The Codex Of Aunoma We, the faithful followers of the path of Aura, Hydroma and Terra, present in this holy manuscript the tenets of our spiritual way of life — Aunoma. The time has come to embrace the path of truth, and head towards light, purity and wellbeing. The time has come for the resurgence of Aunoma.
Aunoma The way of Aunoma is one that is rooted in reason and curiosity. A path that seeks knowledge and betterment in all facets of life. The very name of the faith is a call for an enlightened manner of living. 'Au' refers to us, all of us. A call for collective inclusivity and familial connection 'Nom' being an acknowledgement of the followers choice to follow the path of Aunoma, enhanced by the invocation of the sound of the universe — Om, a chant borrowed by other faiths. 'A' being a call of release and letting go of tarnishes clouding our reason. || AUNOMA || AUNOMA || AUNOMA ||
Symbolism and Faith The beliefs of Aunoma have been condensed into a set of holy symbols that capture its essence beautifully. The rainbow is the perfect combination of light and water. As the reflection of light hits water, out of it emerges a rainbow. The rainbow is nature’s creation, we cannot deny that. Rainbows depict the beauty of nature, the plurality of it. We are all different, yet we are one. As we live our lives, fulfill our duties and carry out our divinely ordained tasks we realise that we are together. The seven colors depict all of usdifferent, vibrant and beautiful. The white light that emerges from combining the seven colors signifies our unity, us coming together and our inherent connection to one another as fellow human beings. As the light becomes one from seven, we come together as human beings. May the light shine on you, in all its colors.
The prism. The prism depicts how we live life. As we look through it to the other side, we see the same image just through a lens . This is symbolic of life- we look at things through a glass, through a lens but the true nature of the thing does not change. It is only our perception that changes slightly. Our aim is to look beyond and overcome the fallacies of our perceptions. The prism allows us to do exactly that. The connection between prisms and the rainbow is deep. Prisms turn light into the rainbow form, they allow the light to split. They also allow the different lights to come together and become one. The prism is the perfect shape. May the Prism guide you home!
The triangle is a shape that connects two sides together forming a coherent shape. The most stable structure known to mankind, the triangle bears all the strain applied to it. Energy is dispersed all over it, making the triangle a perfect stable shape. This scientific observation forms the inherent crux of Aunoma, for our spiritual path is guided by the holy trifecta of Light, Water and the Earth. Light, Water and Earth come together in perfect harmony in the triangle- they support one another and create the strong shape on which we built the society that we envision.
The peacock is another symbol of our holy faith. Dancing in the rain, spreading their tail, mesmerising us all is what they do best. The peacock understands the importance of water, of rain, and welcomes Our God with open arms. The beauty of the peacock shines through the beautiful feathers, with each feather reflecting the color of the Holy Rainbow manifestation. When the peacock shines, the world watches- just as the world will watch when we shine upon them. Our Gods have put faith in us, built us up and helped us emerge from the Dark Ages. The peacocks represent the faith God has put in us, the way we see the future change. All hail the peacock! The Eye is the window to the soul, it has the ability to interpret the constituents of Light, apprecite the magnificence of the Earthand clhannel Water to express emotions. The eye is also a signifier of curiosity and clarity. All hail the curious eye!
Cradle of Creation We emerged out of light. The Big Bang- the day we were born, the universe, the galaxy and our being was born. The Big Bang- that is where we all started. Our Gods looked at us through eyes of love, they gave us Light within us and out of it emerged the Universe. The Universe expanded from the high density and high temperature to bring out the Universe as we know it today. We have come out of Light, we have grown from it. There is no denying this, is there? We must all remember the way in which where we come from is where we finally belong. The light is part of our daily life, it is part of us. The stars, the Sun, the Moon, the Light- this is part of the cosmos and this is part of our being. We have the stars in our veins, we have the light in our hearts- we have to realise that we have the Universe and Light within us. Aunoma has been part of the human world since time immemorial. The Big Bang is where it began. The Light comes from there.
