European Universities Basketball Championship 2011

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11 th

European Universities

Basketball Championship


de baloncesto CORDOBA- SPAIN

July 13th-20th, 2011

CONTENTS \ CONTENIDOS Address from the EUSA President Presentación del Presidente de EUSA

Women teams Listado de equipos femeninos

Address from the Rector of the UCO Presentación del Rector de la UCO

Sport Venues Instalaciones

Address from the University of Cordoba Presentación de la Universidad de Córdoba

Rules Reglas

Commitees Comité

City of Cordoba Ciudad de Córdoba

Programme Programa

Useful Information Información útil

Competition History Historia de la Competición

10 reasons why you should study at the University of Cordoba 10 razones por las que deberías estudiar en la Universidad de Córdoba

Men teams Listado de equipos masculinos

EDITA: Información: 902 11 26 07

The Organising Committe thanks the priceless help and support from institutions, entities and companies, whose participation has been crucial for the organisation of this event El Comité Organizador agradece la inestimable ayuda y seguimiento de las Instituciones, Entidades y Empresas, cuya participación ha sido esencial para la organización de este evento

ORGANISERS / ORGANIZADOR - Universidad de Córdoba - Junta de Andalucía - Federación Española de Baloncesto - Federación Andaluza de Baloncesto

SPONSORS / PATROCINADORES - Consejo Superior de Deportes (CSD) - Consejería de Turismo, Comercio y Deporte de la Junta de Andalucía - Diputación de Córdoba - Ayuntamiento de Córdoba - Instituto Municipal de Deportes de Córdoba - Córdoba 2016. Ciudad Candidata a la Capitalidad Europea de la Cultura - Servicio de Alojamiento de la Universidad de Córdoba. - Coca-cola - Cruzcampo - Fotograbados Casares SL. - Print Spain SC - GesManFor - Amura - Clínica del Deporte. - Grupo Selcom - Aula Magna - Cafeterías Domintor

11th European Universities Basketball Championship

Alberto Gualtieri

ADDRESS FROM THE EUSA PRESIDENT PRESENTACIÓN DEL PRESIDENTE DE EUSA Dear athletes, officials and guests, Alberto Gualtieri

I am honoured to welcome you to the XI European Universities Basketball Championship.

EUSA President Presidente de EUSA

Queridos atletas, oficiales e invitados, tengo el honor de daros la bienvenida al XI Campeonato Europeo Universitario de Baloncesto. En nombre de EUSA, me gustaría dar las gracias al Comité Organizador por todo lo que se ha hecho para la organización de este importante evento. Estoy orgulloso de declarar, una vez más, que nuestros Campeonatos han despertado un enorme interés en el Movimiento Europeo Universitario. Este éxito de nuestros eventos, en términos de participación y de organización general se debe a la devoción de los Comités Organizadores y autoridades locales, que han empleado su valioso tiempo para coordinar el desarrollo de este Campeonato. A todas las personas involucradas en este evento, os deseo todo lo mejor. Las actividades de EUSA solo son posibles gracias a los enormes niveles de apoyo y estímulo que constantemente recibimos de las Asociaciones Nacionales de Deporte Universitario, del grandísimo trabajo llevado a cabo por nuestra Secretaría y de nuestro personal. Estoy seguro que nuestro nuevo sistema IT ha simplificado fuertemente los procesos de inscripción tanto para los Comités Organizadores como para los equipos participantes. Por último, pero no por ello menos importante, me gustaría agradecer a todos los atletas que toman parte en nuestros eventos. Espero que disfrutéis de este Campeonato y que compitaáis por el mejor puesto conservando el Espíritu Olímpico. Espero que siempre os acompañe ese Espíritu, que considero fundamental para el bienestar el Deporte Universitario. ¡Bienvenidos al Campeonato Universitario de Baloncesto 2011!


