eye and experience the world as a disjointed mess, without meaning and brilliant beauty. The tragedy of Alzheimer’s disease example epitomizes the importance of history, for the disease banishes the psyche into a dark distrustful view of world. Relatives become enemies, because you do not remember their love and friendship. History’s legacy stimulates vision. By scoping through the past we can prepare for the trials of the future. History puts shape and symmetry onto a disorganised and chaotic world. Without a historical lens, the future moves somewhere but nowhere.
I am 6 weeks into final year, which means that I have spent a total of 5 weeks and 3 days sitting in the library. I am more than a little stressed right now. Procrastination is around every corner. I’m procrastinating right now, in fact. This article is taking precedent over reading an exhilarating court case about interlocutory injunctions (For your own sanity, don’t google it) I mostly fight the procrastination quite well Gearoidin McEvoy | Features Writer (Oh, the irony!) and can quickly get my mind back on track as I sit in my nest of books in the corner of Q+2. Therefore, I find it a little more than slightly irksome when I am disturbed from my studies by a third party. In their sublime wisdom, library staff have implemented a clever little noise policy. They have posters dictating the type of zone you are in at any one time. Green zones – you may talk and chat and giggle and be merry in these places. The area where the books are, public computers and some desks are amber zones – basically you can whisper here, unless you’re one of those people who can’t whisper. Those people need to shut the hell up. Finally, red zones. These are the reading rooms. Absolute. Silence.
Something about this apparently simple policy is just not resonating with people.So there I was, in the reading room, buried in Equity and the Law of Trusts in Ireland with an expression of both helplessness and panic on my face. I was completely engrossed in Lord Cairns’ and all he had to say, when suddenly a sound jolted me back to reality. It was like the jolt that woke up Joseph-Gorden Levitt, Juno and all their buddies from all those dreams in Inception. I eventually came to and realised what that God awful crunching sound that had assaulted my ears and my focus was: It was a girl. Sitting two seats away from me. Eating. An. Apple.Are you SERIOUS? An apple? Now, I have nothing against apples. Daily, they fend off medical practitioners and they give their name to the software company for whom I am a slave. What’s not to love about the mighty apple? Well, nothing, if you’re not munching on one the size of a child’s head in an area that is specifically dedicate to absolute silence. She must have chosen that biggest, juiciest and crunchiest apple available to her. She was dribbling and slurping all over it. It’s like watching a terrible accident; you want to tear your eyes away, but
you can’t. You carry on watching, your face contorted in a horrified expression. Except my horrified expression was sharing my face with rage. I couldn’t decide which urge was most overpowering; the urge to forcibly stop her from consuming her fruit, or the urge to beat her with 900 pages of Equity Law. Weighing up the options, I decided that both would land me in trouble, possible of a legal nature and nobody wants a lawyer with a criminal record. Instead I decided to storm off and allow my fuming nostrils to calm down. Not before I spent a good 3 minutes glaring at her stupid, oblivious, chewing face. I don’t care if she was Pink Lady herself and Smith was her Granny. Eating apples in the reading room is not cool, bro. Not. Cool. Angrily marching through the library, I began to think about other incidents that were on par with the Apple Affair of September 2013. And although recalling these bloodboiling events did little to calm my Apple Anger, I began to comprise a list. The list, as follows, is a set of instructions relating to conduct and consumption of sustenance in a library. I feel like this list is something that should be implemented as binding
As Ireland moves forward, our values must be defined, and thus education must be refined. Education minister Ruairi Quinn’s uncertainty over the importance and relevance of history in Irish education has been a concerning blip in Irish educational discourse. It is of course a relief that the minister has reaffirmed history’s important place in education, but alarming that it was ever considered an option for discontinuation. While the debate is over and the dust settled, we must re-examine the importance of history if we are to re-affirm our human values through the education system. Though we perceive ourselves as unquestionably free beings, presuming ourselves to be impenetrably autonomous and un-phased by the swirling social forces trailing around us, we are deceived by our sneaky psyche, which behind our back absorbs each and every experience into the misty realms of the subconscious. But the deception doesn’t end there. With every precious passing second, we unknowingly wield our subconscious into a tool for seeing the world through a historical frame, meaning that even the most minute of actions are judgements. They are all calculated endpoints of the minds continuum of complex processing, which uses history as its equation. How is it then that a subject so important and pivotal in making sense of the world around us could be so undervalued? The answer lies in our technologically dependent economy, which renders the meaningful aspects of existence a bothersome roadblock in fulfilling hyper economic efficiency. Under capitalism’s relentless, exhausting search for endless innovation, the sciences are given grandiose superiority and supreme exceptionalism. To question the relevancy of the sciences is like questioning the relevancy of religion back in the days of the staunchly Catholic Ireland. The humanities are dying. After all, what benefit do history and Shakespeare have to offer for an economy addicted to producing anything ‘new’? Nothing. But we must discard the idea of spoon feeding the young with nothing but education
Tuesday November 05, 2013 | UCC EXPRESS
Facts and Stats about Mental Health in Ireland (Sourced directly from:, and
(WHO, 2007)
“Mental health is not just the absence of mental illness. It is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”
Depression is a very common condition which affects more than 450,000 people in Ireland (one in ten) at any one time.
Depression hospitalizes 10,000 people a year.
One person in every three attending the family doctor has a mental health aspect to the medical problem
Of those who live to 65 – one in nine will spend some time in mental health care
One in two women and one in four men will experience depression at some point in their lives.
Some 10% of adolescents (13-19) have a
A regular intake of vitamin B & C can help combat stress. Vitamin B can be found in green leafy vegetables, wholemeal bread and butter. Vitamin C can be found in fresh fruit, orange juice, blackberries. Alcohol is a depressant and can prove a potent trigger to low mood, especially in individuals prone to depression. Food does have an impact on mood. Sugary foods lead to a sharp drop in blood sugars later on and this leads to energy and mood slumps. Caffeine also has a negative impact, causing increased heart rate and interfering with sleep.
Try to get adequate rest and sleep. Sleep problems can be a symptom of depression. If you are having difficulty with sleep, look at your diet (caffeine or rich foods late in the evening can prevent sleep) and also think about getting some light exercise and fresh air later in the day.
Symptoms of Depression Loss of interest in food, work and other activities. Persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, or emptiness Chronic fatigue. Social withdrawal. Disturbance in sleeping patterns. Impaired concentration and memory. Feelings of guilt and worthlessness. Chronic aches and pains without a physical cause. Suicidal thoughts. If you experience five or more of these symptoms for two weeks or more, you may be suffering from depression. AWARE HELPLINE 1890 303 302
UCC EXPRESS | Tuesday November 05, 2013
MENTAL HEALTH STORIES David Berry is the Welfare Officer of the SU. He is often the first port of call for students with health issues of any kind, and provides a listening & referral service for students. “UCC provides counselling & medical services. Great work is also done by ULink Peer Support & their Niteline service (Nightline is a telephone listening service done by students on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays from 9pm to 1am, free phone 1800 32 32 42). Last year, UCC was awarded the amber flag by Suicide Aware, which is for excellence in mental health care on campus. To get this we proposed & organised events on mental health on campus. This year we’re following up on what we promised.” Mr.Berry says the most pressing issues for UCC students are stress-based concerns, mostly to do with academic responsibilities & financial worries. “For any financial issues, students can talk to Evan Healy, who is the Student Budgetary Advisor. His email is studentbudgetingadvice@” David Berry can be contacted by emailing, or by calling into his office in the SU Building (next door to the Common Room).
