8th European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship

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8 th

EURopeAN UNIVERSITIES beach volleyBALL Championship




CONTENTS / CONTENIDOS Address from the EUSA President Presentación del Presidente de EUSA

Championship Programme Programa del Campeonato

Address from the Secretary of State for Sports & President of the High Council for Sport Presentación del Secretario de Estado para el Deporte y Presidente del Consejo Superior de Deporte.

Opening & Closing Ceremonies Ceremonias de apertura y clausura

Address from the Rector of the University of Málaga Presentación de la Rectora de la UMA Address from the Mayor of Torremolinos Presentación del Alcalde de Torremolinos Málaga University Sports Deportes de la Universidad de Málaga Committee Comité

EDITA: www.aulamagna.net www.aulamagna.net/deporteuniversitario Información: 902 11 26 07

Competition history Historia del Campeonato Team lists Listado de equipos Competition Venue Layout Diseño del campo Statistics Estadísticas Tourism Information Información Turística

The Organising Committe thanks the priceless help and support from institutions, entities and companies, whose participation has been crucial for the organisation of this event El Comité Organizador agradece la inestimable ayuda y seguimiento de las Instituciones, Entidades y Empresas, cuya participación ha sido esencial para la organización de este evento

ORGANISERS / ORGANIZADOR - European University Sports Association - University of Malaga - Spanish Committee for University Sport

CONTRIBUTORS / COLABORADORES - Andalusian Government. Council for Tourism, Commerce and Sport - Torremolinos City Council - Local Sports Board - Inturjoven - Spanish Royal Volleyball Federation - Andalusian Volleyball Federetion

SPONSORS /PATROCINADORES - Antequera Golf - Aula Magna - Grupo Safamotor - Coca-Cola - Vive - Copicentro - Distec - Moysesur S.L. - Viveros Guzmán - Siempre en Play - ESAEM - Agrupación de Interés Económico Playas de la Costa del Sol


Alberto Gualtieri - EUSA President / Presidente de EUSA

ADDRESS FROM THE EUSA PRESIDENT PRESENTACIÓN DEL PRESIDENTE DE EUSA Estimados atletas, oficiales e invitados: Alberto Gualtieri

EUSA President Presidente de EUSA

Dear athletes, officials and guests, I am honoured to welcome you to the VIII European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship. On behalf of EUSA, I would like to thank the Organising Committee for what has been done for the organisation of this important event. I am glad to state once again that our Championships have aroused large interest in the European University Movement. This success of our events, in terms of participation and overall organisation is due to the devotion of the Organising Committees and local Authorities which has been giving their valuable time to coordinate the running of this Championship. To all the persons involved in this event, I wish all the best. EUSA activities are only possible due to the immense level of support and encouragement we constantly receive from our National University Sport Associations, from the huge work carried out by our Secretariat and our staff. I am sure that our new IT system has strongly simplified the enrolment procedures both for the participating teams and Organising Committees. Last, but surely not least, I would like to acknowledge all the athletes taking part in our events. I hope you will enjoy this Championship and that you will compete for the best placing bringing with you the Olympics spirit. I hope you will always take with you this spirit which I consider fundamental for the wellness of the University Sport. Welcome to EUC Beach Volleyball 2011!

Es un honor para mí daros la bienvenida al 8º Campeonato de Europa Universitario de Vóley Playa. En nombre de EUSA, quiero agradecer al Comité Organizador su trabajo en la organización de este evento tan importante. Me alegra decir que, una vez más, nuestros Campeonatos han levantado gran interés dentro del Movimiento Universitario Europeo. Ese éxito de nuestros eventos, en términos de participación y organización en general, se debe a la devoción de los Comités Organizadores y a las Autoridades locales que han dedicado su valioso tiempo a coordinar el desarrollo de este Campeonato. Les deseo lo mejor a todas las personas involucradas en este evento. Las actividades de EUSA son posibles únicamente gracias al inmenso nivel de apoyo y ánimo que recibimos constantemente de nuestras Asociaciones Nacionales de Deporte Universitario, del gran trabajo llevado a cabo por nuestro Secretariado y nuestro personal. Estoy seguro de que nuestro nuevo sistema informático ha simplificado enormemente los procedimientos de inscripción para los equipos participantes y para los Comités Organizadores. Por último, pero no menos importante, quiero hacer mención a los atletas que toman parte en nuestros eventos. Espero que disfrutéis de este Campeonato y que compitáis por el mejor puesto guiados por el espíritu olímpico. Espero que siempre llevéis con vosotros este espíritu que considero fundamental para el bienestar del Deporte Universitario. ¡Bienvenidos al Campeonato Universitario de Vóley Playa!



