9th World University Archery Championship

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9th World University


CORDOBA - SPAIN July 4th-7th, 2012 www.fisuarchery2012.com / www.fisu.net

CONTENTS \ CONTENIDOS Address from the FISU President Presentación del Presidente de la FISU

Sport Venues (Rabanales) Instalaciones (Rabanales)

Address from the Rector of UCO Presentación del Rector de la UCO

Rules Reglas

Address from the President of the Organizing Committe Presentación del Presidente del Comité Organizador

Teams / Pet Listado de equipos / Masctot

Address from the University of Cordoba Presentación de la Universidad de Córdoba

City of Cordoba Ciudad de Córdoba Useful Information Información útil

Programme Programa Commitees / Competition history Comité / Historia de la competición


EDITA: UNIVERSITAS CREACIONES S.L. www.aulamagna.net www.aulamagna.net/deporteuniversitario Información: 902 11 26 07


Claude-Louis Gallien

ADDRESS FROM THE FISU PRESIDENT PRESENTACIÓN DEL PRESIDENTE DE LA FISU Queridos amigos, Todos ustedes están aquí hoy en Córdoba para asistir o participar en el 9 º Mundial Universitario de Tiro con Arco. Este evento forma parte del maravilloso programa de la FISU con 28 Mundiales Universitarios en el año 2012, ya en 2010 se celebra-ron 27 campeonates, con4431 estudiantes-atletas. Es importante mencionar que más de 300 Mundiales Universitarios se han organizado bajo la égida de la FISU desde 1962 en 51 países de los 5 continentes. Se han presentado 31 disciplinas y reunió a casi 55 000 estudiantes atletas en total. El 2012 El Mundial Universitario representará la 25 ª edición de estos concursos, que tienen lugar cada dos años en años pares. Estos se van alternando con Universiadas de Verano e Invierno, que se organizan en los años impares.

FISU apoya activamente los acontecimientos y los esfuerzos para satisfacer a la creatividad de los estudiantes y las aspiraciones de forma regular de la promoción de las disciplinas deportivas innovadoras. El objetivo es conservar el espíritu del juego y fomentar el desarrollo de una mente abierta y curiosa entre los atletas universitarios. Como los eventos de la universidad, estos campeonatos del mundo apuntan al más alto nivel técnico y la Excelencia, que son los requisitos básicos en la universidad. En este sentido, su presencia aquí ya es un signo de éxito. La Federación Internacional de Deporte Universitario, la Universidad Nacional de la Federación de Deportes de España y de todos los organizadores desean darle las gracias por su participación y esperamos que usted será muy bien bienvenido aquí, donde se encuentran las condiciones favorables para la mejor práctica de su deporte. En el nombre de la FISU, les deseo un excelente campeonato. Claude-Louis Gallien, presidente de la FISU

FISU President Presidente de la FISU

Dear friends, You are all here in Cordoba today to attend or participate in the 9th World University Archery Championship 2012 Championship. This event is part of FISU’s wonderful program featuring 28 World University Championships in 2012; already in 2010, 27 championships had been held, gathering 4431 student athletes. It is important to mention that over 300 University World Championships have been organized under the aegis of FISU since 1962 in 51 countries over the 5 continents. They have featured 31 disciplines and gathered nearly 55 000 student athletes in total. The 2012 World University Championships represent the 25th edition of these competitions, which take place every two years in even-numbered years. They alternate with Summer and Winter Universiades, which are organized in odd-numbered years. The championships provide a large number of students, teachers and sports leaders from various backgrounds with a place, in addition to Universiades, to meet and share their experiences and ideas. The success of the championships has regularly increased with time. This shows how dynamic FISU member National University Sports Federations have been; more and more of them have put themselves forward for the organization of a championship. FISU actively supports those events and endeavors to satisfy students’ creativity and aspirations by regularly promoting innovative sports disciplines. The aim is to retain the spirit of play and encourage the development of an open and curious mind among university athletes. As university events, these world championships aim at the highest technical level and Excellence, which are the basic requirements in university. In this sense, your presence here is already a sign of success. The International University Sports Federation, the National University Sports Federation of Spain and all the organizers wish to thank you for your participation and hope that you will be warmly welcome here, where you will find favorable conditions for the best practice of your sport. In the name of FISU, I wish you an excellent championship. Claude-Louis Gallien, FISU President