CASE STUDIES I’ve lived with depression for many years. Like many people though, I didn’t realise it until it was almost too late. I just put it down to the early evenings and feelings about school and exams and the stresses of being a teenager. Going into my twenties I started to realise that things were not okay. I had stopped going to lectures. I had no interest in any of the assignments. The only thing I wanted to do was stay in bed and escape from the outside world. If I saw any of my friends I’d fake a smile and tell them “I’ll definitely head out the next time” knowing deep down that I would never venture out. I believed I didn’t deserve to be happy. Not going to college became a cycle I couldn’t escape. The feedback loop involved not going, then hating myself for not going, then feeling too scared to go as I had missed so much or I hadn’t done the problem set again then hating myself more and more. Compounding my own self-hatred was the belief I was letting everyone else down. I couldn’t talk to my family as I was terrified of what their reactions would be. My friends tried and tried to help me but I rebuffed them at every occasion. One day I met one of my closest friends for lunch. Unbeknownst to me they had been
suffering from depression for a long time as well. They told me about the counselling service provided in UCC and begged me to go and see if they could provide me with help or at least a stepping stone to improve my situation. The Counselling Service in UCC is a fantastic resource for all of the students in UCC. The counsellor I was assigned to was brilliant. He really understood what problems I was facing and I was able to open up to someone for the first time in my recent memory. Following our (limited) sessions I was able to talk to my Mam. To my shock, she was completely supportive and all of my fears were unfounded. Unfortunately this service is severely underresourced and there seems to be more and more cuts every year. While my counsellor did everything he could for me, it’s pretty much impossible to change someone’s life in 6 sessions. As I discovered from having conversations with people, depression affects a great number of people but they often feel that they are the only ones. Whenever I suggest the counselling service as a first step, very few of them are even aware that it’s there. I understand that there has to be cuts when there’s a massive loss of income and we can’t have everything we want. But with all the talk of the “Student Experience” here in UCC, it seems like a slap in the face when us students need help and many are turned away due to long waiting times or inability to provide more counsellors for people. The mental wellbeing of anyone is not something that can be taken for granted. The college years can be some of the best of your life but if you don’t have the support network there when e become a little too much then these years can become a dark shadow which is hard to escape from.
I’m a second year arts student, and I suffer from MDD, or Major Depressive Disorder, which is more commonly referred to as clinical depression. College can be incredibly difficult at times, but lecturers are thankfully understanding if lectures or tutorials are missed (to a certain extent). There are a lot of great services in UCC, like the dedicated Counselling service. While this service does its job well, it ends at around 4 every day. Sadly, depression does not stick to office hours. The only other person-to-person service in UCC outside those times is the Chaplaincy which, while secular, as a non-religious student I do not feel comfortable going to it. There’s either nothing for me after 4, or I have to go to a similar counselling service outside of college, which is a financial cost that I simply cannot afford, no matter how essential.
I’ve had a few issues with mental health over the years. The one that particularly messed me up was in my first year of college. I had a run of unfortunate events in a row, too lengthy to go into any detail of here, but by the end of them all I found myself having a number of panic attacks. Having only had one in my life before now, that one being brought on by an asthma attack, I wasn’t quite sure how to deal with what was going on and how crappy I felt. Rather than talking to people about it I spent a few days just trying to deal with it myself with little success, I was too much in my own head to resolve any issue I had or look at them for how genuinely unimportant they actually were. Eventually I asked to see my GP hoping to get some medication to deal with the anxiety and stem the panic attacks. My GP ended up being helpful about it, he didn’t ask any questions I was uncomfortable answering and prescribed a small number of anti anxiety medication in case I needed them. Having them in my possession was probably a better cure for anxiety than actually using them proved to be. He couldn’t prescribe anything stronger or give me very many but instead recommended seeing a psychiatrist if the issue continued. With some relief from the situation I was able to slowly work out what was going on and realise it was really kind of trivial. Having learned a lot from then I’m generally a much more calm and together person, if those issues ever arise again I know that I’m likely to see a psychiatrist immediately and talk the issues through.
My mother passed away from cancer when I was in my early teens. I shied away and didn't deal with the situation at all. I thought the strong thing to do was to put on a brave face, I felt that I’d make it easier for my family by being "okay" about it. I thought that was the only way to make them proud. I was wrong. For the best part of the next few years I thought about nothing else other than my mother, but I never once spoke about what had happened to her. I gained a lot of weight from emotional eating, and then I lost a lot of weight by starving myself. It ultimately led to a binge eating disorder and a huge self-confidence problem that should have had nothing to do with seeing my mother pass away. By the time I hit 16 I was a mess. My friends started to drag me with them on nights out and I’d never want to go. I hated them for it but in retrospect they saved my life by doing this. I probably hit rock bottom the first couple of times we started underage drinking though, there were about four or five times I made an embarrassment of myself at parties, stormed home and ended up cutting my legs or burning my wrists in acts of drunken self-hate. This only ever happened twice when I was sober because,after the second time, I decided I had to do something to save myself. We'd already lost one family member too many. For me the darkest period was short and it was an eye opener - I was one of the lucky ones. It wasn't until I was nearly 18 that I opened up to a couple of friends. Wealso talked about issues I had no idea they were dealing with. I felt selfish, if I had spoken to them
sooner I could have helped them in sharing their problems too because some of their issues were far bigger than mine. Now I talk to anyone who wants to know about losing my mother because it could help them to see how well I've come out on the other side. No one locked me up or treated me like I was weak when I shared my sadness. I went on to do really well in my leaving cert and get a place in a good course. I never thought I’d make it here, or anywhere, and I couldn't be happier now. There was a time, only a few years ago, when the life I’m now living seemed like a dream made out for someone else, not me. And I feel like that messed up teenager has little relation to the person I’ve become today. In a way, retelling this story feels like telling someone else’s story. I'm by no means invincible and I get upset the average amount when I'm stressed or annoyed but my Mum wanted to go on living, so now I live and laugh for her every day. I'm in a great place mentally; just by talking about my loss I’ve got to the point where I am far more than okay. Everyone's going through a tough time in their own way, we're all students, everyone's a mess. You never know what's going on inside another person's head until you sit down and talk it out of them. Just grab a coffee with someone, genuinely, you'll feel like you've climbed Everest. More often than not, the other person opens up and needs you as well they’ll feel honoured you chose them to confide in. If you don't want to do it to save yourself then do it to save someone else.
Tuesday November 05 2013 | UCC EXPRESS
Do Theanga, Do Thuairim Rachel Ní hAodha | Eagarthóir Gaeilge
Abair as Gaeilge é!
Ag leanúint ar aghaidh leis an téama maidir le meon daoine óga faoin nGaeilge, labhair mé le roinnt mic léinn faoina gcuid tuairimí ó thaobh na Gaeilge de. Caithfear a cheistiú: cén fáth go bhfuil leisce ar dhaoine an Ghaeilge a labhairt, fiú cúpla focail go nádúrtha i rith an lae? Chuireas an cheist ar dhaoine, ‘cad é do thuairim faoin nGaeilge?’ Má dhéanaimid anailís ar na freagracha, is é an rud atá ag cur isteach ar dhaoine ná an slí inar múineadh an Ghaeilge dóibh nuair a bhíodar sa scoil. Cuireadh an iomarca béime ar scríobh na teanga agus mar thoradh, d’fhág siad an scoil gan chumas na Gaeilge labhartha acu. Molann cuid acu an scéim a tháinig isteach i 2012 chun níos mó béime a chur ar scrúdú béil na hArdteiste. Is teanga náisiúnta í – rud nach bhfuil ag gach tír sa domhan, agus aithníonn siad gur cheart bród a bheith orainn aisti. Cad ba cheart a dhéanamh? Is léir go bhfuil fonn ar dhaoine an Ghaeilge a chaomhnú, ach caithfear díriú ar labhairt na teanga a spreagadh. Tá dúil ag roinnt daoine í a dhéanamh mar ábhar roghnaithe don Ardteist. D’fhéadfaí inspioráid a fháil ón scéim atá i bhfeidhm i mBéal Feirste mar atá luaite ag duine amháin. Cruthaíonn sé timpeallacht tacúil chun deis a thabhairt do dhaoine an teanga a labhairt. Is fíor an ráiteas – Beatha teanga í a labhairt!
“I think Irish is important; that it is important to hold on to a thing that is ours and ours alone and I believe that it is vital for every Irish child to have a part of that legacy by learning Irish in schools, but saying that, I think there comes a point where we should get a choice in whether or not we learn it. I dont think that Irish should be compulsory past the junior cert. People start to resent it and begin to hate the legacy it stands for when they are forced into it. Irish should be more open to people, not a trial to get through.” “I mo thuairim, tá an Ghaeilge ag dul i bhfeabhas i measc muintir na tire seo le roinnt bliana anuas agus is docha gurb í an Ardteist is cúis le sin. Fé lathair tá 40% den scrudú ag dul don scrudú béil. Tá sé i bhfad níos easca marc maith a fháil anois agus dá bhárr sin, is dócha go gcuireann níos mo daltaí suim sa teanga . ” “I feel the Irish language is in a period of decline and the reason that alot of people dislike it is that it's compulsory, I feel that if it was made an optional subject that people could fall in love with it and that people would not feel they are being forced into it.” “As we all know the Irish language is our language and there is nothing that can take that away from us. It is important and vital for us as people to continue to learn our language; the way it is being taught in schools is not working and this needs to be reformed in order for the Irish language to grow and flourish.”