8th European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship 2011 - Torremolinos

Albert Soler Sicilia

ADDRESS FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR SPORTS & PRESIDENT OF THE SPANISH HIGH COUNCIL FOR SPORTS PRESENTACIÓN DEL Secretario de Estado para el Deporte y Presidente del Consejo Superior de Deportes Albert Soler Sicilia

Secretary of State for Sport President of the High Council of Sport Secretario de Estado para el Deporte Presidente del Consejo Superior de Deportes

In the month of July, Malaga will host the European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship 2011, which will gather the best players on the international scene. From July 17th to 22nd, the beaches in Torremolinos will receive this competition for men and women, which means that this sport will become another significant touristic attraction for a city that has tourism as one of its most dynamic sources of development. This Championship takes part within the European University Sports Association (EUSA)’s schedule, an institution that is at all times supported by the Spanish High Council for Sport to hold university competitions. I want to congratulate, along these lines, those people and institutions that have contributed to the carrying out of such a special Championship, and which has such an impact on the participants’ sports and personal careers. During its running, sport lovers in Torremolinos will enjoy the high playing level of the hundred athletes coming from 14 countries across Europe with a sole goal: achieve the continental title. This kind of events gives international renown to the University of Malaga, whose role as venue for international competitions is reinforced once again, a task where it has extensive experience after hosting three World University Championships. In addition, in the academic field, the University of Malaga approaches the European Space for Higher Education, joining, therefore, the European Union project. I hope these young people achieve their sports goals, improve their personal achievements and, above all, see their sacrifice and effort that have allowed them to get here rewarded. My best success wishes to all participants. And I wish all citizens, audiences and collaborators, to enjoy this festival of sport, and indeed, the benefits and privileges this land offers.

En el mes de julio, Málaga acogerá la celebración del Campeonato de Europa Universitario de vóley playa. En él se reunirán los mejores jugadores del panorama internacional. Entre el 17 y el 22 de julio, las playas de Torremolinos acogerán esta competición en modalidad masculina y femenina, por lo que este innovador deporte se convertirá en un muy relevante atractivo turístico que añadir a una ciudad que tiene en el turismo una de sus más dinámicas fuentes de desarrollo. Se trata de un campeonato que forma parte del calendario de la Asociación Europea de Deporte Universitario (EUSA), institución que en todo momento recibe el apoyo del Consejo Superior de Deportes para la celebración de competiciones universitarias. Quiero, con estas líneas, felicitar a quienes, personas e instituciones, han contribuido a la realización de este Campeonato tan especial y de tanta repercusión en la trayectoria deportiva y personal de quienes en él participan. Durante los días en que éste se celebrará, los aficionados al deporte de la ciudad de Torremolinos podrán disfrutar del nivel de juego del centenar de especialistas en vóley playa venidos de 14 países de toda Europa con una aspiración última: alcanzar el título continental. Este tipo de eventos, otorga una proyección internacional a la Universidad de Málaga, que ve reforzado una vez más su papel como sede de competiciones internacionales, una tarea en la que cuenta con una extensa trayectoria después de acoger tres Campeonatos del Mundo Universitarios. Además, en el plano académico, la Universidad de Málaga se acerca al Espacio Europeo de la Educación Superior, sumándose así al proyecto de la Unión Europea. Espero que éstos jóvenes consigan sus objetivos deportivos, que mejoren sus logros personales y, sobre todo, que vean recompensado el sacrificio y el esfuerzo que les ha permitido llegar hasta aquí. Mis mejores deseos de éxito para los participantes. Y para el conjunto de los ciudadanos, espectadores y colaboradores, mi deseo de que disfruten de este fiesta del deporte y, por supuesto, de las bondades y de la hospitalidad que esta tierra ofrece.


