Augustana University - Viking Bold

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Table of Contents Letter from the President


Our Bold Journey


Our Enduring Commitments


Our Strategic Goals




Enrollment & Strategic Scholarships




Physical Campus & IT


Our Bold Campaign


Our Measures of Success



Letter from the President In 2018, we gathered together to share ideas, ask questions, think deeply about the present, dream about Augustana’s future, and articulate a longterm vision for the university that is bold and inspiring. That vision is based on Augustana’s reputation for academic excellence, our enduring mission and core values, the pioneering spirit of our faculty, staff and students, the generosity of alumni and partners, and our location in a growing and vibrant city. The vision also is informed by the realities of higher education today, realities that present opportunities based on Augustana’s strengths and that push us to innovate and challenge the status quo. With the unanimous support of the Board of Trustees, we set a direction. We then planned together in 2019. We achieved excellence in our planning, with the input, collaboration and critical thinking of faculty, administrators, staff, coaches and students. We researched and analyzed various options, compared our structures and programs to other universities, evaluated data and assessed risk, vetted ideas and discussed priorities, and developed a campaign. We integrated our work, solicited feedback from the campus community—who live and breathe Augustana and higher education day in and day out—and we finalized a strategic plan. Together, we created a map and determined the path. Now, as we journey together to the year 2030, I am humbled by the enormity of the tasks ahead to achieve our aspirational goals and reach our destination. I also am humbled by the magnitude of the effort undertaken by so many over the past two years, which should give all of us the confidence and fortitude to move ahead, boldly, into a future that is just as promising as it was over 100 years ago when Augustana College merged with the Lutheran Normal School and made Sioux Falls, SD, its home in 1918. With this strategic plan, supported by the largest campaign in the university’s history, we are reinforcing the liberal arts foundation on which Augustana was built. We also recognize that the

pace of change is accelerating for our graduates and future students, prompting us to establish and integrate new schools, new degree programs, new ways of delivering quality curriculum, new learning and living spaces, new scholarships, new technologies. Doing so will unleash more potential and serve more students. Doing so will help fulfill our mission throughout the next decade and beyond. Augustana’s scholarly tradition, Christian heritage, and core values produce graduates that the world needs now more than ever. Let us rejoice in this, each and every day of the journey that lies ahead. Let us re-commit to keeping our university community—local, regional, national and global— together, for longer, making it stronger, and serving one another and all those we call neighbor. With gratitude and anticipation,

Stephanie Herseth Sandlin


Guiding the Augustana student experience is the university’s commitment to the liberal arts, Christian faith, excellence, service, and community. These are our shared core values.


Our Bold Journey For 160 years, Augustana has been providing students an education of enduring worth and preparing leaders and visionaries who impact and influence every aspect of society. As the world continues to change, the need for Augustana graduates—cultivated to be servant leaders—is more important than ever before. As we attract new members into our university community, our core values nurture and guide them. Augustana graduates begin their next journeys by living these values in service to a greater, common good. Augustana instills a sense of calling and purpose in their lives and encourages all of us to be lifelong learners, to explore and to lead, and to always live these values boldly. As a liberal arts university that bears witness to the transformational power of education, Augustana over the next decade will develop and deliver new and bold academic offerings to more students, enhance intercultural awareness and understanding, amplify excellence through the arts and athletics, and adapt its physical campus and IT infrastructure to inspire and support generations of Augustana students to come.

Augustana’s Mission Inspired by Lutheran scholarly tradition and the liberal arts, Augustana provides an education of enduring worth that challenges the intellect, fosters integrity and integrates faith with learning and service in a diverse world.

Rooted and Open Augustana University is a member of the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities (NECU)—a group of institutions that share a common calling and attract students who are: Called and empowered To serve the neighbor So that all may flourish. Grounded within our Christian heritage and identity, Augustana will continue to foster radical hospitality, civil discourse, the holistic education of mind, body, and spirit, and profound gratitude for divine generosity.