“It’s something I know I should learn, in theory, though it has very little practice value. It is one of the oldest languages in Europe, so it definitely needs to be preserved. The only way to do that is to modernize the way that it is taught. I think the best way of doing that is the way they’re doing it in the North, with the Líofa programme, especially in Belfast. There are whole streets in Belfast that are basically Irish-speaking. If you rolled something similar out across Ireland, I think that would give the language not only a chance to survive but also to prosper.”
“I think the Irish language is a wonderful thing that’s essential to the country & its people, but taught badly. As the old phrase goes: tír gan teanga, tír gan ainm” “Is aoibhinn liom an nGaolainn, cé nach bhfuil pioc agam do reabhlóidí náisiúntacha. Is teanga fíor ceolmhar í, agus tá bród orm go bhfuilim i mo phearsan ceilteach!” “People should be encouraged to speak it more everyday and actually be proud of our native language. It should definitely be kept compulsory in schools but maybe taught a different way that encourages them to keep it in their lives. I think the bigger emphasis on oral for the leaving is excellent because everyone has to speak it even for those 2 years.”
“Well I can't speak Irish very well anymore but I love it and I think it's really sad that it's been taught so badly and no one wants it to be taught anymore.”
“I nginearálta, bhuel tá sé fíor le rá go bhfuil sé an-tábhachtach ar fad! Is cuid dar n-oidhreacht í ár dteanga agus mar sin de! Agus is dócha ba chóir go mbeadh daoine ag deanamh iarrachta chun í a úsáid! Is maith liom an rud sa new bar leis an tae le haghaidh €1 má úsáideann tú an Ghaeilge.. Smaoineamh maith is ea é!” “I'd probably say that I would love to be a fluent irish speaker but have accepted the fact that I probably won’t be, purely because it’s impossible to immerse yourself in the Irish language without excluding yourself from the rest of the world in a rural Gaeltacht area. Perhaps if Irish was better integrated into modern culture, then people would be more enthusiastic to speak it!”
“Bhuel, is é mo thuairim go mba cheart dúinn go léir a bheith bródúil as ár dteanga dhúchais agus iarracht a dhéanamh léi I gcónaí. Is cuma muna bhfuil Gaeilge líofa ag duine éigin, is fear Gaeilge bhriste na béarla cliste! Níl an teanga marbh, ach caithfimid go léir teacht le cheile agus úsáid a bhaint aisti chun í a chur I bhfeabhas!”
“I mo thuairim, is áis iontach í an Ghaeilge agus ba choir dúinn níos mó Gaeilge a labhairt inár ngnáthshaolta. Caithfimid a bheith bródúil as ár dteanga agus í a choiméad beo.”
Gaeilge agus Ceol
Dia dhuit – Hello Dia is Muire dhuit - Hello Rachel Ní hAodha | Eagarthóir Gaeilge
Conas atá tú? How are you? Táim go maith – I’m good Táim ceart go leor – I’m grand An bhfuil tú ag dul amach anocht? Are you going out tonight? Táim / Nílim Cá bhfuil tú ag dul? Where are you going? Táim ag dul go dtí _____ (I’m going to _____) Slán go fóill! – See you later! Feicfidh mé go luath tú! – I’ll see you soon!
An Samhain atá ann agus táimid go léir ag tnúth go mór le Spraoi Cois Laoi – Seachtain Trad, Teanga is Tasipeántais a bheidh ar siúl ar fud an champais ón 18 Samhain go dtí 21 Samhain! Is mó imeachtaí a bheidh eagraithe ag TradSoc, ag an gCumann Drámaíochta agus ag an gCuallacht le linn na seachtaine. Is iontach an deis í chun do chuid Gaeilge a chleachtadh agus taitneamh a bhaint as cultúr Ghaelach. Chun blas a thabhairt duit ó thaobh ceoil traidisiúnta de, labhair mé le Mairéad Carey, Reachtaire den UCC TradSoc faoi na himeachtaí a dhéanann siad i rith na bliana: “Is sinne Cumann an Cheoil Thraidisiúnta! Bíonn seisiún cheoil againn gach Luan ag 9.30in sa Porterhouse agus gach Céadaoin ag 9.30in i gCostigan's. Eagraímid ceolchoirmeacha lóin gach Céadaoin ag a haon a chlog sa Seomra Caidrimh in Áras Uí Rathaille chomh maith agus tá clár iontach
againn i mbliana, le ceoltóirí den chéad scoth. Ina measc beidh: Aoife Granville, Garry Shannon agus Mary McNamara! Is é TradFest an buaicphointe don chumann seo gach bliain. Bíonn sé ar siúl ag deireadh mí Eanáir/tús mí Feabhra, agus gan amhras ar bith, beidh an ócáid sin lán le ceol, craic agus spraoi! Beidh imeachtaí á reachtáil againn le haghaidh Seachtain na Gaeilge agus Seachtain Chultúrtha na hÉireann mar is léir go bhfuil nasc láidir idir ceol traidisiúnta agus an Ghaeilge. Beidh mórán eile ar siúl againn, cosúil le Trad for Trócaire, Seisiún Rúnda, Cogadh na mBannaí, Comórtas na bPort Nuachumtha agus go leor eile! Tabhair 'Like' dúinn ar Facebook agus coimeád súil ar ár suíomh idirlín www.! Má tá suim agat sa cheol traidisiúnta, mholfainn duit páirt a ghlacadh sa chumann seo!”
UCC EXPRESS | Tuesday November 05, 2013
– The home of student cooking! B e e f S t i r- Fr y Stir-fries are great options on the nights you don’t have much time. You can use beef, pork, chicken or turkey for stir-fries and a wide variety of vegetables including tomato, peppers, courgettes, green beans and carrots.
If you haven’t tried our service before, there’s never been a better time! What’s in in for you? Each week we bring you the key ingredients you need to make student friendly (but ever so tasty) recipes and we post full cooking instructions on the website so you know what to do with what you get! We deliver to 8 different locations close to college – just check out our website and select the nearest pick up point to you. And the best part is, you can get your student weeks worth of meals (and beyond) for just €12! We have another great competition for you this week. In association with UCC Express, we are offering one lucky winner a Meal Deal voucher for 4 weeks and entry is open to all! Full details below!
So what’s on the menu with CollegeDinners this week? How about a tasty Stir-fry? It’s quick and easy and can be on the table in a matter of minutes!
Cooking Time 20 Minutes
Cooking Instructions 1. Prepare rice as per instructions. 2. Add oil to pan/wok and stir-fry your chopped onion, garlic and beef until steak is well browned, approx 5-7 minutes. Add the peppers and stir well. 3. Add dash of soy sauce mixing well to coat your beef and vegetables. 4. Serve with your boiled rice.
U K YO Brown N rice takes longer
1. C hopping 2. Roasting 3. Texting Email your answer along with your name and mobile number to info@col lege C ompetition closes at midnight on Tuesday 12th November - G o o d Luck!
Q: Which of these is NOT a term used in cooking;
answer the following question;
A simple method to cook rice is to cook is to use half the amount of rice to water. For example, place half a cup of rice in a saucepan, cover with 1 cup of water, bring to the boil and simmer.
Ingredients • Beef Steak – finely sliced • Spring Onion – finely chopped • Rice • Garlic Clove-crushed • ½ red pepper • Oil • Soy Sauce (Tamari soy sauce is generally gluten free)
to cook that white rice, but is worth the effort in terms of energy. Because brown rice still contains much of its fibre, while white rice has lost most if its fibre, the energy from brown rice is released over a number In asso ciation with UCC Express, we are offering of hours. This keeps you one lucky winner a Meal Deal voucher for 4 we eks. energized and full for To be in with a chance to win this prize simply much longer.
Hi Guys! Hope all is good! Welcome to another week of great food made easy with CollegeDinners – the home of student cooking!
