9th European Universities Futsal Championship 2013

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9th European Universities

Futsal Championship

9ยบ CAMPEONATO de europa universitario DE Fร BTOL SALA ANTEQUERA - SPAIN July 21st-28th, 2013 - futsal2013.eusa.eu



Futsal 2013 - 9th European Universities Futsal Championship - futsal2013.eusa.eu


European University Sports Association


ORGANISERS / ORGANIZADOR - European University Sports Association - Spanish University Sports Committee - University of Malaga - Antequera City Council

Contributors and Sponsors Colaboradores y Patrocinadores

EDITA: UNIVERSITAS CREACIONES S.L. www.aulamagna.net / web@aulamagna.net / Info: 902 11 26 07 RRSS: facebook.com /aulamagna / @AulaMagna

Futsal 2013 - 9th European Universities Futsal Championship - futsal2013.eusa.eu

- Culture and Sports Council of the Regional Government of Andalusia - Deputation of Malaga - Fundación General de la Universidad de Málaga - Antequera Turismo - Liga Nacional de Fútbol Sala - Spanish Royal Football Federation - Andalusian Royal Football Federation - Hotel Antequera Golf - MARCA - Aguirre y Cía. - Cruz Roja Española - Coca-Cola - Aula Magna - Hotel Las Villas de Antikaria - Hotel Los Dólmenes - Hotel Finca Eslava - Hotel Castilla - Grupo Safamotor - McDonald’s Antequera - Brócoli Mantenimientos Integrales - Molletes San Roque - Acedo Hermanos - Vive - Kyocera - Sierra Cazorla - Lenovo




Futsal 2013 - 9th European Universities Futsal Championship - futsal2013.eusa.eu



D. Adam Roczek

Queridos participantes: deportistas, oficiales, socios e invitados,

Dear participants - athletes, officials, partners and guests,

Es para mí un gran placer daros la bienvenida en nombre de la Asociación Europea de Deporte Universitario (EUSA), con ocasión del 9º Campeonato de Europa Universitario de Fútbol Sala en Antequera.

It is with great pleasure to welcome you on behalf of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) on the occasion of the 9th European Universities Futsal Championship here in Antequera.

Me gustaría daros las gracias por vuestro interés y compromiso por participar en nuestro Campeonato, el cual ha atraído un interés sustancial de varias universidades europeas que participarán en él. También me gustaría reconocer el trabajo que el Comité Organizador ha realizado en cuanto a la organización de este importante evento.

I would like to thank you for your interest and commitment to take part in our Championship, which has already attracted substantial interest from several European universities which will be participating. I would also like to recognise the work the Organising Committee has done regarding the organisation of this important event.

La historia de los Campeonatos de Europa Universitarios empezó en 2001, cuando se organizaron los primeros eventos. En 2012 Córdoba acogió con éxito los 1os Juegos Europeos Universitarios, marcando una nueva era en la que se alternarán Campeonatos de Europa Universitarios y Juegos Europeos Universitarios. El éxito de este evento depende de vosotros, los participantes, y del trabajo y la devoción del Comité Organizador y las autoridades locales que, junto con los representantes y delegados de EUSA, harán de este Campeonato una experiencia inolvidable. Nuestra actividad va más allá de las competiciones deportivas, y es solo posible gracias al inmenso nivel de apoyo y ánimo que recibimos de las Asociaciones Nacionales de Deporte Universitario, a la participación de equipos universitarios de toda Europa y a la implicación del personal y los representantes de EUSA. También tengo que destacar el apoyo continuo de nuestros socios, y especialmente la cooperación con la Federación Internacional de Deporte Universitario (FISU) así como con otras organizaciones asociadas. Estoy seguro de que los deportistas que toman parte en este evento disfrutarán del Campeonato, y que competirán tratando de alcanzar el mejor resultado en una atmósfera amistosa y alentadora, a la vez que hacen nuevos amigos y conocen nuevas culturas. Que la competición esté gobernada por el juego limpio y refleje el verdadero espíritu del deporte universitario. ¡Buena suerte a todos! ¡Bienvenidos al EUC Futsal 2013! D. Adam Roczek, Presidente de EUSA

“Los deportistas que toman parte en este evento disfrutarán del Campeonato”