The ancient civilisations all knew this, they knew that we are part of the Holy Trifecta of the Light, Earth and Water. The Great Pyramids of Giza is where it all began. The pyramids are Prisms, triangles, with a pointed end that aims to reach the Light. They understood the importance of the Light! It is only with the misuse of the human mind and straying far from the Truth that we forget this. Let there be light was meant for Aunoma, was meant for us- the True Path, the Divine faith. Aunoma has been a part of us in other ways, always. Think of the Gopurams! They are the source of the light in our lives, they are what connects us to the sky. We are all part of the same faith, it is only recently that we have been polluted. The Brihadeshwara temple is nothing if not the way to guide us to the Light in ourselves. Built from materials of the soil, it belongs to Terra. The tops of Gopurams and Pyramids were once adorned by prisms that cast the beautiful presence of Aura and its colours all over. The stone at the heart of the Kaaba in Mecca is also a blackened Prism that guided the Prophets to a spiritual epiphany. Over time, the real way to life has been taken over by the sophistry of other misguided beliefs!
The practical and scientific elements of life is what Aunoma is based on. We do not believe in the dogmas, we do not believe in lies. Aunoma is based on science- on the elements of life. It is based on what we believe in truly- that we must give thank you to the elements that give us life. Let there be light- there was light, that gave us life. Light is the creation of the universe. Water brings us life. Soil has given us means to live that life. It is the combination of everything- Water, Soil and Light that gives us life! Do not forget photosynthesis! Aunoma is based on the everydayness of life, of the daily life that we live. It is based on the fact that we live in this Universe and have everyone believe in it. Aunoma is present in our everyday and is very much part of our life. We cannot live without it. We must recognise the importance of Aunoma is our everyday life because without Aunoma there is nothing. Aunoma is the way of the past, the future and the Always. Aunoma is not based on any do’s and dont’s and we are all part of this. Aunoma is the only True faith that is based on the straightforward and dogma-less society. We are the most inclusive Place to be a part of. Think of women, think of the people who don't believe in one gender, in one thing! We welcome them, we make them feel warm. We love everyone. Aunoma is the way forward, backward and forever. Aunoma forever.
Trifecta of Aunoma We live in a world plagued by negligence and disregard towards nature, factual information and the wellbeing of people. In our quest to gain an upper hand in this neverending rat race we have denounced the very tenets that make us human. A faith with deep-rooted origins, Aunoma has been the one true spiritual path for millennia. Once the most dominant spiritual means around the world, the way of Aunoma was diluted and maligned over time. Humanity, in its selfish quest of dominance, modelled its gods after their forms, blatantly disrespecting the true elemental forces. Safeguarded, preserved and practiced by a small sect called the Crusaders of colour, Aunoma has thankfully lived on and the time is ripe for its resurgence. A triangle is the most stable structure known to mankind. When a force or strain is applied to any link or joint, it is evenly dispersed all over the structure. Such a distribution of force implies that all links that constitute the triangle experience the same force, making the structure more rigid. This scientific observation forms the inherent crux of Aunoma, for our spiritual path is guided by the holy trifecta of Light, Water and the Earth. || AUNOMA || AUNOMA || AUNOMA ||
We are grateful to these forces that have made our existence possible. The light forged the universe we inhabit into being, water granted the gift of life and the soil provides us with abundance to sustain us and nurture us. These elemental forces are referred to as Aura(Light), Hydroma(water) and Terra(Earth). Humans have always gravitated towards these forces for clarity of thought and solace. We are ingrained to step away from darkness and head towards Aura. We reflect and ponder over the serenity of Hydroma and seek means to better our lives through the gifts of Terra. This trinity, in tandem, brings forth a conducive atmosphere that has sustained life for millennia. While the Crusaders of Colour protected the spiritual ways of Aunoma, our path is not a new one. The ancient civilisations practiced this way of life and due to the divine solace and clarity of thought, were able to achieve great feats unparalleled to future civilisations. Often termed the golden ages, these times led to the pyramids, the pinnacle of the Mesopotamian civilisation and the rise of the Indian powers. The grace of Aunoma coupled with its scientific way of life, that focuses on rationale and reason over blind practice sparked the light of innovation in these civilisations. People now speculate if the Pyramids of Giza or the Brihadeshwara temple were built by aliens, this is a clear marker of our erosion in self-belief, for these structures have materialised by the divine providence of Aunoma that enabled mankind to think.
