auður brá SS15

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Table of Contents Inspiration Concept Moodboard S/S 15 collection overview S/S 15 collection illustrated Lookbook overview Lookbook Sales and Marketing Press release








! Concept Crystals and abstract art have in common an organized structure that looks random at first. To understand and feel the energy these forms and structures express, you must take a close look and let your mind and imagination put the pieces together. With these thoughts in my head and an endless inspiration for textures and textiles, I developed my own handprinted print using cardboard paper and a scrape and applied it on denim, leather and cotton jersey. The print is inspired by abstract works of German artist, Gerhard Richter. The technique he uses to make his paintings, is similar to my printing technique. To make my print I follow a very precise procedure, but the end result is far from precise and structured. I started combining these things together, I took the handprinted prints and combined them with some hand drawn prints I made digital, which are inspired by lines in crystals and rocks. The red color, gives the collection contrast and warmth. Adding salmon leather as a detail, hand sewn on with a white waxed thread, smoothes the hard and cold lines from the prints. The end result is a fresh and modern collection of jackets paired with simple 90´s inspired tops and bottoms.






Simon Baung책rd Thomsen Paulo Andruszkow

photographer model

Sales & marketing Men at every age that have a bit of an edge would like to buy pieces from this collection. Men that are not afraid of standing out and dress differently than others. They never get tired of trying something new and making a statement. They are interested in fashion and like to discover new designers and buy regularly something new, normally every week. They could either buy the clothes in a ! small, chic designer shop situated in an artistic quarter of a big city where the locals like to hang ! out, like le marais in Paris or soho in NYC. The collection could also be sold in high-end online shops.








Social media marketing I want to use social media marketing to reach to ! potential customers. I've chosen social media because it's an easy way for people all over the ! world to follow and share their interests. Social media gives the opportunity to interact with customers on a personal level without actually meeting them, this helps to grow a fanbase. It's also a great way to expand and make business relations with other companies or designers. !



Copenhagen, Denmark. June crystals and abstract art.










On Tuesday 24th June, in Margrethe-skolen Copenhagen, Up-and-Coming icelandic designer Auður Brá Hermannsdóttir is launching a new menswear collection inspired by crystals and abstract art. Crystals and abstract art have in common an organized structure that looks random at first. To understand and feel the energy these forms and structures express, you must take a close look and let your mind and imagination put the pieces together. The collection combines interesting materials with clean cuts and elegant design, making the clothes detailed but simple at the same time. With prints inspired by crystals and abstract art and different textures, textiles and colors, it’s a fresh and modern collection of jackets paired with simple 90’s inspired tops and bottoms. Auður Brá is hoping to make a good impression with her new collection; “It’s an honor for me to be able to show people my collection, I’ve worked hard and I’m very happy with the result. This will hopefully get me recognized so I can keep showing of my designs and grow as a designer”. Auður Brá Hermannsdóttir

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