The history of the European Universities Championships goes back to 2001 when the first events were organised. In 2012 the 1st European Universities Games were successfully held in Cordoba, signalling the new era of alternating European Universities Championships and European Universities Games. Success of the event depends on you – the participants, and the work and devotion of the Organising Committees and local Authorities which together with EUSA representatives and delegates make the Championship an unforgettable experience. Our activities go well beyond just sports competitions and are only possible due to the immense level of support and encouragement we receive from our National University Sport Associations, participation of University teams across Europe and involvement of EUSA staff and representatives. I also have to acknowledge the continuous support of our partners, especially cooperation with International University Sports Federation (FISU) and also other partner organisations. I am certain that the athletes taking part in this event will enjoy the Championship and that they will compete for their best results in a friendly and encouraging atmosphere, at the same time making new friends and experiencing new cultures. May the competitions be governed by fair play and reflect the true spirit of university sport and best of luck to everyone! Welcome to the EUC Futsal 2013! Mr Adam Roczek, EUSA President

‘I am certain that the athletes taking part in this event will enjoy the Championship’

European University Sports Association



President of the High Sports Council and President

of the Spanish University Sports Council Miguel Cardenal Carro

BIENVENIDA DEL Presidente del Consejo Superior de Deportes Y Presidente del Comité Español de Deporte Universitario

Málaga, y más concretamente la localidad de Antequera, acogerá el 9º Campeonato de Europa Universitario de Futbol Sala del 21 al 28 de julio de 2013, competición que forma parte del programa deportivo organizado por la Asociación Europea de Deporte Universitario (EUSA), de la cual el Comité Español de Deporte Universitario (CEDU) es miembro y en cuyas actividades participan las Universidades clasificadas en los Campeonatos de España Universitarios. Quiero aprovechar esta ocasión para agradecer una vez más a la Universidad de Málaga, como anfitriones de la competición, el esfuerzo económico y de coordinación que han realizado al organizar un evento internacional de gran importancia en el ámbito deportivo universitario. Este evento surge de su entusiasmo por ofrecer la máxima calidad a participantes y a espectadores, para lo cual cuentan con la colaboración de las instituciones implicadas. En este sentido, quiero resaltar el apoyo prestado por la Real Federación Española de Fútbol y por la Real Federación Andaluza de Fútbol, cuya labor en el ámbito logístico y técnico es imprescindible para el correcto desarrollo del programa deportivo. También quiero felicitar a los patrocinadores, ya que sin su apoyo no se podría llevar a cabo el campeonato. Todos los participantes, deportistas y técnicos que se congregarán en la localidad de Antequera durante estos días, con su ilusión, esfuerzo y espíritu de superación, servirán de estímulo a los dirigentes y gestores del deporte para recuperar el esplendor del deporte universitario y consolidar hábitos saludables de práctica deportiva entre las nuevas generaciones.

Miguel Cardenal Carro Presidente del Consejo Superior de Deportes Presidente del Comité Español de Deporte Universitario

“Quiero aprovechar esta ocasión para agradecer una vez más a la Universidad de Málaga”

I want to take this chance to thank once more the University of Malaga, as hosts of the competition, the economic and coordination effort they are doing organising an international event of great importance in the university sports sphere. This event comes from their enthusiasm for offering the greatest quality to athletes and spectators, for which they count on the collaboration of the involved institutions. In this sense, I also want to highlight the collaboration of the Royal Spanish Football Federation and of the Royal Andalusian Football Federation. whose logistics and technical work are essential for the good development of the sports program. I also want to congratulate the sponsors, given that without their support the championship could not take place. All participants, athletes and coaches that will gather in Antequera during these days, with their illusion, effort and spirit of self-improvement, will serve as stimulus for the sport leaders and managers to recover the splendour of university sport and to consolidate healthy sport habits among the new generations. My best wishes of success for the participants representing their respective universities and countries; they are the present and near future. I’m sure that in a few years they will compete for their countries in international events at the highest level, not only in the sports field, but also in other areas of society. With that aim we are working at the institution I preside, all of them being role models for combining the sports practise with the university studies. Miguel Cardenal Carro President of the High Sports Council President of the Spanish University Sports Council

‘I want to take this chance to thank once more the University of Malaga’

Futsal 2013 - 9th European Universities Futsal Championship - futsal2013.eusa.eu

Mis mejores deseos de éxito para los participantes que representan a sus respectivas universidades y países; ellos son el presente y el futuro cercano. Estoy seguro de que dentro de unos años competirán en nombre de sus países en eventos internacionales de máximo nivel, no solo deportivos, sino también en otras áreas de la sociedad. Para ello trabajaremos desde la Institución que presido, siendo todos ellos un ejemplo a seguir al compaginar la práctica deportiva con los estudios universitarios.