Adelaida de la Calle

Addres from the Rector of the University of Malaga PRESENTACIÓN DE LA RECTORA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA

In October 2009, the European University Sports Association (EUSA) gave its approval in the plenary meeting held in the city of Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia, to grant the organization of the European Universities Beach-Volleyball Championship 2011 to the University of Malaga. For the institution I am representing, the concession of this international competition is a pleasure which will recognise our experience and ability to organise great events. In fact, this championship joins the others held before: Futsal, organised in 1982; Judo in 2000; and Golf in 2010, an experience which will be shown in this important event. Adelaida de la Calle Rector of UMA Rectora de la UMA

The University of Malaga has been promoting for years a high quality culture in every activity area of our institution, aiming for an enterprising, intercultural and involved university model in its social and economic environment. This task has been rewarded for being the best assessed institution at a local level, and it has also recently been awarded the “Instituto de la Mujer” award by the National Sports Council, set up to honour the outstanding universities for promoting sport among women. All of this, instead of taking us to the conformism, has encouraged us to keep on promoting new changes, which will allow us to lead the different performance fields.

Thus, from a strategic point of view, we have given a boost to several alliances with institutions, enterprises and collectives that will promote, even more, the image of a University opened to society, while they strength the organization of this kind of events. Furthermore, the seat of the Championship will be the touristic city of Torremolinos, specifically the beach of Playamar, which will offer us a unique environment to host this sports event. To sum up, I would like to add that promotion of sport is a strong bet of social responsibility, not only in the university field, but also for society in general, helping to achieve healthy habits, as well as the sustainability improvement. It will link the university sport to the European Space for Higher Education, thanks to the participation in national and international competitions. I just hope that the participation of every country in this 8th European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship will go with a nice stay here between all of us. En octubre de 2009, la Asociación Europea de Deporte Universitario (EUSA) aprobó, en su reunión plenaria celebrada en la ciudad de Ljubljana, capital de Eslovenia, conceder a la Universidad de Málaga la organización del Campeonato de Europa Universitario de Voleyplaya 2011. Para esta institución que represento, supone una gran satisfacción la concesión de esta competición internacional, en la cual se reconoce nuestra experiencia y capacidad de gestión en la organización de grandes eventos. No en vano, este campeonato se suma a los ya organizados en el año 1982 de Fútbol-Sala, en el 2000 de Judo y en el 2010 de Golf, bagaje que sin duda se verá reflejado en este importante acontecimiento. La Universidad de Málaga tiene el compromiso firme, desde hace años de impulsar una cultura de la calidad en todas las áreas de actividad de nuestra institución, buscando un modelo universitario emprendedor, dinámico, intercultural e involucrado en su entorno socio-económico. Esta labor ya se ha visto recompensada al ser la institución mejor valorada de nuestro entorno local, y recientemente, el Consejo Superior de Deportes ha concedido a la Universidad de Málaga el Premio ‘Instituto de la Mujer’, instituido para distinguir a las universidades destacadas en la promoción deportiva para mujeres en el ámbito universitario. Todo ello, lejos de sumirnos en el conformismo nos anima a seguir impulsando nuevos procesos de cambio, que nos permitan el liderazgo en los diferentes ámbitos de actuación. Para ello, y dentro de este enfoque estratégico, hemos impulsado una serie de alianzas con instituciones, empresas y colectivos que proyectarán, más si cabe, la imagen de una Universidad abierta a la sociedad y reforzarán el despliegue organizativo de eventos de esta índole. En este sentido, la sede de este campeonato será la turística ciudad de Torremolinos, concretamente en la playa de Playamar, que nos brinda un escenario único para albergar esta cita deportiva. Como conclusión, decir que el fomento de la práctica deportiva es para nosotros una apuesta firme de responsabilidad social, no sólo en el ámbito de la comunidad universitaria, sino también en el de la sociedad en general, contribuyendo a unos hábitos de vida saludable, a una mejora de la sostenibilidad y vinculando el deporte universitario, mediante la participación en competiciones nacionales e internacionales, al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Sólo me queda desear, a todos los países de este VIII Campeonato de Europa Universitario de Voleyplaya, que vuestra participación deportiva se acompañe de una buena estancia entre nosotros.

