Volume 2, Issue 1: The Augustana Fall 2011

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Autumn 2011


Message from the President Like millions around the world, I was saddened to learn of the recent death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. Following his death, Jobs was hailed as a visionary – the leader of “… a cultural transformation in the way music, movies and mobile communications were experienced in the digital age …” according to the New York Times. As I read the various eulogies of his life, my thoughts fell to early 2010, when Jobs – clad in his classic black shirt, blue jeans and sneakers – introduced a new device called the iPad during a high-profile product launch. As he greeted a room filled with anxious reporters, analysts, investors and tech gurus, he stood on a stage before two street signs – one read “Liberal Arts,” the other read “Technology.” Apple, he argued, ‘stood at the intersection of the liberal arts and technology.’ At the time, his remarks caused me to think about the idea of “intersections,” and how they relate to what we do at Augustana. In the wake of his death, I thought about it even more. I believe that Augustana sits at the intersection of the liberal arts and life – unbinding, absolute, passionate, all-consuming life. What we do here – the broad-based knowledge our talented professors provide; the support and guidance offered by our seasoned residential life teams; the exposure and perspective gained through international travel; and the ideas that swell from a culturally and ethnically diverse campus – define the liberal arts. After their time at Augustana, we believe that our graduates are well-suited to contribute and thrive in virtually any field because their foundations are strong – constructed with the materials deemed most durable for success in today’s world: faith, history, science, literature, language and service. This issue includes features on Augustana graduates who illustrate the idea of “intersection” in action – they are individuals from every generation who all say that, because of the foundation they received here, they have been successful in pursuing their professional passions. John Peterson, class of 2003, is a great example. A business communication major, he worked for Augustana as an admission counselor before returning home to Cannon Falls, Minn., to revolutionize his family’s 70-year-old turkey farm. He made the leap of faith – and has been successful in his venture, he says – because of what he learned during his time on campus.

“…I learned to think critically, problem-solve, work with people to make decisions and deal with a lot of information at the same time.” I’m curious – have you, too, found yourself at an intersection where your education in the liberal arts has allowed you to persevere? I’m certain we all have – and for that, we can be thankful. Enjoy this issue! Yours, for Augustana, Rob Oliver President

Editor’s Note Before I officially met Bethany Jochim, I knew of her reputation. In her four years on campus, she had participated in four summer research projects; her fifth resea research article had just resea been published by a national scientific journal; and she scie had recently been accepted into the physics Ph.D. int program at Kansas State pr University. U When her mentor and advisor, Dr. Eric Wells, a associate professor of physics, arranged for me to meet her, I was excited. A And nervous. What would this young, brilliant person be like? Would I be able to understand her work in order to write

about it? And what was the draw of physics, anyway? I never expected her to be the shy, sweet, sneaker-wearing kid that walked into my office that spring afternoon. With her backpack and sweatshirt, she looked like the majority of students I see on my daily trek around campus. A soft-spoken native of Pierre, S.D., she talked about her love of science and she shared her dream of one day teaching at the college level. She was also exceptionally modest. Only after talking with Dr. Wells did I learn that Bethany was offered admission to every grad school to which she applied. Today at Kansas State, because of her experiences at Augustana, she’s already conducting second- and third-year graduate level research. I had a great time visiting with her and learning about her research. When I saw her at


Commencement in May, I wished her well and made a mental note to remember her name. Someday soon, I reminded myself, Bethany Jochim was going to make her mark. Turns out, she already has. Earlier this fall, she was named a recipient of the prestigious Leroy Apker Award, the top undergraduate honor awarded by the American Physical Society (APS). Two Apker Awards are given annually; each consists of $5,000 to the recipient and an allowance for travel to the APS meeting. In addition, the Augustana Physics Department will receive a $5,000 award to support ongoing undergraduate research. Great job, Bethany – I can’t wait to see what your future holds! Kelly Sprecher Editor


THE AUGUSTANA The Augustana is published three times per year for alumni and friends of Augustana College by the Office of Marketing and Communications. In 2010, the year of Augustana’s Sesquicentennial, the magazine was named The Augustana, in honor of the College’s first student newspaper, first published in 1908 in Canton, S.D. The Augustana, as it was then, contained essays, news items, humor pages and articles of general interest. It aimed to “develop a healthy school spirit, be a true exponent of school life, and be an interesting medium between the school and its friends.” It remained the official publication of the College until 1918. Send correspondence, name changes and address corrections to: The Augustana, 2001 S. Summit Ave., Sioux Falls, S.D. 57197. Telephone: 605-274-4904. Visit the magazine online at augie.edu/magazine. Find more news about Augustana at augie.edu. Editor: Kelly Sprecher Class Notes: Jenny Meiners, Mary Toso, ‘90 Contributors: Rob Oliver, president Bob Preloger, vice president for Marketing and Communications Bruce Conley, Sports Information T.J. Nelson, ‘05, Photography Steve Woit, Photography

DEPARTMENTS View from Summit Avenue Notes from the Green In the Spotlight Navy & Gold Alumni News

Connect with Augustana! augie.edu/connect

© Augustana College 2011

4. The Cartoonist He got his start drawing comics for The Mirror, Augustana’s student newspaper. Today, David Wolter, class of 2004, is a story artist with Dreamworks. an d Augustana 12. Re-inventing the Family Farm Meet John Peterson, class of 2003. He combined technology and advertising with a sheer-genius sales strategy to revolutionize his family’s 70-year-old farm. 24. Field and String When sophomore nursing major Maren Werth finishes the soccer season, she’ll play the harp with the Augustana Orchestra.

MISSION AND VISION Inspired by Lutheran scholarly tradition and the liberal arts, Augustana provides an education of enduring worth that challenges the intellect, fosters integrity and integrates faith with learning and service in a diverse world. Our vision: Augustana College aspires to become one of America’s premier church-related colleges. Augustana is an affirmative action, Title IX, equal opportunity institution.


32. Celebrating Viking Days 2011 Celebrate Homecoming with a look back at the parade, the reunions, the game and more!

ON THE COVER: A scene from “Eyrie,” an animated film by David Wolter, class of 2004. The film, set in the Old West, follows a young boy as he discovers the connection between responsibility and love. To date, the film has been viewed more than 190,000 times on YouTube. Read about Wolter’s career in “The Cartoonist” on page 4.



Go Vikings! Students Taylor Lambert, Kade Klippenstein, Seth Wolles, Seth Vogelsang, John Doron, Blake Woockman, Trevor Arnold, Eric Brumbaugh andTate VanRoekel led the student cheers as the Augustana Vikings took on the Winona State Warriors before a crowd of more than 5,000 at Kirkeby-Over Stadium. The Vikings won 23-15. See more photos from Viking Days 2011 on page 32.


Cartoonist He got his start drawing comics for The Mirror, Augustana’s student newspaper. Today, David Wolter, class of 2004, is a story artist with Dreamworks.

Every artist has a story. Take Vincent van Gogh. Before deciding to pursue his love of art, he worked as a clerk in a bookstore, was an art salesman, and served as a preacher where, stories say, he was dismissed for being “overzealous.” Or Leonardo da Vinci. Years before painting the Mona Lisa, da Vinci got his start working as an apprentice in the fabled workshop of Andrea del Verrocchio, the leading artist of Florence. They say Walt Disney was selling small sketches and drawings to friends and neighbors at the tender age of seven and often doodled pictures of animals and nature instead of doing homework. At 16, he joined the Red Cross and spent a year driving an ambulance in France. Then there’s David Wolter, Augustana class of 2004, an up-and-coming story artist for Dreamworks Animation, based near Los Angeles, Calif. He has a story, as well. A native of Colorado Springs, Colo., the 6-foot, 10-inch tall Wolter came to Augustana

Or, the 2004 cartoon illustrating what Wolter called “Augie’s Obsession with Moses.” The piece featured sketches of the Moses statue near Morrison Commons, the Moses sculpture in the Mikkelsen Library and, longtime (and long-haired) assistant professor of art, Gerry Punt. “I was directly commenting on what I saw happening at Augie. Observation is the first step for any artist. If you want to say something about the world, you have to pay attention to what’s happening in it.” Following graduation, he worked as a caricature artist at Valley Fair in Shakopee, Minn. “It was a good way to work on my craft and make money. It was great training.” Wanting more, Wolter took a chance and moved to California, hoping to break into the animation industry. He continued to do caricatures and began working as a substitute art teacher while he worked on his portfolio. In 2009, he was accepted into California Institute of the Arts’ animation and cartooning program. Dubbed CalArts, the school was formed by Walt and Roy Disney and is

that people can watch and walk away from feeling like they can fight the battles in their own life.” At 24 drawings-per-second, the film took months to create. But the hard work, Wolter said, was worth it. “[Eyrie] was the last film played that night and it was received extremely well. When everyone came out of the theatre, they were all talking about it. I was approached by all the major studios right after the filming – Pixar, Disney and Dreamworks – it was like a dream. An executive from Dreamworks offered Wolter a job that evening. “It was the best possible scenario – better than I could have hoped for,” he said. Since that magical night, he’s been in training at Dreamworks’ Mediterranean villa-like campus near L.A. His office is small and the walls are plastered with drawings and other works that inspire him, including author Bill Peet. “Bill Peet – he’s a huge name at Disney. He’s an author who has this really great,

“I always say I learned how to draw in Algebra because I hated math so much.” – David Wolter, Class of 2004 in 2000 planning to play basketball and major in business. Things didn’t go exactly as he’d planned. He ended up being a self-described benchwarmer; he changed his major to art; and, to his surprise, he made a name for himself as the creator of “The Back Alley,” the popular comic strip that ran each week from 20022004 in The Mirror, Augustana’s student newspaper. “I was obsessed with cartoons as a kid. I was always drawing and doodling in class. But, I’ve also been 6’10” since I was 14 years old, so people expected me to play basketball. I sort of devoted myself to that. Art kind of fell by the wayside in high school; I only really did it while I was bored – like in math class,” Wolter says. “I always say I learned how to draw in algebra because I hated math so much.” During his junior year, a friend suggested doing a cartoon for The Mirror. “[The Back Alley] was a highlight of my college career – it gave me a voice and a place in the community. It was a really fun experience for me.” Of “The Back Alley” strips, Wolter says he had complete creative control over each cartoon. That freedom allowed him to combine his quick wit, sarcasm, cynicism and humor with his love of drawing. Take the 2002 cartoon depicting former Augustana President Bruce Halverson as “Super Bruce,” where he was prepared to ward off potential protestors of the Boe Forum featuring former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.

recognized around the world for its esteemed performing and visual arts programs. “It was a four-year program, but I was able to enter as a second-year student because of my Augustana background and the strength of my portfolio.” At the close of his second year, Wolter’s animated film, “Eyrie,” was chosen to be among a select group of 25 short films to premier at the “Producer’s Show,” a year-end event attended by students, faculty members and representatives from major animation studios. “Eyrie” is set in the Old West and follows a young boy as he discovers the connection between responsibility and love. To date, the film has been viewed more than 190,000 times on YouTube. In developing the film, Wolter says he focused on three elements. “I’ve always been fascinated with the idea of human-to-animal transformation. It’s such a symbolic idea. In college, when I put on a jersey, I was identifying myself as a Viking. There was a sense that my identity had changed. As a kid, the ability to put on a shirt or a costume and identify myself as something else was fascinating to me. In the film, I really wanted to explore the idea of human-to-animal transformation.” “I also wanted to have a film that had a sense of place. I loved the idea that there could be a mythological tale set in the Old West but … I also wanted to create something that the audience could watch, take part in, and feel like they’ve changed or been impacted. It’s really a coming-of-age story


simple, direct style that’s perfect for storyboarding,” he said, adding that he also looks to his colleagues for support and inspiration. “My next-door office neighbor is the guy who designed Dark-Winged Duck.” For now, he’s working with pencils, paper and markers. His desk is covered in pencil shavings and his hands are black from pencil smudges. As a story artist, he’ll use a “cintiq,” a computer screen that allows the user to draw on it with an electronic pen, as he works to develop an elaborate comic strip of a finished film. “I’ll be required to come up with a story and characters and have them react and interact. At the same time, I’m thinking about the fundamentals of film making – lighting, editing, cutting to the next shot. It’s a really challenging job.” As he thinks back about his time at Augustana, Wolter says his classes and experiences prepared him well for his future. “So many things dove-tailed nicely with what I’m doing now, such as, “Creative Writing” with Dr. Patrick Hicks and “World Making” with Dr. Richard Swanson. Carl Grupp let me do my independent study as a comic book. He was ahead of his time. He turned me on to artists who I’m just now learning to appreciate.” As for what the future holds, Wolter says he’s content to enjoy life at the moment. He got married earlier this fall and he’ll turn 30 in November. “I’m really happy where I am right now,” he said. “I’m not sketching the future just yet.”


Our Vision: Augustana A ug gusttana aspires to be one of America’s premier church-related colleges. It’s what we work toward each and every day.

We’re excited to say that our hard work is being noticed. •

Ranked #212 among the top colleges and universities nationwide in Forbes’ annual “America’s Top Colleges” rankings.

Consistently noted for our students’ 90% acceptance rate to medical school.

Ranked among the top 10 U.S. baccalaureate colleges by Washington Monthly for our efforts to advance social mobility, research and service.

Recognized for a record number of students conducting undergraduate scientific research during summer 2011.

Consistently identified as a “Best Midwestern College” by the Princeton Review.

Listed in the top 10% of all NCAA institutions with 28 NCAA Postgraduate Scholars.

Ranked #3 among the “Best Regional Colleges in the Midwest” by U.S. News.

Ranked #3 in the nation of 302 NCAA D-II institutions in the 2010-2011 Learfield Rankings.

Listed among the “440 Great Colleges for Top Students” by Peterson’s Guide.

Noted for an increase in Fall 2011 enrollment, record student retention rates and the largest-ever class of international students representing 34 countries.

Named to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll for supporting volunteerism, service-learning and civic engagement.

Named by Harvard Schmarvard as one of America’s top 100 outstanding but under-appreciated colleges.

Identified as a “Character Building College” by The Templeton Foundation.