A holy symbol in Aunoma is the prism. This piece of rock embodies the key principles of Aunoma. Prisms are forged from Terra, polished and made clear by Hydroma and Its stable triangular structure has a unique ability to split Aura to its constituent colours – aiding us to better interpret its magnificence. Prisms capture the divine interplay of Aura and Hydroma that result in rainbows, a reminder to be aware of the balance needed in the multiplicity of our emotions. Hydroma coupled with the bountiful Terra embodies fertility. Prisms have been a part of our history, silently carrying the guiding principles of Aunoma and ensuring our collective well being. The tops of Gopurams and Pyramids were once adorned by prisms that cast the beautiful presence of Aura and its colours all over. The stone at the heart of the Kaaba in Mecca is also a blackened Prism that guided the Prophets to a spiritual epiphany. However, over time, these historical ways of life were substituted by hierarchies of power dominated by self-serving pontiffs who claimed to be the voice of the divine. These newly emerging religions opposed prominent crusaders of colour like Galileo, Da Vinci and Copernicus for their firm belief in science, for they feared the resurgence of Aunoma. Newton, a Knight of the Crusade of Colour promulgated the beauty of prisms by reintroducing its abilities to the modern world. Prismatic lenses have been used in telescopes that allowed us to explore the stars and in spectacles over our eyes which have brought clarity to our lives. While religious forces may denounce our path, we must allow reason and wellbeing to take centre stage. It is now time for Aunoma.
Tenets of Virtue Before there was light there was darkness, and before there was good there was evil. Those who believed in the path of the light throughout history have known that the darkness has always been their constant companion, and that the aversion to the night and the absence of illumination is as human as to breathe. Long before humanity came to worship at the altar of colour, there were many who came close to discovering the divinity that lay within light, earth and water. In their journeys they discovered for themselves the significance of the path of light. They realized that in order to look inwards, they first had to gaze outwards through time- discover spirituality through human history and the world that we inhabit. Our lives have run in tandem with the hues of the world- each epoch in time is coloured by its significance. Through history and through colour we see our lives come alive with divinity. Synesthetes, clad in the colour white, the colour of purity virtuosity and the culmination of all colours, act as interpreters of the faith for those who cannot see the colours in all their magnificence. They are those who follow the way of lightwhose senses are finely attuned with the colours and rhythms of this world understand the gods best. They are those who see the world as it was made- in the tastes of colour, in the sounds of light, in the smell of water. They see the world beyond any limitations of the senses, to commune directly with the wonders of the world.
Communing with the three gods is the most natural way to the path of the light. Our moral crisis of the 21st century has shown us as much- we let ourselves be held in the riptide of religious division, and in the erosion of belief in science. We defined ourselves by our differences than by our humanity, and let those differences mould the way we lived. The gods of Aunoma accept all within their fold- the path of light is made for humanity to accept the reasons of science that history gave us, and see science as an instrument of the gods to govern the world they are a part of. As a result, those of the path- the Colour Crusaders - do not follow any commandments set by an all-seeing, omnipresent God, but seek to feel the presence of divinity within the world we inhabit. As a result, the path of light has simple directions. The sins in Aunoma are a result of just a willful decision to turn away from the path of light. || You shall not waste water || Water has been used for millennia as a part of religion- in the baptism of Catholic Christians, in ritual purification across others. Do the Hindus not immerse idols into holy rivers? Do we not invoke the divine essence of water in doing so? We have always known the sanctity of the shifting waters in the oceans, and felt the wrath of the gods reflected in the tsunamis that we experienced. In the early twenty-first century, growing awareness of the climate change crisis forced humanity to reckon with the indisputable fact that we had grown careless. We had fallen adrift. In science textbooks of children we wrote “Only 3% of the earth’s water is potable� and then installed sprinklers to water large homefront lawns. represent.