8th European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship 2011 - Torremolinos

Pedro Fernández Montes

Address from the Mayor of Torremolinos PRESENTACIÓN DEL alcalde de torremolinos

Pedro Fernández Montes Mayor of Torremolinos Alcalde de Torremolinos

The Torremolinos City Council, aiming to support and promote the events held in this municipality, will take part in the organizational process and running of the European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship 2011 by offering its excellent, wide and wellequipped beaches, considered among the best natural beaches in Andalusia. This Championship will gather in Torremolinos the best national and international beach volleyball university players. Beach volleyball is becoming the leading beach sport due to its color, composition and spectacular display, and will be another lure for the thousands of tourists that choose our municipality to spend the holidays. As Major of Torremolinos, I encourage you all to continue promoting the participation in university sport, and I wish you have a pleasant stay in Torremolinos.

El Ayuntamiento de Torremolinos, en su interés de apoyar y promocionar los eventos que se realizan en este municipio, va a participar en la organización y desarrollo del Campeonato Europeo Universitario de Voley Playa 2011, ofreciendo las excelentes, amplias y bien equipadas playas, consideradas de las mejores naturales de Andalucía. El Campeonato reunirá en Torremolinos a los mejores deportistas nacionales e internacionales universitarios de este deporte, que se está situando a la cabeza de los deportes de playa por su espectacularidad, colorido y competitividad y que será un nuevo aliciente para los miles de turistas que eligen nuestro municipio para pasar sus vacaciones. Como Alcalde de Torremolinos les animo a todos para que continúen la labor de seguir fomentando la participación del deporte universitario, deseándoles una estancia placentera en Torremolinos.


Addres from the University of Malaga PRESENTACIÓN DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA WE TEAM UP Extending sport to all sectors of the society has always been a commitment throughout the University of Malaga. Sport values have always inspired the running of an organization system summarized in its Together, we team up! slogan. This promotion of physical activity has been recognised in several occasions with noted awards like the Andalusia Award in Sports. That is one of many other national and international awards which recognise the quality of a service whose management serves as a role model for other organisations. Furthermore, the High Council for Sports gave us credit for our work in promoting sport among University women. In order to provide facilities appropriate to its great human staff, the University of Malaga has acquired throughout the years modern sports facilities within a 76 000m2 plot that are a reference at national level due to its dimension, distribution and design. Aware of its social responsibility, the University of Malaga has a great number of cooperation agreements with and support from many social organisations. Thus, making practice of sport easier for people, they become impregnated with sport-specific values and improve their health and state of mind. Moreover, all of them are provided with the best

added value an academic institution counts on: its research and teaching ability. Regarding competitions, the University of Malaga also has a great potential. At Andalusian level, UMA has won ten out of twelve Andalusian University Championships, and it regularly belongs in the top ten national universities. Its sports achievements frequently go beyond national boundaries, as Malaga sportsmen have won two European Universities Futsal and one European Universities Golf championships, together with the 2009 World University Beach Volleyball Championship. Furthermore, UMA will attend the finals of the European Universities Futsal and Handball Championships for women. On the other hand, the University of Malaga has an extensive experience in organising national and international sports events, since every year it hosts any sport finals in the Andalusian and Spanish championships. Also, UMA has organised the 1994 World University Futsal Championship; the 2002 World University Judo Championship; and the 2010 World University Golf Championship. The International University Sport Federation (FISU) and the European University Sport Association (EUSA) keep relying on UMA’s organizational skills, since UMA will, together with this 2011 European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship, host the 2013 European Universities Futsal Championship and the 2014 World University Futsal Championship.

