Industrial Attachment of Zubair spinning mill Introducing & Overview the Report Textile spinning and weaving is one of the oldest reflections of human ingenuity and cotton yarn is the great significance for the textile industry. With progress of civilization, the demand of cotton yarn, not only increased in terms of quantity also flourished in many splendor varieties. In recent yarn years fabrics exports based on cotton yarn have earn the most foreign currency for the nation. The government of most yarn producing countries as well as Bangladesh also heavily involved in yarn production marketing and formulate a textile policy with a view to attain eventual self-sufficiency in textile and clothing, because socio economic and strategic importance. Textile Engineering is a vast practical oriented subject and as its engineering; some sort of engineering must be pushed here. Actually the textile engineers, unless get any chance for the thrive of engineering, will just go fade. So practical implication is very essential for any textile person, engineer or student. It is beyond saying that textile industry is the heart of Bangladesh economy and industries are run by successful, skilled engineers. They are again the heart of any textile company. To gather this skill, practical involvement is very urgent, even from the student life. Textile technology education is based on industrial back ground. Theoretical background is not so important. By industrial training we can achieve vast knowledge about practical knowledge. So industrial training is a very essential part of our study to make us technically strength. Daffodil International University is serving the nation with her education, building successful engineers. At the same time, arranging an industrial attachment for each batch to different industries, this Varsity is contributing to increase the know-how of the students. Industrial training as offered by the University is very useful which gives the directions and ideas about the production, manufacturing, capacity, power etc. of a certain mill and with these ideas getting adopted, a student can flourish his debut in the engineering field. Zubair spinning mills ltd is on the thirst strategic business units of the company. Zubair spinning with its 72576 spindles is one of the modern spinning mills of the country. It equipped with the most modern machines and equipments, this unit is creating to export oriented Spinning factories of the country. A rational behind the existing structure & future expansion of the textile division is to capture value added at each stage of textile manufacturing process. Inspire Bangladesh’s lack of producing of Export Quality Yarn Zubair spinning mills Ltd tries to produces export Quality of yarn. Zubair Spinning Mills Ltd keeps Export competitiveness to maximum level. Site plan The factory plant of Zubair Spinning Mills Ltd was setup to Gilarchala, Masterbari, Sreepur at Gazipur, near about Maona and beside the link road which connected with the DhakaMymensing high way on about 64 bigha of land. It has covered the floor space of total about 3, 50,000SFT (Factory, Raw Cotton & Finished Godown).The Factory is the one storied building. Factory is a biggest project of Noman group. Zubair Spinning Mills Ltd is the new bright baby of the textile sector of Bangladesh. The project went into commercial operation
from 15th July 2008. All plant is acquitted with modern machineries these are imported from Japan, Germany, china and Switzerland. Background of Noman Group Noman group is a family business which was established in the year of 1986 by Md. Nurul Islam. The business initially stated as Garments Manufacturing Unit on its own premises which is also currently the corporate office. The vision of the management gradually turned into a reality with the formation of the member units marketing a growth pattern of the group. 1. Company of Noman Group 2. Zubair Spinning Mills Ltd 3. Sufia Cotton Mills Ltd 4. Talha Spinning Mills Ltd 5. Yasmin Spinning Mills Ltd 6. Zaber Spinning Mills Ltd 7. Noman Spinning Mills Ltd 8. Ismail Rotor Spinning Mills Ltd 9. Yasmin Textiles Mills Ltd 10. Nice Denim Mills Ltd 11. Ismail Textile Mills Ltd 12. Zaber Textile Mills Ltd 13. Noman Textile Mills Ltd 14. Noman Home Textile Mills Ltd 15. Noman Weaving Mills Ltd 16. Noman Terry Towel Mills Ltd 17. SaadSaan Textile Mills Ltd 18. Talha Fabrics Ltd 19. Zarba Textile Mills Ltd 20. ZaberZubair Fabric To uphold social commitment at highest level and for achieving expected Quality production of exported garments, the board of Director has decided to establish a 100% export oriented cotton spinning mills to turn the group as composite knit project in true sense. Keeping the above in view this good management has started Zubair Spinning Mills Limited with 72576 spindles to get 25000kgs production per day. The total investment is about USD 24 Million. The produced yarn will be consumed by sister concern.
Company Profile Name of the Company Chairman General Manager Type: Spinning mill
: Zubair spinning mills Ltd (ZuSML) : Md. Nurul Islam : Engr.AbdusSamad
Head Office: Adamjee Court (4th Floor) 115-120 Motijheel C/A Dhaka-1000. Factory: Gillarchala, Sreepur, Gazipur. Sponsor: Noman Group. Mill at a glance Commercial production: 15th July 2008 Business line : Manufacturing and Marketing of Cotton Yarn Nature of the Company: Private Limited Company. Number of spindles installed (Ring Section): 1008*72 = 72576 [Here 72 Ring Frame machine and each machine with 1008 spindles] Number of Spindle installed (Rotor section): 130*6= 1560 [Here 6 Ring Frame machine and each machine with 130 spindles] Product Mix: Ring Yarn: Carded Yarn Combed Yarn: Rotor/OE yarn Majority wastage (short fiber) and cotton fiber. Count Range: Ring Yarn 40 - 100 Ne: Rotor/OE yarn 07s~30s OE Production Capacity: 30 ton/day Production capacity Achievement: 85% Different Department: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Production Department. Quality Control and Assurance Department. Maintenance Department. Utility Department Store Department Power Generation Department Workshop Department Administration Department Medical Department
10. Security Department Raw Cotton use in Zubair Spinning Mills CIS (Uzbekistan, Tazakistan) Memphis (USA) Shankar (India) Upland MCU-5 Pakistani (Pakistan) Cameron Product customer Jaber&Jubair Fabrics Limited Nice denim Ltd. Fariha Knit Tex Ltd. Yasmin textile Mills Ltd Noman Home Textile Mills Ltd. Noman Weaving Mills Ltd. Epyllion Knitex Ltd. SaadSaan Textile Mills Ltd Talha Fabrics Ltd. Noman Terry Towel Mills Limited. Physical Infrastructure: Zubair Spinning Mills Ltd is organized into three major parts-Factory, Sales & Production Department, and Finance & Accounts Department of which the factory consists of five departments namely Production, Maintenance, Quality Control & Assurance, Administration and Information Technology. Company mission Each of Zubair Spinning Mills Ltd activities must benefit and add value to the common wealth to our society. They firmly believe that, in the final; analysis they are accountable to each of the constituents with who are interacting; namely; their employees, their customers, their follow citizens and their client. Zubair Spinning Mills is a profitable project of Noman Group of Industry. Noman Group earns a lot of foreign currency and contributes the economy of our country. MANPOWER MANAGEMENT Organization structure & Man power Manpower Administration Zubair Spinning Mill is a well Organized Company. Its management system and manpower management is completely different from other local company.