Preparation Time 5 Minutes
TuesdayNovember 05, 2013 | UCC EXPRESS
UCC EXPRESS | Tuesday November 05, 2013
Tuesday November 05, 2013 | UCC EXPRESS
ICE QUEEN M a r i t a es Maloney guid life us through the e’s of US Vogu Anna Wintour
Aoife Stapleton discusses two essential coats every student should have in their wardrobe for Autumn/Winter. iving in Ireland it’s not exactly unusual to be contemplating throwing on your coat in the middle of August. With our delightfully temperamental weather, your winter coat quickly becomes your newest BFF once the cold sets in. Picking the right one can sometimes seem as big a task as sitting down to tackle a 2,000 word essay the night before it’s due (well almost). Hours can be spent humming and hawing over the shape, the length and most importantly whether the colour will go with everything. Thankfully, this season the colour palette is generally neutral, so the main aim is to find a coat that will compliment your entire wardrobe (even that impulse-buy bright, floral dress from the River Island sale!). Of course, it must also obviously keep you warm. A coat can make a big fashion statement, which will mainly be defined by the style of coat you choose. This season it’s all about the oversized boyfriend coat, which is probably the best style to opt for in terms of practicality. These masculine styles are usually made from thick fabrics, come in neutral shades and are generally long in length, meaning it will be one of the comfiest and cosiest coats you will ever buy, as well as being on trend. Designers like Stella McCartney, Celine and MaxMara showcased the over-sized piece in their collections and the style has perfectly translated onto the high street. If like most coppercounting college students your first shopping port-of-call is Penneys, then don’t worry, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for. Their current collection includes the perfect oversized boyfriend coat in an array of practical colours, from a speckled monochrome to a dusty pink/beige and a steal at £25. This coat will go with anything from the latest Topshop Mom jeans with cut-out boots to a pair of opaque
nna Wintour, editor-in-chief of Vogue and arguably the most influential icon in the fashion industry, celebrated her 25 year reign at America's preeminent magazine by adding artistic director of publishing powerhouse Condé Nast to her extensive résumé. Born in London in 1949, Wintour was raised amongst affluence and opportunity in a household where the media was ever-present due to the fact that her father was editor of the Evening Standard. The stern World War II veteran instilled in young Anna an "excitement about the news," as well as being additionally accredited for her often portrayed cold and distant demeanour due to his nickname "Chilly Charlie." Ms.Wintour dropped out of finishing school and instead revelled in an evolving London that was in the midst of the electric Swinging Sixties while also introducing her signature bob hairstyle. Wintour's editorial career began at Harpers & Queen in London, which was subsequently followed by stints at Harper's Bazaar, Viva and Savvy. She quickly became known as an innovator with distinct ideas about the style and substance for the publications, an innate sensibility that lead her to a coveted position at New York magazine. Fired only 9 months later for not "understanding American fashion," Wintour's talent was spotted by Condé Nast's editor who appointed her as creative director of Vogue, a newly formed position. British Vogue and House and Garden's editor positions in London were both graced by Wintour, who became notorious for extravagant photo shoots held in exotic locations and a demanding, brusque manner. 1988 marked the year that Anna returned to New York as editor-in-chief of Vogue, a magazine that had become tired and complacent and which was losing pace to the newly formed Elle. Wintour's role was to revolutionise the magazine, an objective she achieved from her first cover which featured an outtake of a laughing Israeli model in a $10,000 sweater and $50 dollar jeans. Her foresight to use celebrities on the covers in an era where supermodels dominated, as well as a penchant for mixing high-end designers with more affordable pieces, quickly drew her recognition, not to mention increased circulation sales. The revitalisation of fashion's most prominent magazine had begun, and with that Wintour's influence steadily
extended beyond the masthead position and to all corners of the fashion world. The success of renowned designers such as Marc Jacobs, Alexander McQueen and John Galliano can be credited to Wintour's support, with her nurturing of struggling new designers continuing thanks to the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund, a multi-million endowment which has allowed talents such as Zach Posen and Alexander Wang rise to the fashion fore. Wintour's charitable works are rarely alluded to in the media where criticism is more often than not associated with the editor, but retailers across the world can thank her for boosting annual sales when in 2009 she launched Fashion's Night Out to increase spending during the slump caused by the recession, an initiative which allows legions of shoppers to interact with celebrities and designers. Perhaps her most eminent work is for the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute, and under Wintour's watchful eye, the annual illustrious benefit gala has already raised $100 million for the Institute. Philanthropy was not mentioned either in the films featuring Wintour, The September Issue and The Devil Wears Prada, a documentary and fictional depiction respectively. The latter is supposedly modelled on the editor from a past assistant's point of view (Wintour ironically wore Prada to the film premier), while the former gives an intriguing insight into the offices at Vogue as staff prepare for the largest magazine in its history, an 840 page (727 advertisement pages) 5 pound mammoth edition. We are presented with a woman with an inscrutable gaze behind black sunglasses, an aversion to mediocrity and a dislike for fat people (she infamously told Oprah to lose 20 pounds for a cover, and came under fire for referring to Minnesota locals as "little houses"). Despite this, it cannot be denied that behind the armour of eyewear and cool exterior lies a lady who can certainly be described as a curator of world fashion, or in the words of a colleague, if fashion is a religion and Vogue is its bible then Wintour is the Pope. Her unrivalled instincts have driven her to the top, and her power doesn't look like it will diminish soon. Quoted as saying "fashion's not about looking back. It's always about looking forward," the future in fashion looks resolutely cool under the gaze of the Ice Queen.
Coats of Arms
tights with your favourite skirt and a dainty pair of brogues. With celebrities such as Holly Willoughby and Miranda Kerr injecting this boyish cut into their everyday style, it is clear this trend is making a comeback from its 1980s reign. Being a college student, the chances of you not owning some form of parka jacket are probably considerably low. It’s that go-to jacket on a Monday morning when you wake up to discover its bucketing rain outside your window. It’s got all the essential practicalities of a coat; it’s warm, it’s (usually) got a huge hood and it adds that little bit of edge to any outfit. With grungy colours, fur trims, tough hardware and relaxed shapes, a parka undoubtedly puts a relaxed spin on your everyday winter cover-up. This tomboy style features somewhere almost every Autumn/ Winter on the catwalks, and this year is no exception. Rag & Bone, Prabal Gurung and Belstaff, all took on the trend in their collections giving it a modern twist. Of course, this is probably the first coat you will see once you walk into any high-street store but once you have a parka you will wonder how you could possibly have ever lived without one. This season Zara has a range of different styles of parkas, which vary in price but never let you down when it comes to quality. This coat is a token investment piece in any student’s wardrobe as it will see you through a good few years. When choosing your winter coat, it’s easy to get led astray by the catwalk stills and the glossy spreads in the latest issue of Vogue. Remember to keep with something both fitting to your lifestyle and your wardrobe. A cleverly chosen boyfriend coat can easily bring you from day to night, while a parka will guarantee you optimum comfort and most importantly, it will keep that too familiar Irish rain off your locks!
