love, hate no much things to say here. but this more than my portfolios, my first intention are only made ordinary thing. after i took 3 days for it I realize i need to made this more than it should be. here now it a combine of memory things I design and explaining how background it is during the past three years of my love and hate.
2015 / I.S. Song Hits
Portfolio // 2015-2016
The Guitar Mon-Pleng Poei-Che-Wit
cover of a speacial issue of guitar chords book bring you classy, immortal and legendary "Poei-Che-Wit" Artists. the classy elements are being inside my head after briefing the project. am start researching how possible it can be. "vintage cinema poster" is final result. so we made little discusses with editorial department to select most iconic artist.
vintage color scheme brown, deep red and orange, watercolor style becoming main direction of a cover. melted sunshine being use for background alongside with watercolored artist,super bold and OG 3d "PSL" are picked for display typeface to add up vintage poster mood on this cover. this books sold on bookstore and 7-eleven while they in booksmile shelt it shine like a diamonds
Portfolio // 2015-2016
The Guitar Monthly Issues
monthly issues has publish 2 or 3 issues per month to sell only at 7-elevem and bookstore many category and genre on monthly book to hold various market, not
Portfolio // 2015-2016
even pro musicians. type of books I prefer to design is a "rock". bold, energetic and red for fisrt direction i used then slowly become it format to make an rememable to buyers.
2015 / I.S. Song Hits
Portfolio // 2015-2016
2015 / The Guitar Mag / September
Portfolio // 2015-2016
Cover Story Independence
in honor I had a chance to design main scoop of history in thailand alternative music. the four super iconic artists are here. less is more. make an whitespacing to showing up the lengendary artist, I let the picture first impress to readers when they flip the pages. distance are being use in opening pages to show up generation are artist in alternative scene.
perspective, artist were photoshoot in white backgroud and we not have to do with much background to make it less as it can. 10 pages of it are had a basiclly text laying for easy read same as the direction of re-design. last page it still shown up artists to let everyone know they still here.
Portfolio // 2015-2016
GMAG Re-Design out-of-date folio, loose column grids and no picked set of type are being manage for the guitar mag old format that are used two years ago. the column format are set in 6 and 8 column grid to use in various article and situation we pick "db ozone" as a readtype to make an modern and simply to the readers. folio are made a bit arraged and add some basiclly line that can tell this is spreds pages or single page for reader. "smb" and "handmade brush" are use for the head text sometimes to avoids repeatedly layout.
Portfolio // 2015-2016
system, whitespace and friendly with readers are the most things we do alot in overall re-design it. we did last dicusses before the re-design had publish about how to step up our magazine to stylish look and the last decision we did a change the papers to greenread papers. so result is look better.
Portfolio // 2015-2016
Story by Supattana W. Photo by Prayuth
ซัมเมอร นี้มาดับร อนแก กระหาย เติมความสดชื่นด วยนํ้าผลไม และผักสดแบรนด ดังระดับโลก ที่เป ดตัวครั้งแรกในไทย... แล วคุณจะติดใจในรสชาติ หอมหวาน ภายใต รูปลักษณ แปลกใหม โดนใจนี้!...
ในสภาพอากาศที่รอนระอุเชนนี้ เชื่อแนวา คุณเองก็เปนคนหนึ่งที่มอง หาเครื่องดื่มดับกระหายมาชวย คลายความรอนตลอดเวลา ซึ่งแนละวา ในทองตลาด นัน้ อาจมีใหเลือกหลากหลาย แตหากคุณไดลมิ้ ลองรสชาติ ของ Jamba juice อาจทําให คุณลืมเครือ่ งดืม่ ชนิดอืน่ ไปเลย
ณ วันนี้ Jamba Juice คือผูน าํ ตลาดระดับโลก ของ นํา้ ผลไมสดและเครือ่ งดืม่ นํา้ ผลไมประเภท Smoothies ทีเ่ พียบพรอมไปดวยการผสมผสานทีล่ งตัวของผล ไมแท 100% กับผักสดตางๆ และสวนผสมของ สารอาหารจากธรรมชาติอนื่ ๆ ซึง่ ปราศจากสาร เคมีปรุงแตงหรือวัตถุกันเสีย เหมาะกับทุกเพศ ทุ ก วั ย และโดยเฉพาะกลุ ม ที่ มีไลฟสไตล แบบ Active ที่ตองการพลังงานและเสริม สรางสุขภาพที่ดี
Jamba juice คือแบรนดนาํ้ ผลไม ชือ่ ดังนองใหมทเี่ พิง่ เขามาในเมืองไทย ซึ่งเปนแบรนดเกาแกที่มีชื่อเสียงมาก จาก แคลิฟอรเนีย ประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา โดยก อ ตั้ ง เมื่ อ ป ค.ศ. 1990 ด ว ยแนว ความคิ ด ที่ ต อ งการทํ า เสนอสิ่ ง ที่ ดี ที่ สุ ด จากธรรมชาติ และให คุ ณ ค า สารอาหาร ที่ ม าพร อ มกั บ ความสนุ ก สนานและรสชาติ ที่แสนอรอย