Explore. Discover. Create. Go Viking. www.augie.edu/value


College Sees Largest Full-Time Enrollment Since 1980 Despite a still-challenged economy and in the face of recent census data showing that a majority of college graduates choose to live in only select metropolitan cities, this fall Augustana officials reported the College’s highest full-time undergraduate enrollment since 1980. For Fall 2011, the College is serving 1,745 full-time undergraduate students – up 3 percent since Fall 2010. Augustana’s total student headcount – the sum of part-time, full-time and graduate students – for Fall 2011 is 1,870 – the highest since 1992. “In today’s economy, we’re humbled to see that students and families continue to believe in the world-class liberal arts education Augustana’s great professors provide,” said Rob Oliver, president. “In addition to choosing Augustana for their studies, we are pleased to report that the majority of our graduates choose to stay and work in South Dakota, adding to the talented reservoir of professionals that contribute to our state’s economy, and to the future viability of cities and towns east and west of the River.” In 2010, the Augustana Career Center reported that 94 percent of May 2010 Augustana graduates seeking employment reported accepting a position related to their major or chosen field. Of those, 68 percent remained in South Dakota. “At Augustana, we often use the phrase ‘Go Viking.’ It speaks to how our students consistently go beyond the expected in order to do something more, something significant. When students choose to Go Viking, they commit to explore, discover, and create, pursuing bold concepts and important endeavors today in order to make tomorrow even better,” said Nancy Davidson, vice president for Enrollment at Augustana. “As we welcome members of the class of 2015, along with our returning students, we’re honored they chose us. And, as fellow citizens, we’re grateful and excited they made the decision to Go Viking.” This fall, the College also welcomed its largest-ever incoming class of international students. More than 60 new students representing 34 countries and five continents began their studies in September, joining 40 continuing students, for a total of more than 100 international students – up nearly 40 percent from last year and more than double the number of international students on campus during the 2009-2010 academic year.

Granskou’s rooms now include new, modern modular furniture.

Granskou Undergoes $900,000 Renovation In August, Augustana completed a $900,000 project to renovate and refurbish Granskou Residence Hall. Named for Rev. Dr. Clemens Granskou, Augustana’s 14th president, the eight-story residence hall houses primarily sophomores and juniors and was originally dedicated in 1969. Its sister facility, Stavig Hall, named for Dr. Lawrence Stavig, the College’s 15th president, is slated for renovation in 2012. As students returned to Granskou in September, they found freshly painted

rooms with new carpet and drapes. Each room also features new, modern modular furniture including two loftstyle beds, two desks, double dressers, wardrobe closets and two upholstered chairs. The furniture design allows for more than 50 different configurations. “We’ve been excited to welcome our students back into a renovated residence hall and we’ve enjoyed seeing their excitement at the improvements we’ve made,” said Dr. Jim Bies, Augustana’s vice president for student services and dean of students.

Goldammer’s Gift to Provide Turf, Other Improvements for Ronken Field A major gift from South Dakota amateur baseball legend Lee “Goldy” Goldammer to the Viking baseball program will provide funds to turf the infield at Ronken Field and make further improvements to the on-campus facility. The largest enhancement will be the addition of artificial turf from dugout to dugout on the infield of the playing surface. Currently, there are no turfed baseball facilities in South Dakota or the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference. Installation of the turf will begin following the 2012 spring season. Turf surfaces in the upper Midwest greatly minimize weather-related postponements and cancellations. Further improvements, which will also be made possible by Goldammer’s lead gift, include new dugouts, a


brick backstop and a net system to be located behind home plate. “We are grateful for Lee’s generous investment in Augustana College and the Vikings’ baseball program,” said President Rob Oliver. “Lee is a member of the South Dakota Sports Hall of Fame and it is a privilege to have his support on behalf of our aspiring student-athletes.” Goldammer’s gift is the largest in Augustana baseball history. “Over the years, Lee’s bright smile and friendly, caring attitude have had a positive impact on the Augustana baseball program and Viking athletics,” said Athletic Director Bill Gross. “Now Lee’s inspiring generosity to provide improvements to Ronken Field will be an additional benefit for Viking baseball student-athletes for years to come.”



Oliver Appointed to Second Term

In September, the Board of Trustees announced that Rob Oliver has been appointed to a second term of up to six additional years as president of Augustana College. “Rob’s passion for Augustana is unmatched. He absolutely believes in the vision of this institution and is committed to doing all he can to support our mission of providing students with the education they need in order to make tomorrow’s world even better than today’s,” said John Thomas, chair of the Board. “In addition to his passion, Rob has an impressive grasp on the issues, trends and challenges associated with higher education today. His understanding of the industry’s complexities – coupled with his proven ability to work with, lead and inspire our campus community – makes him a tremendous asset to the College.” “Rob’s also done an exceptional job leading the College during a time of unprecedented economic uncertainty and volatility. With more than 27 years of experience in the financial services industry, his knowledge and understanding of operations and management are simply invaluable.” “Under Rob’s leadership, Augustana has accomplished so much. Yet, the entire Board feels that the College has even more exciting opportunities to grow and serve students and the broader region into the future.” Oliver was named Augustana’s 23rd president in 2006. During his tenure, the College has made significant strides


in enrollment, endowment growth and enhancements to its facilities. During the last fiscal year, Augustana’s endowment grew to $56 million and the College received more than $7.5 million in cash gifts. Its annual giving totaled $1.6 million, including $855,000 in unrestricted annual giving – the second highest unrestricted annual giving total in College history. Earlier this year, the College also surpassed the halfway point on its $120 million Momentum Augustana Campaign, the fund-raising initiative that will support the planned renovation and expansion of the Gilbert Science Complex. Most recently, the College received a $1.25 million anonymous gift in support of planning and early design work for the new science laboratories. Under Oliver’s watch, Augustana’s campus has undergone significant enhancements and students have continued to give Augustana high marks for its academic rigor and its high-caliber professors. According to students surveyed in Spring 2010, 89.1 percent agreed that their courses were intellectually challenging; 90.6 percent agreed that their instructors were enthusiastic (of those, 62.9 percent strongly agreed); and 84.7 percent agreed that their professors were “excellent.” Augustana boasts a student-to-faculty ratio of 12:1 and more than 80 percent of Augustana’s full-time tenured and tenure-track professors hold the highest degree in their field.


Campus Law Enforcement Association Honors Tupper Rick Tupper, director of campus safety, has received the President’s Award by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA), an honor bestowed on a member of campus law enforcement whose efforts go above and beyond the call of duty. “Rick Tupper has provided vital service leadership over the Rick Tupper past several years as chair of the Conference Committee and, before that, as an active member of the committee. Rick has served his entire career in law enforcement, is a veteran of the United States Navy and a graduate of the FBI National Academy,” said Phillip A. Johnson, IACLEA’s 2010-2011 president and the director of security police at the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Ind. Tupper joined Augustana in 2003. Prior to that, he served as a sergeant for the Sioux Falls Police Department.

Werner Named Director of Institutional Research Darla Werner ‘77, has been named Director of Institutional Research. In her new role, Werner will be responsible for gathering, analyzing, reporting and using internal and external data to inform and support institutional decision-making and strategic planning. Before joining Augustana, Werner spent 13 years at LodgeNet Interactive Corporation, Darla Werner most recently serving as Vice President of Information Technologies. Prior to LodgeNet, she spent 20 years at the USGS EROS Data Center where she managed the USGS data centers and data archives.

Significant Speakers 2011 Marks the 16thh Year of the Boe Forum on Public Affairs

Madeleine K. Albright, former U.S. Secretary of State, was the 2010 Boe Forum speaker. Albright delivered her address, “Geopolitics and the Implications for Doing Business and Investing Around the World,� before a crowd of nearly 3,000 at the Elmen Center.

Boe Forum, CWS Addressing Robinson to Issues of Importance Speak at 2011 In 1995, Gov. Nils Boe and his sisters, Borghild Boe (Augustana class of 1930) and Lois Boe Hyslop (class of 1935) presented a $2 million gift to the Center for Western Studies to establish the Boe Forum on Public Affairs, an annual event designed to bring to the College a speaker who would address a topic of importance to the region and the nation. Since then, 17 world leaders and global figures have visited campus to participate. Sixteen years after Gen. Colin Powell delivered his remarks at the first Boe Forum, the event has become wellknown throughout the region. “[The Boe Forum] is unique not only in having the resources and status to attract prominent speakers but also Dr. Harry Thompson in providing free admission,” said Dr. Harry Thompson, executive director of the Center for Western Studies.

“The Boe Trust lists students first and then the general public as the intended audience. Gov. Boe wanted young people of the region to develop their own understanding of national and world events. Augustana students have special opportunities to interact with each speaker through private sessions and by asking questions of the speaker after the lecture,” Thompson said. Throughout the years, the Forum has played an important role in supporting public discourse about current events. “Gov. Boe’s goal was to educate the people of the Plains through the Forum. A great example is the Forum featuring former British Prime Minister John Major. It was especially memorable because he foretold that China would soon become a major player on the world stage. That was in 1998.” The Forum’s mission to address a topic of importance to the region aligns well with the mission of the Center for Western Studies. “The Center is dedicated to preserving and interpreting the history and cultures of the Northern Plains,” said Thompson. Since the Forum has its own funding, the Center’s endowment campaign is focused on the other core areas: archives and library; art

“Gov. Boe wanted young people of the region to develop their own understanding of national and world events.” – Dr. Harry Thompson So what drove Gov. Boe and his sisters to establish the Forum? In addition to their concern for informed citizenship, the family also cared a great deal about South Dakota. “Gov. Boe became a federal judge in New York City after his term as governor. Borghild spent the majority of her career in social work in Wisconsin, and Lois had a distinguished career as a French literature scholar at Penn State University,” said Thompson. “Having met Gov. Boe and his sisters, Borghild and Lois, I know that each one had an abiding affection for South Dakota. All eventually returned to the family home in Sioux Falls, where sisters Karen and Dagny also lived.” In addition to serving the public, the Forum offers a unique opportunity for Augustana students to interact with global leaders.

and educational exhibits; book publishing; the Dakota Conference; and the Fantle Building. Now in its 24th year at Augustana, the Dakota Conference features as its theme an important regional or national topic, such as the Bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark Expedition or the Civil War Sesquicentennial. “For 2012, we will be observing the 40th anniversary of a defining national event that occurred in South Dakota — the Wounded Knee siege of 1973 (and the massacre of 1890).” According to Thompson, interest in the Center among community members continues to grow, especially as demographics change. “As with wisdom, a person’s interest in their heritage often comes with maturity. As the World War II generation passes, the Center has begun reaching out to the Baby Boomers, all the while continuing to engage students.”

SPEAKERS OF THE BOE FORUM ON PUBLIC AFFAIRS: TOP: Vice President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore, 2007; ROW ONE, LEFT TO RIGHT: Gen. Colin Powell, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1995; President George H.W. Bush, 1995; President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, 1996; Prime Minister of Great Britain John Major, 1998; First Lady of the United States Barbara Bush, 1998. ROW TWO: Archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa, and 1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu, 1999; Queen of Jordan Noor Al-Hussein, 2001; Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, 2003; PBS NewsHour Correspondent Susan Dentzer, 2003; Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani, 2004. ROW THREE: Presidential Envoy to Iraq L. Paul Bremer, 2006; President and First Lady of Mexico Vicente Fox and Marta Fox, 2007; Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Sandra Day O’Connor, 2008; President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf, 2009.


Boe Forum Mary Robinson, the first woman president of Ireland and former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, will speak at the 2011 Boe Forum on Public Affairs. Robinson’s address, “World Hunger and Poverty,” will begin at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 9, in the Elmen Center. “President Robinson is revered around the globe as a champion for worldwide democracy and a passionate adMary Robinson vocate for the integration of human rights, gender sensitivity and increased accountability in politics,” said Dr. Harry Thompson. “As our students seek to find ways to make tomorrow’s world even better than today’s, the opportunity to visit with a world leader and humanitarian will, no-doubt, inspire and empower them to drive change, eliminate borders and promote inclusion.” As the first woman president of Ireland, Robinson elevated the country to a new level of international status by fighting for controversial changes and bridging religious, social, and economic groups. Today she serves as president of the Mary Robinson Foundation — Climate Justice, a center for thought leadership, education, and advocacy. President Robinson was the first woman to chair the United Nations Commission for Human Rights and is the founder of The Ethical Globalization Initiative. She serves on the Council of Elders (along with Archbishop Desmond Tutu, President Jimmy Carter, and Gro Harlem Brundtland); is the honorary president of Oxfam International; and is Chair of the Board of the Institute of Human Rights and Business. In 2005, Robinson was deemed a hero and an icon and was listed among TIME’s “Top 100 Men and Women” whose “power, talent, or moral example is transforming the world.” In 2009, President Obama awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom — the highest civilian honor — for her significant global contributions.


Re-inventing The

Family Farm Meet John Peterson, class of 2003. He combined technology and advertising with a sheer-genius sales strategy to revolutionize his family’s 70-year-old farm.


ohn Peterson doesn’t wear a tie to work. He doesn’t talk incessantly about the “morning commute” or “rush hour traffic.” He doesn’t have a key fob or employee i.d. – doesn’t have vacation days, either. Yet at 31, Peterson is a lot like most other young professionals in business today. He’s a master at the art of multi-tasking. In between communicating with customers by phone and email, he’s writing and designing advertising campaigns; calculating returns and revenues; and monitoring inventory. He works hard to engage existing and prospective customers via Facebook; frequently updates the corporate website with fresh imagery and new information; and judiciously monitors the company’s email inbox. The difference between Peterson, class of 2003, and the millions of other 30-somethings in business today is, well, turkeys. Lots of turkeys.

John Peterson ‘03 and his wife, Erica Peterson ‘04.