9th World University Archery Championship 2012 - www.fisuarchery2012.com

Los campeonatos proporcionan un gran número de estudiantes, profesores y líderes deportivos de diversos orígenes con un lugar, además de la Universiada, para reunirse y compartir sus experiencias e ideas. El éxito de los campeonatos ha aumentado regularmente con el tiempo. Esto demuestra la dinámica de la FISU miembro de la Universidad Nacional de Federaciones Deportivas han sido, cada vez más de ellos se han propuesto para la organización de un campeonato.

Claude-Louis Gallien

9th World University Archery Championship 2012 - www.fisuarchery2012.com

FISU ARCHERY 2012 www.fisuarchery2012.com

Cordoba, July 2012 from the 4th to the 7th

José Manuel Roldán

ADDRESS FROM THE RECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CORDOBA PRESENTACIÓN DEL RECTOR DE LA UCO A todos los participantes en el IX Campeonato del Mundo Universitario de Tiro con Arco os doy mi más cordial bienvenida en nombre de la Universidad de Córdoba. Espero y confío en que este acontecimiento constituya una excelente ocasión para que todos los universitarios de los países participantes tengan la posibilidad de intercambiar experiencias y proyectos, reforzando con su participación el vínculo de entendimiento entre los pueblos que el Deporte constituye. En un mundo en el que la actividad laboral está dominada por una competitividad a veces excesiva, el Deporte se hace cada vez más necesario como elemento de unión, de sano compañerismo y de expresión, en definitiva el Deporte es un impresionante vehículo de comunicación entre las personas y los pueblos. Acontecimientos como el que hoy nos unen, contribuyen poderosamente a la creación y a la permanencia de estos valores, y es la pretensión y la aspiración de la Universidad de Córdoba aportar al Deporte el tesón sacrificado del atleta y la “vocación universitaria” de la que el Deporte, a veces, carece. Podéis estar seguros de que todos los miembros del Comité Organizador de este Campeonato del Mundo van a hacer cuanto les sea posible para que disfrutéis de una feliz estancia en España y conservéis un grato recuerdo de los días que compartiréis con nosotros. José Manuel Roldan Nogueras Rector

El Deporte se hace cada vez más necesario como elemento de unión, de sano compañerismo y de expresión

José Manuel Roldán Rector of UCO Rector de la UCO

To all participants of the IX World Archery Championship: Dear friends, Let me warmly welcome all of you on behalf of the University of Córdoba. I do hope that such an event will constitute a very special occasion in which every university member participating will be able to Exchange both current experiences and further projects with all the other participating countries and, at the same time, it will reinforce among all of us the link of understanding that the practise os Sports can ebentually generate. We cannot forget that in a demanding profesional society, such as ours, where the strongest competitiveness is the motto, the practice of Sports is becoming every day more and more necessary as the only linking element to enhance healthy partnership and shared expression. Sports, therefore, can be an amazing communication vehicle among people and countries. Events such as the one that today gathers all of us together can contribute to créate and enhance those values, and the University of Córdoba wants to go futher in its contribution, encouraging the sacrificed effort of its athletes and the “University vocation” which unfortunately, Sports sometimes lack. You can also be sure that every member of this World Championship Organizing Committee has already done and will continue to do all their best to make the most of your stay in Spain with us and make you take back home an unforgettable image of these happy days we all are going to share. Once again, welcome to all of you! José Manuel Roldan Nogueras Rector

Events such as the one that today gathers all of us together can contribute to créate and enhance those values FISU ARCHERY 2012 4

Manuel Torres Aguilar

ADDRESS FROM THE President of Organizing Committe PRESENTACIÓN DEL PRESIDENTE del Comité Organizador.

