Application Security to Counter Threat to Enterprises Security is the biggest challenge that all enterprises face today. Even though enterprises take all the necessary measures to ensure that software development lifecycles address security satisfactorily, there is not much reduction in security vulnerabilities. Security controls with the automated security tools and penetration testing have not been able to tackle the security woes of the enterprises completely. In order to tide over this problem, enterprises either enroll employees in security courses or spend dollars on security firms to keep their networks safe and sound. However, this has been able to address the problem with very limited outcome. What enterprises require is a holistic application security framework, which helps clients to develop effective security for their application portfolio. However, before delving upon the security framework, let’s understand the term application security. Wikipedia defines application security as the “measures taken throughout the application's life-cycle to prevent exceptions in the security policy of an application or the underlying system (vulnerabilities) through flaws in the design, development, deployment, upgrade, or maintenance of the application.” Simply put, it is the use of software, hardware, and procedural methods to protect the application from external and internal threats. With cyber criminals becoming increasingly sophisticated, enterprises must implement secure application development process to protect themselves against today's ever-present and pervasive cyber-threats. Moreover, technological advancements in the form of virtualization, and remote access have made applications easily accessible over networks thereby making enterprises vulnerable to a wide variety of threats. To ensure utmost security, performance and robustness, and to prevent the significant impact to business and reputation because of data loss, enterprises must perform proper requirements gathering. Proper requirements gathering is key to effective design strategies and development of secure software for the enterprises. With new threats and vulnerabilities emerging every day making the business environment less secure, enterprises need to collaborate with solution partners who provide effective Information Risk Management (IRM) services. Their expertise helps enterprises in deploying a comprehensive secure development framework weaved in with security frameworks that protect enterprises’ application and data from malicious hacker and end users, who resort to devious measures to access and misuse sensitive data. Also read more on - SAP security, cloud security, data protection solutions