On behalf of EUSA, I would like to thank the Organising Committee for what has been done for the organisation of this important event. I am glad to state once again that our Championships have aroused large interest in the European University Movement. This success of our events, in terms of participation and overall organisation is due to the devotion of the Organising Committees and local Authorities which has been giving their valuable time to coordinate the running of this Championship. To all the persons involved in this event, I wish all the best. EUSA activities are only possible due to the immense level of support and encouragement we constantly receive from our National University Sport Associations, from the huge work carried out by our Secretariat and our staff. I am sure that our new IT system has strongly simplified the enrolment procedures both for the participating teams and Organising Committees. Last, but surely not least, I would like to acknowledge all the athletes taking part in our events. I hope you will enjoy this Championship and that you will compete for the best placing bringing with you the Olympics spirit. I hope you will always take with you this spirit which I consider fundamental for the wellness of the University Sport. Welcome to European Univiersities Basketball Championship 2011!

José Manuel Roldán

ADDRESS FROM THE RECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CORDOBA PRESENTACIÓN DEL RECTOR DE LA UCO Queridos amigos, en primer lugar, quiero saludaros en nombre de la Universidad de Córdoba. Es un gran honor para nosotros poder organizar el 11º Campeonato Europeo Universitario de Baloncesto, un deporte donde nuestra universidad ha tenido un destacado lugar.

José Manuel Roldán Rector of UCO Rector de la UCO

En esta ocasión me siento doblemente satisfecho, por la organización de este nuevo campeonato que se convertirá en el tercer europeo organizado por nuestra universidad y servirá de transito a los I Juegos europeos universitarios que también organizará nuestra universidad en 2012, algunos y algunas de vosotros volveréis a estar en nuestra ciudad el próximo año. Quiero resaltar en esta ocasión la maravillosa ciudad que os acoge, cuan de culturas y como universitarios sabréis valorar en su justa medida. Agradezco a EUSA la confianza que ha depositado en nosotros estos años con la concesión de todos estos eventos deportivos y principalmente por concedernos ser la sede de un evento que se convertirá en historia como son los I Juegos Universitarios Europeos que con sus 10 modalidades deportivas y 4.000 participantes a buen seguro se convertirá en un hito de referencia deportiva para nuestra universidad y para nuestra ciudad. Disfrutar del vuestro deporte, disfrutar de nuestra ciudad y regresar a vuestras casas con nuestro más profundo cariño.

Dear friends, In the first place, I want to greet you on behalf of the University of Cordoba. It is a great honor for us to be able to organize 11th European Universities Basketball Championship, a sport where our university has achieved prominent position. In this occasion I feel doubly satisfied, due to that the organization of this new championship will become the 3rd European championship organized by our university and it will move us through to the 1st European Universities Games which will also be organized by our university in 2012, some of you will return to our city the next year! I would like to highlight in this occasion the wonderful city that welcomes you, full of cultures and as university students will know how to value as it deserves to be. I would like to thank EUSA for the confidence granted to us these years with the concession of all these sport events and mainly for letting us hold an event that will be history ,such as the 1st European Universities Games with their 10 sport modalities and 4,000 participants without a doubt will become a milestone in sport reference for our university and our city. Enjoy your sport, enjoy our city and return home with our deep fondness.

11th European Universities Basketball Championship


PRESENTACIÓN DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA Welcome to the University of Cordoba The UCO is heir to a centuries-old historical and cultural legacy as well as a passion for knowledge, tolerance, international renown and harmony among civilizations that have made the city that houses our institution a paradigm for humanity. This equilibrium and harmony is reflected in the three areas in which the UCO undertakes its activities: Food and Agriculture and Science and Technology; Humanities and the Legal and Social Sciences; and the Health Sciences; each with its own special characteristics. This balance is also manifested in quality teaching and research, ranking it among the top academic institutions in Spain. The UCO is one of the foremost research institutions in Spain; a distinction that will be further consolidated with the creation of the Rabanales 21 Science and Technology Park and the Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research. Our university is an international leader in the agrifood field, one of the institution’s main vocations; not to overlook the importance of the humanities in a city that is known throughout the world for its artistic and monumental heritage.

A young, dynamic university dedicated to research and in constant evolution, the UCO is firmly committed to the problems and needs of the community at large. As a public institution, it connects closely with the society it serves, but is also dedicated to aiding other peoples and countries. The UCO maintains strong ties with business and other entities, while also structuring much of its own activity around an entrepreneurial vision. Most importantly, it is an institution that is not only committed to training qualified professionals, but to supporting and encouraging its students to grow as people and as citizens.