8th European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship 2011 - Torremolinos


COMMITTEES COMITÉ SUPERVISION, CONTROL, AND ARBITRATION COMMITTEE (SCAC): - Delegate from EUSA Executive Committee: Mr Leonz Eder - Technical Delegate from EUSA Mrs Daniela Erni - Spanish Committe for University Sport: Mr Aitor Canibe - Representative from the Organising Committee: Mr Cristóbal Peláez

Organising Committe: - President: Mrs María Teresa Prieto Ruz - Vice president: Mr Pedro Montiel Gámez - Representativefrom the Spanish High Council for Sport: Mrs Marta Carranza Gil-Dolz del Castelar - Technical Coordinator from Torremolinos City Council: Mr Manuel García Sillero -Representative from the Spanish Volleyball Federation

Executive Committee: - President: Mr Pedro Montiel Gámez - Vice presidents: Mr Carlos Serra Castañeda Mr Aitor Canibe Sánchez - Vice president’s Assistant: Mr Juan José Sánchez Moreno - Technical Secretariat: Mr Cristóbal Ruíz Peláez Mr Francisco Javier Pulido Arrebola Mr Jorge Montoro Escaño Mr Sergio Espejo Vera

- General Secretariat: Mr Manuel Chinchilla Pérez Mr José Eloy Cano Escarcena Mr Arcadio Domínguez Seguí Mrs María del Carmen Plaza López-Espinosa Mr Javier del Valle Macías Mrs Isabel C. Bustos Ramos - Protocol: Mr Pedro Aragón Cansino (Ceremonia apertura y clausura) Mr Manuel Rico Matas (Premiación) Mrs Gloria Campos Trujillo - Accommodation & Transport : Mr Jorge Alfonso Bravo Caro Mr Manuel Trujillo Vargas - Facilities & Logistics: Mr David Rodríguez Montañéz Mr Juan Carlos Rodríguez García - Volunteering: Mr Ángel Carmona Pérez Mr Alejandro Guerra Urbistondo - Culture & Leisure Activities: Mr Mariano González Navarro - Media: Mr Antonio Somoza Barcenilla Mr Cristóbal Moreno Osorio - Medical area: Mr Concepción Ruíz Gómez - Financial Management: Mr Beltrán Bautista Bueno - Internal Communications: Mr José Eloy Cano Escarcena Mrs Luisa Fernanda Cueto Cobo - Quality & Assessment: Mr Arcadio Domínguez Seguí

8th European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship 2011 - Torremolinos

PROGRAMME PROGRAMA Saturday, July 16th Sábado 16 de julio

Arrival of delegations

Llegada de las delegaciones

Sunday, July 17th Domingo 17 de julio

Arrival of delegations. Accreditations. Technical Meeting

Llegada de las delegaciones, acreditaciones y reunión técnica

Monday, July 18th Lunes 18 de julio

1st Competition Day. Opening Ceremony

Primer día de competición y ceremonia de apertura

Tuesday, July 19th Martes 19 de julio

2nd Competition Day. Touristic Tour

Segundo día de competición. Visita turística

Wednesday, July 20th Miércoles 20 de julio

3rd Competition Day

Tercer día de competición

Thursday, July 21st Jueves 21 de julio

4th Competition Day

Cuarto día de competición

5th Competition Day. Awarding Ceremony. Official Dinning

Quinto día de competición, ceremonia de clausura y cena oficial

Saturday, July 23rd Sábado 23 de julio



Sunday, July 24th Domingo 24 de julio



Friday, July 22nd Viernes 22 de julio


OPENING CEREMONY CEREMONIA DE APERTURA The Opening Ceremony of this European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship will be the starting point for this great festival of sport. It will be held at 9.00pm on Monday, July 18th, at the “Albergue Inturjovel de la Música” Hotel and will start with the ceremonial address of Leonz Eder, the representative of EUSA. After his speech, the national anthem will be performed and the athletes will parade. Having the flags of all participating countries and the EUSA flag, the representatives of the institutions involved in this Championship will give a brief speech. Afterwards, it is the turn for the oathes of the athletes, judges and referees, who will commit themselves to promote the fair play and facilitate the good running of the Championship. The ceremony will finish with the raising of the EUSA flag and with a show performed by the Malaga Drama School about university sport.