Manuel Torres Aguilar President of the Organizing Committe Presidente del Comité Organizador

En nombre del Comité Organizador, que me honro en presidir, del IX Campeonato Universitario mundial de Tiro con Arco, Córdoba 2012, les doy a todos los participantes la más calurosa bienvenida. Será este el campeonato más numeroso de los celebrados hasta la fecha. Veintiseis países de todos los continentes estarán durante los primeros días de julio compitiendo en la ciudad de Córdoba. Justo un par de semanas antes del inicio de los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres.

Cordoba a city twice millenarian wants to share with all participants the best of our culture and our hospitality, for the first time the University of Cordoba, with very good experience in the organization of international sport events, hosts this competition. For us it will be an honor to be with all the participants and to take care of each detail so that during their staying and competition they can have the best fun possible. Good luck and happy stay in Cordoba. Manuel Torres Aguilar President of Organizing Committe.

This championship will be the largest held so far, there will be twenty-six countries from all continents during the first days of July competing in the city of Cordoba 9th World University Archery Championship 2012 - www.fisuarchery2012.com

Córdoba una ciudad dos veces milenaria quiere compartir con todos los participantes lo mejor de nuestra cultura, de nuestra hospitalidad y de nuestro buen hacer. Por primera vez la Universidad de Córdoba, con bastante tradición en la organización de eventos deportivos internacionales, acoge esta competición. Para nosotros será un honor estar junto a todos los participantes y cuidar cada detalle para que su estancia, su competición y su diversión sean del mejor nivel posible.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the IX World University Archery Championship, Cordoba 2012, I would like to express a warm welcome to all participants. This championship will be the largest held so far, there will be twenty-six countries from all continents during the first days of July competing in the city of Cordoba, just a couple of weeks before the beginning of the London 2012 Olympic Games.

Suerte a todos y feliz estancia en Córdoba. Manuel Torres Aguilar Presidente del Comité Organizador.

Será este el campeonato más numeroso de los celebrados hasta la fecha. Veintiseis países de todos los continentes estarán durante los primeros días de julio


Cordoba, July 2012 from the 4th to the 7th

9th World University Archery Championship 2012 - www.fisuarchery2012.com

FISU ARCHERY 2012 www.fisuarchery2012.com

Welcome to the University of Cordoba


PRESENTACIÓN DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA The UCO is heir to a centuries-old historical and cultural legacy as well as a passion for knowledge, tolerance, international renown and harmony among civilizations that have made the city that houses our institution a paradigm for humanity. This equilibrium and harmony is reflected in the three areas in which the UCO undertakes its activities: Food and Agriculture and Science and Technology; Humanities and the Legal and Social Sciences; and the Health Sciences; each with its own special characteristics. This balance is also manifested in quality teaching and research, ranking it among the top academic institutions in Spain. The UCO is one of the foremost research institutions in Spain; a distinction that will be further consolidated with the creation of the Rabanales 21 Science and Technology Park and the Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research. Our university is an international leader in the agrifood field, one of the institution’s main vocations; not to overlook the importance of the humanities in a city that is known throughout the world for its artistic and monumental heritage. A young, dynamic university dedicated to research and in constant evolution, the UCO is firmly committed to the problems and needs of the community at large. As a public institution, it connects closely with the society it serves, but


is also dedicated to aiding other peoples and countries. The UCO maintains strong ties with business and other entities, while also structuring much of its own activity around an entrepreneurial vision. Most importantly, it is an institution that is not only committed to training qualified professionals, but to supporting and encouraging its students to grow as people and as citizens.