Augustana’s strategic goals are guided by our enduring mission and core values. The university will continue to empower our students and, through an unwavering commitment to the liberal arts, enable them to discern their callings, to be generous servant leaders, and to succeed throughout their careers and in life. At the heart of these strategic goals is a conviction that an ongoing, annual commitment to the following missioncritical priorities is essential to achieving success.


Our Enduring Commitments Enhancing learning, spiritual formation, and experiential opportunities to integrate students’ vocational engagement and career preparation, including offering more students meaningful work study and non-work study employment opportunities on campus. Increasing accessibility to mental health services for all students to support their emotional and spiritual well-being and their academic growth and achievement. Broadening our commitment to environmental sustainability in order to be good stewards of the planet and meet the expectations of current and future students by supporting relevant academic offerings and other initiatives as well as making responsible investments that promote sustainability in campus operations. Implementing Augustana’s Diversity & Inclusion Plan to increase intercultural awareness and understanding, attract more faculty, staff, and students from under-represented populations, and ensure that students graduate with the habits of mind needed to be effective members of a diverse community. Expanding awareness, engagement and loyalty by implementing integrated strategic marketing and communications plans that promote Augustana University—academics, athletics, campus initiatives, faculty, staff, and student accomplishments—locally, regionally, and nationally. Investing in faculty and staff through more professional development and competitive compensation that inspires and rewards excellence by enhancing the offerings and support provided by the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Scholarship and implementing an employee compensation model that positions Augustana competitively in our market. Identifying and evaluating innovative technologies that can enhance academic programming, including augmented or virtual reality, artificial intelligence, open educational resources, adaptive learning technologies, and competency-based education. Stewarding assets entrusted to Augustana and adapting the university business model and operations to ensure financial sustainability and future viability.


Our Strategic Goals Guided by Vision 2030 as approved by the Augustana Board of Trustees, the university strives to enhance its position as a top-ranked regional university in service to our students and to elevate the university’s national profile in service to our alumni, the city of Sioux Falls, and the Upper Great Plains region. Augustana University has, in collaboration with key stakeholders, identified the following goals which may take place over one or multiple phases: Phase 1: 2019–2022 Phase 2: 2023–2026 Phase 3: 2027–2030 These goals accompany our enduring commitments that elevate the student experience, our stewardship of human and financial resources, and effective engagement with the university.


Enrollment & Strategic Scholarships

1. Establish new academic structures and centers that sustain excellence, facilitate growth, and cultivate innovative and impactful teaching, learning, and research to provide an education of enduring worth.

1. Enroll 3,000+ undergraduate and graduate students and provide a welcoming and inclusive environment as different backgrounds, experiences, and ways of thinking encourage learning, acceptance, and service.

2. Establish new academic programs grounded in the liberal arts that challenge the intellect while responding to the needs and interests of students. These programs will grow enrollment, diversify revenue, and address workforce priorities of the local community and region.

2. Make an Augustana education affordable and accessible for more students with innovative scholarship partnerships with alumni and regional organizations while also adapting the university business model and operations to ensure financial sustainability.



Physical Campus & IT

1. Recruit and retain exceptional student-athletes to maintain academic and athletic excellence and enhance their collegiate experience through academic and wellness support, community engagement, and service opportunities.

1. Transform the physical campus to include new and enhanced facilities that serve the educational, spiritual, and holistic needs of Augustana’s students, faculty, and staff, and inspire others in the community who utilize our campus.

2. Transition to NCAA Division I intercollegiate athletics to provide student-athletes the opportunity to compete at a higher level, elevate the profile of the university, and inspire Sioux Falls to enthusiastically embrace Augustana University as the hometown team by serving the community and integrating our mission with its needs.

2. Transform Augustana into a dynamic digital campus through emerging technologies, excellent connectivity, and best practices in cybersecurity that serve student learning, enable innovative teaching and research, and support the university’s business processes and overall mission.




Establish new academic structures and centers that sustain excellence, facilitate growth, and cultivate innovative and impactful teaching, learning, and research to provide an education of enduring worth.


Restructure academic programs into a College and Schools supported by a governance system that maintains focus on the centrality of the liberal arts while facilitating innovative, efficient program development and administration.