11th European Universities Basketball Championship

COMMITTEES COMITÉ ORGANIZING COMMITTEE OFFICE: - Dirección General del Servicio de Alojamiento y del Deporte Universitario - Recinto de Colegios Mayores Universitarios - Address: Avda. de Menéndez Pidal s/n - 14004 Córdoba - Tel. +34 696 667 839 - Fax + 34 914 772 437 - e-mail: - website:

HONORARY COMMITTEE - President of the Junta de Andalucía - Minister of Education - Mayor of Córdoba - President of the Diputación Provincial de Córdoba - Rector of the University of Córdoba - Secretary of State. President of the CSD - Secretary General for Sport of the Junta de Andalucía - Director General of Sports of the CSD - President of the FEB - President of the FAB - Counselor for Tourism, Trade and Sport of the Junta de Andalucía

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE - Vice-Rector of Students and Culture of the University of Cordoba - Assistant Director General for Sports Promotion of the CSD - Director General of Sports of the Junta de Andalucía - Delegate of the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Sport of the Junta de Andalucía - Delegate of Sports of the Town Council of Córdoba - Deputy Delegate of Sports of the Diputación de Córdoba - Director General of University Sports of the University of Cordoba - Delegate of the Spanish Federation of Basketball - Delegate of the Andalusian Federation of Basketball - Chief of Protocol of the University of Cordoba

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Head of School and College Sports. CSD - Secretariat of Organization - Director of the Technical Unit for Sport - Technical Sports manager of the Diputación Provincial de Córdoba -Manager of the Local Sports Institute

11th European Universities Basketball Championship

PROGRAMME PROGRAMA Lunes 11 de julio 11th July Monday

Martes 12 de julio 12th July Tuesday

Miércoles 13 de julio 13th July Wednesday

Jueves 14 de julio 14th July Thursday

Viernes 15 de julio 15th July Friday

Sábado 16 de julio 16th July Saturday

Domingo 17 de julio 17th July Sunday

Lunes 18 de julio 18th July Monday

Martes 19 de julio 19th July Tuesday

Miércoles 20 de julio 20th July Wednesday

Jueves 21 de julio 21st July Thursday

Llegadas, acreditaciones y sesiones de entrenamiento

Arrivals, accreaditations and training sessions

Llegadas, acreditaciones y sesiones de entrenamiento

Arrivals, accreaditations and training sessions

18.00 Reunion General y Técnica 21.00 Ceremonia de apertura

18.00 General & Technical meeting 21.00 Opening ceremony

Fase de Grupos (Día 1)

Group stage (Day 1)

Fase de Grupos (Día 2)

Group stage (Day 2)

Fase de Grupos (Día 3)

Groups stage (Day 3)

Día libre y sesiones de entrenamiento (si se solicitan)

Day off & training sessions (if required)

Rondas eliminatorias (cuartos de final y puestos 9º a 16º)

Elimination rounds (quarter finals & 9th to 16th)

Rondas eliminatorias (semifinales y puestos 9º a 16º)

Elimination rounds (semifinals & 9th to 16th)

16.00 Final Femenina 18.30 Final Masculina 21.00 Ceremonia clausura 22.00 Cena despedida

16.00 Female Final Match 18.30 Male Final Match 21.00 Closing & Award ceremony 22.00 Farewell dinner



COMPETITION HISTORY HISTORIA DE LA COMPETICIĂ“N 10th European University Basketball Championship Men 1. Vytautas Magnus Univ. (LTU) 2. University of Pushkin (RUS) 3. University of Bologna (ITA) Women 1. University of Belgrad (SRB) 2. Istanbul University (TUR) 3. Russian State Agricultural University (RUS)

2. Nis University of Nis (SCG) 3. Czestochowa Technical University of Czestochowa (POL) WOMEN 1. University of Ljubljana (SLO) 2. Gorzow Wlkp. State Vocational School of Higher Education (POL) 3. Athens National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GRE)

9th European University Basketball Championship MEN 1. University of Ljubljana (SLO) 2. Engencon Cherepovets (RUS) 3. Bahcesehir University (TUR) WOMEN 1. Russian State Agricultural University (RUS) 2. University of Amsterdam (NED) 3. Cologne University (GER)

