Need For Mobile Security Solutions

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Need For Mobile Security Solutions According to a survey conducted by Juniper Networks, more than two-fifths of mobile users use their mobile phones both for business and personal purposes. Approximately 81 percent of more than 6000 respondents agreed on making use of their devices to access corporate networks from home for urgent work purposes. Sometimes, these corporate networks are accessed without the employer’s approval in order to avail the employer’s proprietary data. According to Dan Hoffman, the chief mobile security evangelist, Juniper Networks, this is a business concern as 98 percent of the devices are protected through any security solution. Never before in the technological landscape there has been such a uniform distribution channel to send applications, comprising malicious applications to multiple devices at one time. Today mobile devices are no longer just connecting to one network. Rather the latest mobile devices connect to numerous provider networks and WiFi networks. The majority of mobile devices today are Wi-Fi enabled and are estimated to rise to about 90 percent in the forthcoming years. Dan Hoffman further asserts that “There has to be a software client on every device to ensure protection regardless of what network they are connected to.” Therefore, today there is a need for an acute of advanced mobile security solution that can combat data theft and also allow users to lock, wipe, and backup and remotely track their devices. Industry Solutions for Mobile Security Generic steps like not storing any legal data on the phone and installing an anti-virus program on your mobile might be handy. However to bring down mobile data thefts and ensure application security it is essential to implement a robust security software. Keeping this in mind information risk management service providers today have introduced innovative mobile security software that offers the following services: · Mobile Application Securities – that tests and remedies mobile application vulnerability through penetration testing, reverse engineering, secure code review and API’s security testing. · Mobile Application Store Security – that offers security assessment for External Apps, Internal Apps, secure code reviews, device OS, harmful pattern verification and many more. · Mobile Payment and Banking Security – that provides security assessment of mobile payment and banking applications, reverse engineering, secure code review and payment gateways. · Enterprise Mobile Data Management Services – that assists end users by offering access control for critical business information and application usage, data storage encryption, mobile content management and fragmentized data authentication. In this high-tech era, mobile phones are longer restricted to calls and text messages. In addition to that, mobile application developers constantly come up with attractive game, social networking and messenger applications that make the mobile phone vulnerable to cyber attacks and data thefts. High-end mobile security software allows you to fight malicious attacks & ensure data and network safety. Read more on - risk management frameworks, identity access management, opensource security

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