Malaga and, more specifically, the City of Antequera, will host the 9th European Universities Futsal Championship from July 21st to July 28th 2013, a competition which is a part of the sports program of the European Universities Sport Association (EUSA), of which the Spanish University Sports Council (CEDU) is a member, and in whose activities the universities qualified in the Spanish University Championship take part.




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the University of Malaga BIENVENIDA DE LA reCTORA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA Bienvenidos a todas y a todos a esta 9ª edición del Campeonato de Europa de Universidades de Fútbol Sala que organiza la Universidad de Málaga en esta ciudad de Antequera. La Universidad de Málaga tiene el compromiso firme de impulsar el deporte universitario como uno de sus objetivos estratégicos, contando para ello con un equipo profesional formado en la organización de eventos. Este es el quinto campeonato internacional de nuestra trayectoria, por lo que pondremos toda nuestra experiencia a disposición del mismo. Nos complace mucho contar con la presencia de autoridades, árbitros, técnicos y, sobre todo, al eje central sobre el que gira todo el campeonato: vosotras y vosotros, estudiantes y deportistas de toda Europa que vais a compartir unas fechas que esperamos, sean inolvidables, en una de las ciudades con más historia del continente. Nuestra Universidad se distingue por la innovación y el desarrollo de un modelo deportivo sostenible y de responsabilidad social. Este Campeonato supone, por tanto, para nosotros una gran oportunidad para exportar la imagen saludable y de dinamismo de nuestra Universidad; una Universidad que cuenta con una amplia experiencia en el desarrollo de actividades culturales y deportivas y es una magnífica ocasión para encontrarnos, para conocer y compartir desde el deporte; una Universidad joven, con un compromiso en la enseñanza pública, que proyecta su imagen al exterior buscando que el deporte sea un vehículo más entre universitarios de distintos países para contribuir con nuestros objetivos. A lo largo de estos días tendréis la oportunidad de conocer nuestra Universidad y la ciudad de Antequera que cuenta con una gran oferta monumental que hacen de ella uno de los lugares turísticos por excelencia de Andalucía y de toda España. Otro de los aspectos importantes para nosotros son las alianzas estratégicas que la Universidad de Málaga ha desarrollado con la Diputación Provincial de Málaga, el Ayuntamiento de Antequera, el Comité Español de deporte universitario y el Consejo Superior de Deportes, las Federaciones Española y Andaluza de Fútbol Sala, la Liga Nacional de Fútbol Sala y un cluster de más de 20 empresas que contribuyen con su esfuerzo al desarrollo de esta gran competición. Estoy segura de que compartir esta semana con vosotros contribuirá a fortalecer nuestro compromiso con el deporte universitario y a enriquecernos con la experiencia vivida. Mucha suerte a todos y bienvenidos a Antequera y a la Universidad de Málaga.

“Estos días conoceréis nuestra Universidad” 6 FUTSAL 2013 - ANTEQUERA - SPAIN

Adelaida de la Calle

Welcome everyone to the 9th European Universities Futsal Championship, organised by the University of Malaga in the city of Antequera. The University of Malaga has a strong commitment to empower the university sport as one of its strategic goals, counting with a professional team trained in the organisation of events. This is the 5th international championship in our history, so we will put all our experience behind it. It is a great pleasure for us to count on the presence of authorities, referees, coaches and, above all, the central axis around which the whole championship swirls: you, students and athletes from all around Europe. During these days you will share a time together we hope will be unforgettable, in one of the cities with a bigger history in the continent. Our university is known for its innovation and the development of a sustainable sport and social responsibility model. Therefore, this championship is for us a big chance to export a healthy and dynamic image of our university; a university which is backed by ample experience in the development of cultural and sport activities, and it is a wonderful occasion to meet, to know and share sport; a young university, committed with public education, which casts its image to the outside promoting sport as a communication vehicle among university students from different countries, to contribute to our goals. During these days you will have the chance to know our university and the city of Antequera, which provides an extensive monumental offering, which makes it one of the touristic locations by default of Andalusia and the whole of Spain. Another important aspect for us are the strategic allegiances the University of Malaga has developed with the Malaga Provincial Deputation, the Antequera City Hall, the Spanish University Sports Council, the High Sport Council, the Royal Spanish Football Federation, the Royal Andalusian Football Federation, the National Futsal League, and a cluster formed by more than 20 entities which, with their effort, contribute to the development of this great competition. I am sure that sharing this week with all of you will contribute to strengthen our commitment with university sport and to enrich ourselves with the experience. Good luck to everyone and welcome to Antequera and to the University of Malaga.

