The more than 140-year-old success story of HUG AG began in 1877 in a bakery in Lucerne, when the founder, Joseph Hug-Meyer, invented the fine HUG Zwieback. Since then, the HUG family has masterfully combined innovation and tradition, thus selecting the successful path between renewal and preservation.
The company is still owned by the Hug family to this day. It is currently run by the fifth generation. Two women, Anna Hug and Marianne Wüthrich Gross, co-manage the company according to three basic principles: sincere, entrepreneurial and conscientious.
Anna Hug CO-CEO Marianne Wüthrich CO-CEO
Filigrano | Classic
Product overview Filigrano-Tartelettes
Filigrano Bakery
Filigrano Bakery Vegan
Product overview Classic-Tartelettes
6 Golden Tartelettes Rules Support
The HUG Family promise «natural and honest» shows our commitment to Switzerland as our production site. Our actions take a long-term approach. In addition to high functionality, our infrastructure, technologies and processes meet our high requirements in terms of environmental protection and sustainability.
The HUG family promise «natural and honest» embodies our commitment to active climate protection. Important pillars in this area are the permanent improvement of our energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. In addition, we are constantly reducing our carbon footprint and we aim to become climate neutral in the long term.
The HUG Family promise «natural and honest» includes the sustainable management of finite and renewable resources at our disposal, which is reflected in the far-sighted development of products. Recyclable materials we no longer need are sorted and returned to the circular economy wherever possible. Residual waste is disposed of in an environmentally sustainable way.
The HUG Family promise «natural and honest» includes a corporate culture of humanity, committed entrepreneurship and care in all our actions. Lived by management and all employees, this culture contributes to mutual trust, recognition, tolerance and individual responsibility.
The HUG Family promise «natural and honest» includes a commitment to political and economic engagements. We support selected public activities in the areas of culture, social affairs and sports.
The HUG Family promise «natural and honest» includes the conscious and transparent use of the most natural possible raw materials, obtained by fair trade practices. This is how the HUG Family commits to high safety towards its consumers and trading partners.
The HUG Family promise «natural and honest» includes intelligent packaging produced while respecting the resources as much as possible. When it comes to packaging, we have one basic.
High quality short crust pastry with 100% swiss butter.
The Tartelettes are coated with a glaze of cocoa butter, guaranteeing long crispiness and stability after filling. The glaze is transparent and free of trans fat.
14 months shelf life – stored in a cool and dry place (10–22°C/50–72°F, max. 65% r.h.).
Straight edge and thin walls – modern and elegant design.
Bake stable – suitable for hot and cold applications.
5x40 = 200 pieces
14x10 = 140 1.40 kg 14 mth
5x40 =
5x40 = 200 pieces
14x10 = 140 1.38 kg 14 mth
5x30 = 150 pieces
= 140
5x45 = 225 pieces
14x10 = 140 1.57 kg 14 mth
5x45 = 225 pieces
14x10 = 140
1.55 kg 14 mth
= 140
Med Savory Tartlet Filigrano Round,
= 104
Sweet Tartlet Filigrano Rectangle, 7.3
6x27 = 162 pieces
13x8 = 104
6x24 = 144 pieces
13x8 = 104 2.01 kg
009122 Med Sweet Tartlet Filigrano Square, 5.3 cm / 2.1 IN
= 144 pieces
13x8 = 104
Recipe by Fritz Mayer
100 g (3.5 oz) raspberry puree
16 g (0.6 oz) sugar
2 g (0.1 oz) pectinn NH
2 g (0.1 oz) balsamico vinegar
2 g (0.1 oz) gelatine leaves
Soak gelatin leaves in ice water Raspberry puree, balsamic vinegar and sugar heat to +80 °C (176°F). Add gelatin and stir. Cool down to +28 °C (82.39°F). Pour the mixture 2 milimeter high into the Tartlets.
High quality short crust pastry with 100% swiss butter.
The Tartelettes are coated with a glaze of cocoa butter, guaranteeing long crispiness and stability after filling. The glaze is transparent and free of trans fat.
14 months shelf life – stored in a cool and dry place (10–22°C/50–72°F, max. 65% r.h.).
Straight edge and slightly thicker walls for longer stability – modern and elegant design.
Optimal dough/filling ratio.
Bake stable – suitable for hot and cold applications.
= 48
= 90
highest Swiss premium quality and more than just plant-based
High quality short crust pastry with non-hydrogenated vegetable fat (free of trans fat, RSPOSG)
The Tartelettes are coated with a glaze of vegetable oil, guaranteeing long crispiness and stability after filling. The glaze is tasteless, transparent and free of trans fat.