|| You shall always aid those in need || We do not see those different from us as the “other”- to define someone as the “other”, we must first define the “us”- and there is no homogeneity in humanity except for the capacity to choose kindness. We see no difference between our fellow humans and even fellow creatures of this earth, and all those in need- be it man, animal or the earth itself- are to be helped by those with the capacity to give it. || You shall not lead people down darkness || The early 21st century saw a willingness for humanity to turn towards the path of darkness by fake news, manipulation and deceit. We termed it the “Information Age”, only to find ourselves being led into disinformation and a “post-truth” world. We were adrift once more- headlines like “President Trump’s bleach statements echo claims by pseudo-scientists” held the world’s attention. We of the path treat such transgressions with gravity, for their consequences are multifold and do more harm than what can be imagined. We do not seek to guide our fellow men down the path of darkness and willful misinformation in any capacity, and seek only to find our spiritual selves within the gentle comforts of communing with Hydroma, Aura and Terra.
|| Every eclipse is a chance for penance || Every lunar and solar eclipse signifies a chance to ruminate on the wonders of this world, and take a break to meditate upon the sheer magnificence of life. The blocking of the sun’s light during a solar eclipse allows us to take the time to pause, breathe and reflect upon the powers of Aura and how Hydroma and Terra have been instrumental in providing us with not only the means to live life itself, but the very existence of life as an entity. We of the path consider each eclipse to be a fundamental event in our spiritual existence, and assign it the importance and gravity that it deserves. || Every rainbow signifies the blessing of the divine || As a manifestation of two of Aunoma’s most divine forces Aura and Hydroma, a rainbow symbolizes the true beauty and wonder of the world we have come to call our own. There is no reason for a rainbow to exist other than as a display of the combined effect of light and water- and in seeing something so profoundly colourful and imbibed with divinity, we cannot help but feel blessed to experience it.In our reverence towards the forces of Hydroma, Terra and Aura, all that is asked of those who seek the path is that they treat this world and all its inhabitants with dignity, kindness and empathy. In our everyday lives, we seek to only preserve in its utmost sanctity all that the gods of Aunoma
Colours of Life Our lives have run in tandem with the hues of the world- each epoch in time is coloured by its significance. Through history and through colour we see our lives come alive with divinity. || Red || Red was the forge of humanity- the colour upon which civilisation was built. From the time humans dipped their hands into red dye and pressed them onto the rocks, we have seen our ancestral ages coloured by the passion and rage that the different shades of red represents. Red was how we expressed ourselves and the primal beginnings of our humble existence. In red, we find our genesis of consciousness. || Orange || As our curiosity with the world grew, so did our times lighten into a tinge of orange- reflecting our hope in the construction of a world of our own making. Like dark orange clay, we could mould our futures- we could move from civilisations to kingdoms, build temples to the gods we saw reflected in our world. In orange, we find our hope and curiosity. || Yellow || No other colour could do justice to the wild intensity of joy, the incredible sensation of happiness. As bright as the sun, as warm as light, the golden hue has the capacity to provide us with a sense of both sheer exhilaration and quiet contentment. In yellow, we find our hope, happiness and felicity.