‘These days you will know our university’

European University Sports Association





Antequera abre sus puertas de par en par con motivo de la celebración del 9º Campeonato de Europa Universitario de Fútbol Sala, un nuevo acontecimiento deportivo de primera magnitud en el que se darán cita universidades procedentes de más de 20 países. Es por ello por lo que, en primer lugar, me gustaría daros una cordial y sincera bienvenida a nuestra ciudad, situada en pleno corazón de Andalucía. Esta competición viene a unirse a la extensa nómina de campeonatos y acontecimientos deportivos que Antequera ha acogido en los últimos años, fruto de las excelentes relaciones institucionales que seguimos manteniendo con distintas federaciones e instituciones, caso de la Universidad de Málaga en este concreto Campeonato de Europa Universitario de Fútbol Sala. Antequera es una ciudad eminentemente cultural y monumental, aunque su estratégica localización geográfica le hace situarse como el principal eje de caminos del sur de España. Esa es una de las razones por las que Antequera también podemos considerarla como “capital del Deporte”, afrontando este y otros retos que en los próximos años, por ejemplo, nos llevarán a albergar el Campeonato del Mundo Universitario de Fútbol Sala 2014 o buena parte de las pruebas sobre pista de hielo de la Universiada de Granada 2015.

Manolo Barón Alcalde de Antequera

“Hoy el Fútbol Sala es un deporte con gran arraigo en nuestra ciudad”

This competitions comes to join the extensive backlog of championships and sport events that Antequera has held in the last years, fruition of the excellent institutional relationships which we still maintain with several federations and institutions, like the University of Malaga for this specific European Universities Futsal Championshp. Antequera is mainly a cultural and monumental city, although its strategic geographic location situates it as the main crossroads for souther Spain. This is one of the reasons why Antequera can also be considerated as “Sports Capital”, facing this and other challenges that in the following years will lead us to hold, for example, the World University Futsal Championship 2014, or a good part of the ice rink competition at the Granada Universiade 2015. But our reality today is Futsal, a sport which is deeply rooted in our city and whose top reference is the UMA-Antequera team, which currently plays in the Silver Division of the National Futsal League (LNFS), being one of the more active examples of collaboration among public institutions, in this case the City-Hall and the University of Malaga. We are sincerily thankful for your visit because you are no doubt some exceptional visitors, dear students and athletes, which during the competition will try to elevate your country’s name as high as possible, in a context in which fraternity, fair play and respect to others should set the path of the championship. I wish the best success for you, hoping you have a warm stay in our city and inviting you to discover its charm by yourselves, which is also yours during these days. Manolo Barón Antequera City Mayor

‘Our reality today is that Futsal is a sport which is deeply rooted in our city’

Futsal 2013 - 9th European Universities Futsal Championship - futsal2013.eusa.eu

Pero la realidad es hoy el Fútbol Sala, un deporte con gran arraigo en nuestra ciudad cuyo máximo exponente es el equipo UMAAntequera que actualmente milita en la División de Plata de la LNFS, siendo uno de los ejemplos más activos de colaboración entre instituciones públicas, en este caso entre Ayuntamiento y Universidad de Málaga. Agradecemos sinceramente vuestra visita porque sin duda sois unos visitantes de excepción, estimados estudiantes y deportistas, que a lo largo de toda la competición tratareis de dejar en el pabellón más alto posible a vuestro país en un contexto en el que la fraternidad, el juego limpio y el respeto hacia los demás deben marcar el desarrollo del Campeonato. Os deseo el mayor de los éxitos deseando que tengáis una plácida estancia en nuestra ciudad e invitándoos a que descubráis por vosotros mismos su encanto, que también es vuestro durante estos días.

Antequera opens its doors wide for the celebration of the 9th European Universities Futsal Championship, a new first-row sports event, which will host universities coming from more than 20 countries. For this reason, in the first place, I would like to warmly and sincerely welcome you to our city, located in the very heart of Andalusia.