14 months shelf life - stored in a cool and dry place ( 10–22°C/50–72°F, max. 65% r.h.)
FILIGRANO BAKERY-quality: Straight edge, a little thicker and longer stability, even after filling.
Bake stable - suitable for hot and cold applications.
Don‘tforget: Youcanalsofillavegan Tartelettenon-vegan!
thin walls , ideal for delicate creations and optimal dough and filling ratio
*see page 20 for the
slightly thicker walls , ideal for long stability and crispiness
coated with a glaze of
*our Tartelettes are also coated with a glaze of vegetable oil.
• High quality short crust pastry with non-hydrogenated vegetable fat (free of trans fat, RSPOSG).
• The Tartelettes are coated with a glaze of vegetable oil, guaranteeing long crispiness and stability after filling. The glaze is tasteless, transparent and free of trans fat.
• 14 months shelf life – stored in a cool and dry place (10–22°C/50–72°F, max. 65% r.h.).
• Dimensionally stable and strong, even after filling.
• Bake stable – suitable for hot and cold applications.
5x54 = 270 pieces
14x8 = 112
1.18 kg 14 mth
8x23 = 184 pieces
9x10 = 90 1.78 kg 14 mth
8x23 = 184 pieces
Sweet Tartlet Round, 5.0 cm / 2.0 IN
8x46 = 368 pieces
9x10 = 90
2.76 kg 14 mth
Sweet Tartlet Square, 5.0 cm / 2.0 IN
3x54 = 162 pieces
13x10 = 130
1.49 kg
14 mth
3.0 kg 14 mth Item 009096
Sweet Tartlet Round, 6.0 cm / 2.4 IN
7x30 = 210 pieces
6x10 = 60
Tartlet Round,
3x42 = 126 pieces 11x10 = 110
HUG Dessert Tartelettes square 7 cm, 10 pieces
150 g (5.3 oz) strawberries 10 HUG dessert Tartelettes square 7 cm
1 vanilla pod
300 g (10.6 oz) whole milk
200 g (7.1 oz) full cream 1 organic lemon, thinly peeled
100 g (3.5 oz) egg yolks
80 g (2.8 oz) sugar
30 g (1.1 oz) cornstarch
Cut the strawberries into small cubes. Spread over the base of the Tartelettes.
Cut the vanilla pod in half lengthwise and scrape out the seeds. Bring the pod and seeds to the boil with the milk, cream and lemon peel. Mix the egg yolk, sugar and cornstarch together. Add the milk/cream mixture whilst stirring. Bring to the boil, stirring constantly, and cook at medium heat until the cream thickens slightly. Sieve immediately and leave to cool a little. Spread the cream over the Tartelettes and place in the refrigerator until cool.Sprinkle with cane sugar and caramelize with a Bunsen burner.
Tartlet Round, 7.0 cm / 2.8 IN
= 140 pieces
= 90
Fillings with cold applications such as ganache,mousse,nut pie filling,creamcheesefillings,butalsobakedapplicationssuchas withfrangipane(almondpaste,hazelnutpaste),chocolatefillings, biscuitfillingswithberries,chocolatepieces,roastednuts,etc.)
Thelowerthewatercontentinafilling,thelongertheTartelettes (shortdough)remainscrispy.
Vanilla cream with a high-water content is not recommended for longer shelf life. Well-bound vanilla cream is however suitable. Fruit should not come into direct contact with theTartelettes rim, astheshortpastryabsorbsthemoistureofthefruit.
IncontrasttomostcommerciallyavailableTartelettes,HUGTartelettes arenotdeep-frozenbeforebeingdeliveredtothecustomer. Therefore, it is possible to freeze HUG Classic and Filigrano Tartelettes with freeze-stable fillings for "convenience food" or technicalreasons.Toachieveanoptimalresult,thefollowingprocesses should be followed.Shock freeze the filledTartelettes in a shockfreezerfor30minutes.Thenplacetheminthefreezer.Cover theTartelettesinthefreezerforlongerperiodsoftime,otherwise they will dry out.When using theTartelettes,defrost them in the refrigeratorforatleast30minutesanddonotexposethemtoroom temperatureuntiltheyareused.ItisimportantthattheTartelettes are not defrosted directly from the freezer to room temperature! The difference in temperature of 40 degrees creates too much humidityandtheTartelettescansoftenwiththecondensationwaterthatiscreatedbyenormoustemperaturedifferences.