UCC EXPRESS | Tuesday November 05, 2013
The Immaculate Collection Fashion Editor Nicole Clinton charts the changing looks of Madonna during her first decade of stardom, as seen in the music videos of her 1990 greatest hits album ‘The Immaculate Collection’. When Madonna first burst onto the scene in 1983, music executives believed that her sexualised image would predominantly appeal to men. However, it was the ladies who popularised the pop star as she became the poster girl for women’s liberation and empowerment during the eighties era. A new style icon, Madonna had girls adding bangles and bows to all sorts of combinations. The music videos that accompany the playlist of her 1990 Greatest Hits collection perfectly display the changing image of Madonna and allow us to observe the origins of her status as the queen of reinvention. In the queen of pop’s first proper music video, Lucky Star, the songstress’ image is slowly unwrapped for us, along to the electronic eighties intro, as she gradually lowers her huge sunglasses. The messy, peroxide hair appropriately complimented the “mix ‘em, gather ‘em”/anything goes style that took over the mid eighties and later influenced acts such as Ke$ha, The Pussycat Dolls and Little Mix. She dons a black, tutu-esque skirt, a black, netted top and heaps of accessories in the video. This same miscellaneous style is apparent in the Borderline video, which sees her flaunting lime green shoes and luminous yellow socks to play pool in a smoke-filled room. This video also features a stylised black and white photo-shoot that epitomised eighties anti-establishment, underground culture and has the pop-star spraying graffiti on a car while posing in a leather jacket and a beret with a signature oversize bow sown on. Next we come to the legendary Like a Virgin, whose lyrics, video and subsequent performances established Madonna’s image as a controversial artist. The video oozed sensuality in a way that confused and shocked the world. It saw her turning symbols that had previously been regarded as safe and honourable into dangerous concepts, a tendency that she would repeatedly exude in future videos. For example, she rolls around the floor in a wedding dress and accessorises a tight, blue lycra pants with a pair of Rosary beads. In this way, it was the costume that was associated with the song that made it so infamous. The notion that Madonna, a beacon of promiscuity, was wearing a symbol of decency and virtue like a wedding dress offended people simply by messing with tradition. This fusing of contrasting symbols could be seen to reflect the changing attitudes to sexuality that occurred during the 1980’s all over the world. The Material Girl video takes inspiration from the Hollywood star system and sees Madge channel the original blonde
bombshell, Marilyn Monroe. In one of her most glamorous music videos, she appears decked out in a pink satin dress, long gloves and diamonds, a costume identical to the one worn by Monroe during her performance of ‘Diamonds are a girl’s best friend’ in her film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. The extravagant outfit and accessories embody the message that the song expresses and reflects the capitalist culture of 1980’s America. La Isla Bonita’s video reflects the Latin vibes of the track by being set in an old fashioned Spanish village. The popstar spends the first half of the video in a light plain slip and close-cut dark hair, praying and peeking out the window. The presence of rosary beads broaches the idea of Catholicism again, presumably a prevalent piece of the Italian-American’s youth, and also suggests that the subdued look could represent the oppressing nature that the church may have represented for her and many others. However, she escapes this repression in the second half of the video as she changes into a red and black, traditional Spanish dress. The exuberant, ruffled creation releases an alternate persona and sees her mood and behaviour radically change as she dances down the stairs and out into the street to join the other inhabitants of the village in their musical celebration. The red tone embodies the new sensual expression of the character as she answers the musical call that one of her neighbours’ classical guitar makes to her. Therefore, this video portrays the power of dress to convey or transform a mood or state of mind and especially, the narrative power of costume
STYLE Fashion Editor, Nicole Clinton, continues her campus style search. Name: Jenny Mullane Style: Laid Back Style Icon: Kate Bosworth Favourite Shop: River Island Photos by Emmet Curtin
FASHION to allow the viewer to understand the message that the imagery is sending. Twenty years before Lady Gaga even stepped on the music scene, Madonna was the original pop-star to play on religion to controversial effect (even the stage name she chose displays this). While she may have verged on it in Like a Virgin, that was only foreplay compared to the Like a Prayer video. The styling is simple, a black calf-length fitted dress and a new dark, curly hair-do, with the intention of emphasising the notorious use of religious symbolism that occurs. However, the Vogue video does not hold back in the fashion stakes. Unsurprisingly, the video for a song that has the same name as THE fashion magazine launched a trend or two. The slick, black and white video marked the beginning of the oversized suit’s nineties reign and seeped stylised visuals. It is interesting to note that the time of Madonna’s introduction into the world of music aligns with the birth of MTV and one could question whether she would have left such a mark on the music industry if she hadn’t used music videos to inflate her fame and notoriety. In less than ten years of music videos, Madonna managed to use clothes, symbols and imagery to create various images for herself. From Lucky Star’s random combinations to Like a Virgin’s traditionbusting to Vogue’s unapologetic vanity, she was constantly evolving. And if you look at the videos closely, you can see the world changing with her.
Tuesday November 05, 2013 | UCC EXPRESS
By Peter Mahony
Waking in the middle of the night I see a man appear from the shade of a darkened corner in my little room he says he's going to draw me
La Tristessa Durera By Eoghan Lyng Distracting myself with simple ploys. Cast away from life`s sweet joys. A secular glance in a swallowed hole. My weakened wrists, no self control. My mirrored glance reflects my state. Nineteen years of garbage`d waste. A soulless writing that conveys. A priceless gift of hammered glaze. A cross of hurt to constant bear. My feeling not those to share. So I sit and will behave. Then hurt myself in darkened cave.
Paris is a marshy swamp land of green rooftops and black smoky chimneys breathing the city into the large white sky which evaporates the buildings into the distance It's beautiful from here on the hill and I like to sit a while and paint it It's a blue night on the river the stars are floating on the water and they're talking to the yellow candles in the windows In the distance covering the horizon is a small navy town which melts into the night and completes the picture It's a view for a couple and I can see them below The man finishes his work it's a painting He turns it to me and in a portrait of my sleepy eyes he's painted all of me.
By Peter Mahony
Making my way around the square through the tree covered path and stepping on red and brown leaves I noticed them the drifters who walked as I see did Thinking them to be on regular paths I did not dwell on them but as I came round a second time pondering poetry and looking for inspiration in the trees I noticed them again different ages and different faces so I wondered why were they drifting was it from troubled pasts troubled futures or simply troubled minds
Angel’s Eyes By Peter O’Brien
There was a time, not long ago I used to think the answer lay in music Now I know it just depends on how you choose to use it Every day and night I searched the land Hoped to find your stolen hand, Your angel’s eyes, your golden lies Yet I still remain, a one-man band
finding peace wandering through a deserted Sunday evening campus in the rain
On Monday night I sang a song
when I noticed them third time around
There I was, to you unknown
conceited I simply accepted they were just writing poems of their own.
And on that night I sang alone Tuesday night the words were wrong Wednesday, Thursday, still the same Still I play this lonely game I hold out hope, I sing this song I pray someday you’ll sing along
UCC EXPRESS | Tuesday November 05, 2013
Motley to become Ireland’s first ‘green’ college paper UCC’s official monthly magazine ‘Motley’ is set to become Ireland’s first environmentally friendly campus publication with the announcement that it is to be printed as a novelty toilet paper, starting in September 2014. These restructuring plans will see the student magazine miniaturised and printed on 4.1 x 3.7 inch, 2-ply toilet paper sheets. The move is co-ordinated by the GreenCampus programme, which helped UCC become the world’s first green flag University in 2010. Commenting on the decision, Head of the Student Experience Dr. IP Truck saw the move as the logical next step for UCC as well as Motley, “This is a step in the right direction for us as Ireland’s first five-star University. We, like everyone else, have a limited income and as such we will make savings wherever we can. As you can imagine, it is all about the bottom-line. “In the past year the Green Campus initiative has saved 100,000m3 of water from going to waste, and now it will save 20,000 students from reading Motley.” It is thought this new initiative will cement UCC’s status as a green flag campus, by eradicating the problem of students stealing rolls of toilet paper from college for use in student accommodation. “Not only does halting the production of Motley save money in printing and lawsuits, we can make savings by having it as a toilet paper which students would be embarrassed to admit to their housemates that they read. The move is expected to prove a boost
to UCC’s QI Rankings prospects and international student numbers for 2014, while also halting to the spread of syphilis in UCC after studies showed the infection’s secondary stage hand-bacteria thrive on the poor-quality paper which Motley is printed on. Under the headline “Motley gets the green right for environment programme” in the last issue of the magazine, the step-bystep process by which Motley will be phased out of production was outlined. The remaining five issues will go ahead as, somewhat, planned with each issue becoming smaller in page size. Those issues, to be released in this academic year, will also feature recommendations for reuse, once they have been quickly flicked through and, without a second thought, thrown away. One issue will feature the word “umbrella” on the back page to highlight a potential use for Motley. Other issues will be branded with mousemat, hot beverage holder, bib and animal bedding. These terms were put forward by representatives of the Green Campus programme. Founded in 2006, the 40-page magazine describes itself as being miscellaneous and varied. Motley has always been seen by students as being as eclectic and diverse as the words they use to describe themselves and a survey of 23 UCC students, carried out by Motley, revealed that 17% of those surveyed, or 4 people, will miss Motley. Vox-pops carried out by the UCC Express asked people “what is Motley to you?”
One student furrowed their brow and asked “what’s a Motley?” while another described it as “a raised earthwork, accompanied by an enclosed courtyard, or bailey, and used as a defensive fortification until the early part of the 14th century.” Another student remarked, “Isn’t Motley a word meaning the same as miscellaneous, varied, eclectic or diverse?” Speaking about the reasons for the change, Motley Editor-in-Chief, Mr. K JJ Murphy noted that he wasn’t given any choice in the matter. “They turned off my Blackboard account and disabled my library card. Then one day, two men wearing UCC branded hoodies came in and shot my pet Chihuahua in its pretty little face. “I’ve been told that I’d be next if I didn’t give them the savings they wanted,” added Murphy before breaking down in tears. While Motley moves from the print media into bathroom accessories, UCC authorities are continuing in their bid to find a use for the UCC Express.
