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ACSP for Business Spotlight: Niagara College marks five years
Niagara College Rings In Five Groundbreaking Years
It’s been a half decade since Niagara College Canada made history.
In 2017, the Ontario-based school — with campuses in Welland and Niagara-on-the-Lake —became the first postsecondary educational institution in Canada to earn full certification in Environmental Planning from the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program (ACSP).
“It’s something we’re very proud of,” said Taryn Wilkinson, Manager of Sustainability. “Our partnership with Audubon International continues to create valuable curriculum and experiential learning opportunities on campus to help us maintain certification.”
By joining and participating in the ACSP, Niagara College became involved in projects to enhance habitat for wildlife and preserve natural resources for the benefit of the local community. Some of the projects include: placing more habitat structures around campus including bird boxes,
bat boxes, duck boxes, and salamander boards; utilizing integrated pest management techniques; developing a water quality sampling protocol; planting more drought resistant plants; and installing pollinator gardens. It also provided a wonderful platform to get students involved in learning more about the campus grounds and building many different skills related to sustainable management of the school’s unique situation within the Niagara Region.
“One project we are particularly proud of is a habitat structure project in partnership with a grade 11 construction class who built bird and bat boxes, which were then painted by grade three students,” Wilkinson said. “We also have signs posted around campus, information on our website, and make sure to share it on the many tours and events on campus.”
Niagara College is currently developing a new sustainability plan to launch in Spring 2023, and biodiversity, grounds, and resource management will continue to be a priority. In November the school conducted a campus-wide student and employee survey to help them fashion and finalize the plan. Wrote Pam Skinner, Senior VicePresident, College Operations: “Niagara College’s culture of sustainability is central to who we are and how we operate. Your responses will help us to update our 2019-2021 Sustainability Plan for the next five years as we continue to adapt our operations for a changing world.”
Niagara College first made sustainability a key strategic priority in 2009 and has identified with the importance of reducing impacts on the environment. Its definition of sustainability is based on the Bruntland Commission report, created by the United Nations Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. Niagara
College is also a member of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. Achieving ACSP certification brought them into the much broader fold of dedicated multi-sector environmental stewards in Audubon International’s orbit. “The certification from Audubon helps us to demonstrate and verify our commitment to apply best practices in conservation, restoration, and protection of our natural environment, facilitating how we use our campus as a living lab through curriculum and experiential learning for students, employees, and community learning,” Wilkinson added. Above: A Niagara Giant Swallowtail. Opposite: Signage at the Niagara College Trail. “We look forward to continue working with valuable community organizations such as Audubon and fellow certified members, to continue building best practice opportunities to enhance experiential learning on campus and in our community.” Learn more about Niagara College’s sustainability story here.