4th European University Basketball Championship MEN 1. University of Ljubljana (SLO) 2. Frederick Institute of Technology (CYP) 3. University of Haute Alsace (FRA) WOMEN 1. University of Ljubljana (FRA) 2. State Vocational School of Higher Education (POL) 3. University of Cologne (GER)

8th European University Basketball Championship MEN 01. Vytautas Magnus University (LTU) 02. University of Belgrade (SRB) 03. Frederick University (CYP) WOMEN 01. Russian State Agricultural University (RUS) 02. Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan (POL) 03. University of Belgrade (SRB)

3rd European University Basketball Championship MEN 1. University of Belgrade (SCG) 2. University of Zagreb (CRO) 3. University of Athens (GRE) WOMEN 1. University of Novi Sad (SCG) 2. Zaporizhja Institute of State & Municipal (UKR) 3. University of Athens (GRE)

7th European University Basketball Championship Men 1. Vytautas Magnus University (LIT) 2. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GRE) 3. University of Kragujevac (SRB) Women 1. Higher Vocational State School Gorzow (POL) 2. University of Ljubljana (SLO) 3. University of Amsterdam (NED)

2nd European University Basketball Championship MEN 1. University of Athens (GRE) 2. University of Primorska (SLO) 3. University of Maribor (SLO) WOMEN 1. University of Novi Sad (SCG) 2. University of Ljubljana (SLO) 3. Zaporizhja Institute of State & Municipal (UKR)

6th European University Basketball Championship MEN 1. University of Vytautas Magnus (LTU) 2. University of Ljubljana (SLO ) 3. University of Siauliai (LTU) WOMEN 1. University of Gorzow Wielkopolski (POL) 2. University of Cordoba (ESP) 3. University of Ljubljana (SLO)

1st European University Basketball Championship MEN 1. University of Maribor (SLO) 2. Technical University of Lisbon (POR) 3. University of Oxford (GBR) WOMEN 1. University of Novi Sad (SCG) 2. Lille 2 University (FRA) 3. Aveiro University (POR)

5th European University Basketball Championship MEN 1. Bahcesehir Bahcesehir University (TUR)

11th European Universities Basketball Championship




University of Bayreuth


CUS Bologna




University of Nis


Jagiellonian University in Krakow


Kozminski University


Frederick University Cyprus


University of Maribor


University of Valladolid


University of Cordoba


Fatih University


Vytautas Magnus University


Pole Universitaire Leonard De Vinci


Romanian-American University


National University ‘Lvivska Politekhnika’


College of Management Academic Studies

11th European Universities Basketball Championship




Technische Universität München


University of Mainz


University of Tartu


Universidad del Pais Vasco


University of Belgrade


Istanbul University


Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan


University of Cyprus


University of Cordoba


Université Reims Champagne Ardenne

SPORT VENUES INSTALACIONES ”VISTALEGRE” SPORTS HALL There are more than 15.000 m2 distributed of the following form: MULTI-SPORT TRACK: with dimensions of 52 x 30 meters, terraces with capacity for 3.600 numbered seats, and parquet floor. SWIMMING POOLS AIR CONDITIONING: there are two parts, the multipurpose one of 25,00 x 12,50m and other one for learning of 12,00x 6,00m. TWO GYMNASIUMS: with dimensions of 16,00 x 14,00 meters each one with polyurethane floor, for martial arts practice, rhythmic gymnastics, badminton, keep-fit, etc. TWO SQUASH COURTS: with parquet floor. BODY-BUILDING ROOM: for body-building and fitness, with rubber floor. TWO SAUNAS. The functional project of the building contemplates: - Separation of uses and activities between users-sportmen and public. - Differentiation of accesses and control of the same ones. - Possibility of simultaneous use for different sports groups. - Selective occupation of terraces depending of the seating capacity, and possibility of extension with mobile systems. - Handicapped persons’ accesses to sports rooms and public spaces. - General versatility of the use of the different spaces. Auxiliary spaces: Access and centralization control zone for all facilities controls, offices Machine room, sports material warehouse, press room, assembly hall, infirmary.