Tuesday November 05, 2013 | UCC EXPRESS
Ready, Aim. Fire! Our Editor in Chief bites the bullet and takes part in our 'Editors go to random club training sessions to try something they've never done before in the hopes of generating humorous articles out of the experience' (working title) series.
Audrey Ellard Walsh | Editor
Since I've been twisting people's arms into with a bow and safety equipment, showed me DISCOUNTS leaving their comfort zones for the purpose of the five steps to shooting an arrow, and most AVAILABLE WHEN journalistic integrity, I thought it may be time graciously didn't laugh when I promptly hit YOU BOOK ON LINE to try something out for myself. everywhereplanner bar the board. A full journey is available on our website WWW.BUSEIREANN.IE I headed to archery club's beginners training I realised quickly that technique and session last week to see what it was like. patience are of the upmost importance in I'm not going to lie. I was dreading it. After archery. It was interesting that with a training promising Barry that I'd write this article I in classical violin, I noticed an immediate remembered all the reason's why I probably similarity between the two disciplines. Just shouldn't. Short sightedness, perpetually like posture, form and focus are vital in violin Galway: Dungarvan/Waterford: shaky hands, and(Sunday the high to probability that I'd study, so they are(Mon in archery. A slight drop of Saturday): to Sat): end up shooting 0725, someone all rang bells as I the elbow or twitch of the arm can1140, send1240, an 1340, 1440, 0825, 0925, 1025, 1125, 1225, 0840, 0940, 1040, 1325,1425, 1525, 1625, 1725, 1825 1540, 1640, 1740, 1840, 1940, 2040 headed to the Electrical Engineering building arrow askew. (Sunday): on Tuesday night. Was that a twinge in my Archery is about mental form as much For further information please contact: 1040, 1240, 1340, 1440, 1540, 1640, Limerick/Shannon Airport: Interest in archery, Sinead tells me, has sessions which absolute beginners can attend stomach? Yes. Could I call in sick? No. I'm as physical form.0940, Shooting requires perfect 1740, 1840, 2040 (Sunday to Saturday): Bus Éireann Travel Centre, Cork: for one-on-one tuition. After completing six the Editor. I'd have to woman up. posture, breathing and focus. But the thrill of soared in recent years. 0725, 0825, 0925, 1025, 1125, 1225, 1325, 021 4508188 The UCC club, now in its fourth year, has seen weeks of beginners training, which don’t As I walked into the1525, room 1625, I saw 1725, a number the yellowDublin(serving circle, which came quickerMitchelstown, 1425, 1825, hitting 1925, 2055 Fermoy, a large increase in participation but nationally need to be concurrent, members are issued of people already practicing, or getting ready than I expected, was undeniable. Cahir, Cashel, Dublin, Dublin Airport): All above services depart from Bus Station, Parnell Killarney/Tralee:(Pick up U.C.CSinead & (Sunday Saturday): are taking up the sport. with a certificate allowing them to join any to, and certainly looking like they knew what stayed by myto side throughout, too greater numbersPlace, Cork. 0800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800 they were doing. C.U.H.) I caught the eye of someone correcting my posture, telling me what I was This she puts down to the showcasing of the local archery club. Sat): at the Olympics, the release of films Training takes place in Electrical Engineering who looked like(Mon she towas in charge and doing right and wrong. I felt completely at ease sport Airport GObé (Cork to Dublin/Dublin 0830, 1000, 1130, 1230, 1330, 1430, 1530, Students can pop in for any explained who I 1630, was, 1730, that I 1900, had absolutely and my trembling arm soon eased out. There like “Brave” and “The Hungerservice Games” operates and L1 on Tuesdays. Shuttle from Gaol Direct): 2030 (Sunday toor Saturday): Archery can one of the four sessions over@ the course of the zero experience (Sunday): and would undoubtedly be was no sense of judgement competition at archery's overall accessibility. Cross(U.C.C) to Bus Station on Fridays 0430, 0830, 1030,be 1230, 1430,by people of any fitness level and evening from 6.45 to 7.30, 7.30 to 8.15, 8.15 1030, 1230, 1330, 1430, 1530,the 1630, 1730,which0230, pursued awful. session, had been my0630, biggest worry. 1210, 1310, 1410, 1900, 2030 out, is the club After an hour and1630, impaired archers an 1510 to 9 and 9 to 9.45. Barring a contribution of Sinead Walsh, it turned a half1830 I was hitting yellows ability with even visually 50c for the upkeep of equipment people only Secretary and Vice-Captain, and was more like people who have been coming to classes increasingly common phenomenon. The archery club run regular cycles of six need to bring themselves. than used to training newbies. She set me up for the preceeding four weeks.
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UCC EXPRESS | Tuesday November 05, 2013
International Rules - The show must go on Padriag Martin | Sport Writer
In the aftermath of the 2011 International Rules series I wrote in this very paper that the hybrid game was worth persevering with despite question marks over its significance beyond affording players the opportunity to represent their country. Two years later I am of the same view, though at this juncture it seems abundantly clear that those question marks have vanished. Despite this, the fact that the Australians sent yet another team short on big names, followed up by this team’s appalling performance in both tests confirmed that the AFL views the sport as a literal game of no consequence. As if the lack of interest from the Australians wasn’t enough, it has now become apparent that the general public has little interest in the sport as a spectacle. The attendance of nearly 18,000 in Cavan wasn’t bad, but 28,526 for the second test in Croke Park was abysmal – a decade or so ago the sport attracted crowds in excess of 100,000 in Australia. In its heyday talks of South Africa fielding a team in the future, taking the series to the United States and making it a three test series did not seem all that outlandish. Then, the Irish advantages of the round ball and the goalkeeper were offset by the gap in conditioning and size enjoyed by the Australians. This made for some thrilling encounters between the two countries, with a generation of players from both codes getting an opportunity to play at the international level in front of bumper crowds. The modern day GAA player is essentially an unpaid professional, the result of this being
that the gulf in strength and conditioning is now non-existent. This very fact was evidenced by the ease with which the Irish shrugged off the Australians tackles in Breffni Park and Croke Park over both legs – with the Irish team even having a higher tackle count than the Australians in the first test. What was surprising was the fact that the Irish were much quicker than what had been touted as a fast, lively and exciting indigenous Australian side. To put it bluntly, the whole thing became a farce, as the Irish team railroaded through their opponents to earn an aggregate victory in excess of one hundred points. The total and utter domination by the Irish resulted in Kerry’s Kieran Donaghy to suggest that the oval ball should be introduced at some
stage in future tests to even the odds. His peers in the Newstalk studio more or less laughed off the suggestion, but it did get me thinking that perhaps getting rid of the goalkeeper and reverting to the scoring system used in Australian Rules whilst retaining the round ball might not be such a bad idea. A change to the four hand-pass rule is badly needed. Allowing an unlimited number of hand passes might make for less entertaining viewing, but the Australians would not have to kick the alien ball unless they chose to do so. What is certain is that International Rules will not survive beyond the 2014 series unless the AFL can entice the sport’s top players to line out. At the very least, eight or ten of its top twenty players need to make themselves
available if the games are to have a competitive edge to them. It is equally important that there is some continuity in the Australian selections so that the players will be more experienced with the round ball. In recent years the Australian selections have contained only a handful of players with experience of the hybrid game. The potential for future series will largely hinge on what transpires in Australia next year. At its best, the sport can be fast, physical and highly entertaining. It has provided GAA players a chance to test themselves against professional athletes, which has resulted in a bigger, stronger and faster style of player becoming the norm in our own game. This, above all else, will be its lasting legacy.
In Defence of the Gentleman's game Film Editor Rob O’Sullivan highlights why cricket doesn’t deserve the stick it gets from an Irish audience.