Futsal 2013 - 9th European Universities Futsal Championship - futsal2013.eusa.eu

Welcome to the UMA

University of Malaga UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA

Extending sport to all sectors of the society has always been a commitment throughout the University of Malaga. Sport values have always inspired the running of an organization system summarized in its Together, we make a team Slogan. This promotion of physical activity has been recognized in several occasions with noted awards like the Andalusia Award in Sports. That is one of many other national and international awards which recognize the quality of a service whose management serves as a role model for other organizations. Furthermore, the High Council for Sports gave us a credit for our work in promoting sport among University women. In order to provide facilities appropriate to its great human staff, the University of Malaga has acquired throughout the years modern sports facilities within a 76.000m2 plot that are a reference at national level due to its dimension, distribution and design. Aware of its social responsibility, the University of Malaga has a great number of cooperation agreements with and support from many social organizations. Thus, making practice of sport easier for people, they become impregnated with sport-specific values and improve their health and state of mind. Moreover, all of them are provided with the best added value any academic institution counts on: its research and teaching ability. The University of Malaga is a public university with an international vocation, and its high quality has been acknowledged with the Campus of International Excellence. Regarding competitions, the University of Malaga also has a 8 FUTSAL 2013 - ANTEQUERA - SPAIN

great potential. At Andalusian level, UMA has won ten out of twelve Andalusian University Championships, and it regularly belongs in the top ten national universities. Its sport achievements frequently go beyond national boundaries, as Malaga sportsmen have won two European Universities Futsal and one European Universities Golf championships, together with the 2009 World University Beach Volleyball Championship, and recently got 2nd place in the 2013 European Universities Football Championship with the female team. On the other hand, the University of Malaga has an extensive experience in organizing national and international sports events, since every year it hosts any sport finals in the Andalusian and Spanish championships. Also, UMA has organized the 1992 World University Futsal Championship; the 2000 World University Judo Championship; the 2010 World University Golf Championship; and the 2011 European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship. The International University Sport Federation (FISU) and the European University Sport Association (EUSA) keep relying on UMA´s organizational skills, since UMA will, together with this 2013 European Universities Futsal Championship, host the 2014 World University Futsal Championship.

‘The University of Malaga has a great number of cooperation agreements’

European University Sports Association



ORGANISING COMMITTEE President Ms. María Isabel Calero Secall Vice-Rector of University Extension High Sports Council Representative Mr. Enrique Lizalde Gil Vice-Director of Sports Promotion and Paralympic Sport Andalusian Tourism, Commerce and Sports Council Representative Mr. Rafael Granados Ruiz Chairman of Sports Planification and Promotion of the Andalusian Regional Council Antequera City Hall Representative Mr. Alberto Vallespín López Antequera City Education and Sports Councilor Spanish Royal Football Federation Representative Mr. Antonio Escribano Ramos President of the Futsal Commission

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Mr. Pedro Montiel Gámez General Technical Assistant Mr. Alejandro Guerra Urbistondo Vice-presidents Mr. Aitor Canibe Sánchez Mr. Pedro Aragón Cansino Mr. Carlos Serra Castañeda Logistics Area Mr. David Rodríguez Montañez Mr. Juan Carlos Rodríguez García Facilities Area Mr. Manuel Rico Matas

Medical Area Mrs. Concepción Ruíz Gómez Multimedia Area Mr. Javier del Valle Macías Volunteering Area Mr. José Blas Jiménez Mayor Mr. Andrés Federico Chabrillón Security Area Mr. José Blas Jiménez Mayor Accomodation and Meals Area Mr. José Eloy Cano Escarcena Ms. Luisa Fernanda Cobo Cueto Transport Area Mr. Manuel Trujillo Vargas Press Area Mr. Antonio Somoza Barcenilla


General Secretariat Area Mr. Manuel Chinchilla Pérez Mr. Arcadio Domínguez Seguí

Leisure and Cultural Activities Area Mr. Francisco Rodríguez Molina

Protocol Area Mr. Pedro Aragón Cansino Ms. María del Carmen Plaza López-Espinosa Quality and Evaluation Area Mr. Arcadio Domínguez Segui Economics Area Mr. Beltrán Bautista Bueno

Futsal 2013 - 9th European Universities Futsal Championship - futsal2013.eusa.eu

Spanish Futsal League Representative Mr. María Rodrigo Sagastizabal

Technical Area Mr. Patrik Perosa Mr. Miguel Sarriá Lucena




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PROGRAMME / PROGRAMA Friday, July 19th Viernes 19 de Julio