MENÉNDEZ PIDAL” UNIVERSITY SPORTS HALL Address: Avd. San Alberto Magno s/n. 14004. Córdoba. PH. +34 957.218.967 Court to be used for training sessions on tuesday 12th, thursday 13th and sunday 17th.

EL NARANJO”MUNICIPAL SPORTS HALL Address: Diaz Huertas, s/nº, Distrito Norte. PH. +34 957.283.524.

GUADALQUIVIR” MUNICIPAL SPORTS HALL Address: c/ Libertador Joaquín da Silva Xabier, 5 14013 Córdoba. PH. +34 957.201 402

11th European Universities Basketball Championship


The organization of the EUC Basketball shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA).


The following competitions will be held: • European Universities Championship Basketball Men • European Universities Championship Basketball Women


The Championship will last seven (7) days including one (1) day off for each team.


The maximum number of teams in each competition is sixteen (16). If more than sixteen (16) entries will be received, the EUSA EC will decide about the system of qualification. When less than six (6) entries will be received, the event may be held as an EUSA Cup. The NUSA may nominate more than one team in each competition, teams must be from different Universities. If more than one team is nominated, the nomination must define a ranking order to enable the seeding. The winner of the previous championship has right to take part in the event out of the relevant NUSA limit.


The delegation will consist of a minimum of ten (10) and a maximum of twelve (12) athletes and a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of five (5) officials. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.


Each delegation must, at their own cost, include a basketball referee with highest national license (relevant license of the National Basketball Federation must be submitted 2 month prior the championships). Delegations who don’t fulfil this obligation must pay 1000 Euro to the Organising Committee. Accommodation and food for the referee must be provided by the OC without the charging of the participation fee. EUSA may appoint referees directly, in that case delegations will be charge a refereeing fee defined annually by EUSA.


The format of the tournament will be decided by SCAC taking into consideration the number of teams entered.


The draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA Representative taking into account EUSA Basketball ranking. The University of hosting city (in case of absence the hosting country highest rank team) will be placed on first (1) place in pool A. Teams from the same country shall wherever possible be placed in a different pool.


Each team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations in agreed time. The deposit must be paid on EUSA request.


HISTORY Córdoba is a city with an enormous cultural and monumental legacy. It’s ideal location, near to the river Guadalquivir together with the heritage of it’s different towns have made it the privileged place that it is. Córdoba is at the heart of Western history: its colossal caliph civilization, at the core in the Middle Ages, was the most brilliant in Europe in its time, a bridge between East and West. It is one of the most visited Spanish capitals by tourists, partly due to it’s prodigious patrimonial and historical legacy. Cordoba gave the Roman civilization geniuses such as Séneca the philosopher or Lucano the poet, the Córdoba califal became the most learned and brilliant city in Europe during the X century where gifted men, poets, doctors, philosophers and spiritualists lived, some as universal as the philosopher Averroes or the Jewish doctor Maimónides. No less important, the city possesses accumulated patrimony following the Christian conquest. Churches, convents, hospitals, palaces and numerous elegant houses envelop the unique jewel which is the Mosque Cathedral and make of Córdoba one of the most monumental cities of Europe. La UNESCO in 1994 recognised the universal importance of the Cordovan historical wealth, extending the title of Patrimony of Humanity not only to the Mosque - Cathedral but to the old town also.

11th European Universities Basketball Championship

Religious architecture Mosque-Cathedral: Cordoba’s Mosque-Cathedral is the most important monument in western Islam and one of the most astonishing of the world. It’s history summarises the complete evolution of omeya architecture in Spain, besides the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque architecture of Christian construction. The place occupied by our Mosque-cathedral seems to have been, since the old days, dedicated to the cult of diverse divinities. Under Visigothic dominance, in the very site, the Saint Vicente basilica was built, on which was built, after payment for part of the site, the primitive mosque. This basilica, of rectangular floor, was shared by the Christian and Muslims during a period. As the Muslim population grew, the basilica was acquired totally by Abderraman I and destroyed for the definitive construction of the first Alhama Mosque or principal Mosque of the city. At this present time some constructive elements of the Visigothic building are integrated in the first section of Abderraman I. The great Mosque consists of two differentiated areas, the patio or sahn porticoed, where the minaret is raised (under the Renaissance tower), the only intervention of Abd al - Rahman III, and the prayer room or harem. The interior space is arranged in symbolized columns and bicolour arcades of great chromatic effect. The enclosure is divided into five areas, each one corresponding to the different amplifications fulfilled. Córdoba Synagogue (14th century) Fernandine and Alphonsine-style churches (13th century) Various monasteries and convents Walcha Cave (built in 1489) Civil and military architecture Alcázar of the Christian Kings (14th century) Palace of Viana with its flowered patios (16th century) Royal residences and palaces The Tower of Calahorra (14th century) The Door of the Bridge (16th century) The Plaza Vieja or Plaza Mayor Walls and towers of the Muslim and also Christian period