Phase 1:

Organize into a College of Arts & Sciences and establish a School of Education and a School of Music. Create a new governance system.

Phase 2:

Establish a School of Business and a School of Health Sciences.

Phase 3:

Establish and integrate other Schools as appropriate.


Develop a Center for Interdisciplinary Programs to coordinate existing and new interdisciplinary offerings.

Phase 1:

Establish the Center within the College of Arts and Sciences and develop Medical Humanities, Environmental Studies, and programs associated with intercultural studies.

Phase 2-3:

Develop additional innovative interdisciplinary programs for undergraduate and graduate students (e.g., Art, Music, and Drama Therapies; Arts Administration; Music Business & Technology; Latin American Studies).



Establish new academic programs grounded in the liberal arts that challenge the intellect while responding to the needs and interests of students. These programs will grow enrollment, diversify revenue, and address workforce priorities of the local community and region.


Phase 1:

Establish a professional school that is distinctive and responsive to community needs in order to prepare adult learners to lead and serve within a specialized field. Conduct feasibility studies for Optometry, Dentistry, and Aeronautics.

Phase 2-3: Develop a program proposal and establish a new professional school in collaboration with strategic partners.


Develop and market innovative undergraduate and graduate degree programs, responsive to new and emerging student interests and community needs, that build on Augustana’s tradition of excellence in the liberal arts.

Phase 1:

Establish distinctive undergraduate programs in Biomechanical Engineering and Forensics. Expand graduate programs with distinctive value, to include a Master of Business Administration, Doctor of Physical Therapy, graduate nursing degrees, and occupational therapy.

Phase 2-3: Expand undergraduate and graduate program offerings (e.g., data science/ analytics, physician assistant studies, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, public administration, performing and visual arts).


Create international and domestic partnerships and pathways through strategic and distinctive programs to increase global engagement and recruitment.

Phase 1:

Deepen relationships with schools and tribal colleges in the region as well as existing partnerships with secondary schools and universities in Norway and Asia.

Phase 2-3:

Expand relationships with secondary schools and universities in other countries.


Enrollment & Strategic Scholarship


Enroll 3,000+ undergraduate and graduate students and provide a welcoming and inclusive environment as different backgrounds, experiences, and ways of thinking encourage learning, acceptance, and service.

Phase 1:

Implement a comprehensive student recruitment plan to elevate brand awareness and increase enrollment. Renew and re-envision programs that engage middle school and high school students in the Augustana experience (e.g., camps, international host programs, special course offerings). Continue to promote the Diversity & Inclusion Plan across campus to increase awareness and support of key initiatives in progress.

Phase 2-3:

Develop a Center for Intercultural Development. Establish partnerships with organizations and agencies to develop statewide and regional opportunities and certificate programs.




Make an Augustana education affordable and accessible for more students with innovative scholarship partnerships with alumni and regional organizations while also adapting the university business model and operations to ensure financial sustainability.

Phase 1:

Establish creative scholarship opportunities in addition to more endowed scholarships. Implement an innovative and sustainable pricing model to improve access and affordability. Integrate retention software to assess and monitor students’ academic progress and increase early intervention.

Phase 2-3:

Expand alternative revenue opportunities and innovative partnerships through summer offerings and bridge programs.




Recruit and retain exceptional student-athletes to maintain academic and athletic excellence and enhance their collegiate experience through academic and wellness support, community engagement, and service opportunities.



Enhance liaison support for student-athletes through the Student Success Center and implement a missed class time policy and summer scheduling options.

Develop a premiere student-athlete health care and performance training model.

Phase 1:

Centralize and coordinate student-athlete health care and performance training on campus by establishing a formal medical team with Sanford Health.

Phase 2-3:

Expand student-athlete performance training tools and systems (e.g., nutrition, staffing, sports psychology).




Transition to NCAA Division I intercollegiate athletics to provide student-athletes the opportunity to compete at a higher level, elevate the profile of the university, and inspire Sioux Falls to enthusiastically embrace Augustana University as the hometown team as we serve the community and integrate our mission with its needs.