|| Green || Lush fields and mysterious forests, brimming with the wealth of nature- green has forever been linked to times of abundance. In modern times, green also came to represent paper money such as the US dollar- signifying a strong attachment to the cornucopia of affluence that the colour embodied. In green, we find a fundamental sign of prosperity || Blue || No colour has captured public attention as much as blue- captured in pictures of the sky, rolling seas and bright eyes. Yet blue signifies a touch of sorrow and melancholy; music of the twentieth century which explored the deep sorrows of living were even termed “the blues�. In this omnipresent shade, we find significance in our despair. || Indigo || A quiet shade within the magnificent rainbow, indigo compels us to remain transfixed while we observe it. There has been a solemnity attached to the colour since time immemorial- indigo came at a cost which was often heavy to pay. In indigo, we find solace and a chance to reflect deeply in solitude. || Violet || Dynamic, intense and incredibly eye-catching- violet is the colour of the highest frequency of light and rarely exists in nature. Because of its use by royalty, violet has captured a unique presence in the public consciousness as a colour of luxury- but in modern times, has become closely associated with individuality. In violet, we find our zest for change and innovation.
Life and Beyond Aunoma, as a faith, stands for spiritual liberation in the form of light consisting of the continuum of colours in a world that is increasingly tending to the darkness. The followers of our faith are expected to be bearers of the consequences of the actions they perform in their lives. Leading a life of virtue or sin as explained in the respective chapters will take one to Paradise or the Underworld. One must, at all times strive to lead a life helping others and try to be the best possible version of themselves. Committing a sin, knowingly or unknowingly, paves your way to the Underworld one step at a time. Repentance and aknowledgemnet of wrongdoings would lead the soul into Purgatory, where you will be given a chance to expiate your sins, based on which you will go to Paradise or the Underworld. Living a life devoid of moral responsibility, being negligent of sins committed and its repercussions will take you to the Underworld without a chance for repentance.
|| Underworld || Aunoma is a religion that has forgiveness and repentance at its crux. Which is why it gives a second chance to make amends and live a good life. Every time you commit a sin, the universe gives you a sign that can take many forms- dying plants around the place you live in, meteorites falling within your peripheral vision, blood rain. These are signs that a follower of Aunoma is expected to take seriously and make amends for their actions. Failing to do so, you will be taken to purgatory or the Underworld if you have committed sins with no acknowledgement of wrongdoing. Purgatory is the planet called Coal-Black, which is devoid of Light and does not reflect any Light that is incident on it. This is the place that one’s soul goes to, in order to repent for one’s own sins. This is a place that gives you a hint of what the Underworld is like and is said to drive even the most powerful souls from earth working hard for repentance. The Underworld or the supermassive black-hole is the darkest and the only entity existing in the universe that sucks in even light, with no scope of escaping. The sinner’s soul will travel here and will be trapped in the Underworld for all of eternity. This is permanent and irreversible. The soul will never be able to see light or colour, water and soil in the remaining period of existence.
|| Paradise || After living a virtuous life, when it is time to shed your earthly form, you will be cremated at a place where land and water meets and the water that evaporates from the water body forms a rainbow when the sun shines through it. Your remnants will nourish the land, mix with the drops of rain that falls on it, and rise again as petrichor, filling people with warmth and love. The rainwater that falls on this land will again evaporate and form a rainbow when light passes through it. This will be your forever-home. Paradise is a place where you are one with the light, that is, your search for the light to guide you ends here. All the souls that are the essence of people who have lived a virtuous life, can be found in the light, and the soil that absorbs you, the water that takes you unto itself and the light that shines through you - together they make the most powerful force in the entire universe. You become a ray of hope in other people’s life, you become what people search for in dark and trying times.
Nova The abode of our worship is in sanctuaries of serenity called Nova. Novas incorporate minimalist and modern design aspects to allow light to fill the space, creating an ambience of reverence that is ripe for inner exploration of the soul. Novas are spiritual centres with the primary focus of enhancing our wellbeing. Followers of Aunoma are encouraged to visit these sites regularly to cleanse their souls, by allowing it to be washed by the pure magnificence of the holy trifecta. Each Nova is surrounded by lawns and meadows where worshippers can unwind, relax and appreciate Terra and Aura out in the open. Through the Kaleidoscope of introspection, followers can look at calming patterns accompanied by holy Aunomic chants that create an atmosphere of contemplation. Novas have a central pool of water which is replenished by a steady drip of water from the ceiling. The sound of the drips is made to reverberate through appropriate acoustic arrangements, setting the tune for meditative sessions. The architecture of the Nova is such that at specific hours of the day, the light strikes the dripping droplets in a way that casts a rainbow over the central meditation hall. Novas also have secondary pools of water called the pools of reflection, where followers of the trifecta can reflect on their wrongdoings and gain clarity of thought. This pool is a spot for penance and repentance. It is said to reflect your sins and show you the consequences of your actions. It is one of the very few places that calms the mind and heals it. The magnificence of creation is showcased in all its glory through the glass ceilings, enabling us to be one with the forces above and the ones below.