The UCO is one of the foremost research institutions in Spain; a distinction that will be further consolidated with the creation of the Rabanales 21 Science and Technology Park and the Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research

PROGRAMME PROGRAMA July 4, 2012 8:30 - 11:30 12:30 16:30 - 19:30 20:00 - 21:00

Official Practice & Equipment Inspection 3:00 5:00 3:00 0:30 1:00

July 5, 2012 8:30 - 9:00 9:00 - 10:30 10:45 - 12:15 17:00 - 17:30 17:30 - 18:00 18:10 - 18:40 18:40 - 19:10 19:10 - 19:40 19:40 - 20:10 20:10 - 20:40

INDIVIDUAL RANKING 0:30 1:30 0:15 1:30 4:45 0:30 0:30 0:10 0:30 0:30 0:30 0:30 0:30

July 6, 2012 8:30 - 8:45 8:45 - 9:15 9:15 - 9:30 9:30 - 10:05 10:05 - 10:40 10:40 - 10:55

17:15 - 17:35 17:35 - 17:55 17:55 - 18:15 18:15 - 18:35 18:35 - 18:40 18:40 - 18:55 18:55 - 19:10 19:10 - 19:25 19:25 - 19:40 19:45 - 20:30

INDIVIDUAL ELIMINATIONS & FINALS 0:15 0:30 0:15 0:35 0:15 0:35 0:15 0:35 0:30 0:30 4:30 0:20 0:20 0:20 0:20 0:05 0:15 0:15 0:15 0:15 0:05 0:45

July 7, 2012 9:00 - 9:15 9:15 - 9:50 9:50 - 10:20 10:20 - 10:35 10:35 -11:10 11:10 - 11:40 11:40 - 11:55 11:55 - 12:25 12:25 - 12:55 17:45 - 18:05 18:05 - 18:30 18:30 - 18:55 18:55 - 19:00 19:00 - 19:20 19:20 - 19:45 19:45 - 20:10 20:15 - 20:55

Practice-Warm Up CW / CM / RW / RM RANKING ROUND - CW / CM / RW / RM RANKING ROUND - CW / CM / RW / RM Lunch Break MIXED TEAMS Practice-Warm Up Recurve MIXED TEAMS 1/8 Elim Recurve MIXED TEAMS Move targets to 50 m Practice-Warm Up Compound MIXED TEAMS 1/8 Elim Compound MIXED TEAMS 1/4 Elim MIXED TEAMS 1/2 Elim MIXED TEAMS BRONZE matches MIXED TEAMS

2 ends Practice RW + RM 1/24 Elimination RW + RM (just matches) 2 ends Practice RW + CW 1/16 Elim RW + CW 2 ends Practice RM + CM 1/16 Elim RM + CM 2 ends Practice RW + RM + CW + CM 1/8 Elim RW + RM + CW + CM 1/4 Finals RW + RM + CW + CM 1/2 Finals RW + RM + CW + CM Lunch Break CW BRONZE Match CW GOLD Match CM BRONZE Match CM GOLD Match Move targets to 70 m RW BRONZE Match RW GOLD Match RM BRONZE Match RM GOLD Match AWARD CEREMONIES / Indiv RM/RW/CM/CW TEAM ELIMINATIONS & FINALS + Mixed TEAMS Gold

0:15 0:35 0:30 0:15 0:35 0:30 0:15 0:30 0:30 4:50 0:20 0:25 0:25 0:05 0:20 0:25 0:25 0:05 0:40

2 ends Practice RW 1/8 Finals Teams RW / Practice CW 1/4 Finals Teams RW + CW 2 ends Practice RM / Practice compound 1/8 Finals Teams RM / Practice CM 1/4 Finals Teams RM / CM 2 ends Practice RW + RM + CW + CM 1/2 Finals Teams RM / RW / CM / CW Bronze Medal matches / Teams RM / RW / CM / CW Lunch Break Mixed Team Comp GOLD Match CW Team GOLD Match CM Team GOLD Match Move targets to 70 m Mixed Team Recurve GOLD Match RW Team GOLD Match RM Team GOLD Match AWARD CEREMONIES / Team RM/RW/CM/CW + Mixed Teams


9th World University Archery Championship 2012 - www.fisuarchery2012.com

10:55 - 11:25 11:25 - 11:55

Official Practice /Equipament inspection (recurve) Technical Meeting Official Practice / Equipment inspection (Compound) Opening Ceremony