‘A Light Bulb Came On’ Peterson is owner and general manager of Ferndale Market, an on-farm specialty store in Cannon Falls, Minn. The Market, which opened in 2008, sells the turkeys raised on the Peterson Turkey Farm, a 70-year-old, 140-acre, free-range turkey farm founded by Peterson’s grandparents. The Market also carries other turkey products and additional locally grown items. Named in honor of Peterson’s grandparents, Fern and Dale Peterson, Ferndale Market is the result of what Peterson calls a “light bulb” idea. In 2007, while working as an admission counselor for Augustana, he and his wife, Erica (class of 2004) became increasingly interested in the U.S. food system. “We really wanted to find out more about where our food was coming from. We began doing a lot of reading about it and, suddenly, a light bulb came on,” Peterson said. “We realized that we had a really unique opportunity to come back to our family farm and build upon the foundation my grandpa and dad had built.” After talking over the idea with his parents, Dick and Jane, Peterson set to work re-inventing the family farm he had grown up on. Ferndale Market officially launched in 2008. “For the first 70 years of the farm, we only dealt in live turkeys. We, as growers, didn’t have any connection with the end user – the people who were enjoying our product.” “The first step was to do things differently. Today we grow our turkeys free range, which means they’re moved to fresh pastures each week. We went through the process of receiving USDA approval to use the “raised without antibiotics” and “naturally processed” claims, which means, essentially, it is what it says it is. No added water or salt – just 100 percent turkey which, shouldn’t sound like a novel idea but, in reality, it’s a huge point-of-difference for us.” “We work with a local processor in Marshall, Minn. We’ve created a brand for ourselves, with value-added qualities. We have an onfarm store where we sell our own turkey and

70 products from other farmers and food producers.” Peterson also identified a wholesale market and now sells turkeys to colleges, schools, retailers, restaurants and businesses in Minnesota, South Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin. “My objective in 2008 was to find the people I needed to talk to about our family farm. One of the first places I went was Carleton College in Northfield, Minn., – it’s 15 minutes away from the farm.” “I got to know the chef; then I met their food services provider, Bon Appetit, which serves four colleges in Minnesota. Soon, we began working with all of those schools. Through Bon Appetit, we also provide our turkey for a number of corporate headquarters, such as Target, Best Buy and Federated Insurance.” Peterson says one of the reasons Ferndale is successful is because of the public’s growing interest in food origins. “There’s been a real push in Minnesota to look for and find local and natural protein. There’s also a “Farm-to-School” movement happening in K-12 schools here to help kids understand where food comes from. We’ve worked with a number of public schools to be a part of their school lunch programs.” ‘It Happened at the Same Time’ Peterson says the idea for Ferndale Market was a component of the plan to reinvent Peterson Turkey Farm. “It really happened at the same time. It was all a part of the broad idea that we wanted to sell our products directly and be connected to the people who were ultimately using the product. We knew we couldn’t be viable retailers 12 months of the year selling only turkeys. In this area, there are a lot of other farmers doing some unique things, so we set out as a place to put all those products under one roof.” In addition to Ferndale Market’s signature turkey products, the Market also sells other local meats, cheeses and other dairy products, and locally grown produce. By the Numbers Over the course of a year, Peterson Turkey Farm will grow nearly 200,000 turkeys. In comparison, the state of Minnesota grows 45 million turkeys each 12 months. “In the scheme of things, we’re small. But, we’re also independent, which means we have the flexibility to do what we’re doing. We can grow our birds in a way that we believe is important.” The location of the Farm and Market has also been key. “We’re about 30 minutes away from the Twin Cities. Rochester is about 45 minutes away. We couldn’t do what we’re doing if we didn’t have access to those markets – and the two million people who live there – within an hour’s drive,” Peterson says. “I can tell you that Grandpa never imagined we’d be running a refrigerated truck up


John Peterson ‘03, in Ferndale Market.

“I can tell you grandpa never imagined. we’d be running a refrigerated truck up and down the highway.” – John Peterson, Class of 2003

and down the highway. The Farm and Market also benefit from Cannon Falls’ growing tourism industry. “There’s really a lot going on in the Cannon Falls community. There’s a great winery here and popular bike trail that runs from Cannon Falls to the Mississippi River in Red Wing. There’s definitely a tourist draw.” Training Ground Peterson is quick to make the argument that his training in the liberal arts is what prepared him for where he is today. “[At Augustana,] I learned to think critically, problem-solve, work with people to make decisions and deal with a lot of


different information at the same time. As funny as it sounds, I really think that farming embodies all the skills the liberal arts instill in you. In agriculture, and in running a business, you can’t afford to be a specialist. You’ve got to be a generalist. You’ve got to be able to change and adapt. Those are skills that come from the liberal arts foundation.” He also credits the values-based foundation Augustana provided. “We know that the turkeys we grow are going to feed people. Knowing that helps frame the way we view our work. We’re doing more than just farming. We’re really caring for creation and helping to provide a healthy, nutritious meal at a fair price.”

This fall, Augustana proudly welcomed back our returning students, and members of the class of 2015. They are the thinkers, innovators and leaders of tomorrow. We are honored they made the decision to join us and …

GoViking. Explore. Discover. Create.

At Augustana, we believe that certain individuals are called to “Go Viking.” Individuals like Sioux Falls native Mo Hurley, a sophomore English and philosophy major, shown here while studying in Athens, Greece, earlier this year. It’s an idea that means much more than the age-old notion of sailing off in search of trade and plunder. To “Go Viking” means to be venturesome ... to explore, discover, create and pursue bold concepts and important endeavors.

Paul Harmel, class of 1972, was just 28 years old when he joined the company now known as Lifetouch. Little did he know that one day, he would become the organization’s CEO, leading its 32,000 employees and managing its $1 billion in annual sales.


Man who captures MEMORIES

Educated in a small town Taught to fear Jesus in a small town Used to daydream in that small town Another born romantic that’s me – John Cougar Mellencamp Meet Paul Harmel, class of 1972. Just like the timeless lyrics in Mellencamp’s classic song, he, too, was educated in a small town. It’s called Arlington, S.D., and it’s where, as a kid, he learned to hunt and fish and developed a long-standing love for shooting hoops. In 1968, Harmel and his Arlington Cardinals beat the better-ranked Parker Pheasants by a nail-biting three points to win the state high school basketball championship – Arlington’s first state championship in more than 30 years. He still remembers the hero’s welcome the town gave the team after the win; still remembers what it felt like to ride down Main Street atop a fire truck during the parade. In that same small town, he used to daydream, too – about going to college and starting a career. He wondered where life would take him. He never dreamt though, that one day he would be chairman

National School Studios division, president and COO of Lifetouch, Inc., and president and CEO. “I joined the company when I was 28 years old. I didn’t have aspirations of being a CEO. It wasn’t in my game plan,” he says. “But the company was a great company with a great culture. It wasn’t that big – it had 1,000 employees and less than $20 million in annual sales. Now we have 32,000 employees and we’re at more than $1 billion in annual sales. That’s tremendous growth. I was in the right place at the right time.” Capturing Memories Today, Lifetouch Inc. is comprised of several wholly-owned subsidiaries, each of which specializes in serving the photography needs of different markets, including K-12 school portraits, yearbooks, portrait studios, church directories and corporate productions. While technology has no doubt changed the film and photography industry, Harmel says the fundamentals of capturing and preserving memories are the same today as they were when the company was first formed in 1936. “You can have the most beautiful art form, but if you didn’t capture the essence of the image or the individual, it’s no good.

“This company is owned by the employees. I feel a great responsibility to make sure these people who have dedicated their lives to this place have a wonderful retirement – that they’ll get their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.” – Paul Harmel, Class of 1972 and chief executive officer of the world’s largest employeeowned photography company, overseeing thousands of employees nationwide and managing annual sales of more than $1 billion. “Did I want to be head of a major corporation? No. I just wanted to do the best I could. They just kept giving me more and more responsibility. Being a good Midwest kid, I just tried to do the best I could. And, the next thing I knew, they kept giving me even more responsibility,” Harmel says, laughing. Looking Back Harmel came to Augustana to study accounting and play basketball but, he’s the first to admit, he wasn’t entirely sure about what he wanted to do professionally. He took a number of courses in physical education because, he says, he often thought about a career in coaching. After graduation, he moved to the Minneapolis, Minn., area where he worked in insurance and later as a certified public accountant. He joined Lifetouch (then known as National School Studios) in 1977 as a controller. Four months into Harmel’s job, Bruce Reinecker, the company’s owner, transferred 100 percent of the company’s ownership to its employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). “He really wanted to make sure the employees were taken care of. In 1977, ESOPs were brand new. It was quite a generous act on his part.” After working as a controller, Harmel went on to serve in a number of roles before being named chairman and CEO in 2001 including, vice president of Finance, president of the company’s

You can have the best background or the best lighting, but if it doesn’t speak to the hearts of those who are buying it, it won’t sell. It won’t be cherished. Technology allows us do to more with an image, but the real key is capturing a good image in the first place.” “I’ve often said that we’re in an honorable profession. For a living, we try to help people feel good about themselves – from a shy kindergartener to a mom who cherishes the photograph of her first baby.” “Lifetouch was a name that was chosen with purpose,” Harmel says. “The mission was to touch lives in a positive way.” In addition to overseeing the company’s strategic plan and serving as a guardian for its long-standing mission, Harmel says he is driven by a sense of responsibility to the Lifetouch team. “This company is owned by the employees. I feel a great responsibility to make sure these people who have dedicated their lives to this place have a wonderful retirement – that they’ll get their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.” Harmel credits his “well-rounded” experience at Augustana with helping him throughout his career. “I had great mentors at Augie. From my advisor, Professor Paul Eggers, to Pastor Pete, to my coaches, including Dr. Ken Kessinger, Mel Klein and Ed Stevens.” In recognition of Harmel’s contributions to the world of business and to the community, he was awarded an Alumni Achievement Award during Viking Days 2011. “I really felt that [Augustana’s liberal arts education] gave me an understanding of all kinds of things that helped me move into life and jobs and careers. When you’re exposed to many ideas, you gain the confidence you need to move forward with anything.”




Great Professors; Great Accomplishments An article by Dr. David O’Hara (Philosophy) on “Lynn T. White, Jr.,” will appear in the new “Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues,” by Salem Press. “Possible explanation for NuTeV’s anomalous dimuon events,” an article authored by Belview, Minn., native Tom Alexander, class of 2011, and Dr. Drew Alton (physics), is featured in the June issue of Physical Review D, a national scientific publication. Alton also learned that his National Science Foundation (NSF) grant has been approved for $20,711 for this year. The grant will help support construction and operation of a prototype dark matter detector at the Gran Sasso Lab in Italy. Visiting Professor Dr. John Anderson (Religion) authored the book “Jacob and the Divine Trickster: A Theology of Deception and YHWH’s Fidelity to the Ancestral Promise in the Jacob Cycle” which has been published by Eisenbraun’s Press. Anderson’s article, “Awaiting an Answered Prayer: The Development and Reinterpretation of Habakkuk 3 in its Contexts,” was also published in the journal Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. Scott Parsons (Art) was awarded the Canadian Terrazzo Award by the Terrazzo, Tile & Marble Association of Canada. From the pool of awardwinning work, Parsons was also honored with the Project of the Year Award, the top award in Canada from the Terrazzo, Tile & Marble Association of Canada. Dr. Duane Weisshaar and Dr. Gary Earl (Chemistry) had an article accepted for publication in the Journal of Surfactants and Detergents titled “Investigation of the Stability of Quaternary Ammonium Methylcarbonates.” Also included were the following undergraduates: Michael W. Amolins, Kyle L. Mickalowski, Justin G. Norberg, Brian D. Rekken, Angela M. (Hayes) Burgess, Bethany D. (Zogg) Kaemingk and Katie C. Behrens. Dr. Eric Wells (Physics) presented an invited talk at the APS DAMOP meeting in Atlanta titled “Adaptive femtosecond control using feedback from three-dimensional momentum images.” Wells was also awarded $4,892 by the National Science Foundation for additional support on a project under his direction titled “RUI: Using Imaging Methods to Expose the Molecular Dynamics Arising from Ultrafast Adaptive Control.” Dr. Christopher Stanichar (Music) had his orchestration of Purple Lullaby (a piece he played for a faculty meeting last year with his wife, Kristi, on English horn) accepted for publication by Trevco Music. Dr. Barrett Eichler (Chemistry) an article published in CrystEngComm (Crystal Engineering Communications) titled “Role of counterions in the structures of diquinolinyl-silver coordination polymers.” Dr. Dan Howard and Dr. Carrie Hall (Biology) both presented papers at the Invertebrate


Sound and Vibration 13th International Meeting at the University of Missouri Columbia, June 4-7. Howard and Hall also presented papers at Behavior 2011, the Joint Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society and the International Ethological Conference, July 25-30. Both facilitated a pre-conference diversity workshop for under-represented undergraduate students attending the meeting. Drs. Howard and Hall took Augustana biology students Ashley Schmidt, Christina Johnson, Claire Bestul and Courtney Moore to the meeting, all of whom presented posters. Dr. John Pennington (Music) conducted and performed the Oratorio “The Song of Luke” July 19 at the 34th Annual National Pastoral Musician Convention in Louisville, KY. This work was presented at Augustana College last December and was filmed by South Dakota Public Broadcasting. Along with co-authors, Dr. Andrew Gilham (HPER) presented a 90-minute package of four presentations titled “Development and Preliminary Validation of the Coaching Success Questionnaire” at the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity in Burlington, Vermont. Gilham also presented a paper titled “Motivational Styles: Examining the Impact of Personality on the Self-Talk Patterns of Adolescent Female Soccer Players” at the Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii. Works by Dr. Patrick Hicks (English) are included in two different nationally published anthologies of poetry: “Poetry City, USA” and “The Red Dragonfly Anthology of Poetry;” his own edited anthology of South Dakota Poetry, “A Harvest of Words,” published by the Center for Western Studies, is a finalist for the High Plains Book Award; and four of his latest poems have been accepted by the Toad Suck Review. Dr. Sherry Feinstein (Education) authored a chapter titled “Teen Cognition and Learning” in “Secrets of the Teenage Brain, Second Edition” which will appear in the educational neuroscience volume of “The Best of Corwin Series;” her article titled “Technology and the Teenage Brain” was accepted for publication by Mcgill University Press; and she received a $61,000 grant for Student Teachers from Colorado Compact. The Religion Department has become a member of THETA ALPHA KAPPA, the National Honor Society for Religious Studies/Theology. Dr. Nathan Grau (Physics) had a paper associated with his presentation at the Quark Matters conference in May accepted for publication. “Probing Nuclear Matter with Jets and gammaHadron Correlations: Results from PHENIX” N. Grau for the PHENIX Collaboration” will appear in J. Phys. G: Nuclear & Particle Physics. Rev. Dr. Paul Rohde, campus pastor, graduated in May with a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washing-


ton, D.C. His project, “And Grace Will Lead Me Home,” is under contract to be published by Wipf and Stock. Dr. Jenny Gubbels (Biology) had an article published in the July issue of Cancer Immunol Immunother titled “Ab-IL2 fusion proteins mediate NK cell immune synapse formation by polarizing CD25 to the target cell-effector cell interface.” Dr. Ryan Sougstad (Business Administration) had an article titled “Profit-maximizing firm investments in customer information security” published by Decision Support Systems, In Press. The article was co-authored with YongJick Lee and Robert J. Kauffman. Dr. Harry Thompson (CWS) was a panelist at the Northern Great Plains History Conference, to be held at Minnesota State UniversityMankato. The topic was new research about the Great Plains. Dr. Mitch Harris (English) delivered a paper titled “Being More Hospitable to Heresy: Complicating our Patristic Understanding of John Milton’s Anti-Trinitarianism” at The Hospitable Text international conference at the University of Notre Dame London Centre, London, England in July. Dr. Pilar Cabrera (MDFL) authored an article titled (in translation) “Melodramatic Molds and Theatrical Escapes: Mass Culture in Dramatic Texts by Virgilio Piñera” accepted for publication by the “Editorial Hispano Cubana,” a collection of criticism on the author, which will be published in Madrid next year. Dr. Olivia Lima (Psychology) presented a paper titled “Making the Most of Reading” at the meeting of the Siouxland Association of Child Care Directors in Sioux Falls. Dr. Paul Egland (Biology) has been given “Visiting Scientist” status for this year at Sanford Research. Dr. Robert Wright (Economics) is the recipient of the Richard C. Wade Award for the best article published in the previous two volumes of “Ohio Valley History.” Reviewers unanimously selected his article, “Corporations and the Economic Growth and Development of the Antebellum Ohio River Valley,” as the best article published in “Ohio Valley History” in 20092010 (volumes 9 and 10). The Wade Award comes with a cash prize of $500 and a copy of Richard Wade’s celebrated “The Urban Frontier.” Wright also guest-curated “Checks & Balances: Presidents and American Finance,” an exhibit on the financial challenges faced by American presidents both in the Oval Office and in their personal lives. Dr. Paul Schilf (Music) had an article published in School Band and Orchestra, a national journal dealing with band and orchestra. His article is titled “The Necessity for Individual and Ensemble Instruction in Secondary Public Schools.”