Divinity and the Self The primary form of worship in Aunoma is through introspection, reflection, exploration of the self and pursuit of clarity fuelled by curiosity. The tenets of Aunoma uphold a life of virtue that is centred around love, empathy, inclusivity and kindness. Followers of Aunoma do not necessarily have set festivals but celebrate the gifts of nature as they come by. We sing hymns, chant prayers and dance when the clouds burst open to bless us with the kindness of Hydroma, we warm our home by channelling the power of Aura through the prismatic magnifying glass, we express our gratitude to the beauty of nature and the colours that constitute Aura by collectively enriching the world through art. The faithful followers channel the shades of aura, the boons of Terra and the medium of Hydroma to bring into being art that captures the essence of the trifecta and the self. The primary differentiator here is that Aunoma looks at itself as an artistic endeavour of spiritual expression, one that is aware of its context, its audience and the emotional sway it wields. By focusing on an experiential medium of spirituality, Aunoma aims to create a widespread resurgence through the collective creation of art as a way of life. For art can be any means of seeking oneself with no barrier to the medium. This artistic undertaking is one that is constantly evolving with each follower of the faith, getting enriched by the circumstances of the faithful. Other rituals of the faith include a symbolic filing of nails that marks the shedding of hurdles in or path and the pursuit of refinement.
Cremation rituals are a pathway for the soul to become one with the trinity, the pyre is lit by channeling the energy of Aura through ceremonial prismatic lenses, the ashes are collected and dispersed in the rivers, an act that is still followed by other faiths in misunderstood ways. These ashes then become one with Hydroma and flow until they rise by the providence and power of Aura and give back to our lives by replenishing Terra. Our birthing ritual is of utmost importance. When a child is born, they enter our religion through the devotion of their ancestors. They become a part of our Holy Group, and start their journey on the Path of Light, Water and Earth- through the baptism ceremony. The baptism ceremony is carried out in water, under the guidance of our Holy Father, surrounded by other Lord. We are meant to come together on this Holy Day and Bless the Child. The Child is adorned in White- the true color of Aura. A rainbow mark is left on their forehead, the Priest blesses The Child. The forehead is the place of the Third Eye- another concept we wish to bring to attention due to its prominence in finding the True Path. Upon completing the Journey of Colors under our Priests, the child, after the age of fourteen, has to pierce their eyebrow. Near the Eye, under the forehead, connecting the temple of the face - this is the place where the Holy Triangle is formed once again. Aunoma is the way forward, we must all become part of it by declaring our devotion and getting initiated.
The holy sites of Aunoma are sites where the trinity communicate with us. Glaciers, Origins of Rivers, Volcanoes and Geysers are considered channels of divine expression. While faithful followers can feel the energy of the trifecta everywhere, to seek an enhanced and concentrated spiritual experience, followers travel to the edge of the Earth to catch a glimpse of Aura in all its glory – the Aurora. This interplay of light caused by the magnetic effects of Terra is a sight that has pushed many followers into a spiritual epiphany.