La Ceremonia de Apertura de este Campeonato de Europa Universitario de Vóley playa será el punto de partida de una gran fiesta del deporte. Se celebrará el lunes, 18 de julio, a las 21.00 horas en el Albergue Inturjoven de la Música y comenzará con la bienvenida del representante de EUSA, Leonz Eder. Tras sus palabras, se interpretará el himno nacional español y los deportistas harán su desfile. Con la presencia de las banderas de todos los países participantes y la de EUSA, los representantes de las instituciones implicadas en este campeonato pronunciarán un breve discurso. Tras esto, llega el turno del juramento por parte de deportistas y jueces y árbitros, que se comprometerán a fomentar el juego limpio y facilitar el buen desarrollo de la competición. El acto se cerrará con la izada de la bandera de EUSA y la actuación de la Escuela de Artes Escénicas de Málaga, que interpretarán una performance sobre el deporte universitario.

8th European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship 2011 - Torremolinos

CLOSING CEREMONY CEREMONIA DE CLAUSURA The Closing Ceremony of this European University Beach Volleyball Championship will be held at 8.00pm on Monday, July 22nd, at the Playamar beach, where competitions take place. Once medallists for both categories are decided, athletes will parade. They are the main protagonists of this Championship, for they have offered a week full of the highest continental level in beach volleyball. Afterwards, the Awarding Ceremony will take place and the European University winners will be proclaimed. This act will be followed by the speeches from the representatives of the University of Malaga and that of EUSA. To close the ceremony, the Gymvictory fitness acrobatic group from El Rincón de la Victoria (Malaga) will perform a show. After the Closing Ceremony, the dinner for participants will start at 9pm at the “Albergue Inturjoven de la Música” Hotel.

La Ceremonia de Clausura de este Campeonato de Europa Universitario de Vóley playa se celebrará el viernes, 22 de julio, a las 20.00 horas en la playa de Playamar, lugar donde se desarrollará la competición. Una vez decididos los medallistas en las dos modalidades disputadas, se procederá al desfile de los deportistas, los protagonistas que han ofrecido una semana de vóley playa al más alto nivel continental. Tras esto se realizará la esperada entrega de medallas, que proclamará a los campeones de Europa universitarios. A este acto le seguirán los discursos de los representantes de la Universidad de Málaga, y de la EUSA. Para cerrar el acto en la playa, el grupo de fitness acrobática ‘Gymvictory’, del Rincón de la Victoria (Málaga), realizará una actuación. La cena posterior de clausura para los participantes comenzará a las 21.00 horas en el albergue Inturjoven de la Música.


COMPETITION HISTORY HISTORIA DE LA COMPETICIÓN EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES BEACH-VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Date: 16.06.2004 - 19.06.2004 Location: Klagenfurt / Austria MEN 1. GER. Bayreuth University of Bayreuth. 2. SLO. Ljubljana University of Ljubljana. 3. AUT. Klagenfurt University of Klagenfurt. WOMEN 1. POL. Gdansk Academy of Physical Education and Sport. 2. AUT. Vienna University of Vienna. 3. GER. Jena Friedrich-Schiller-University.

2nd EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES BEACH-VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Date: 23.06.2005 - 26.06.2005 Location: Portorož-Portorose / Slovenia MEN 1. SLO. Stubelj, Lah University of Primorska. 2. SLO. Perhaj, Rop University of Ljubljana. 3. SLO. Šabec, Makovec University of Ljubljana. WOMEN 1. CZE. Pokorna, Markgrafova University of J.E. Purkyne. 2. GER. Aures, Eckl University Munich. 3. GER. Richter, Nitzsche Technical University Dresden.

3rd EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES BEACH-VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Date: June 22 - June 25, 2006. Location: Latina, Italy MEN 1. ESP. University of Granada 2. GER. Humboldt University of Berlin 3. GER. University of Tübingen WOMEN 1. GER. Humboldt University of Berlin. 2. SLO. University of Ljubljana. 3. POL. Technical University of Gliwice.