This summer, the Augustana community mourned the loss of long-serving contributors Bob Aldern, Tracy Riddle, Dianne Hammrich and Dr. Harold Foss.


“Believer’s Looking Forward,” was among Bob Aldern’s last easel paintings and his last liturgical piece.

good friends

© Aldern Art Studios. All Rights R Reserved.


Aldern Artist in Residence

Bob Aldern, former Chair of the Art Department and Augustana Artist-in-Residence. Š Aldern Art Studios. All Rights Reserved.


e was influenced by the men many have called the “founding lions” of the Augustana Art Department: Palmer Eide and Ogden Dalrymple. Little did Robert Aldern know that one day, he, too, would be considered among the greats. Aldern, class of 1951 and former department chair and Artist-in-Residence, died on Saturday, June 11. He was 82. Aldern served Augustana as a member of the Faculty from 1980 until 1991. After his retirement, he continued to be involved with the College as an Artist-in-Residence, working to make arts-related initiatives such as the Hovland Center for Liturgical Arts a reality. Examples of his work include the Reredos in Augustana’s Chapel of Reconciliation and the Triptych at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, among many others. Prior to joining Augustana, Aldern served as Professor of Art and Chair of the Art Department at the University of South Dakota

art, while showing an awareness of modernist trends occurring in New York City, was ardently never just art for its own sake. Art was to be situated and incorporated within the artist’s own community. This is a legacy that guides the Art Department to this day — and is one of its greatest strengths.” “He had the good fortune of beginning his art career in the 1950s at the same time that liturgical art was being reinvigorated in the United States. The growing liturgical arts movement sought to reconnect modern art and architecture to liturgical function, viewing it as a form of visual theology: the liturgy was art and art could be an intrinsic component of the liturgy. Numerous congregations, generations of worshippers and countless visitors who have experienced Aldern’s work in situ have benefitted from this confluence that resulted in nearly a half-century’s worth of work. And we are incredibly fortunate to experience this expansive vision at every worship service [in the

“I want my paintings to seed my remaining seasons. Through the textural changes of plowing, harrowing, planting, cultivating; Growing to blossom And yielding to harvest To be disked and plowed again For freezing snow and wind. Now, resting is the time For a gathering, scar soaked earth Later carrying seeds to birth.” – Bob Aldern in Vermillion. Before that, he was South Dakota State University’s Artist-in-Residence. He also served as Artistic Consultant to the Catholic Diocese of Eastern South Dakota from 1964 to 1966 and was director of the Sioux Falls Civic Fine Arts Center from 1961 to 1964. Among his many honors, he received the Augustana Alumni Achievement Award in 1977; the Governor’s Award in the Arts for Distinction in Creative Achievement in 1997; and the Mayor’s Award for Achievement in the Arts in 2000. Dr. Lindsay Twa, assistant professor of Art and director of the Eide/Dalrymple Gallery, spoke about Aldern’s accomplishments and contributions during Augustana’s “Heritage and Hope” lecture series in February 2011: “Robert Aldern ... was influenced by the two founding lions of the department, Palmer Eide and Ogden Dalrymple. Bob observed each artist balancing their teaching loads with their personal studio practices and the execution of public commissions in a range of media. Their

Chapel of Reconciliation].” “We could say that retirement is the only thing that he has failed at in his life. And this, too, seems to be a part of the Augustana heritage. Our community is sustained by many former faculty and staff who continue to help out in countless large and small ways into their twilight years because they continue to be passionate about making this place as great as it is.” “Bob Aldern was a guiding light for the art department and Augustana College; he is an emblem of a future that always draws strength from the past, and of a past that is always generative of future endeavors.” Aldern received his BFA from Hartford Art School at the University of Hartford, Hartford, Conn., and his bachelor’s degree from Augustana. He also spent a summer in training with famed artist Jean Charlot. A new scholarship has been created by the Aldern family to support Art students who share Aldern’s passion, creativity and commitment.


Harold Foss, Former Natural Sciences Chair, Dies at 86 Dr. Harold F. Foss, former chair of the natural sciences department, passed away on Tuesday, July 19. He was 86. Foss joined the College in 1958. Prior to coming to Augustana, he served as a high school science teacher and administrator in Montana and Idaho. After serving in the U.S. Navy during WWII, he earned Foss his bachelor’s degree from the University of Montana and later earned his doctorate from Indiana University. In an article announcing his retirement in the May 14, 1987, issue of The Mirror, Augustana’s student newspaper, Foss recalled his early days at Augustana. “Foss ... can recall when science classes were taught in the now Social Sciences’ ‘Green Room.’ When Foss arrived in 1958, Biology was a three-man department,” the story said. In the early 1970s, Foss began working with students on “environmental action” programs to examine the impact of daily living on the planet. He is credited with helping to develop a number of outdoor classroom activities and also participated in several National Science Foundation initiatives across the country. In 1984, he was selected as the Siouxland Conservation Educator of the Year. Foss was a long-time member of Hope Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls, the National Biology Teachers Association and the Augustana Golden Vikings. He was past president of the South Dakota Academy of Science.




Riddle Associate A ssociate D Dean ean off Students Students

TOP: Riddle’s signature reading glasses were on display, along with photos and other mementos of her life during a memorial service held in her honor in July. BOTTOM: Riddle hugs a student following Augustana’s Commencement Ceremony in May.

he never stood before a chalkboard or lectured behind a podium; yet, to students, she was one of Augustana’s most treasured teachers. Tracy Riddle, Augustana’s longtime associate dean of students, died on Friday, July 22, after a two-yearlong battle with cancer. She was 54. “Tracy was a dear friend and colleague who touched the lives of countless students, families, faculty and staff members with her passion for life, tenacious spirit and gentle compassion,” said Rob Oliver, president. A native of El Centro, Calif., Riddle received her bachelor’s degree from the University of the Pacific in Stockton, Calif., and her master’s degree from Azusa Pacific University in Azusa, Calif. She joined Augustana in 1990 and was instrumental in leading the College’s student housing program. She was also involved in significant ways with developing Augustana’s co-curriculum. In April 2011, she received the Augie Pride award in recognition of her exceptional contributions to the College. “Tracy taught the entire campus community about the importance of advocacy, acceptance, friendship, dedication and kindness. At the same time, she worked tirelessly to ensure that each and every student had what they needed in order to succeed socially and academically,” said Dr. Jim Bies, vice president for Student Services and dean of students. “Even as she battled pain and sickness, she continued to place her concern for our students above her own. She was one-in-a-million and we will be forever grateful for the countless contributions she made to the College and for the precious life lessons she taught us.” In an entry on her CaringBridge page, an online journal for those battling health-related challenges, Riddle wrote about the important place Augustana students held in her heart. “Students are my passion and they get me out of bed in the morning, even in the summer. I am blessed to have such a clear vision of what my calling on earth is.” A memorial scholarship has been established to honor Riddle’s life and the many gifts she made to the Augustana community through the years. Read and listen to tributes to Riddle online at www.augie.edu/tracy.

Psalm 139: As Told By a Dean of Students As Campus Pastor Paul Rohde read Psalm 139 at Tracy’s bedside the day she died, he was taken with how fully and freely she had lived it. In her memory, he offered this paraphrase at Riddle’s memorial service in the Chapel on July 26. How wonderful are your works, O God. How vast is the sum of them. If you, in fact, know every word before it passes my lips, You are indeed a creative and colorful God. Where shall I flee from your presence? If I go to the mosh pit, you are there. And if I ascend to the top of Stavig or Granskou to chase students off the roof, you are there. If I call the privileged to service, you are there. And if I stand with the broken and downtrodden, you are there. If I am awakened at 4 a.m., you are there. And if I get back to bed at 1 a.m., you are there, too. If I go to Guatemala or Chile, you are there, and if the international students have a bake sale on my yard, you are there. If I stir enthusiasm into yet another Covenant Award committee for how blessed we are to serve students who live our values, you are there.

Colleagues Remember Hammrich’s Strength, Work Ethic, Positive Attitude Dianne Hammrich, former nt to administrative assistant ied on the Academic Dean, died wing Sunday, Aug. 28, following ith a courageous battle with breast cancer. She was 60. ugusHammrich joined Augusam tana’s Food Service team ked in 1986. She also worked in the Business Office and fice later served in the Offi ce ntil of Academic Affairs until retiring in 2009. A memorial fund in Hammrich’s name has pbeen established in support of students. Dr. William Swart, professor of sociology,, shared the following message about Hammrich during a memorial service held on Sept. 12 in the Chapel of Reconciliation: In Memory: Dianne Hammrich I stand before you this morning with a mixed bag of emotions … grief

“Dianne was a uniquely empathetic and selfless person who could make others feel comfortable, and happy and positive...” – Dr. William Swart

And if I grant mercy [or receive mercy] for yet another time we fail our values, you are there. If I celebrate student triumphs, you are there. And if I sit with disappointment one more time, you are there. You have called me to this work, O God, so every student and colleague may know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. You bless me with compassion and delight in the promise that from your womb, O Mother God, you have made us sisters and brothers. You knit our stories in intricate and astonishing ways. How vast is the sum of your gifts, O God. I come to the end—I am still with you.

and sadness over the loss of someone so special to us … relief and gratitude that someone I love is no longer suffering … fascination at the grand ironies that moments like this bring … hesitation, because I’m pretty sure Dianne wouldn’t want us to have gone through all this trouble … frustration – and if I am honest, maybe even a touch of anger – over what my mortal mind can only construe as a gross injustice. But the two feelings that glow the most brightly for me this morning are honor and insecurity. Honor because I have the privilege of speaking on behalf of someone many of us loved dearly, and inadequacy because, first … so many of you knew Dianne for much longer than I had, and second … how does one memorialize a person like


Dianne in so little time? I told Dianne many times that I believed she lived in another dimension of time … Whereas most of us get a mere 24 hours in a day, Dianne had some special arrangement with the universe where she got 28 or 36. How else could she have gotten everything done? On top of working a 60-plus hour-a-week job at Augie, how else could she have found time for another part-time job at Yonkers, let alone bake thousands of desserts for faculty meetings or the Library Associates, or build the myriad of Christmas baskets for her friends each year, or spend weeks at a time in Greece … or Morocco … or Ireland … or the Virgin Islands? CONTINUED: Page: 44



Field and String When sophomore nursing major Maren Werth finishes the soccer season, she’ll play the harp with the Augustana Orchestra.


aren Werth’s Augustana experience reads like a page from the liberal arts playbook. She is smart, a skilled athlete, and a gifted harpist. Her career choice is caring for others, and she is devoted to family. The sophomore from Bloomington, Minn., is totally focused on whatever requires her attention at the moment. That she performs at a high level in all endeavors is no surprise to those who know her. “Maren is an amazing young woman with a ton of talent,” said Brandon Barkus, Augustana’s head soccer coach. “She is constantly striving to get better, and I absolutely love that about her.” Dr. Christopher Stanichar, Augustana’s director of orchestras, said: “It has been a huge blessing to work with Maren. She is respectful, kind, and immensely talented. Like many of our students, she is a model of a well-rounded individual.” Werth is a student of Anna Vorhes, principal harpist with the Sioux City Symphony and a member of the Augustana music faculty. “Maren approaches the harp with intensity and joy,” Vorhes said. “Her delight in playing the standards of harp literature with technical skill is matched with her delight in learning to arrange pieces that make the people around her happy.” Soccer As a true freshman in 2010, Werth inherited a starting role when senior Katie Shandri, arguably one of the best players in Augustana history, suffered a careerending knee injury. “I had played pretty well in practice and was getting a feel for game conditions,” Werth said. “I was playing next to Katie when she got hurt. I was concerned about what was going to happen, but the next thing I knew Coach was telling me that I was taking her spot in the game. He told me to play like I know how to play.” Werth started 11 games and played in all 19. She led the team in points (11) and shots (39). She tied for the lead in goals (4), assists (3), and game-winning goals (2). “Maren takes coaching points quite seriously,” said Barkus. “If I give her something to improve upon she works tirelessly until she masters it. I admire her ability to be empowered.” Werth’s passion for soccer was ignited at age 5. She has competed with the Bloomington Youth Soccer Club, the Edina Soccer Club, the Woodbury Soccer Club, and for Thomas Jefferson High School. She first met Barkus when he recruited her to play for Woodbury. Four months later, Barkus accepted the coaching job at Augustana. The Werths were in Sioux Falls for a regional soccer tournament when they contacted Barkus and arranged a visit. “I seriously fell in love with Augustana,” said Werth. “It’s a small school, but not confining. It was one of the few schools where I was allowed to play soccer, be in orchestra, and major in nursing. I knew it was where

NAVY & GOLD God wanted me to be.” The Harp “I played the piano for about three years and took up the harp when I was 8,” Werth said. “I watched a lady at church playing the harp and thought it was so cool. My teacher was 84 and the cutest lady you could imagine. I started with a Troubadour Lever Harp. I played basic pieces and would memorize them before moving on. I eventually moved up to the pedal harp that requires use of the feet and hands at the same time. That was an adventure.” The pedal harp — also known as the concert harp — is a large and technically modern harp, designed primarily for classical music and played either solo, as part of chamber ensembles, as soloist with or as a section or member in an orchestra. Werth joins the Augustana Orchestra at the end of the soccer season. A year ago, she performed in concerts with the ensemble in addition to playing solo at various functions. “I think Maren could easily play harp as well as any music major, yet she has an equal love for soccer and nursing,” said Stanichar. “I suppose that a lot of other students with her schedule would choose to do other relaxing endeavors. Instead, Maren seeks to enrich her life with music.” Playing the harp is a form of stress relief for Werth. This summer she per-

Sophomore Maren Werth goes for the ball during a game against Nebraska-Kearney.

formed at the wedding of Augustana assistant soccer coach Dale Weiler. “Arranging the theme from “The Princess Bride” for her coach’s wedding was a summer project that made her time at the harp very satisfying,” Vorhes said. “Whether it’s adding harp to the orchestra at Augustana, playing a solo for recital hour or adding the magical sound of the harp to someone’s special day, Maren loves what she can do with the harp.” To hear Werth play, Stanichar suggests a recording of the Augustana Orchestra

performing Rimsky-Korsakov’s Capriccio Espagnole from a concert last fall. “She is playing the scintillating harp cadenza, which gives the impression of a fiery flamenco dancer,” he said. Nursing Werth has been accepted into the nursing program at Augustana. “I can’t think of doing anything else,” she said. “I like the thought of taking care of people. Sometimes my teammates call me Momma Maren.”