Water-based, slightly liquid, supplementary fillings such as fruit pulps,mocha cream,fruit jellies should not be filled directly onto theTartelettesbaseunlesstheyarewellbound.Itisbettertofirst spreadamoresolidmasswithahighfatcontentontheTartelettes baseandthenfillinthefruitpureeortheliquidcoreandencloseit againwiththemoresolidmass.
To create a bond without much strength, eggs can be used.We recommend using 10 eggs (500g) for 1 litre of liquid like milk, cream or vegetable purees and 50 grams of starch like corn powder,rice powder or flour.This way the filling is bound during baking.Theovenmustbepreheated160-180degrees(320-360 Fahrenheit). The distance between the pastries should be large enough to allow the hot air to circulate. For Mini Quiches we recommendHUGTartelettesMiniSnack4,2cmArt.No.7299105. 4 2 1
Show us your most beautiful tartelettes creation and we will make sure your name goes around the world!
• Post a photo of your most beautiful tartelettes creation on Facebook or Instagram an tag us:
• Post a
of your
• We share the best photos on HUG FOOD SERVICE‘s social media channels, bringing your creation to the attention of thousands of chefs, pâtissiers and bakers around the world.
• We share the best photos on HUG FOOD SERVICE‘s social media channels, bringing your creation to the attention of thousands of chefs, pâtissiers and bakers around the world.
• Twice a year, at the end of June and at the end of December, our jury chooses the best picture of the season and awards it with an iPhone 14 (6.1).
• Twice a year, at the end of June and at the end of December, our jury chooses the best picture of the season and awards it with an iPhone 14 (6.1).
To assure that our customers will always have the freshest and crispiest Tartelettes, we have coated them with a thin glaze of non-hydrogenated vegetable oil. Our Tartelettes are suitable for hot and cold applications. You can find the 6 Tartelettes filling rules on page 45.
Our blister packs protect our Tartelettes against breakage, odours or humidity. In fact, the packaging is so strong that the Tartelettes can be filled and transported without the risk of damage. The blisters are made of 90 % recycled material and the cardboard boxes are FSC certified.
The HUG FOOD SERVICE website contains the world’s largest recipe database for Tartelettes – yes, that’s right! Every professional can find what they are looking for thanks to practical filter functions, an ingenious ingredient calculator and a PDF print function. No recipe is posted without first being checked by a cooking professional from the HUG network.
Check it out!
Instagram and Facebook are HUG’s inspiration channels. This is where pastry chefs and bakers can be the first to learn about new recipes and stay up to date with HUG FOOD SERVICE. From time to time, we offer a glimpse behind the scenes and reveal exciting facts from the world of HUG FOOD SERVICE.
Follow us to not miss any news and become part of our community.
We are a proud Premium Partner of the WACS, a non-political professional organisation, dedicated to maintaining and improving the culinary standards of global cuisines. They accomplish these goals through education, training and professional development of their international membership. In Germany and Switzerland, we support various other organisations, such as the Swiss Culinary Junior National Team.
Meet us at the most important international food service trade shows.
AUI Fine Foods is a privately held gourmet food company with headquarters in Gaithersburg, MD (just outside of Washington, D.C.). Founded in 1968, our company offers over 1,500 products from around the world as an industry leader in pastry and bakery. We serve leading hotels, restaurants, casinos, cruise lines, airlines, manufacturers and more with innovative, high-quality products and solutions. We operate a network of distribution centers across the United States and serve select international markets.
AUI Fine Foods is a privately held gourmet food company with headquarters in Gaithersburg, MD (just outside of Washington, D.C.). Founded in 1968, our company offers over 1,500 products from around the world as an industry leader in pastry and bakery. We serve leading hotels, restaurants, casinos, cruise lines, airlines, manufacturers and more with innovative, high-quality products and solutions. We operate a network of distribution centers across the United States and serve select international markets.
nationwide distribution centers
nationwide distribution centers
Chef Hotline
For expert answers to questions regarding our products, applications and recipes, contact our chefs at 1-877-544-1441 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST) Monday through Friday.
For expert answers to questions regarding our products, applications and recipes, contact our chefs at 1-877-544-1441 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST) Monday through Friday.
To learn more about promotions, new products and recipes and company updates, follow us on social media.
To learn more about promotions, new products and recipes and company updates, follow us on social media.
AUI Fine Foods
AUI Fine Foods
AUI Fine Foods
AUI Fine Foods