Assess university preparedness for Division I and develop plans for staffing, financing, and generating revenue during and after the transition.

Phase 1:

Secure an invitation to a multi-sport Division I conference. Create staffing plan for athletics administration and coaches and financial pro forma. Develop a plan for revenue generation, including gifts, ticket sales, camps, facility rentals, sponsorships, and private partnerships.

Phase 2-3:

Continue to execute the Division I transition plan.


Implement a community engagement plan to strengthen the Augustana brand. Engage alumni and the broader Sioux Falls community in Viking Athletics with signature events and promotions.



Physical Campus & IT


Transform the physical campus to include new and enhanced facilities that serve the educational, spiritual, and holistic needs of Augustana’s students, faculty, and staff, and inspire others in the community who utilize our campus.



Establish criteria for decision making, setting priorities, and resource allocation to implement a holistic Campus Master Plan to include new and existing buildings—specifically, academic buildings, student housing and recreation, athletics and campus support facilities.

Enhance existing facilities to elevate the student experience, foster invigorating learning environments, meet program needs, and improve space utilization while adding asset value to campus.

Phase 1:

Enhance campus facilities through new and improved infrastructure, including an improved utility distribution system, enhanced sustainability plan, landscape master plan, and campus heritage plan incorporating a historic preservation management plan.

Designate physical spaces across campus, including a multicultural center for activities and dialogue focused on diversity, equity and inclusion.


Phase 1-3:

Enhance campus infrastructure to include information technology, landscaping and sustainability as well as parking, accessibility and wayfinding to meet the future needs of the university. Implement a mixed-use development on the corner of 33rd Street and Grange Avenue by partnering with the community on services that may include fitness, financial services, retail, healthcare, and educational opportunities. Invigorate the Morrison Commons as a central community hub and student center with expanded dining, study, social, and entertainment options. Design modern residence hall expansions and renovation along with innovative neighborhood student housing options.

Renovate the Chapel of Reconciliation to enhance natural lighting and technological capacity to support additional programming. Develop new and enhanced recreational and outdoor spaces across campus. Renovate and repurpose Old Main and East Hall to align with programmatic needs and preserve Augustana’s heritage. Upgrade, build, and enhance athletics facilities to support all sports programs in compliance with Title IX and Division I needs.



Transform Augustana into a dynamic digital campus through emerging technologies, excellent connectivity, and best practices in cybersecurity that serve student learning, enable innovative teaching and research, and support the university’s business processes and overall mission.


Update IT infrastructure to accommodate increased bandwidth requirements, create redundant connectivity to the Internet and resources on campus, improve network performance and WiFi saturation, and secure data on premises and in the cloud.

Phase 1:

Create redundant connectivity and implement cybersecurity initiatives.

Update IT infrastructure to accommodate increased need for network performance in research, academics, athletics, and business operations through enhanced bandwidth, connectivity, and performance.

Phase 2-3: Update WiFi infrastructure to enable access for new technologies and for saturation of publicly accessible locations.


Foster an innovative teaching environment to include digital and hybrid learning opportunities that improve the access, portability, and real-world application of our academic programs.

Phase 1:

Establish an IT infrastructure and culture of digital fluency that enhances student learning.

Adopt the Canvas learning management system.

Phase 2-3:

Continue implementation of digital and hybrid learning opportunities aligned to academic programs.


Our Bold Campaign

Viking Bold: The Journey to 2030 is Augustana’s largest, most comprehensive campaign. The seven-year campaign, charged with securing $175 million, will provide financial support to achieve the bold Phase I and II goals outlined in the strategic plan for academics, enrollment and strategic scholarships, athletics and the physical campus. Following this sevenyear campaign, a companion campaign will be established to complete Phase III initiatives.


Our Measures of Success

The university collects and assesses progress toward the strategic goals to ensure alignment of organizational priorities, to continually provide feedback on the status of initiatives, and to provide a framework for continuous improvement. The university aspires to provide timely, accessible and targeted data and summaries to guide the course across Viking Bold: The Journey to 2030.

Arc of Dreams Sioux Falls, South Dakota

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