Morstad Gift Names Soccer Facility Augustana’s soccer facility was officially named Morstad Field at a ceremony in September in recognition of a recent gift from alumni Kent and Judy Morstad, longtime supporters of the College. “We celebrate the leadership and generosity of Kent and Judy Morstad, two of our own whose fond memories of their time at Augustana and their love of athletics inspired them to give back,” said Rob Oliver, president. “We are deeply grateful for this gift and we look forward to enhancing Morstad Field to serve the needs of our student-athletes, coaches and fans for years to come.” After graduating from Augustana in 1958, Kent Morstad, a Sioux Falls native and a graduate of Washington High School, attended the University of Minnesota for graduate work in mortuary science. He joined Miller Funeral Home in Sioux Falls in 1968 and was named partner in 1972. He currently serves the firm as partner and funeral director. He is an active civic volunteer and has served on many area boards, including the Sioux Empire Fair, Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce, YMCA, Main Street Sioux Falls, South Dakota Lions Eye Bank, the Augustana Alumni Council and Sioux Falls Crimestoppers. He was twice past Potentate of the El Riad Shrine and is a past president of the South Dakota Funeral Directors Association. He currently serves on the board of governors for the Shriners Hospital of the Twin Cities.


Kent and Judy Morstad.

Judy (Lindekugel) Morstad, class of 1961, is a native of Spencer, S.D. She is an active community volunteer and has served as president of the Parent Teacher Association and president of the Shrine Auxiliary. She is a past member of the YWCA Camping Committee and the Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Choir. She is an active supporter of Volunteers of America (VOA). The Augustana soccer field opened in September 2009 with no namesake. The facility allowed Augustana to move Viking soccer on campus for the first time in the program’s history.




Hall of



Augustana alumnus Troy Westwood kicked for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.


The members of the 2011 Class of the Augustana Athletic Hall of Fame have achieved national and international recognition. The new inductees were honored Oct. 14 during Viking Days 2011. CARL FRITZ ‘92 Fritz set the school indoor record for 5,000 meters (14:34.24) in 1992 and the mark still stands. He won the North Central Conference indoor 5,000-meter race in 1991 and 1992. He achieved All-America status by placing third in the 5,000 at the 1992 NCAA Division II indoor championships. He ran with Augustana’s NCC cross country Fritz and Central Regional championship team in 1991. He became a cross county All-America by finishing17th at the 1991 national gathering. He works as an attorney serving as assistant general counsel with the Illinois Department of Human Services. STACY JOHNSON HART ‘98 Johnson Hart was a four-time North Central Conference track and field champion. She won the indoor 3,000 in 1998 (9:54.69), the outdoor 3,000 in 1996 (10:08.87) and 1998 (10:06.44), and the outdoor 5,000 in 1998 (17:26.48). She was named the conference outdoor track female athlete of the week April 21, 1998, and May 5, 1998. She was ranked in the top eight nationally by the Johnson Hart NCAA for the 3,000 in 1996, 1997, and 1998. She finished eighth at the NCAA cross country championships in 1996 and ninth in 1997 to earn All-America recognition. She works as a teacher with the Rochester (Minn.) Public Schools. PETE ROBACK ‘96 Roback owns the distinction of being selected to both AllNorth Central Conference baseball and football teams. He helped Augustana’s baseball team to its first NCC Southern Division championship in 1995. He batted .400, hit four home runs, drove in 23 Roback runs, and stole 24 bases in 26 attempts. He held school records


for most runs scored in a season (46) and a career (72) and posted a career batting average of .362. He was selected to the AllNCC football team in 1993 and 1994, and was a Division II All-America football third team pick in 1993. He works as the assistant principal for Rosemount (Minn.) High School. NICKY JOHNSEN GILBERTSON ‘96 Johnsen Gilbertson was a South Dakota All-State player at Wakonda High School and performed collegiately at an equally high level. She is among Augustana’s scoring (1,258 points), rebound (674), and shot block (141) career leaders. She was chosen to All-North Central Conference teams Johnsen Gilbertson in 1994 and 1995, and in 1994 shared first place in the conference for free-throw percentage (.870). She is eighth in career NCC free-throw percentage (.833), and was 19th nationally (.814) in 1995. She is employed by Aegis Therapies as district manager for nursing facilities in South Dakota, Iowa, and Nebraska. ARWIN SCHMEICHEL ‘88 In 1986, Schmeichel was chosen North Central Conference player of the week, the first Viking so honored in three seasons. He was a three-year starter at linebacker and was the team’s second leading tackler (70) for his first campaign. In 1986 he led Schmeichel the team in tackles (97) and played a leading role in a 22-21 defeat of Northern Colorado, the Vikings’ first win against the Bears. He was the leading tackler in 1987 (123). He was selected to the All-NCC Teams in 1986 and 1987. He works as a salesman for Bayer Built Woodworks. TROY WESTWOOD ‘91 Place kicker Westwood was the 48th overall pick in the 1991 Canadian Football League draft. He led the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in scoring for 15 seasons and holds the Canadian Football League record for highest career field goal



percentage in playoff games (85.7). He was inducted into the Winnipeg Football Club Hall of Fame this year. He holds the Augustana record for conversion kicks in a season (41) and is second in career conversion kicks (107). He works as a director with Empower Resources and co-hosts a morning program on Sports Radio 1290 in Winnipeg. Ole Odney, Lefty Olson, Harvey Awards Rod Vollan ‘81, who retired earlier this summer after 26 years with the Clark County School District in Las Vegas, received the Ole Odney Award for significant achievements in coaching, athletic administration, recreation, or youth athletic work. Darren Paulsen ‘88, activities director at Rapid City Central High School, received the L.A. “Lefty” Olson Award for significant lifetime service or achievement in athletics or athletic administration. Midcontinent Communications received the Milt and Clara Harvey Award for outstanding contributions of time, service, and financial support to Augustana athletics. Additional Honors The 1991 men’s cross country team also received special recognition during Viking Days 2011.

The 1991 men’s cross country team won the North Central Conference and Central Region championships and finished seventh at the NCAA Division II competition. It was the first conference title for the men’s program and the highest finish in national competition. Coached by Rob Kinnunen, the team was ranked in the top 10 nationally throughout the season and held the top spot for one week. Kinnunen was named NCC and Central Region Coach of the Year. Members of the 1991 team include Matt Kiesow, Carl Fritz, Carl Cramer Jr., Phil Biteler, Matt Bien, Randy McVean, Chris Silva, Todd McCallum, Keith Maloney and Per Frederick Pharo, Olso, Norway.


Gear for Lil’ Vikes, too!

Get your Augustana apparel today! Visit the Augustana Bookstore located inside the Morrison Commons on campus or browse online at www.augiebookstore.com

Third grade teacher Heather Hemeyer, class of 2008, isn’t just teaching math, reading and spelling at St. Joseph’s Indian School in Chamberlain, S.D. She’s teaching children the skills they need to build a better tomorrow.

Teaching FOR Change

According to an analysis by the National Center for Children in Poverty, nearly one in six children in South Dakota – a staggering 34,000 kids across the state – are impacted by poverty. The poverty label, by definition, is attached to households reporting an annual income at or below $22,050 for a family of four. Of those, a large number are Native Americans who live in areas categorized as among the poorest in the U.S. – counties like Shannon and Ziebach in rural South Dakota. For these children, the financial strains their families face all-too-often leave their mark – from malnourishment to cognitive delays, behavioral disorders, abuse and neglect. By the time they enter school, many have already endured a lifetime’s worth of heartache and strug-

and beyond from American Indian reservations (high school students attend Chamberlain High School). The school’s mission is to help Native American children in need regain pride in the Lakota (Sioux) culture by learning the Lakota language, studying Native American culture and, often times, healing the broken family circle from which they came. For 25-year-old Hemeyer, teaching young children from impoverished homes in a residential setting has been a learning experience. “We deal with a variety of challenges. Many times, the kids experience homesickness that sometimes carries over into the classroom. We deal with ADHD, psychological conditions and issues that stem from past abuse and neglect.” To counter the challenges, Hemeyer

is designed for those who hold a bachelor’s degree in education and are eligible for certification. “A colleague of mine mentioned that she was pursuing her master’s and was planning to implement a number of different techniques in her classroom. After talking with her, I really started to feel a hunger to learn more about my trade.” “I started researching graduate programs. But I live in Chamberlain. The location is tough. Then I heard about Augie’s program. If it wasn’t for the program being online, there would be no way I could do it.” “For today’s teachers, the decision to obtain a master’s degree is an important investment in their future. In addition to enhancing their abilities to create positive learning environments for students, in most

“There are a lot of late nights … if a child is having problems, you stay late to try to provide comfort. It’s important to build those relationships.” – Heather Hemeyer, Class of 2008 gle. Many find the structure and expectations of classroom work difficult. Teaching children in need can be challenging, too. But for Heather Hemeyer, class of 2008 and a third grade teacher at St. Joseph’s Indian School in Chamberlain, S.D., the challenges are worth it. “These kids have had such unstable lives … you do what you can to give them stability. Sometimes they’re defiant; sometimes they struggle. I do everything I can to prepare these students for the next grade. I hope they fly. I have students from old classes who come up to me and give me a hug or color me a picture. That’s what really makes it special for me.” Teaching at St. Joe’s Established in 1927, St. Joseph’s is a non-profit residential school that serves 200 Native American students from first grade through eighth grade

and her colleagues offer stability, structure and an open heart. “There are a lot of late nights … if a child is having problems, you stay late to try to provide comfort. It’s important to build those relationships.” Experience, she says, has also made her a better teacher, and a better counselor. “Plain old experience has been a huge benefit for me. I learn something new about these kids and the culture they come from every day. I’m able to have really good conversations with students; I’m able to listen to them objectively with an open mind.” Looking Ahead In June, Hemeyer, a native of Gregory, S.D., was among the first group of students to enroll in Augustana’s first-ever Master of Arts in Education Online Degree Program. The 19-month, non-thesis program


cases a master’s degree correlates to increased compensation,” said Dr. Sheryl Feinstein, professor of Education at Augustana. “By offering our program online, we’re able to accommodate the busy lives of adult learners while making the dream of a master’s degree a reality for teachers in rural areas.” Augustana is currently accepting applications for its second Master of Arts in Education Online Degree Program, for which classes will begin in June 2012. Applications are due by Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2012. To learn more, visit www.augie.edu/graduate. For Hemeyer, she’s looking forward to implementing what she’s learning through the program in her classroom. “This program has given me the chance to further my education and not have to worry about traveling somewhere else to do it. I couldn’t ask for more.”


The Augustana Percussion Ensemble performed “Stinkin’ Garbage” at Viking Varieties 2011. Members of the Percussion Ensemble include: Spencer Kruse ‘15, Aaron Vidal ‘14, Kade Klippenstein ‘14, Daniel Fry ‘13, Deann Naab ‘14, Eric Habbe ‘15, Anna Olson ‘13, Andrew Paulson ‘14, CJ Meyer ‘13, Alex Buffie ‘13, Katie Kuehl ‘14 and Mikal Dickey ‘12.

VIEW MORE VIKING DAYS PHOTOS at www.facebook.com/AugustanaCollegeSD

VIKING DAYS 2011 From Coronation to the reunions, the parade, Varieties, the game and the Blue & Gold Gala, the campus was in a “Viking State of Mind� in celebration of the 83rd annual Viking Days. Even Ole the Viking joined in the fun!

Senior biology majors Casey Ortbahn, Pierre, S.D., and Jackie Miles , Tea, S.D., were crowned King and Queen of Viking Days 2011 during the “Late Night Coronation Show” at the Elmen Center. Joining Ortbahn and Miles as members of the Royal Court were seniors Dan Bock, Arvada, Colo.; Erik Nyberg, Sioux Falls; Jacob Bury, Sioux Falls; Josh Belville, Van Dyne, Wis.; Ashley Weber, Cold Spring, Minn.; Jessica Haugo, Waubun, Minn.; Heidi Nelson, Custer, S.D.; and Hannah Miller, Mankato, Minn.

David Stadem ‘12, Glynnis Kunkel ‘12, Tyler Wasberg ‘12 and Callie Berg ‘13 performed “Java Jive” at Varieties.

ABOVE: The important contribution of alumnus Peter Eide ‘66, creator of the Ole the Viking statue, originally dedicated in1967, was recognized at a re-dedication ceremony on Friday, Oct. 14. A plaque commemorating the statue, provided by Kent Morstad, ‘58, was unveiled at the event. PICTURED ABOVE: Kent Morstad, Mary Eide Boyd ‘66 (Peter Eide’s sister), Eunice Eide Hovland ‘50 and Howard Hovland ‘50. BELOW: Audrey Burkart ‘14 (center) performs with Chris Borchardt ‘12 and Nicole Lewis ‘14 in the “Big Apple Saxophone Circus” at Viking Varieties 2011.

ABOVE: Ben Parsley outruns a defender as the Vikings took on the Winona State Warriors at Kirkeby-Over Stadium. More than 5,000 fans filled the stands to watch the Vikings win 23-15. BELOW: Hundreds of alumni returned to campus to enjoy reunions, the parade, the game and the Gala.

ABOVE: Members of the “Augieholics” celebrate Augustana during the parade. From left to right, Eric Hieb, Gentry Pletts, Emily Tekavec, Trevor Chadwick, Erik Nyberg, Joe Meader, Krista Youngberg, Isaac Krueger, Ali Lammers, Kyle Mielke, Joel Hermann and Taylor Lambert. BELOW: The Community Service float celebrates Augustana’s efforts to help others in need. This fall, more than 400 students participated in Community Service Day, completing more than 1,600 hours of service for 25 local organizations and collecting more than 1,250 pounds of food.