9th World University Archery Championship 2012 - www.fisuarchery2012.com

FISU ARCHERY 2012 www.fisuarchery2012.com

Cordoba, July 2012 from the 4th to the 7th

The History of Archery in FISU

COMPETITION HISTORY HISTORIA DE LA COMPETICIÓN In 1996, the championship season opened with the first World University Archery Championship in Vaulxen-Velin, France. Combining rigor and harmony, physical fitness and immense concentration, this exemplary Olympic sport was certain to attract student enthusiasm. And because it can be pursued at one’s own rhythm without putting pressure on schedules, archery fits easily into the rhythm of university life. The city of Vaulx-en-Velin was a natural candidate for this championship, given the numbers of devotees to the sport within the sphere of Lyon’s regional university sports committee. In 1998 the second World University Archery Championship recorded a very high level of participation,

close to that of FITA’s world championships. Archery was three times in the list of optional sports at Summer Univer-

The level of the World University Archery Championships has been increasing over the past years siades: in 2003 in Daegu, Korea; in 2005 in Izmir, Turkey; in 2009 in Belgrade and in 2011 in Shenzhen, China, where the 2010 World University Championship took place as a test event. The level of the World University Archery Championships has been increasing over the past years and close cooperation with the FITA ensures a nice future to this FISU event.

COMMITTEES COMITÉ HONOUR COMMITTEE - Education, Culture and Sports Minister: Jose Ignacio Wert - Junta de Andalucia President: Jose Antonio Griñán - Economía, Innovación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucía: - Consejero de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucía: Antonio Ávila - Major of Cordoba: José Antonio Nieto - Presidenta de la Diputación de Córdoba María Luisa Ceballos - Secretario de Estado para el Deporte: Miguel Cardenal - Presidente de la Federación Internacional de Deporte Univeritario: Claude Louis Gallien - Rector de la Universidad de Córdoba: José Manuel Roldan - Consejero de Cultura y Deporte de la Junta de Andalucía: Luciano Alonso

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE PRESIDENTE: - Vice-Rector of Students and Culture of the University of Cordoba: Manuel Torres VOCALES: - Delegado de Deportes de la Diputación de Córdoba: Agustín Palomares - Delegado de Deportes y Presidente del Instituto Municipal de Deportes de Córdoba: Miguel Reina - Delegado de Turismo, Comercio y Deportes de Junta de Andalucía: Salvador Hermán - Director General de Deportes del Consejo Superior de Deportes: David Villaverde - Subdirector de Promoción Deportiva y Deporte Paralímpico del CSD: José Manuel Hueli - Secretario General de la Federación Internacional de Deporte Universitario Eric Saintron


Rabanales Agrifood, Science and Technology Campus Campus agroalimentario, cientĂ­fico y tĂŠcnico de Rabanales

This project was elaborated by Miguel de los Santos, Francisco Robles, Fernando Cabestany and Daniel Sanchez. The Campus also has the stadium Monte Cronos is a totally adapted sport facility for footbal 11, Rugby, Athletics and Archery.

It counts with modern facilities equipped with the latest technologies making University of Cordoba the best equipped of Europe It has several new buildings covering 141,546 square meters of construction dedicated to teaching and investigation, with a large sport infrastructure. The Library of the Campus of Rabanales lodges in its building the Central Services of the university community: Direction, documentation access, automation, projects and electronic resources and general library.


The Campus is located 3 kms away from the city of Cordoba, it counts with modern facilities equipped with the latest technologies making University of Cordoba the best equipped of Europe. Rabanales currently has the faculties of Veterinary, Science, Superior polytechnical School of Cordoba and Agrarian engineering School (ETSIAM)


9th World University Archery Championship 2012 - www.fisuarchery2012.com

The University Campus of Rabanales was settled in the restored facilities of the old Labor University, this project was elaborated by Miguel de los Santos, Francisco Robles, Fernando Cabestany and Daniel Sanchez sticking with the budgets of Le Corbusier between 1952 and 1956.