อุดมด วยพลังานและให สุขภาพที่ดี ความเปนเอกลักษณและโดดเดนของ Jamba Juice ที่ครองใจผูคนมานาน นั่นคือ 156
2016 / HiSoParty Magazine
Portfolio // 2015-2016
Advertorial Jamba Juice
fresh everyting. my first biggest custom of advertorial design. Jamba Juice is a american based-brands give you fresh optional smoothies and many more healthy products.they step into thailand market after succues of krispy kreme. I had more expected because we the first media to debut it before they turns on store. fresh, lifeful and healthy is the main idea of design, orange starwberry and tomatoes are extra adding up to say how fresh and products we have. specific the products by put it in
middles of page. in help of curves dot line to make movement in layout. jamba has not happy much with the first after many talking with ae I had a lot of confused work with nothing. ae are deal jamja and later brief me later at first, that make a lot confuse and time-wasted I decide to deal directly with jamba.and we got happy result at the end.
Portfolio // 2015-2016
ร วมลุ น ของรางวัลมากมาย อีกครั้งในเดือนมิถุนายน
พลาดไม ได !
พ�เศษสําหรับผู อ าน HiSoParty เท านั้น พบกับของรางวัลมากมายในฉบับเดือนมิถุนายนนี้ พร อมกติกาง ายๆ ให คุณได ร วมสนุก!…
P102 next issue giveaway.indd 102
Portfolio // 2015-2016
5/19/16 21:21
Pretty little things
a fight between objects and text is the challange in HiSoParty. a management of layout are important and always make me forever cry. beauty segment are the most tangled layout. over 6 products in one pages but we do nearly perfect.
attend detials in everything. there are many value supporter try to changes layout. so I gian many skills here such as a quick-solve, checking detailed and patient to the others wants.
Portfolio // 2015-2016
11th HisoParty Annivesary
to celebrating 11 years of HiSoParty magazine. logo were create to use in main direction of all publication media. it will appear on magzine as fisrt release then appear in hisoparty event in september as a main logo and visuals on party of hisoparty magazine and website anniversary hisoparty award
Portfolio // 2015-2016
better luxury is the main direction of design. "h" combine with "11", yes it simply and basic but it work well. baskerville is the typeface uses in combine after combined we make a bit shear to logo because it looks lacks of move at first. illustrator 3d to add up very luxury looks they were made by objects overlaped, diamond inside texts are reveal luxury of it. silver and gold scheme are only high-class color. whole logo are only made in illustrator to attend any details.
2016 / HiSoParty Magazine
Portfolio // 2015-2016
2014 / IS Songhits.
Portfolio // 2015-2016
Music & Chord
the trademark and logo use for recyle-publish guitar chords books. (old contents with new cover) logo is made for seperate the recyclepubish books out of new publish books
guitar pick shapes mean to things guitarist be necessary it,they will take it anyway, share it with them friends and play with it, so we compare our books with picks. we need to see them happy like a picks does.
Portfolio // 2015-2016
My own perspective
buddha teaching are the main contents of article said about dead, born and karma writer is khun moo putpong thanavisut co-owner of HiSoParty magazine and writer of "i love dhamma" abstract contents and abstract visuals. here are the aesthetics visuals of mine. a man has no name. after interpreting every words. emthy has appear on everyman and things we got nothing on life. faceless is compore to our confuses and nothing we know
Portfolio // 2015-2016
visuals are made by abstract form. the reverse city with holographic shades on his faces mixes with abstracts to explains our reverse life, gentleman with cropped frame to make perfection for everyone and key puppet with roses to celebrate our ending.
2016 / HiSoParty Magazine
Portfolio // 2015-2016
2014 / Thesis
Portfolio // 2015-2016
Knob Magazine
de last final projects. a big changes of music magazine. not much music magazine left in markets. this is the one will change and solve the real problem of it. everything change in a month is mainly concept of it. a rotating symbols in every month means a fowards of music industry. first of it, I rarely clear it
marketing tarket from to young listenter. knob has specifically layout as rotate contents in some article. sad, this never had a chances to real publish.
Portfolio // 2015-2016
god speed.