Arqueological sites Roman archaeological remains (temple, mausoleum). Islamic archaeological remains (minarets preserved in the churches, Arab baths). Archaeological site of Madinat Al-Zahra. The Roman Bridge.


Climate, temperatures and weather The Climate is Continental Mediterranean, with Atlantic influences. Winters ( From December to March) are mild, although with some frosts, and Summers ( From June to September) are very hot, with considerably daily thermic oscillations and maximum temperatures, which are the highest of Europe, exceeding every year the 40ºC in several occasions. Although the minimum ones are cooler, the medium temperature is higher than 27ºC in July and August (The highest temperature of Spain and Europe joined with Seville). The rainfalls are mainly concentrated in the cooler months and there is also an intense summer drought. As laid down in the Climatic Classification of Köpen, the climate of Córdoba city can be defined as Csa.

The medium values obtained, between the years 1971 and 2000, shows that during the month of July the, the media temperature is 27º C (with a maximum media of 36,2ºC and a minimum one of 18.1ºC) and a media humidity of 44%. In the same way, these values show that rainfalls in this month are higher or equal to 1mm and one stormy day, reaching a media of rainfalls gathered of 3mm. The media of cloudless days, during July, reaches to 20 and the total number of sunlight hours (approximately 11.35 hours by day).

11th European Universities Basketball Championship

The maximum temperatures recorded on the Airport Weather Station of Córdoba (placed 6 km from the city) are the 46.6ºC of July 23rd 1995 and the 46.2ºC of August 1st 2003. Here you can see the weather forecast for the next 7 days in Córdoba in the Meteorology National Agency web.

Shopping Shops are open from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 21:00. Credit cards are accepted in most of them.

Córdoba The Province of Cordoba covers a surface area of 13.718 km2, taking in 75 municipalities. Cordoba is flanked to the north by the Sierra Morena, by the Sierra Subbética to the south, and is divided by the basin of the Guadalquivir. To the north, Cordoba borders on the Provinces of Ciudad Real and Badajoz, and is flanked to the west by the Province of Seville, to the east, by the province Jaén and to the south, by the provinces of Málaga and Granada. The capital city lies on the banks of the Guadalquivir at an altitude of 106 m, covering a surface area of 1245 km2 and separated from Madrid by 402 km. Córdoba is strategically located as a result of its privileged geographical position. Situated in the southwestern extremity of the European continent, the province is entered from the north via the Sierra Morena, the final link with the Castilian meseta, which opens onto the Valle del Guadalquivir [Guadalquivir Valley], an alpine basin that separates the Sierra Morena from the Betic Cordillera. Córdoba lies in a strategic position, communicating and acting as a point of contact between Europe and Africa, less than two hours away (by air), train or sea, from any point within the Iberian Peninsula. is a city in Andalusia, southern Spain, and the capital of the province of Córdoba. Located at 37.88° North, 4.77° West.

