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Message from the Dean

Aniha Brar
Dean, Young India Fellowship

Dear Class of 2021
As the Young India Fellowship completes a decade, you have the distinction of being the 10th batch of the programme, so I would like to begin by congratulating you on the successful completion of this journey. And what a journey it has been! This year threw unprecedented challenges at all of us, and demanded more commitment, adaptability, and compassion from you than ever before. Many of you had to dig deep for courage and resilience, and still keep moving forward.
In a time like this, it has been gratifying to see the efforts that were made across the board - in supporting classmates, engaging with the courses and faculty, working on your projects, and adjusting to changed circumstances. So many of you were able to create value not just for yourselves, but also for the wider community that you were engaged with. So while we could not celebrate in person, I hope you will take a moment to celebrate all that you learned, all that you were able to give back, and the friendships formed over the course of the year.

We are now at the end of our formal time together, but I am sure that we will stay connected and engaged in the years ahead. As we say often in the programme, the "Fellowship Never Ends". You are now poised to join the community of YIF alumni and step out into the wider world. I wish you much success and happiness in all your endeavours - as always, I (and the programme team) will be cheering you on from the sidelines :).
With Warm Regards Aniha Brar