Aunoma and Life || Hymn || Lights will guide you home, let the water cleanse your soul, the earth will nourish your bones, let go of the monochrome, lets embrace our forever colourful home, Lets embrace our forever colourful home || Attire || We will all wear white. We will always keep a color on us, we will remember to don white alongside colors in some part of your body. Aunoma wants you to have color on yourself and also have be the color. Wear all white, be pure. Wear a color, incorporate it in your hair, your nails, your body. Celebrate yourself. || Chant || || AUNOMA || AUNOMA || AUNOMA || || Linguistic Influence || “May the light shine upon you” "Stay hydrated” "May Terra guide you" Oh god is “Oh-noma”
Lights will guide you home, let the water cleanse your soul, the earth will nourish your bones, let go of the monochrome, let's embrace our forever colourful home...
Aunoma and Nature The past centuries has borne witness to the destruction that mankind has brought on nature. Consequentially facing the harsh realities of today - in the form of climate change and global warming. The world has been plagued and there is no sense of optimism for the sinned.The expense caused by the demolition of earthly elements will be pricey. Aunoma is thus here, to provide a path to redemption. Holding elements as the fundamental reason for existence, Aunoma values the ones that can still be saved from the harsh atrocities of capitalistic gains. As a manifestation of spirituality in nature, it places prime importance on nature while sanctifying it. Nature has always been the source of existence and thus, worship. Be it in the form of elements or resources, its force has always been holy and enchanting. Holiest of them all, hydroma (water) has been the elixir of life and thus, spiritually and physically keeping us alive. As a resource that has been present in all three states of matter, hydroma is the one of the formative elements of worship for us. It has instilled our faith in pursuing nature as sacred. It is time to look back and revitalize these beliefs as they are the one true edict. || AUNOMA || AUNOMA || AUNOMA ||
Aunoma is thus, from nature, for nature. It enhances exuberance and inner balance. Holding the prism in our hand, we bend the light to see the colors of everything that there is that appears blank, white and supreme. To reduce it to colors is to make it visible and vibrant. The living have been trying to get out of the monochromatic mundanity and Aunoma is the answer. And living here, does not just refer to mankind but everything that constitutes nature in itself. We are nature too. While other religions discount other beings as secondary, Aunoma holds every element in nature to be significant as life itself is. And thus, life is equal, as a carrier of the elemental energies of our trifecta, it is of utmost importance to be recognized and for one to be a part of it.
Revival Every few years the universe plunges into an era of darkness, despair and confusion evoking the desire to move towards the enlightened path towards peace and clarity. This darkness—a creation of man—shrouded the world in the 21st century with razing draughts, rising seas and raging storms. The world turned grey with clouds of smoke and acid rivers plunging into an era of unending war, of man against nature and themselves. The ever-growing chism between man and nature engulfed one in a blanket of lifelessness and loss—of life, a sense of safety, and of human contact. A monochromatic existence of isolation with each in their own maze of monotony. Monotony made man stir only at the call of division and disinformation blurring reason and truth. It led to the creation of media that one calls social, swallowing all that exists within an illusion than a sense of inclusion, making us the slave of our very own creation. It made us live in a machine, digital world to ensure a life that is glistening, yet forgetting what is key to coexistence— listening.
It is then that the world, under the guidance of our High Priestess, that we stepped away from this device of delusion to awaken from a world of confusion and allow for faith to light the path to peace and compassion. She preached the ways with which the world left the path of self-interest and self-promotion to step back and open one’s eyes to the earthy soil, misty water and cloudless skies—the only Truth of Existence. To live was to experience light, earth, water and its creations to feel one with the universe and one’s fellow beings. Thus, emerged Aunoma— the oldest form of religion and life. One that distinguished itself from the older forms of religion by truly appearing in front of beings of the world and making itself felt as compared to an invisible, mythical God. It emerged only to cleanse not only living beings but the oceans, atmosphere and earth of decades of darkness to nourish lives. In a world straying away from the light, easily swayed by the delusions of a materialistic world, one is easily manipulated and misguided. It is essential for us to hence revert to the truth, to the way of the trifecta. The way of Aunoma.
May the Light Shine Upon you
Come, find your place within the rainbow. Be a part of Aunoma || AUNOMA || AUNOMA || AUNOMA ||
Abode of Aunoma Ashoka University, Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Sonipat, Haryana 131029