ABOVE: From left to right, Denise and Ron Douthit ‘77, parents of Morgan (Douthit) Sonnichsen ‘01, Joel Sonnichsen ‘99, Pam Sonnichsen ‘68, Todd Andrix, Dave Sonnichsen ‘72 and Kristen (Sonnichsen) Andrix ‘96 enjoy the parade outside Granskou Hall. BELOW: Ron Beck ‘61, John Simko ‘61, Trish Swanhorst, Bob Swanhorst ‘61 and Don Scott ‘61 take in the parade from their seats along Summit Avenue Saturday morning.

ABOVE LEFT: Katie Sonnichsen ‘03 enjoys the parade with her nephews and nieces. Far back, standing: Addison Andrix, son of Kristen Sonnichsen ‘96 and Todd. Second row, standing: Robert Marshall, son of Kari Sonnichsen ‘93 and Chris. To the left is Annika Andrix, daughter of Kristen ‘96. To the right is Opland Sonnichsen, son of Joel ‘99 and Morgan ‘01. Sitting on the curb is Jonathan Marshall, son of Kari ‘93. ABOVE RIGHT: Hall of Fame inductee Nicky Johnsen Gilbertson ‘96 takes in the parade with her husband, Jeff, and their children: Madyson, Noah, Will, and Isabelle. BELOW: From left to right, Brian Fedde ‘91, Kraig Mickelsen ‘90, Steven Grill ‘91 and Eric Pentico ‘91 cheer the parade near the Huether Tennis Centre.

CLASS OF 1961 50-YEAR REUNION: Attendees included: Leon K. Freeburg, Julian Grev, Jan Wylie Beaumont, Joane Williams McKay, Ardys Johnson Berven, Janice Henden Eakins, Jim Berven, Judy Hindekugel Morstad, Sandy Haugen Sabel, Jan Hoven Davis, Ardell Stavnes Skoglund, Elizabeth Thompson Cambell, Joan Paulson Olson, Jan Berg Plantz, Linda Zell Halvorson, Arlene Lee Bradford, Linda Loomis Nelson, Joanne Stensaas, Fern Decker, Lois Loon Topping, Evelyn Oaks Stalheim, Flo McNerney Sikknink, Jan Skuzacek Wittrock, Katherin Neeley Shelp, Marjorie Hanson, Janet Helgaas, Mary Swanson Herr, Sally Brosz Miller, Margaret Bostelmann, Barbara Johnson Kilani, Carol Thomsen, Norma Gilbertson, Larry Borghum, Jim Love, Dennis Colvin, Phil Trooieu, John Kittelson, Ken Halvorson, Dave Dahl, Donald Abraham, Kirk Brodford, Verl Olson, Ron Beck, Ron Hybertson, Bruce Floor, George Peper, Paul Nelson, Keu Holum, Bob Swanhorst, David Bak, Ron Bloem, Tom Campbell, Robert Amundson, Don Scott, Ken Yost, and Jon Simko. VIEW MORE CLASS REUNION PHOTOS at www.augielink.com.

ABOVE: Five alumni received achievement awards for outstanding contributions to their fields of endeavor and for exemplifying the College’s values, including Christian faith, excellence, the liberal arts, community and service at the 2011 Blue and Gold Gala. FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Dr. John Berdahl, ‘99, an ophthalmologist at Vance Thompson Vision in Sioux Falls, received the Augustana Horizon Award, an honor recognizing the rising career of a young graduate (less than 15 years after graduation); Paul Harmel ‘72 was recognized for his leadership and vision as the chairman and CEO of Lifetouch Inc.; Jayne Meyer ‘74, serves as a senior clinical trial associate for clinical affairs at Dendreon Corporation where she works in the biotechnology research field; Retired Supreme Court Justice Robert Amundson ‘61 was recognized for his lifetime of service to the citizens of South Dakota as a lawyer and judge; and Dr. Jim Reynolds ‘65, was a founding ABOVE: Hall of Fame inductee Stacy Johnson Hart ‘98 member of the North Central Heart Institute in Sioux Falls and led the creation of The Heart Hospital (now known as the watches the parade with her daughters Brooklyn and Kasey. Avera Heart Hospital of South Dakota) . Now retired, Reynolds performed more than 4,500 open heart procedures in his career. BELOW: The Berdahl family gathered along Grange Avenue to watch the student floats and marching bands. BELOW: Ron Bloem ‘61, Caryl Bloem, Joanne Stensaas ‘61 and Jim Berven ‘61 at the parade on Saturday.

BELOW Dr. John Berdahl ‘99 discussed “Eliminating Blindness in our World” at the Augustana Thought Leader Forum on Friday, Oct. 14..

BELOW: Members of KANSAS sport “Augustana Orchestra” t-shirts alongside Dr. Stanichar following the concert.

Greatest Hits Viking Days 2011 included a concert featuring the Augustana Orchestra with rock legends KANSAS at the Washington Pavilion.

When you’re a member of a college orchestra, playing with a veteran rock band before an audience of nearly two thousand isn’t necessarily on your radar. Unless you’re a member of the Augustana Orchestra. On Friday, Oct. 14, Augustana’s 80-member student Orchestra accompanied 70’s rockers, Kansas, on megahits such as “Dust in the Wind,” “Carry On Wayward Son,” “Point of Know Return” and others in a vocal-meetsorchestral-meets-rock extravaganza in the Great Hall of the Washington Pavilion. The concert was part of the band’s “Kansas Collegiate Symphony Tour,” an initiative designed to raise awareness and money for collegiate music programs nationwide. The event raised more than $10,000 in cash and instrument upgrades for the Augustana Music Department. “This was an excellent opportunity for our student musicians to perform before a live audience, in a beautiful facility, alongside a world-famous band, in a concert that raised money for Augustana’s music programs,” said Dr. Christopher Stanichar, director of the Augustana Orchestra and associate professor of music. “We’re thankful to Kansas for inviting us to participate in this great program. Our students were simply thrilled to be a part of it.” Following the concert, KANSAS members said they enjoyed the experience. “We all had a great time ... [Augustana has] a very fine orchestra that I know worked very hard and practiced a great deal. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to help make the show a wonderful success. Please accept and convey [our] thanks and utmost appreciation to you and the students in your orchestra. I hope our paths cross again in the future.”

ALUMNI NEWS A Message from the Alumni Association President

Class Notes

Use Your Roots to Soar My fellow alumni, The dictionary defines camaraderie as “a spirit of friendly good-fellowship.” During your time at Augustana, you likely developed great friendships with your roomates and classmates. But did you ever stop to think about how your Augustana roots have helped establish relationships for you after college? At the Metro Deaf School in St. Paul, Minn., eight Augustana alumni are working together to serve students and their parents. They are: Kelley (Lindell) Cole ‘85; Janet (Eisfeld) Caven ‘03; Trisha Beseman ‘11; Chris (Sorensen) Thiers ‘74; Cheri Piemeisl ‘05; Erik Queen ‘05; Heidi (Lukin) Ernst ‘05; and Julie (Keimig) Al-Rai ‘88. We had a chance to catch up with Kelley (Lindell) Cole, who says the Augustana bond she shares with her colleagues is a unique and special connection. “When you find out someone else is from Augie there’s an instant rapport – an instant connection. You know their roots; so you expect great things. We know that Augie ggrads will meet great expectionas and will measure up up. We know they’ll be great teachers,” she said. “It’s obv obvious the Augie Deaf Education program is i getting stronger and stronger because tthe new teachers who come here are so well-prepared. They know the deaf culture and their ASL skills are deve so developed.” Like Kelley, I feel the same way every ttime I’m lucky enough to work with a fellow Augustana graduate. The cconnection – the instant cama camaraderie we share – comes from r our roots. It’s something to be celeb celebrated, indeed. D you work with fellow Do Vik Vikings? If so, share your stories on augielink.com – we’d love to ni n he from you! hear na Alum and Erik Quee ugusta 4 rs ’7 ool A et eaf Sch and Jan sen) Thie Metro D W: Chris (Soren imig) Al-Rai ’88 meisl ’05 e O Pie BACK R D ROW: Julie (K D ROW: Cheri y (Lindell) N e ‘05. THIR aven ‘03. SECO IRST ROW: Kell C F (Eisfeld) a Beseman ‘11. Ernst ‘05. ) h and Tris nd Heidi (Lukin a 5 ’8 le o C

G Augie Go! Go C Corey Halstenson C Class of 1996

Holden Village Summer Program Planned Augustana alumni and friends are invited to Holden Village, summer, 2012. Campus Pastor Paul and Susan Rohde are teaching staff coordinators for the summer program. They have invited a number of Augustana’s great professors to teach in week-long sessions at the village. Teachers coming already include Dr. Sandra Looney, Dr. Richard Swanson, Dr. Christopher Stanichar, Dr. Janet and Ross Blank-Libra, Dr.

Laurie Jungling, and Dr. Darcy Rives-East. Founded as a copper mine, Holden has been a mountaintop Lutheran retreat center in the North Cascades of Washington state for 50 years. For information and registration, visit holdenvillage.org The Rohdes are sharing the coordination with Christian Scharen and Sonja Batalden of Luther Seminary.

To make a memorial gift, please send a personal check to the Development Office, 3rd Floor, Administration Building, 2001 S. Summit Ave., Sioux Falls, S.D., 57197. Please note the fund you are supporting. Or, make a gift online, at www.augielink.com/donate (Enter the gift amount in the “Other” field and just below, type in the name of the fund you are supporting).



Visit www.augielink.com for daily updates and photos.



CLASS OF 2011 Trent Anderson and Shannon Cumiskey ‘10 were married on June 25, 2011. They live in Moorhead, Minn.

Joe Clark is playing professional football for the Marburg Mercenaries in Germany. Megan Doyle is an admission counselor at Augustana College. Rachel Hoogendoorn married Chase Kramer ‘08 on June 17, 2011. Rachel is working as a music teacher at St. Mary Elementary in Sioux Falls. They live in Sioux Falls. Bethany Jochim earned the Leroy Apker Award from the American Physical Society which recognizes outstanding achievements in physics by undergraduate students. Jenny Lockhart is a web journalist at Rocky Mountain College in Billings, Mont. Rebekah Neu is a business office assistant at Henkin Schultz Communication Arts in Sioux Falls. Maren Peterson started an internship at United Planet coordinating short term volunteer placements in Tanzania, Ghana and Romania. Joanna Qualm is the circulation assistant at Augustana’s Mikkelsen Library. Heidi Senst has been accepted at the Sanford School of Medicine at the University of South Dakota. Pearl Wigdahl is working as a registered nurse at Sanford Health in Birth Place/Gynecology. Megan Ziemek is a math teacher at Canton High School. CLASS OF 2010 Shannon Cumiskey and Trent Anderson ‘11 were married on June 25, 2011. They live in Moorhead, Minn. Kendra Gottsleben is the social media coordinator for the Sanford School of Medicine/USD Center for Disabilities in Sioux Falls. Marie Halverson has taken a position as marketing program coordinator at Cerner Corporation in Kansas City, Mo. Bryan Kaemingk and Bethany Zogg were married on June 11, 2011. Bryan is in graduate school and Bethany will be starting medical school. They live in Grand Forks, N.D. Nicole Winkler is working as an actuarial analyst at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida in Jacksonville, Fla. CLASS OF 2009 Charlie Bahnson is attending veterinary school at Iowa State. Justine Lueth is the marketing coordinator for Augustana’s Office of Marketing and Communications. Rachel McAllister is teaching art at Discovery Elementary and Memorial Middle School in Sioux Falls.

Holiday Jam With the Hegg Brothers Set for Dec. 20 in St. Paul If you saw them last year, odds are, you’ll be there again this year. If you missed it, don’t miss it again! The Minnesota edition of “Holiday Jam with the Hegg Brothers,” a musical evening of holiday favorites featuring Augustana alumni Jeremy Hegg ’94; Jon Hegg ’99; Noah Hoehn ’02; and Andrew Reinartz ’05, will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 20, at the historic Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul. The Hegg Brothers unveiled the Holiday Jam tour in 2009 and, for the past two years, have sold out venues throughout eastern South Dakota and northwestern Iowa. In 2010, they presented Holiday Jam in St. Paul for the first time, performing to a crowd of more than 500. In an online review of the St. Paul concert, one fan wrote: “…I was so happy to see they were bringing this holiday show to the Twin Cities, where I live. Musically, it managed to be sophisticated and super-hip while maintaining a reverence to the holiday genre. Jeremy Hegg’s intelligent and humorous leadership, while restrained, still managed to add personality not usually found at such shows. In those senses, the Holiday Jam was as enjoyable as any other holiday show I’ve seen here, or more so.” Tickets start at $25 per person and are on sale at ticketmaster.com

Tiffany Crisp and Ned Reitsma married on Oct. 2, 2010. Tiffany is a registered nurse at Avera McKennan Hospital. They live in Sioux Falls. Luke Tatge is an editor at the Dell Rapids Tribune. Andrew Vander Linden married Kendra (Neu) on Aug. 21, 2010. CLASS OF 2008 Elizabeth (Sauer) and Timothy Bertrand welcomed a daughter, Abigail Mae, on Aug. 18, 2011. Libby Frost married Michael Bossman on May 27, 2011. The couple lives in Sioux Falls. Brittany Sheller married Ken Brennan on Sept. 4, 2010. Brittany works at Great Lakes Physical Therapy as a pediatric speech-language pathologist in Spirit Lake, Iowa. Justine Ferguson is pursuing a master of science degree in Physician Assistant Studies at the University of South Dakota and is scheduled to graduate in December of 2013. Jaime Jones is teaching second grade at Gomez Heritage Elementary, a dual language school in the Omaha (Neb.) Public School District. Kyle Kelly has completed his M.S. in Integrative Physiology at the University of Colorado and is working there as a research assistant in the Department of Integrative Physiology & Center for Neuroscience. He is applying to veterinary schools this fall. Chase Kramer married Rachael Hoogendoorn ‘11 on June 17, 2011. Chase is working at Van DeWalle Associates. They live in Sioux Falls. Emily Johnson and Jeremy Maurice were married on Jan. 1, 2011. She is a paralegal at Lynn, Jackson, Shultz & Lebrun. The couple lives in Sioux Falls. Christie (Schneider) Ness is teaching 7th-9th science at United South Central in Wells, Minn.

and at the Fitzgerald Theater Box Office. Minnesota Public Radio members are eligible to receive a discount. The Hegg Brothers band is a nine-piece ensemble that combines a mix of vocals with electric and acoustic guitars, dual keyboards, harmonica, horns, bass and a pounding percussion section for an unforgettable evening of classic and contemporary favorites that celebrate the spirit of the season.