9th World University Archery Championship 2012 - www.fisuarchery2012.com

FISU ARCHERY 2012 www.fisuarchery2012.com

Cordoba, July 2012 from the 4th to the 7th

COMPETITION RULES REGLAS DE LA COMPETICIÓN Recurve Bow The men and women qualification round shall be conducted in each recurve bow category. Then the individual events will be followed with Olympic round and team events will be followed with Academic round.

to the centre of the target face will determine the last point to win the match. Except for the matches to be shot in the FOP for Finals, all individual matches can be done with “non-Alternate” shooting, 20 sec per arrow (if time allows it). These will be decided and confirmed by the CT Archery.

Qualification Round (70m Round) Team Eliminations and Finals (1/8, 1/4, 1/2, Bronze & Gold) Each archer will shoot 72 arrows (2×36 arrows) and ends of six arrows. The top 48 individuals, the top 16 teams and the top 16 mixed teams selected based on the points of each archer from the Qualification Round shall advance to the Elimination Rounds. Only in positions of cut (48), one arrow shoot-off. If still a tie, then the arrow closest to the centre of the target face will resolve the tie.

The top 16 men and women teams will take part in the team eliminations and finals. Each team will shoot 24 arrows (four ends of six arrows, two arrows per archer) for each match.

Individual Eliminations (1/24, 1/16, 1/8) and Individual Finals (1/4, 1/2, Bronze & Gold) The top 48 archers seeded according to their positions in the Qualification Round (check with match-play chart) should shoot against each other with the winners moving onto the next round. In the Finals the eight winning archers will shoot against each other in the 1/4 finals of individual events with winners moving onto the semi-finals. The semi-final winners will shoot for gold and the losers will shoot for bronze.

Each hit scores one, and each miss scores zero. After four ends, the team winning the higher score will win. If after the 24 arrows the score is tied, each archer of the team shoots one arrow. If the score is still tied, then the winner is the team with the arrow closest to the center. Except for the medal matches to be shot in the FOP for Finals, all individual matches can be done with “non-Alternate” shooting. These will be decided and confirmed by the CT Archery. Mixed Team Eliminations and Finals (1/8, 1/4, 1/2, Bronze & Gold)

Each match will consist of a maximum of five sets of three arrows. Each set won gives two set points, tie gives one set point, and lost gives zero set point. The first archer to reach six set points will win and advance to the next round. If after five sets, there is a tie, one arrow shoot-off, which is closest


The top 16 mixed teams will take part in the Mixed Team eliminations and finals. Each team will shoot 16 arrows (four ends of four arrows, two arrows per archer) for each match. Each hit scores one, and each miss scores zero. After four ends, the team winning the higher score of the match will win. If after the 16 arrows the score is tied, each archer of the team shoots one arrow. If still tied, a second end is shot. If still tied, a third end of one arrow per archer is shot and the winner is the team with the arrow closest to the center.

Except medal matches, all individual matches can be done with “non-Alternate” shooting. These will be decided and confirmed by the CT Archery. Compound Bow The men and women qualification round shall be conducted in each compound bow category. Then the individual events will be followed with Compound Round and team events will be followed with 50 m Hit/Miss.

ners moving onto the semi-finals. The semi-final winners will shoot for gold and the losers will shoot for bronze. Each match will consist of five ends of three arrows, with cumulative scoring. The archer with the higher cumulative score will win and advance to next round. If after the five ends, there is a tie, one arrow shoot-off, which is closest to the centre of the target face will determine who wins the match. All medal matches should be done in alternate format of shooting, 20 sec per arrow. Team Eliminations and Finals (1/8, 1/4, 1/2, Bronze & Gold) The top 16 men and women teams will take part in the Team Eliminations and Finals. Each team will shoot four ends of six arrows (two arrows per archer) for each match with cumulative scoring. Each hit scores one, and each miss scores zero. The team with higher cumulative score after the four ends will win. If after the four ends the match is tied, each archer of the team shoots one arrow to break the tie. If thve score is still tied, then the winner is the team with the arrow closest to the center. All medal matches should be done in alternate format of shooting. Mixed Team Eliminations and Finals (1/8, 1/4, 1/2, Bronze & Gold)

Each archer will shoot 72 arrows (2×36 arrows) and ends of six arrows. The top 48 individuals, the top 16 teams and the top 16 mixed teams selected based on the points of each archer from the Qualification Round shall advance to the Elimination Rounds. Only in positions of cut (48), one arrow shoot-off for score. If there is still a tie, then the arrow closest to the centre of the target face will resolve the tie.