Arrival of delegations

Llegada de las delegaciones

Saturday, July 20th Sábado 20 de Julio

Arrival of delegations; Accreditations

Llegada de las delegaciones; Acreditaciones

Sunday, July 21st Domingo 21 de Julio

Arrival of delegations; Accreditations; Technical Meeting; Opening Ceremony

Llegada de las delegaciones; Acreditaciones; Reunión técnica; Ceremonia de inauguración

Monday, July 22nd Lunes 22 de Julio

1st Competition day

Primer día de competición

Tuesday, July 23rd Martes 23 de Julio

2nd Competition day

Segundo día de competición

Wednesday, July 24th Miércoles 24 de Julio

3rd Competition day; Official reception dinning

Tercer día de competición; Cena de recepción oficial

Thursday, July 25th Jueves 25 de Julio

4th Competition day; Futsal Clinic: “Different systems of countering pressure in Futsal Different defenses”

Cuarto día de competición Conferencia de Fútbol Sala: “Los diferentes sistemas de salida de presión en fútbol sala – Diferentes defensas”

Friday, July 26th Viernes 26 de Julio

5th Competition day

Quinto día de competición

Saturday, July 27th Sábado 27 de Julio

6th Competition day; Semi-finals

Sexto día de competición; Semifinales

Sunday, July 28th Domingo 28 de Julio

7th Competition day; Finals; Closing and Awarding Ceremony

Séptimo día de competición; Finales; Ceremonia de Clausura y Entrega de Trofeos

Monday, July 29th Lunes 29 de Julio




Paralimni, Greece (2004)

University of Novi Sad (Serbia)


Latina, Italia (2005)

University of Novi Sad (Serbia)


Novi Sad, Serbia (2006)

University od Ljubljana (Slovenia)


Izola, Slovenia (2007)

Dniepropetrovsk State Finance Academy (Ukraine)


Wroclaw, Poland (2008)

University of Malaga (Spain)


Podgorica, Montenegro (2009)

University of Malaga (Spain)


Zagreb, Croatia (2010)

University of Zagreb (Croatia)


Tampere, Finaland (2011)

University of Valencia (Spain)


EUSA European University Sports Association

Futsal 2013 - 9th European Universities Futsal Championship - futsal2013.eusa.eu




Futsal 2013 - 9th European Universities Futsal Championship - futsal2013.eusa.eu


The 9th European Universities Futsal Championship 2013 will take place at various facilities, all located in areas surrounding the Hotel Antequera Golf.



1. High Performance Athletics Centre of Antequera The High Performance Athletics Centre of Antequera is unique in Spain, which makes it an emblematic facility at both national and international levels. The facility boasts a 100x70 indoor pavilion, which means a sports surface area of 7000 m2 including an athletics 200m oval banked track that counts on a hydraulic system, making it possible to have the whole sports surface even for the practice of other sports or activities. In this surface, there is room for two futsal courts. However, we plan to install just one of them, as we have enough facilities to develop the championship according the competition format. The permanent grandstand seating capacity goes up to 2010 spectators -5000 with dismountable tribunes. The sports centre counts on toilets, various administrative areas, press box, different collective changing rooms for teams, officials and referees, several multipurpose rooms, medical area and cafeteria.

2. Fernando Argüelles Municipal Sports Centre Fernando Argüelles Municipal Sports Centre was officially opened for the first time on the 10th of August of 1980, although its facilities were renovated in 2006, when the Antequera Handball team was promoted to the ASOBAL League (Spanish Handball League). This facility includes a 44x26m floating parquet court perfectly adaptable to the selected futsal surface. The pavilion holds a capacity of 2500 spectators and is included in a bigger sports complex, with artificial turf fields and several swimming pools, and it comprises 6 12 FUTSAL 2013 - ANTEQUERA - SPAIN

3 collective changing rooms, 4 individual ones, anti-doping room, press room, multipurpose room and weights room.