Cassie (Pfeiffer) Muske will be a Huron Elementary School counselor.

Joseph Ryan and his wife, Amy, welcomed a new baby girl, Keira Marie, on May 13, 2011.

Nathan and Melinda (Bjelland) Sletten welcomed a daughter, Adeline Renae Sletten, on June 10, 2011.

Elizabeth (DeVries) Steven is a compliance officer for Premier Bank in Rock Valley, Iowa.

Jacquelyn Strey began her Ph.D. studies in sociology of religion at King’s College in London. Her topic is Lesbianism in India and the correlation between gendered violence and Hindu Nationalism. Paula (Schmeichel) VerDouw is the business office manager at Henkin Schultz Communication Arts in Sioux Falls, S.D. Jesson Vogt married Casey Gorham on Sept. 3, 2011.

Chris Wentzlaff graduated from the University of South Dakota School of Law and has moved to the Minneapolis, Minn., area where he is an attorney at Thomson Reuters. Kara Wiechmann is an associate pastor with Tri-County Ministry in rural North Dakota. Chris Zuraff and Katie (Strong) welcomed a baby boy, Nolan, on Aug. 17, 2011. Chris is serving as a pastor at Clarkfield Lutheran Church in Clarkfield, Minn.

Blair (Meyer) Voigt works at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh as a speech-language pathologist.

CLASS OF 2006 Josh Aberson has launched a new real estate company in Sioux Falls called Green Acre Real Estate.

CLASS OF 2007 David Anderson is teaching guitar at Minooka Community High School in Minooka, Ill. In May 2009, he received his master’s degree in music performance from Michigan State University. David married Sarah Jones on June 25, 2011, in Yorkville, Ill.

Megan (Paulson) Burlingame and Dave welcomed their son, Noah Daniel, on Nov. 15, 2010.

Jessica Carter is combating substance abuse as the community coalition coordinator at Buffalo County Community Partners. Cody Henriksen received his DDS degree from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry and is now working at the Dental Comfort Center. He and his family live in Sioux Falls. Erin (Taphorn) Nguyen is an art teacher at Storm Lake Middle School. Nguyen is also a practicing artist whose pieces can be viewed at enceramics.com. Joel Quist married Erin Seidel on June 4, 2011. Erin earned a medical degree from the Sanford School of Medicine at USD and will begin a residency at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Joel is an optometrist at Shopko Optical. The couple will live in Omaha, Neb.


Nancy Caldwell and Nick Dahlheimer were married on Aug. 6, 2011. Jon Larson is the associate pastor at Faith Lutheran Church in Bismarck, N.D. Brian Moen married Ashley Smith ‘05 on Oct. 9, 2010. Brian is an operations manager at Marriott Hotels. The couple lives in St. Paul, Minn. Rebecca (Lund) Sheridan has been called as a pastor to Calvary Lutheran Church of Swede Home in Stromsburg and Zion Lutheran Church in Benedict, Neb. Elizabeth Thrond is the collections assistant at the Center for Western Studies. CLASS OF 2005 Kari Pabst married Dale Beckendorf on Sept.18, 2010. The couple lives in Brandon, S.D., where Kari works as a research scientist at the USGS EROS Data Center. She graduated with a master’s of science in geography from South


ALUMNI NEWS Dakota State University on May 8, 2010. Jenny (Onberg) and Michael Bergan welcomed Ethan Xavier on Nov. 8, 2010. Nicki (Berger) Hartmann and Brad Hartmann ‘03 live in Colorado Springs, Colo. Nicki works as a dentist and recently became a partner at the Springs Modern Dentistry. Noel Kahl married Rob Reagan on April 15, 2011, at the Augustana Chapel. Noel was commissioned as an associate minister in the ELCA in April 2011 and is currently serving as an associate in ministry at Faith Lutheran Church in Knoxville, Tenn. Marta (Madsen) Klug graduated from Concordia University with a master’s in education as a reading specialist in May 2011. Jennifer (Helland) Loven and Benjamin Loven welcomed Anders Mikkel on May 13, 2011. Ashley Smith married Brian Moen ‘06 on Oct. 9, 2010. She is a nutritionist at North Memorial Hospital. They live in St. Paul, Minn. Kelly Larson married Phillip Mroczek on June 18, 2011. Adam Schmidt and Jessica (Schwager) Schmidt welcomed their daughter, Emma Lorraine, on Feb. 24, 2011. Shannon (Bjelland) and Tom Viereck welcomed their baby girl, Abigail Rae, on May 23, 2011. Kristin Wolter is a pharmacist at CVS pharmacy in Phoenix, Ariz. CLASS OF 2004 John Anderson is serving as visiting assistant professor in the religion department at Augustana for the 2011-2012 academic year. Christopher and Heidi (Hansen) Berry welcomed their son, Louis Berry, on Feb. 26, 2011. Sarah Listug married Neil Oxendale on Nov. 6, 2011. Brandi (Koester) Sestak is the director of residential education at Nebraska Wesleyan University. Lynn Pick married Kevin Soward on April 2, 2011. Rhea Staniszewski and Brent Schumacher welcomed their son, Kai Jacob, on July 8, 2011. The family lives in Westminster, Colo., where Rhea is a forensic interviewer for a child advocacy center. Benjamin Walsh finished his Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at the University of Connecticut in August 2011. He is now an assistant professor of management at the University of Illinois at Springfield. CLASS OF 2003 Karen Hokanson and Kristopher Bedi were married on July 16, 2011. Ellen Holste was published in the September issue of Ecology. The paper was part of her master’s degree program at Michigan State. Rachel (Nelson) Oelmann and Dustin welcomed Finley James, on Feb. 9, 2011.


Miranda (Gasow) Roberts and Garnette welcomed Ava Rae on Feb. 23, 2011. The Roberts live in Pullman, Wash., and work for Washington State University International Programs. Amber (Foster) and Steve Ruda welcomed a daughter, Gracielynn Mae, on Nov. 29, 2010. Brandi (Hatle) Schneider and Tim Schneider welcomed Weston Michael Schneider on May 26, 2011. Andrea (Vee) Treptow and her husband SSG Eric Treptow live in Chicago where Andrea works as a kindergarten teacher in Northbrook, Ill. Leah (Kooren) Van Dam is a director at McGladrey & Pullen, LLP in Sioux Falls. Matt Walz and Laura welcomed a baby girl, Clara Louise, on June 17, 2011. CLASS OF 2002 Tina Gudahl married Brian Anderson on Oct. 22, 2010. The couple resides in Ashburn, Va. Kelly (Bourne) Tufto and Steve welcomed their son, Cale Steven, on May 29, 2010. Joshua Van Gorkom works for the law firm of Guess & Rudd. He and his wife, Lindsay, live in Anchorage, Ala. CLASS OF 2001 Judd Citrowske and Clara Citrowske welcomed their daughter, Savanna Victoria, on April 28, 2011. Kathy Kirkeby works as an audit and accountant supervisor/manager at DS&B, Ltd. Melanie Hunhoff married Paul Lupo in January 2011. She is the associate director of development for Volunteers of America, Greater New York. Elizabeth Joyslin married Douglas Lynch on May 7, 2011. She is a dental hygienist at SouthWestern Dental. The couple lives in Sioux Falls. James and Heidi (Koemer) McKean welcomed a baby girl, Ella, in September 2011. Melissa (Merill) and Charlie Nesdahl welcomed a daughter, Ava Marie, on May 3, 2011. They live in Sioux Falls. Tracy Saboe is a co-owner of Oscar’s, a gourmet coffee shop in Sioux Falls. Jessica Scheller and husband Adam Wiers welcomed Charlotte Elizabeth and Grayson Douglas to their family in May 2011. Mara (Paulson) Stillson is the marketing coordinator for Lutheran Outdoors. CLASS OF 2000 Sarah (Mellon) Desjarlais and her husband Tony welcomed a daughter, Hannah Eileen, on Dec. 2, 2010. Barry Hess and Jesse (Cox) welcomed a daughter, Emma Lynn, on Feb. 1, 2011. The family lives Owatonna, Minn. Eric Klawiter is a neurologist at Massachusetts General Hospital. He and his wife, Erika


Anderson ‘99, and daughter, Liv, live in Boston, Mass. Eric ‘99 and Christina (Trygstad) Pederson welcomed a son, Thomas Hurley Pederson, on Sept. 9, 2010. Marie (Liggett) Tuhy is a development associate for the Children’s Theatre Company in Minneapolis, Minn. Kelly (Everett) Yungbluth and Jay Yungbluth welcomed twin girls, Kendall Claire and Taylor Lynn, on June 20, 2011. CLASS OF 1999 Erika Anderson continues to practice law for Dowd Bennett, LLP. She and her husband Eric Klawiter ‘00, and daughTHE ter, Liv, live in Boston, Mass.


Dawn (Fick) Gordon and Bill Gordon welcomed Liam Thomas on May 4, 2011. Eric Pederson and Christina (Trygstad) ‘00 welcomed a son, Thomas Hurley Pederson, on Sept. 9, 2010. Hendrick Klopper is a new neurosurgeon at Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls. Rachel (Johnson) and Derrick Knight ‘00 welcomed a daughter, Jillian Rae, on July 1, 2011. Suzy (Tindall) Koenck and Daren Koenck welcomed Braeden Stanley on Feb. 16, 2011. Kari (Buysman) Nilles and John welcomed a son, Benjamin Isaac, on April 13, 2011. CLASS OF 1998 Lisa (Reiter) Boersma and Scott welcomed a daughter, Braya Summer, on Aug. 16, 2010. Nancy (Hall) Brown and Ryan welcomed a son, Samuel Leo, on Dec. 30, 2010. Liz (Westby) Bunch and Jeff, along with big brother Lincoln, welcomed Hannah Faith on May 3, 2011. Laura (Dvorak) Livermore and Dave welcomed a son, Cameron Rex, on April 25, 2011. Steve Olson is the new band director for the Pipestone (Minn.) Area Schools. Laurie (Gullickson) Palm and Jeremy welcomed a daughter, Brianna Grace, on April 5, 2011. Jennifer Uhler is working in the Regional English Language office at the U.S. State Department. CLASS OF 1997 Kimberly (Rapp) Phillippi and Mark adopted their foster child, Katherine Margaret, in July 2009. Kim is a stay-at-home mom and Mark works for Medtronic. They live in Maple Grove, Minn. CLASS OF 1996 Cari Lee (Skogberg) Eastman and Scott Eastman welcomed Mataya Lee to their family on May 23, 2011. Tereasa Payne was a musician at the Tuacahn Center for the Arts in Ivans, Utah, from June

through October. She will also be performing and presenting at the National Flute Association’s Annual Convention. Kristi (Kruger) Peterson works at Xerxes Corporation in Bloomington, Minn., as the marketing manager for the U.S. Petroleum and North American Water and Wastewater markets. CLASS OF 1995 Rochelle (Wellman) Francis, 38, died Sept. 2, 2011, in Sioux Falls. CLASS OF 1994 Greg and Melanie (Kramer) Brink began their 10th year teaching overseas at the American International School of Muscat in Oman. Jodi Ost is the grants director at North Dakota State College of Science in Wahpeton, N.D. Lisa (Egsgaard) Sellman published her first children’s book, titled “The Legend of the Wolves of Gunflint Lake.” CLASS OF 1993 Deb McConahie is the University Apartments coordinator at the University of Northern Iowa. Jose and Shawna (Bast) Yates welcomed a son, Rory Spencer, on Nov. 17, 2010. They live in Broadview, Mont., where she is a school counselor. CLASS OF 1992 Jeanne (Hieb) Saadi is the volunteer services coordinator at Animal Care Services of San Antonio, Texas. CLASS OF 1991 Melissa (Engel) Dykstra is the campus visit coordinator at Augustana College. Andrea Johnson and Fred Kuhn welcomed son Wade George Weston Kuhn, on July 22, 2011. CLASS OF 1990 Kris Kistenmacher is an instrumental and vocal teacher at Ridge View Middle School and Ridge View High School in Holstein, Iowa.


CLASS OF 1989 Brian Bich won the USA Triathlon’s men’s age group (45-49) nationals in August.

CLASS OF 1984 Maria Bell has accepted the additional role of chief medical officer for Sanford Development and Research. CLASS OF 1983 Janet Nokleby presented at the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Thousand Oaks, Calif., regarding her experiences in the Peace Corps as a Norwegian-American. Susan Smith, 67, died July 24, 2011 in Bloomington, Minn. CLASS OF 1982 Ron Pierson left the University of Iowa to start his own business, Brain Image Analysis, LLC., which provides neuroscience imaging services for research and clinical trials. CLASS OF 1980 Dave Roettger retired from the Stillwater Police Department after three decades of service.


CLASS OF 1979 Mel Antonen is a Major League Baseball reporter living in Washington, D.C. He co-hosts a TV show prior to Orioles and Nationals games, works for Sirius-XM Radio and writes columns for SI.com.


Charles Hockenstad, 59, died June 27, 2011 in Sioux City, Iowa. CLASS OF 1973 Bruce Oksol lives in San Antonio, Texas, and works as a substitute teacher. Mary Vetter Sauchyn is a biology professor at Luther College at the University of Regina in Regina, Saskatchewan. CLASS OF 1972 Diane Diekman is publishing her second country music biography: “Twentieth Century Drifter: The Life of Marty Robbins.” She lives in Sioux Falls where her daughter, April, attends Augustana. H. Eugene Hoyme was named president of Sanford Research. Morey Osborn, 61, died July 24 in Austin, Texas. CLASS OF 1971 Marion Beckering, 80, died July 4, 2011 in Jasper, Minn. Doris (Kock) Hall has retired from St. Louis Public Schools. Jill (Sitzmann) Reiter is working as a rate analyst at Black Hills Corporation.

Susan (Tripp) McAdaragh has been appointed the Elementary Curriculum coordinator for the Sioux Falls School District.

CLASS OF 1970 Dale Allen Pommer is a song writer who had two songs recorded by Bjorn Vidar Amdal of Lillesand, Norway.

CLASS OF 1978 Dana Sue (Broek) Gulbranson, 55, died March 26, 2011 in Boise, Idaho.

Julie Ramige lives in Australia with her partner, Aleisha, and is working with members of the LGBT community. Read her blog at Free2bMe-julie.blogspot.com.

Page (Duroe) Kern participated in the Senior Games in Mankato, Minn., and won three medals in the Pickleball competition. Julie (Meyer) Thrond is a new corporate travel consultant for Altour/The Travel Authority. CLASS OF 1977 Rozanne Graham, 57, died Aug. 23, 2011 in Brooklyn Park, Minn.