Except medal matches, all matches can be done with “nonAlternate” shooting. These will be decided and confirmed by the CT Archery.

Individual Eliminations (1/24, 1/16, 1/8, 1/2, Bronze & Gold) The top 48 archers seeded according to their positions in the Qualification Round (check with match-play chart) should shoot against each other with the winners moving onto the next round. In the Finals the eight winning archers will shoot against each other in the 1/4 finals of individual events with win-


9th World University Archery Championship 2012 - www.fisuarchery2012.com

Qualification Round (50m Round)

The top 16 mixed teams will take part in the Mixed Team Eliminations and Finals. Each team will shoot 16 arrows (four ends of four arrows, two arrows per archer) for each match. Each hit scores one, and each miss scores zero. The team with higher cumulative score after the four ends will win. If after the four ends the match is tied, each archer of the team shoots one arrow to break the tie. If still tied, then the winner is the team with the arrow closest to the center.

9th World University Archery Championship 2012 - www.fisuarchery2012.com

FISU ARCHERY 2012 www.fisuarchery2012.com

Cordoba, July 2012 from the 4th to the 7th





Republic of Korea



Recurve: 0 male, 0 female Compaund: 1 male, 0 female Recurve: 0 male , 0 female Compaund: 1 male, 1 female


Recurve: 3 male, 3 female Compaund: 3 male, 3 female Recurve: 3 male, 0 female Compaund: 3 male, 3 female


Recurve: 2 male , 1 female Compaund: 0 male, 1 female

Recurve: 0 male, 0 female Compaund: 3 male, 3 female



Recurve: 0 male , 0 female Compaund: 0 male, 1 female

Recurve: 3 male, 3 female Compaund: 0 male, 0 female

CZECH Republic

The Netherlands



Recurve: 3 male , 3 female Compaund: 0 male, 0 female

Recurve: 0 male, 2 female Compaund: 0 male, 0 female

Recurve: 3 male , 2 female Compaund: 1 male, 0 female

Recurve: 3 male, 3 female Compaund: 0 male, 2 female



Recurve: 1 male , 0 female Compaund: 0 male, 0 female


Recurve: 3 male, 0 female Compaund: 0 male, 0 female


Rep. of South Africa

Recurve: 3 male , 1 female Compaund: 1 male, 3 female

Recurve: 0 male, 0 female Compaund: 1 male, 0 female



Recurve: 0 male , 0 female Compaund: 1 male, 3 female

Recurve: 0 male, 2 female Compaund: 1 male, 0 female



Recurve: 2 male , 0 female Compaund: 0 male, 0 female

Recurve: 0 male, 1 female Compaund: 0 male, 0 female


Chinese Taipei

Recurve: 0 male , 0 female Compaund: 1 male, 0 female

Recurve: 3 male, 3 female Compaund: 1 male, 0 female



Recurve: 3 male , 3 female Compaund: 3 male, 3 female

Recurve: 3 male, 3 female Compaund: 3 male, 3 female

Japan Recurve: 3 male , 3 female Compaund: 0 male, 0 female




The UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) recognised in 1994 the universal importance of Cordoba’s historic legacy, and extended the title of World Heritage Site not only to the MosqueCathedral, but also to all the streets and buildings around it. The purpose of naming a place World Heritage Site is to help protect, identify and conserve elements of our cultural or natural inheritance which are considered particularly valuable. Holding the title involves a set of rights and obligations, which this city has rightly deserved. The UNESCO defines the word Heritage as “the legacy we receive from the past, in which we live in the present and which we hand on to the future”. The political and cultural leaders in Cordoba, as well as every citizen, have been entrusted with the task of keeping watch, conserving, protecting and encouraging interest in our History, so that we ourselves, as well as other peoples and cultures, can get to know it and feel enriched by it. The Province of Cordoba covers a surface area of 13.718

km2, taking in 75 municipalities. Cordoba is flanked to the north by the Sierra Morena, by the Sierra Subbética to the south, and is divided by the basin of the Guadalquivir. To the north, Cordoba borders on the Provinces of Ciudad Real and Badajoz, and is flanked to the west by the Prov-

The UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) recognised in 1994 the universal importance of Cordoba’s historic legacy ince of Seville, to the east, by the province Jaén and to the south, by the provinces of Málaga and Granada. The capital city lies on the banks of the Guadalquivir at an altitude of 106 m, covering a surface area of 1245 km2 and separated from Madrid by 402 km. Córdoba is strategically located as a result of its privileged geographical position. Situated in the southwestern extremity of the European continent, the province is entered from the north via the Sierra Morena, the final link with the Castilian meseta, which opens onto the Valle del Guadalquivir (Guadalquivir Valley), an alpine basin that separates the Sierra Morena from the Betic Cordillera. Córdoba lies in a strategic position, communicating and acting as a point of contact between Europe and Africa, less than two hours away (by air), train or sea, from any point within the Iberian Peninsula.


9th World University Archery Championship 2012 - www.fisuarchery2012.com

Cordoba is a city with an enormous cultural and monumental patrimony. Its strategic position, near the River Guadalquivir, which was formerly navigable, and the legacy of the different peoples who settled down on its rich farming lands meant that Cordoba was always considered a privileged place.

9th World University Archery Championship 2012 - www.fisuarchery2012.com

FISU ARCHERY 2012 www.fisuarchery2012.com

Cordoba, July 2012 from the 4th to the 7th

USEFUL INFORMATION INFORMACIÓN ÚTIL Climate, temperatures and weather The Climate is Continental Mediterranean, with Atlantic influences. Winters ( From December to March) are mild, although with some frosts, and Summers ( From June to September) are very hot, with considerably daily thermic oscillations and maximum temperatures, which are the highest of Europe, exceeding every year the 40ºC in several occasions. Although the minimum ones are cooler, the medium temperature is higher than 27ºC in July and August (The highest temperature of Spain and Europe together with Seville). The rainfalls are mainly concentrated in the cooler months and there is also an intense summer drought. As laid down in the Climatic Classification of Köpen, the climate of Córdoba city can be defined as Csa. The medium values obtained, between the years 1971 and 2000, shows that during the month of July the, the media temperature is 27º C (with a maximum media of 36,2ºC and a minimum one of 18.1ºC) and a media humidity of 44%. In the same way, these values show that rainfalls in this month are higher or equal to 1mm and one stormy day, reaching a media of rainfalls gathered of 3mm. The media of cloudless days, during July, reaches to 20 and the total number of sunlight hours (approximately 11.35 hours by day).

Competition fields are less than 400m walking distance from accommodation buildings (check below map) Meals will be served at the canteen, just 200 meters from accommodation buildings (check below map) Dinning room hours JULY 1st

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

8.00 to 9.00 14.00 to 15.00 20.00 to 21.00

JULY 2nd

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

8.00 to 9.00 14.00 to 15.30 20.00 to 22.00

JULY 3rd

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

8.00 to 9.30 14.00 to 15.30 20.00 to 23.00

JULY 4th

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

7.00 to 9.30 13.00 to 15.30 21.00 to 23.00

JULY 5th & 6th

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

7.00 to 9.30 13.00 to 15.30 20.00 to 23.00

JULY 7th

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

7.00 to 9.30 13.00 to 15.30 20.00 to 23.00

JULY 8th

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

7.00 to 9.30 14.00 to 15.00 20.00 to 21.00

JULY 9th


8.00 to 9.00

Accomodation All participants will be hosted in Lucano University Accommodation Building in Rabanales Campus (10km far from the city center), where the competition will also take place. Internet WI-FI access is provided free for all WUAC’12 participants.


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