“The English are not very spiritual people, so they invented cricket to give them some idea of eternity” said Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw. Cricket is a game played between two teams of upstanding gentlemen who must wear formal clothes at all times, lest they be cast away and labelled social pariahs. The game is won by whichever team can out hit the other team, or whoever provides the most biscuits to the umpires! A game of cricket is played over the course of a fortnight, with liberal breaks for tea & crumpets. Before playing cricket, one must swear an oath of allegiance to King George VI, despite him being dead for well over 60 years. One must also own at least 60 acres in the countryside (with room for a pony), and possess a degree from either Oxford or Cambridge. A royal honour, such as an OBE, is advised but is not mandatory. It’s a sad state of affairs that most of you have gotten to this point in the article without knowing that I was joking. What I’ve detailed
above is a brief summary of everything I’ve heard whenever I say that I play & enjoy watching cricket, omitting the rather frequent remarks from my compatriots questioning my patriotism or my chosen denomination within the Christian faith. Cricket really does not deserve the flack it’s given. Like any modern sport, it requires a huge level of athleticism to play at any level. A frequent comment is about the level of protection worn by cricketers, typically followed up by a comment like “those cricketers are delicate little flowers, aren’t they?” The batsman, when the ball has been thrown at him, has (on average) 0.06 seconds to decide where he’s going to hit the leather missile speeding at him at around 88mph, how he’s going to hit it etc. Timing is essential! However skilled the cricketer is, every single person to play cricket has at least one story of how they were slightly off in the timing of the shot, and instead of the ball being smashed into the blue horizon it smashed into their: leg, arm, chest, face,
genitalia…believe me, it happens more than you’d like to assume. I once broke my foot in a match at the beginning of the day (so around 12pm) and played to the very end (so around 6pm) of the match and I only cried once... Cricket was invented by the English in the 16th Century, although contrary to what Mr. George Bernard Shaw stated above, it does not go on for an eternity. There are 3 forms of cricket: Test cricket, One Day cricket and Twenty/20 cricket. Test match cricket is the one that goes on for 5 days and where the players wear white. For those bored by just the thought of Test cricket, T20 is a fast-paced alternative, where flash & showmanship take centre stage in an exciting contest between bat & ball. There’s so much more I could say about the “Gentleman’s Game,” possibly about the wonderful jargon used but alas, another wicket has fallen, a right jaffa of a googly on a sticky wicket that clipped the nightwatchman’s bails right off of the stumps. I’m next to bat, and I’m due for a good slog down to cow corner...
Tuesday November 05 2013 | UCC EXPRESS
Demons down Saints to remain undefeated Barry Aldworth | Sport Editor @Aldworth_Barry
C & S UCC Demons 88- 76 DCU Saints On Sunday, October 20, the C & S UCC Demons squared off with the DCU Saints, hoping to maintain their undefeated run, and place themselves in a tie at the top of the table. Despite entering the match with two wins from two games, UCC began the match as the worst of the two sides. A series of sloppy play, consisting of poor shot selection and a high rate of turnovers, saw the Dublin side take a 7-2 lead early on, on the back of an excellent three-pointer from James Donnelly. Just four minutes into the match the lead was extended to 13-4 and it looked as if any hopes of an undefeated season were quickly being destroyed. Having scored the game winner against UL just a few weeks ago, UCC’s American star Lehmon Colbert, along with player-coach Colin O’Reilly, missed several easy baskets which could have reduced the DCU lead. Perhaps aggrieved by his own poor play, O’Reilly introduced three substitutions in one go mid-way through the first quarter, a decision which quickly began to pay dividends.
A three pointer from sub Shane Coughlan began a UCC fight-back, before O’Reilly and Adrian O’Sullivan also got in on the three point game to put UCC in the lead, on a scoreline of 19-16. With DCU struggling to maintain its early pace on offence, UCC continued to push to extend the lead. Whilst Colbert was struggling to find his rhythm, amassing just four points in the opening quarter, a three point effort by Kyle Hosford on the buzzer saw UCC leading 23-19 at the end of the first quarter. DCU would start the second quarter as the better team, with a Mark Trimmer two-pointer leaving just two points between the sides. However, Trimmer’s score only seemed to spur on the UCC side, in particular Ciaran O’Sullivan who took control of the match, scoring the next nine points. Whilst the Dublin side were able to bring an end to O’Sullivan’s explosive streak, a great solo move by DCU’s Phillip Lynch cutting into the Demon’s lead, the Saints were struggling to cope with the high pressure defensive style of the Demons. Meanwhile, as the UCC defence dominated, DCU’s began to crumble, as Lehmon Colbert began to find his groove, extending the Demon’s lead to 15 points, on a score-line of 40-25.
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However, the unusual decision of player/ coach O’Reilly to introduce a total of three point-guards saw the Cork team lose its grip on the match. As UCC struggled to maintain any sense of balance, DCU’s Lynch and Darling repeatedly tore through the defence, quickly reducing the lead to nice points. With the first half coming to a close, the home side outscored the Saints by 9 points to two in the final minutes, entering the half 53-39 ahead. Despite the impressive offensive display, the fact that a DCU offence, which struggled for much of the second quarter, was able to score 39 points in the first half left O’Reilly with many questions to ponder during the break. UCC began the second half as the better side, outscoring their Dublin opponents by 8-0. However, just as the Demons appeared to be racing away with the match, the inconsistencies which had plagued the side in the first half began to reappear. Fouling problems left UCC to play without Hosford and Christian Anon, and DCU took full advantage, retaliating with eight unanswered points of its own. With UCC seemingly asleep, DCU reduced the lead to just nine points, before the reintroduction of Adrian O’Sullivan and Colbert
brought the Cork side back to life. Despite their lengthy struggles, the Cork side entered the final quarter with a twelve point lead. Following the frantic pace of the match early on, exhaustion seemed to grip both sides late on. However, as he had done during the third quarter, Colbert continued to breathe life into the UCC team, scoring several late baskets following a series of solo moves. Whilst the Cork team failed to dominate, as they would have been expected to, they managed to close out the match, winning on a score of 88-76. However, despite sealing the win, UCC will have much work to do if they want to continue their undefeated season.
C & S UCC Demons: Shane Coughlan, Christian Anon, Kyle Hosford, Brian O’Neill, Ciaran O’Sullivan, Daniel O’Sullivan, Mark O’Leary, Niall O’Reilly, Adrian O’Sullivan, Lehmon Colbert, Colin O’Reilly. DCU Saints: James Harding, Philip Neary, Eoin Darling, Sam Kiernan, James Donnelly, Peter Lynch, Arkadijs Makarenko, Eoin Quill, Mike Trimmer, Conor Gilligan.
UCC advance to Munster Senior Rugby Cup semi-final Barry Aldworth | Sport Editor
Old Crescent 20-27 UCC Following a 27-20 victory over a stubborn Old Crescent side UCC’s men’s rugby team advanced to the semi-final of the Munster Senior Cup. UCC set the pace early on, needing just sex minutes to open up a 10 point lead. Fly-half Sean Óg Murphy followed up on a penalty with a great pass which left Joe Holland free in space. Holland capitalised on Murphy’s great play to run in for the game’s first try, leaving UCC ahead by two scores before Crescent could even get on the board. Following the lightening quick start to the game things began to slow down as both sides fought hard for possession and control of the match. Kevin Meade scored Old Crescent’s first points of the game from a penalty, but Murphy quickly responded with a penalty of his own, leaving UCC ahead 13-3 at half time. Having been dominated for much of the first half, Crescent began to find their footing in the second half, and 15 minutes after the break they scored their first try of the game. However, Meade missed the conversion, leaving five sides between the sides. Not to be outdone by fly-half Murphy, UCC’S Ned Hodson quickly extended the lead with a great individual try. Hodson danced his way past four Old Crescent defenders before racing in for the try. Following a successful Murphy conversion UCC led by 20-8. Crescent, to their credit, refused to lie down and accept defeat. After several lengthy phases of play close to the UCC try-line, Crescent got the second try that their efforts deserved as Donal Murphy barrelled his way over.