4th EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES BEACH-VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Date: July 16-19, 2007 Location: Valencia, Spain. MEN 1. AUT. University of Klagenfurt, (F. Blaeuel, A. Huber), 2. GER. University of Berlin, (T. Götz, M. Böckermann), 3. ESP. University of Malaga, (J.M. Ariza, M.A. Echevarría),

WOMEN 1. GER. University of Cologne, (R. Fleming, S. Hüttermann), 2. AUT. University of Vienna, (J. Jasbar, C. Rimser), 3. ESP. Catholic University of Murcia, (E. Ribera, M. Bonafont)

5th EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES BEACH-VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP June 17-22, 2008 Location: Antalya, Turkey MEN 1. UKR. University Kutsmus Andrij – Klyamar Oleksiy) 2. CZE. University of Brno (Jindrich Weiss – Martin Tichy) 3. AUT. University of Klagenfurt (Huber – Martin Streitfellner) WOMEN 1. EST. Estonian Business School 2 (Graumann Mari Liss – Bratuhhina Natalia) 2. EST. Estonian Business School 1 (Puri Kadri – Bratuhhina Polina) 3. SLO. University of Ljubljana (Andreja Vodeb – Ana Kocjancic)

6th EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES BEACH-VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Date: August 02, 2009. Location: Gdynia, Poland; July 29 MEN 1. POL. Orman & Rafal Szternel - University of Lodz, Poland 2. GER. Moellers & Konrad Jagusch - University of Rostock, Germany 3. ESP. Manuel Ariza & Miguel Ángel De Amo - Málaga University. WOMEN 1. EST. Kadri Puri & Bratuhhlina - Estonian Business School. 2. EST. Mari-Liis Graumann & Polina Bratuhhina - Estonian Business School. 3. ESP. Evangelia Merteki & Maria Vidal - Malaga University.

7th EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES BEACH-VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Date: July 5-7, 2010 Location: Kazan Russia: MEN 1. POL Sebastian Sobczak / Piotr Janiak - University of Lodz. 2. SUI Raffael Buehler / Andreas Catschegn - Technical Federal Institute Zürich. 3. SUI Marco Foelmli / Florian Lier - University of Bern. WOMEN 1. RUS. Victoria Rastykus / Dasha Yarzutkina - Moscow Institute of Business and Law. 2. GER. Malchow / Lisa Schroeder - University of Potsdam. 3. POL. Paulina Gajewska / Magdalena Saad - Graduate School of Finance and Management in Bialystok.

8th European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship 2011 - Torremolinos





FH Bingen & FH Remagen University of Jena & University of Leipzig University of Mainz


University of Linz University of Linz


San Antonio Catholic University University of A Coruña University of Malaga University of Malaga


University of Franche-Comté INSA Toulouse


National University of Ireland, Galway


Technion - Israel Institute of Technology


Vilnius University


Oslo Student Sports Club University of Stavanger


University of Lodz University of Lodz University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


Polytechnic Institute of Porto Technical University of Lisbon


University of Jan Evangelisty Purkyne in Usti nad Labem


Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich University of Berne University of Zurich


Gazi University


St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics

8th European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship 2011 - Torremolinos




TU Dresden University of Potsdam & University of Berlin


University of Vienna University of Vienna


San Antonio Catholic University University of A Coruña University of Malaga


Ruppin Academic Center Ruppin Academic Center


Czestochowa University of Technology Gdansk University of Technology Warsaw University of Technology