Carol (Hilton) Thomas, 54, died June 14, 2011 in Brookings, S.D.



CLASS OF 1969 Marie (Craft) Barber has been appointed executive director of Extended Education and Outreach at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

John Ohrund was named the new superintendent of Parks and Facilities of the Skokie Park District in Illinois.

Donald Gross, 64, died June 30, 2011 in Albert Lea, Minn.

CLASS OF 1987 Darlene (Root) Fick works at K & M Music in Sioux Falls repairing flutes and clarinets.

CLASS OF1976 Brad Heegel has been named coordinator for Arts Marketing and Development for Augustana.

Kathleen (Abel) Stauffer published her third book, “All the Rivers Run Into the Sea.”

Karin (Bumgardner) Miller is accepting cancer-related poetry for the second volume of the award-winning national anthology, “The Cancer Poetry Project: Poems by Cancer Patients and Those Who Love Them.” Visit www.cancerpoetryproject.com for more information.

Pamela Peterson-Korn was named the “School Social Worker of the Year” by the Washington Association of School Social Workers.


CLASS OF 1986 Paul Nevin married Debra Waedt on Jan. 1, 2011. CLASS OF 1985 Tom Hayes is the director of public relations and marketing at the Hennepin Medical Center in Minneapolis, Minn.

Darla (Lambert) Werner is the director of Institutional Research at Augustana.

Madelon Schar, 63, died Aug. 5, 2011 in Beloit, Wis.

Warren Wintrode, 64, died May 31, 2011, in Helena, Mont. CLASS OF 1968 Lyle Hokanson, 65, died Aug. 10, 2011, in Fargo, N.D.

CLASS OF1975 After serving a full career as an active duty, regular Army chaplain Daniel Block is retired along with his wife, Kathie, in La Farge, Wis.

CLASS OF 1967 Mary Ellen (Scott) Connelly received the Community Leadership Award from Sioux Falls Beautiful, a nonprofit citizen group with a mission to beautify and improve the outdoor environment in all areas of Sioux Falls.

CLASS OF 1974 Brent Beukelman, 59, died May 6, 2011, in Tigard, Ore.

CLASS OF 1966 Peter Lohman, 67, died June 7, 2011, in Vermillion, S.D.



ALUMNI NEWS CLASS OF 1964 Violet (Jacobson) Bahnson, 91, died June 22, 2011, in Inwood, Iowa. CLASS OF 1963 Richard Grell, 71, died May 25, 2011, in Worland, Wyo. Jerome Knutson is a retired professor from the University of Minnesota who spent 35 years teaching zoology and microbiology. CLASS OF 1961 Theodore May, 71, died July 24, 2011 in Minneapolis, Minn. CLASS OF 1960 Max Rittgers has a winery in Chiefland on the gulf coast of Florida. It was recently featured in the November 2010 issue of Southern Living Magazine.



CLASS OF 1959 Richard “Dick” Ronken, 74, died June 5, 2011, in Sioux Falls.

CLASS OF 1958 James Hunter, 76, died Aug. 28 in Sioux Falls. CLASS OF 1956 Mary (Gudahl) Rehms, 82, died May 22, 2011.

Milo Stormo, 84, died July 10, 2011, in Helendale, Calif.

Patricia (Sorenson) Gray died Dec. 30, 2010, in El Cajon, Calif.

CLASS OF 1955 Arlan Selland and his wife, Barb, received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the 18-Wheel Truck Promotions Association at the Wheel Jam awards program.

CLASS OF 1950 Herman Lerdal, 83, died Aug. 18, 2011, in Sioux Falls.

CLASS OF 1954 LeRoy Stern, 83, died Aug. 16, 2011, in Portland, Ore.

Joan (Lindekugel) Michaelson, 82, died Oct. 12, 2010. Carolyn (Hatlestad) Wooten, 90, died Aug. 5, 2011.



CLASS OF 1953 Dean Niedert, 83, died Aug. 6, 2011, in Madison, S.D. CLASS OF 1952 Bonnie (Buchheim) Eitreim died May 26, 2011, in Sioux Falls. Patricia (Husher) Seashore, 80, died May 5, 2011, in Tucson, Ariz. Edwin Voigt, 81, died May 12, 2011, in Columbus, Neb. CLASS OF 1951 Robert Aldern, 82, died June 11, 2011, in Sioux Falls. Eugene Dow, 83, died Sept. 12, 2011, in Sioux Falls. Dr. Donald Frost, 85, died June 10, 2011, in Sioux Falls.

CLASS OF 1949 Robert Christianson, 85, died June 17, 2011, in St. James, Minn.

Grace (Stegen) Ohnstad, 85, died June 3, 2011, in Denver, Colo. CLASS OF 1948 Ardis Swanson, 85, died June 22, 2011, in Colorado Springs, Colo. CLASS OF 1947 Glenn Lee, 90, died July 10, 2011, in Austin, Texas. CLASS OF 1946 Joel Hanson, 84, died Aug. 17, 2011, in Springfield, S.D. Kenneth and Phyliss (Larson) Christopherson ‘47 live in Tacoma, Wash., where Ken spent most of his career as a professor of church history. Ken founded

the Pacific Lutheran University’s Ski Team and the couple has led tours to 57 countries on all continents but Antarctica. CLASS OF 1943 Dorothy (Delgaard) Armstrong, 89, died June 24, 2011, in Sioux Falls. Eula (Jertson) Hinderaker, 90, died Aug. 5, 2011, in Watertown, S.D. Jeanne (Fridgen) Jenter, 90, died June 28, 2011, in Sioux Falls, S.D. CLASS OF 1941 Sylvia (Windon) Greene, 92, died Aug. 30 in Sioux Falls.



CLASS OF 1939 Ruth (Lerdal) Gill, 94, died June 12, 2011 in Sioux Falls, S.D.

CLASS OF 1935 Helen (Aaby) Larsen, 98, died June 26, 2011, in Mequite, Nev. CLASS OF 1934 Ellen (Mostem) Bersagel, 99, died July 30, 2011.

SWART: ‘... Dianne Touched Our Lives.’ CONTINUED FROM: Page: 23 Jay … man, how the heck did you keep up with her? Now I’ve never been any good at understanding let alone predicting God’s will, but I can’t help but wonder if God put Dianne into some sort of time warp so that she could touch the lives of more people during the time she had among us … Dianne was a uniquely empathetic and selfless person who could make others feel comfortable, and happy and positive, and confident no matter what they were going through …. but even more remarkably … no matter what she was going through. We all have stories we could share, and sharing them would span hours – maybe days. I’ll share one … shortly after she had finished her first round of chemotherapy, Dianne took the UMAIE course Dr. Patrick Hicks and I were leading to Ireland. (I could spend hours talking about what a feat of strength and endurance that must have been given the state of her recovery… but that’s another story.) We had just arrived in Dublin, and the students, including Dianne, were keen on getting out of the hotel and immersing themselves in the nightlife of the city (that’s code for going “pubbing” by the way.) I discovered


at breakfast the next morning that Dianne never made it out of the hotel that night. You see, we had changed roommates when we moved from London to Dublin, and upon moving in together, Dianne’s new roommate had come to an awareness of Dianne’s recent battle with breast cancer. I have no idea, nor do I have any business knowing the content of that conversation – but I do know that Dianne’s cancer raised quite a few questions … and quite a bit of anxiety and fear for her roommate. And so instead of exploring Dublin with the rest of the students, Dianne had spent the night calming, reassuring, comforting, and answering the questions of this anxious and frightened young woman. I know some of us were frustrated by Dianne’s solitary and rather stoic approach to her cancer. Like this night in Dublin, Dianne often shared her cancer with people only when it would help comfort them. Many of us wanted to be let in … to serve, to share, and to support her in her battle. That just wasn’t Dianne – she was simply more interested in carrying the tough stuff in the lives of others than she was in sharing the tough stuff in her own. The Lakota have a ritual they call Wanagi Yuhapi which means “Ghost Owning” or “Keeping of the Soul”…. It is a complex


ritual that varies across families, but one of its elements often includes the decision by a family member to honor the deceased by spending the next year “doing the good” that the deceased would have done if they had remained alive. I’m not Lakota, nor do I practice the Lakota Way. Still, if there ever was a woman who deserved to be honored in this way, it was Dianne Hammrich. Her character, her strength, her work ethic, her positive attitude, her empathy, her humility – these are the qualities with which Dianne touched our lives ... these were qualities that all of us admired ... these are qualities that are a much needed antidote to an often frightened, anxious, and disconnected world. So I’ll end where I began … just how does someone memorialize a person like Dianne in so little time? I think the Lakota were on to something … For those of who, like me, can whine and complain about the most petty or insignificant discomforts … we could all use a little more Dianne Hammrich in our lives. But we can’t have her back So let’s not just remember her today, let’s honor her memory by “doing the good” Dianne would have done if she were still with us. Dianne would have wanted it this way.

Quinn Jacobs, Rochester, Minn., son of John and Jane (Wagers) Jacobs ‘85. Luke Jessen, Boyd, Minn., son of Mark Jessen and Beth (Jeremiason) Jessen ‘92. Jennifer Johnson, Inwood, Iowa, daughter of Mark ‘80 and Barbara (Hanson) Johnson ‘81. Morgan Jones, Sioux Falls, daughter of Todd and Cynthia (Schellhouse) Jones ‘87. Jordan Kerkvliet, Larchwood, Iowa, son of Scott ‘83 and Caroline Kerkvliet . Sadie Klemme, Sioux Falls, daughter of Kevin ‘86 and LeAnne (Doescher) Klemme ‘86. We are pleased to welcome the following alumni legacies to the Augustana class of 2015: Kyle Billeter, Sioux Falls, son of Thomas and Paula (Zimmermann) Billeter ‘07. Andrea Blegen, Sioux Falls, daughter of David Blegen ‘61 and Karen Blegen. Jenaleah Block, Pierre, S.D., daughter of Donald Block ‘82 and DeeAnn Block.

Emma Konold, Owatonna, Minn., daughter of Kurt ‘85 and Monica (Opland) Konold ‘83. Michael LeVan, Tea, S.D., son of Julie (Johannsen) LeVan ‘84. Hannah Loefke, Aberdeen, S.D., daughter of Bill and Mary Nelson-Loefke ‘73. Jessica Madson, Sioux Falls, daughter of Todd ‘79 and Mary (Sieps) Madson ‘82.

Elijah Bonde, Sioux Falls, son of Brian ‘81 and Kaija (Brick-Reaves) Bonde ‘95.

Adrienne Malchow, West Des Moines, Iowa, daughter of Peder ‘91 and Heather (Stevens) Malchow ‘91.

Allyson Brown, Dell Rapids, S.D., daughter of Mike and Angela (Randall) Brown ‘90.

Kayla Mescher, Brighton, Colo., daughter of Traci Mescher ‘96.

Luke Carlsen, Sioux Falls, son of Chris ‘81 and Carol Carlsen .

Anna Mydland, Brookings, S.D., daughter of John Mydland ‘84 and Cindy Moses Mydland.

Trevor Chadwick, George, Iowa, son of Harold and Kimberly (Nolte) Chadwick ‘82.

Luke Niedringhaus, Sioux Falls, son of Philip Niedringhaus ‘86 and Kim (Huber) Herdina ‘87.

Brittany Dardis, Sioux Falls, daughter of Timothy ‘85 and Lee (Lester) Dardis ‘90.

Grant Noordsy, Golden Valley, Minn., son of Mark ‘82 and Gretchen (Foss) Noordsy ‘82.

Thomas Davis, Sioux Falls, son of Thomas ‘83 and Leisa Davis .

Emelia Oppold, Sioux Falls, daughter of Todd Oppold and Yvonne Seger Oppold ‘83.

April Diekman, Sioux Falls, daughter of Diane Diekman ‘72.

Anna Peasley, Elk Point, S.D., daughter of Richard Peasley and Sonja Swanson ‘79.

Sarah Dirks, Milford, Iowa, daughter of Richard and Julie Dirks ‘88.

Corey Petersen, Stillwater, Minn., son of Wayne Petersen ‘84.

Matthew Dykstra, Sioux Falls, son of Darin ‘91 and Melissa (Engel) Dykstra ‘91.

Madeline Pfeiffer, Sioux Falls, daughter of Steven ‘82 and Gina (Waltner) Pfeiffer ‘82.

Anna Entenman, Sioux Falls, daughter of James and Jill (Wilds) Entenman ‘76.

Adam Pohlmann, Harrisburg, S.D., son of John and Sandy (Ballenger) Pohlmann ‘90.

Thomas Gehring, Ames, Iowa, son of Randall ‘85 and Michele (Lage) Gehring ‘85.

Kelsey Schnabel, Woodbury, Minn., daughter of Douglas ‘84 and Cindy Schnabel.

Kaia Halbritter, Willmar, Minn., daughter of Joel ‘84 and Catherine (Schmidt) Halbritter ‘84.

Lee Stadem, Windsor, Colo., son of Timothy ‘82 and Beth Stadem.

Nathan Hauge, Sioux Falls, son of Jeffrey ‘86 and Cindy (Horst) Hauge .

Blake Swee, Sioux Falls, son of Mark ‘84 and Lynn (Nichols) Swee ‘84.

Keegan Hecht, Sioux Falls, son of Mark ‘84 and Carmen (Smith) Hecht ‘87.

Kristin Waltner, Freeman, S.D., daughter of Don and Sonja (Olson) Waltner ‘84.

Garret Heiberger, Hartford, S.D., son of Paul and Carol (Cormack) Heiberger ‘85.

Hanna Werling, Milbank, S.D., daughter of Craig and Janine Rew-Werling ‘82.

Madison Hults, Oakdale, Minn., daughter of Scott ‘86 and Penny (Odland) Hults ‘86.

Ellie Westemeyer, Overland Park, Kan., daughter of Brian ‘81 and Nancy (Bergdale) Westemeyer ‘85.

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Christmas Vespers

Christmas Extravaganza

“...And You Shall Call His Name Jesus” Featuring Augustana’s choirs and orchestra

Featuring the Brass Choir, the Augustana Band and the Augustana College/ Community Band

• Friday, Dec. 2: 7:30 p.m. • Saturday, Dec. 3: 3:00 p.m.

Thursday, Dec. 8: 7:30 p.m.

• Saturday, Dec. 3: 7:30 p.m. • Sunday, Dec. 4: 3:00 p.m. Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, located at 33rd St. and Summit Ave. across the street from Augustana


Washington Pavilion, located in historic downtown Sioux Falls

L E A R N M O R E AT W W W . A U G I E . E D U / C H R I S T M A S

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