With just seven points between the sides the next score proved to be crucial. A great break by Conor Barry resulted in UCC’s captain, Brian Quill, finding open space before racing in for UCC’s third try of the day. Following another successful conversion by Murphy the sides were separated by 14 points. Crescent again refused to accept defeat, and a late Gareth Quinn McDonagh try set up a tense finish to the match. Ucc’s defence would hold tough and survive the late Crescent barrage, sealing the victory and setting up a semi-final match-up with Cork Constitution. UCC last won the Munster Cup 32 years ago, but head coach David O’Mahony refused to get carried away following the quarter-final victory. He said: “If we can just find that consistency for longer periods of the game, I think we’ll do very well.” UCC will now face Cork Constitution on November 16 for a place in the final. UCC Starting Line-up: J. Holland, C. O’Halloran, N. Hodson, C. McGovern, C. Barry, S. Óg Murphy, B. Nugent, P. McCabe, B. Vaughan, D. Hartnett, D. McSweeney, B. Quill, D. O’Connell, C. Gallagher, S. Glynn Old Crescent Line-up: K. Meade, G. O’Keefe, S. Mullally, L. Hanly, P. Curtis, G. Quinn McDonagh, A. Bennie, B. Rowley, S. Malone, D. Murphy, P. Monaghan, C. McNamara, S. Monaghan, L. Russell, E. Cross
UCC EXPRESS | Tuesday November 05, 2013
UCC Tennis Club raise almost €500 for Breast Cancer Ireland Tara Higgins | P.R.O UCC Tennis
UCC Tennis club are off to a swinging start this semester. With the committee placing great importance on fundraising this year, the club got the ball rolling with a series of fundraisers in aid of Breast Cancer Ireland. The first of these was “Set for a Cure,” a two-day tournament held on the weekend of 12/13 October at Sunday’s Well Boating and Tennis Club. The tournament attracted over ten teams of men and women from various Cork clubs including Sundays Well, Lakewood and Lower Aghada. With competitors ranging in age from fifteen to fifty-something (It felt impolite to ask!) the competition provided a sporting, competitive and social platform to encourage men, women, college and secondary school students to pool together for an extremely worthwhile cause. At one stage of the tournament it was remarked upon by a player (male) that many Breast Cancer fundraisers are directed at women. However, with more in the men’s draw than the women’s, UCC Tennis have shown that fundraising should be for everyone and that inclusivity is key to successful fundraising. The tournament received very positive feedback from players, who described it as a ‘smashing’ weekend that was very well run. The prize of UCC Tennis jackets was
extremely well received by the team (dominated by secondary school students) who defeated one of the UCC men’s team in the men’s final. A big congratulations to Daniel Moloney (14), Sean O’Callaghan (15), Philip O’Callaghan (17) and UCC Tennis alum and former Men’s Captain Owen Harte Barry on their fantastic win. UCC Tennis teams had more success in the ladies draw with the final being a toss up between the team of current ladies captain and last years captain’s team. With sister acts on both teams, the victory went to Martha Stapleton, Alice Twomey, Andrea Higgins and Tara Higgins. It is worth noting that on three of the four teams in the final there were brothers and sisters playing together. The month of October was Breast Cancer Awareness month and ‘Set for a Cure’ was only the beginning of UCC Tennis Club’s efforts to fundraise and raise awareness. A “Mini Set for a Cure” was run for the club’s beginners and intermediate players, with rumours swirling that a bake sale is also on the cards. With the current fundraising total at €475 after just two events, UCC Tennis club believes they are in with a real shot to break the €500 goal before they send the money to Breast Cancer Ireland in early November.
UCC Rowing Club Battle the Irish Sea for the Heart Foundation Nichola Fennell | Rowing Club PRO
On Saturday October 26, UCC Rowing Club gathered in Douglas Court Shopping Centre for the club’s first charity event of the year, “Rowing the Irish Sea”. Over the past two years the rowing club has joined up with the Irish Heart Foundation, in order to raise money and awareness for a great cause. During the course of Saturday’s event each Senior rower was left to cover a distance of fifteen kilometres each, to allow the team to reach a cumulative total of about two hundred and thirty kilometres, equivalent to the width of the Irish Sea. During the day, whilst the Senior athletes were busy breaking a sweat, the club’s Novice athletes encouraged passers-by to dig deep and help raise awareness for Ireland’s number one killer. Each year approximately 10’000 people die from a Cardio Vascular disease, placing increasing emphasis on the need to find a cure. In what proved to be a highly successful event over €1800 was raised in total. Everyone seemed to enjoy the day with the occasional spectator jumping on a rowing machine and trying it for themselves, even the kids! Who knows, maybe UCCRC can start a junior program soon! The charity events do not end here though. As well as the upcoming the Row-A-Thon, the club will be hosting many more events in
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association with the Irish Heart Foundation throughout the year in order to raise much needed funds for this fantastic charity and the club itself. At the end of November, for the first time UCCRC will send a Men’s Crew to Fours Head in London. Watch this space for more information on the club’s charity efforts, and how their Men’s crew get on across the water!
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S P O R TCHARITY CHAMPIONS <<< 24 UCC EXPRESS Tuesday, November 05, 2013
In Defence of Cricket SEE PAGE 21
UCC escape with victory over Highfield Barry Aldworth | Sport Editor @Aldworth_Barry
UCC 15 - 7 Highfield On Friday October 5, UCC’s Senior men’s rugby team, fresh off the Munster Cup quarterfinal win over Old Crescent, squared off with Highfield in a Division 2A league match. Despite heavy rain threatening to put an end to the match before it could start, following the opening kick-off all ifs and buts were abandoned as both teams began the battle for control of the ball. UCC began the match as the poorer side, failing to secure possession before giving away two penalties in the first 4 minutes. After kicking the first to touch, Highfield found themselves within scoring range for the second. However, with the conditions far from desirable for kicking Ian O’Donoghue misses the kick, giving UCC the chance to find its footing in the game. After some sloppy play to begin the match, UCC began to fight back after taking control of the ball following a scrum. Once possession came UCC’s way so too did the scoring chances, and 10 minutes into the match the home side had its first opportunity to go ahead. However, Steve Dinan was unable to put the ball over the bar, and the match remained locked at 0-0. Following the missed kick momentum
swung back Highfield’s way. A knock-on put an end to a UCC scoring opportunity, before a long kick to touch left Highfield deep inside UCC’s 22. However, just as it appeared that the home side were going to fall behind, a great steal by Sean Glynn gave control of the ball back to the home team. Following a great team move UCC were awarded a penalty on the Highfield 22. Scrumhalf Ben Nugent tried to take a quick tapand-go, but fortunately for UCC, and to the relief of the crowd, the referee failed to notice and, at the second time of asking, UCC chose to take a kick at goal. This time Dinan was successful, and after 26 minutes the game had its first points. After the penalty UCC began to dominate the match. Just one minute after the first score, a great team move left full-back Joe Holland open in space, before he raced across the line for the first try of the match. Following a successful conversion, UCC held a 10-0 lead, and with fatigue becoming a problem for the Highfield players it seemed as if the match was over. Following the try both sides exchanged penalties outside of scoring range, before successful play in the ruck left UCC just short of the try-line. With bodies colliding around him, Peter McCabe received a quick offload, before crossing the line in the corner to extend UCC’s lead to 15. Dinan’s conversion attempt proved to be unsuccessful, which was excusable given
the conditions and the length of the kick. With half-time beckoning UCC went in search of a third try to kill off the game. They were almost rewarded following a great kick over the top of the Highfield defence, but were unable to capitalise, ultimately giving away a penalty which Highfield put to touch to end the first half. After holding off for the first half, the rain made an appearance before the start of the second, with the change in conditions seemingly suiting Highfield After a sloppy pass put an end to a UCC scoring opportunity, Highfield began to increase the pressure on UCC in the ruck and in the scrum. Whilst great teamwork almost saw UCC add to the lead mid-way through the second half, the tide began to turn slowly in favour of the away side. After 70 minutes Highfield created its first true scoring opportunity since the fourth minute penalty, but left the UCC 22 empty handed after giving away a scrum. The close call failed to ignite a UCC team which appeared to be resting on its laurels following the first half. After two scrums, Highfield pushed their way over the line to secure their first score of the game, after 73 minutes. Following O’Donoghue’s successful conversion, the gap between the teams was cut to eight points and Highfield went in search of victory.
With two minutes left in the tie Highfield found themselves with a line-out inside the UCC 22. A poorly-placed pass put an end to the scoring opportunity and after UCC capitalised on the loose ball the game, as a contest, was over. Deep into injury time Highfield were awarded a penalty, and with it the chance to leave the Mardyke with a bonus point. It was not to be, however, as the kick fell short ending the match. While UCC controlled the first half, the drop off in terms of performance in the second half is worrying. However, with many of the teams top players being rested following the Old Crescent match, the team will still find itself in a strong position when it hosts Cork Constitution in November. UCC Starting Line-up: Joe Holland, Steve Dinan, Ned Hodson, Cian McGovern, Conor Barry. Kevin Kidney, Ben Nugent, Paul Derham, Cathal Gallagher, Sean Glynn, Dave O’Connell, Brian Quill (Capt.), Dave Hartnett, Brian Vaughan & Peter McCabe Highfield Starting Line-up: Colm Downes, Paul Stack, Tom O’Callaghan, Ian O’Donoghue, Peter Martin, Mike O’Flynn, Kevin Foley, Richie Moran, Aaron Sweeney, Marc Murphy, Colm Gallagher, Dave Kelly (Capt.), John O’Callaghan, Wayne Falvey, Jason Carton