University of Porto University of Porto


Ankara University Gazi University


St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics


Competition Venue Layout CAMPO DE JUEGO
























































WELCOME TO TORREMOLINOS BIENVENIDO A TORREMOLINOS Torremolinos occupies today an undisputable tourist leadership of Spain. In fact, it now agglutinates forty percent of the total of hotel infrastructure in the Costa del Sol and because of its characteristics, this Southern Andalusian municipality offers all the suitable ingredients necessary for diverse and quality tourist offer. In the last years, Torremolinos has improved substantially its communications and leisure infrastructures widening its traditional tourist offer of sun and beach. The fully equipped natural beaches of Torremolinos complete with all types of facilities and auxiliary services which are especially valued for their spaciousness, as well as the possibility of enjoying mild temperatures during the whole tear thanks to the microclimate that characterises the municipality. The creation of a wide infrastructure for the diffusion of sports and culture has favoured as well as the urban improvements that focuses on the Environment, a constant and positive evolution of the tourist offer, especially from 1995 onwards, when the Townhall regained once again, the title of tourist leader. Thus Torremolnios becomes the focal point of the Costa del Sol and reference for all Andalucia. Aside from the ample choice of attractions for the visitor, Torremolinos is proud to offer a rich and very peculiar gastronomy specialised in its traditional “pescaito frito” from La Carihuela-Bajoncillo which over the years has become a world renowned sign of identity of autochthonous gastronomy. Festivals in Torremolinos are an explosion of colour, intense happiness and collective revelry, especially the spectacular and multitudinous urban Romeria, which serves as the portal to the San Miguel Fair. The spectacular Virgen del Carmen Fair in La Carihuela, and San Juan Fair in Montemar are amongst other celebrations, such as the “Veladillas”, and of course “Tourist Day” the famous “Día del Pescaito” and the “Foreign Resident’s Day”, maximum expressions for those who wish to enjoy the town. Torremolinos is, above else, a vibrant and innovative city when it comes to cultural activity, especially summer time. The creation of new and important installations by the municipally has provided the possibility of enjoying an ample and varied cultural programme year round, offering seasonal activities in the arts, that include exhibition, musical series, opera and theatre. The grandiose productions staged for the “Temporada Lírica” (opera) during the months of July and August are especially noteworthy. In addition to opera, the theatre “Temporada Municipal de Teatro” Torremolinos becomes a reference for its variety and selection of first class performers and national and international companies. That’s is, in a nutshell, the new Torremolinos, proud of its touristic leadership and, at the same time, committed to offering the happiest stay for those who visit the city, who will be welcomed with arms wide open.

8th European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship 2011 - Torremolinos


TOURISM INFORMATION COSTA DEL SOL The Costa del Sol has been considered an international tourist destination since the early fifties of the past century. Nowadays, we are proud to say that modern infrastructures and an incomparable climate put the province of Málaga in the first place on the Spanish Peninsula in terms of numbers of visitors. There is no shortage of entertainment in the province of Malaga, especially during the summer period. Every town and village in the province has something to offer, whether it be a music, dance or theatre festival, and some of these attract international performers of the first order. This does not mean, of course, that there is nothing to see or hear during the rest of the year; quite the contrary. Most large towns have auditoriums that host events all the year round. It is often said that the province of Malaga is a small continent. Exaggerated and somewhat pretentious as this might sound, there is an element of truth in it. The province of Malaga, although the smallest in Andalusia, measuring 7.272 square kilometres, is indeed a land of contrast. Mountains, sea, rural villages and sophisticated tourist resorts. It is all here, and with the most extensive network of hotels anywhere in Spain, enjoying the contrast is one of life’s rare pleasures.On the edge of the town lie the famous Dolmen Caves, the most famous in Europe. They consist of funerary constructions dating from 2.500BC. They were discovered in 1905 by a local gardener and are now open to the public. Golf is the sport on the Costa del Sol. It has more than 40 clubs, most of them beside residential developments and most in the western Costa del Sol area, making this the area with the highest concentration of golf courses in all of continental Europe. This has a lot to do with the climate, where the sun shines for about 300 days of the year, and it has a lot to do also with the natural evolution of quality tourism in the region. The strategic location of the Costa del Sol, at the gateway to Africa and occupying a sizeable part of the extreme western Mediterranean coastline, has meant many different civilisations living here, and this in turn has made the region rich in archaeological remains. We can see this in the paintings and objects discovered in the Nerja Cave, dating back 20,000 years, and in the Tesoro Cave in Rincón de la Victoria, and in the interior of the province as well, where megalithic remains in Antequera and other places tell us that we too are passing through. It is often said that the province of Malaga is a small continent. Exaggerated and somewhat pretentious as this might sound, there is an element of truth

Each of the 100 municipalities of the province has its own local specialities, and they would make too long a list for this article, but suffice it to say that preparing and cooking food is one of the art forms that the people of Malaga are most proud of. Have a good time!

8th European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship 2011 - Torremolinos



















*Fórmula doble acción.






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