10 reasons why you should study at the University of Cordoba 10 RAZONES POR LAS QUE DEBERÍAS ESTUDIAR EN LA UCO Because you will have the opportunity to study in a city immersed in history. Thanks to its cultural and monumental legacy, Cordoba was designated World Heritage City by the UNESCO in 1984 . A crossroads of diverse cultures throughout the city’s history, the splendour it achieved under the Romans and Visigoths grew with the arrival of the Muslims at the beginning of the 8th century when Cordoba became the capital of Al-Andalus; the largest and most developed city in the West. The Mosque, one of the most emblematic monuments of the city, was the greatest in the Western world under Muslim rule. Located on the banks of the Guadalquivir River, the Mosque houses a Christian cathedral. The nearby Jewish Quarter, where the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters is located, stands out for its narrow, winding streets. Because you will form part of one of the best universities in Spain and have the opportunity to study at a leading research and teaching institution. The University of Cordoba is one of the most prestigious universities in the country and a pioneer in the field of science, technology and agriculture and food. Because Cordoba is a strategically located city. Thanks to the high-speed AVE train, Cordoba is just a short journey from cities like Madrid (2 hours), Seville (45 min.) and Malaga (1 hour). Commuter trains also run several times a day between the RENFE train station in the centre of Cordoba and Rabanales Campus. Because the UCO is the first Campus of International Excellence in Andalusia. The UCO is a pioneer in the creation of a unique model of excellence for the global future of food and agriculture: the ceiA3 Campus of International Excellence. Built on a strategic grouping of five Andalusian universities (Almeria, Cadiz, Cordoba, Jaen and Huelva), the ceiA3 is an unparalleled project dedicated to food and agriculture; a basic pillar of the economy of Andalusia and a key sector driving the economic, social and political development of the region. In 2015, the ceiA3 Campus will be a national pioneer and international leader at the forefront of research and the training of experts in food production systems, food security and safety, and environmental protection through sound and sustainable agrifood practices. Because the city offers a wide range of cultural and leisure activities. Cordoba has an extensive network of public libraries and museums such as the Archaeological and Ethnological Museum; one of the largest and most interesting in all of Spain. International students can enjoy a 50% discount on tickets to performances at the Gran Teatro, while the Film Archives of Andalusia shows a wide variety of both Spanish and European films. Cordoba is also renowned for its festivals including the International Guitar Festival, the Cosmopoética poetry festival, which attracts musicians and writers from all over the world, and the Animacor animated film festival. Because we offer a wide range of programmes of study: The

UCO offers an enormous variety of programmes of study ranging from the humanities and legal and social sciences to the health sciences or science and technology – three areas equally represented by the UCO’s three main campuses: the Legal and Social Sciences Campus in the city centre, the Health Campus in the western part of the city and the Rabanales Agrifood, Science and Technology Campus to the east. The University also has a Polytechnic School located 60 kilometres from the city in the town of Belmez. For those interested in improving their Spanish and learning more about our culture, UCOIDIOMAS offers international students courses on Spanish language and culture. Because the UCO is a young, mid-sized university: With 21,000 students, more than 1200 teaching faculty and 700 employees, the UCO is a dynamic institution that has successfully adapted to the 21st-century demand for excellence in teaching and proven scientific expertise. Because you will study at one of the best-equipped universities in Europe. Most of the UCO’s scientific activity takes place on Rabanales Campus where the Veterinary Faculty, Science Faculty, Higher Polytechnic School and Agricultural and Forest Engineering School are located. The University of Cordoba is one of the best-equipped academic institutions throughout Europe thanks to the modern facilities and cutting-edge technologies available on Rabanales Campus. In addition to housing departmental offices, the campus also has other singular facilities such as the Aulario lecture hall, the Veterinary Hospital or the Juan XXIII Assembly Hall whose soaring tower overlooks the entire campus. The main library, modern sports facilities, the Lucano Residence Hall and the train station complete the list of general services available on Rabanales campus, in addition to the nearby Rabanales 21 R&D Technology Park that is currently under construction. The Reina Sofia Teaching Hospital, one of the most prestigious hospitals in all of Spain, also forms part of the UCO’s Health Campus. Because an international exchange tutor will be available to help you: If you need help finding accommodation (students can live off campus with Spanish families or share a flat with other students), choosing classes or courses or getting information on what to do in the city, an international exchange tutor will be there to help you. Upon request, we also offer students the opportunity to improve their Spanish with a native conversation partner. Because your health and safety are important to us. International students at the UCO will be given a foreign student health card. In case of emergency, medical services personnel can contact our academic authorities 24 hours a day. In addition, the UCO provides free psychological counselling for all of its students.

11th European Universities Basketball Championship





















*Fórmula doble acción.



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