3. El “Maulí” Municipal Indoor Sports Centre The “El Maulí” Municipal Indoor Sports Centre is located just 400m away from the Fernando Argüelles Municipal Sports Complex and 500m away from the Technified Indoor Athletics Sports Centre. This Sports Centre is located in front of the Hotel Antequera Golf, and is usually where the competitions of the schools in Antequera take place, as well as the affiliated matches of the Handball Antequera Club’s lower categories. This new facility was built in 2004, with a new synthetic sports surface installed in 2006. The facility counts on a 44x23m synthetic playing area equally and one of the pitchs will be installed there. The place is part of a sports complex with tennis and paddle tennis courts, grandstands for up to 500 spectators, as well as 4 collective and 4 individual changing rooms.

‘Antequera stands out in the province of Málaga for the quality of its sports venues’ ‘The High Performance Athletics Centre of Antequera is unique in Spain’

European University Sports Association


- Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Training and Sport




- Cyprus University of Technology


- University of Applied Sciences




More than 500 players from more than 30 universities from 20 countries.

- University of Jyväskylä - Tampere University of Technology - AS Universite Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne - AS Rouen UC SSE - University of Münster - Cork Institute of Technology - Institute of Technology Sligo - Ruppin Academic Center - Norwegian School of Economics - Tromsø Student Sports Club - Norwegian University of Science and Technology - Jozef Rusiecki Olsztyn University College - University of Szczecin - University of Minho - University of Minho - Sibirean Federal University - Moscow State Technical University MAMI - Sibirean Federal University


- University of Belgrade


- Universidad de Málaga - Universidad de Valladolid - Universidad de Málaga


- Örebro University


- University of Geneva - University of Neuchatel - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich


- Istanbul University - Marmara University - Sumy State University



- Dnipropetrovsk National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine - University of York


‘EUC Futsal 2013 will welcome 24 men teams and 11 women teams’ ‘It’s time to feel the futsal essence!’ FUTSAL MEN FUTSAL WOMEN


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futsal men




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USEFUL INFORMATION INFORMACIÓN ÚTIL Antequera Antequera is known as “the heart of Andalusia” because of its central location in the region of Andalusia. Due to its geographical situation, it became one of the main routes for travellers, which led the city to have magnificent monumental and historical heritage today. Its main attractions are Bronze Age remains, such as the Dolmen of Menga, and Roman, Visigothic and Moorish remains, as well as the most beautiful examples of the Andalusian Renaissance and Baroque, being the main

EUC FUTSAL 2013 Activities programme Monday 22

SON DEL CARIBE (Cuban Music)

Tuesday 23


Wednesday 24

JITTERBUG JAZZ GROUP (Jazz, Bossa – Nova, Latin…)

Thursday 25

PREVENTING SUDDEN DEATH IN YOUNG UNIVERSITY FUTSAL PLAYERS” WORKSHOP OVER CARDIOPULMONAR RESUCITATION: CPR. FUTSAL CLINIC (recommended) “Different systems of countering pressure in Futsal - Different defenses” Presented by Miguel Rodrigo, Coach of the Japan National Team FLAMENCO

one the Collegiate Church of Real Colegiata de Santa María la Mayor. But Antequera is not only its monumental attractions but also its natural wealth with splendid places such as the fertile valley or El Torcal Nature Reserve, an impressive karst landscape that allows us travel back through millions of years in the history of the Earth. This richness makes Antequera an incomparable setting for the Championship. Participants have a unique opportunity to discover its heritage, its cultural wealth, its corners and its inhabitants, who will welcome them with open arms.

‘Participants have a unique opportunity to discover Antequera’

Inauguration of the Photographic Exhibition “Flamencas 2” 3rd Flamenco Biennial of Malaga Flamenco Guitar Concert Guitars: Juan Pavón y Rafael López Drums: Víctor Alcalá Flamenco Dance Performed by Maribel Moreno Friday 26

MIGUEL POVEDA CONCERT 3rd Flamenco Biennial of Malaga Antequera Bullring. 22:00 Information: www.malagaentradas.com

* Anyone holding the Championship Accreditation Card will also enjoy free entry to the Antequera City Museum, the Alcazaba and the Bullfighting Museum.


European University Sports Association




Futsal 2013 - 9th European Universities Futsal Championship - futsal2013.eusa.eu

¿Por qué crees que somos Proveedores OOciales? Porque en Kyocera promovemos el espíritu de lucha, el compañerismo, la colaboración y el esfuerzo con el que se identiican los deportistas. Porque las soluciones de impresión y gestión documental de Kyocera dan el mejor resultado en cualquier entorno, somos líderes como Proveedores OOciales, garantizando el éxito de los servicios de impresión en todos los eventos deportivos.


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