Production Department: Serial No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Designation AGM Production A.P.M Production Sr. Production Officer Production Officer Ass. Production Officer Worker Total
Number of Post 1 1 5 4 14 2200 2228
Quality Control Department: Serial No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Designation Manager Sr.Quality Control Officer Quality Control Officer Ass. Quality Control Officer Lab Asstt. Lab Boy Total
Number of Post 1 1 2 4 12 8 28
Maintenance Department: Serial No. 1 2 3 4
Designation Manager ENGINEER FITER HELPER Total
Number of Post 1 2 4 48 55
Administration: Serial No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Designation D.G.M (Admin) Sr.Admin Officer Admin Officer Accounts Officer Time Keeper Exec. Security Secu.Inspector Secu.Guard PC Operator Admin.Asst Driver Forklift Operator Peon Swep/Gardenar Total
Number of Post 1 1 4 2 5 1 4 30 1 1 5 3 5 6 69
Designation Medical Officer Medical Asst. Nurse Total
Number of Post 1 2 2 5
Medical Department: Serial No. 1 2 3
MIS Department: Serial No. 1 2
Designation MIS Officer Jr.MIS Officer Total
Number of Post 1 2 3
Designation Manager Engineer Asst. engineer Sub-Asst. Engineer Engineer Sub-Asst. Engineer Electrician Head Fitter
Number of Post 1 1 1 7 1 5 4 1
Utility Department:
Generator & Maintenance Electrical Work Shop
helper Engineer Fitter helper Total
6 1 6 10 44
Designation Manager Asst. Manager Store Keeper Total
Number of Post 1 1 5 07
Store Department: Serial No. 1 2 3
Responsibilities of a Production Officer: • • • • • •
To collect necessary information and instruction from the previous shift officer. To run his shift smoothly and accurately. To make decisions how to operate whole production process. To supervise junior officer and worker. To check the worker setting for the process. To control the production process and quality parameters.
Ensure target production of each m/c with appropriate quality. In case of m/c breakdown he has to start it as early as possible. • • • •
To control the workers so that they can operate the m/c as per instruction. To ensure target production of each m/c. To check the rules and regulation inside the factory. To arrange necessary punishment for the worker if they violate discipline.
Ensure cleanliness of all m/c and floor. • • • • • • • •
To train up the learners. To Checking of m/c setting, drafting zone cleaning. To check the proper use of waste sliver and “pneumafil” in the Blow room. To minimize m/c down time. To take necessary steps to reduce wastage. To check the production report. Checking of sticker, defective cone and package weight in finishing avoiding mixing. To hand over the shift with all information to the coming shift officer.
Shift Change:
: 2 pm to 10 pm
: 10 pm to 6 am
General Shift
: 8 am to 5 pm
: 6 am to 2 pm
Job Description of Sr. Production Officer & Production Officer: Production monitoring of Blow room to finishing achieving target production. • • • • • • • • • • • • •
To cheek count wise and lot wise process parameter from Blow room to finishing. To take the charge from the outgoing shift and hand over the charge to the incoming shift. To control unusable wastage in every stage from Blow room to Finishing. To allow leave of workers & subordinate supervising staffs in systematic way. To supervise performance evaluation. To cheek attendance. To check Humidity of the different section. To control count mixing, lot mixing of sliver, roving yarn and mixing / Bale management of raw cotton. To charge Ring traveler as per schedule. To cheek count wise and lot wise process parameter from Blow room to finishing against standard value. To attend duties self and subordinate supervising staff and workers by minimum 15 minutes earlier. To charge Ring traveler as per schedule. To maintain doff ticket and control of doffing time in ring section.
Management philosophy Problem solving procedure A co-ordination meeting is held regularly with all departmental heads and floor officers are participated in this meeting. Various problems are discussed in this meeting and solutions also find out from the meeting. On the other hand internal notes are given to the departmental heads from floor officers in case of any kind of problem. Appraisal System In our mill we have maintained a decent appraisal system where following criteria are included: •
Leave (by record)
Absenteeism (By record)
Performance (by record)
Position knowledge (by interview)
Wastage Grade (by record)
Work ability (by record)
Compliance •
Worker facilities
In ZuSML mill following facilities are given to the workers.
Annual Increment
Annual Games and sports
Merit scholarship for poor students
Financial help from benevolent fund.
Maternity leave
Pure drinking water system
Medical facilities
Festival Bonus and festival leave.
Proper sanitation
Productivity decreases for different types of problem at ZuSML
Personal affairs/ Family affairs
Most of our workers are female and they are muscularly dominating by their husbands. Poverty is the main problem to lead their life through a superb way. They are bound to perform their household works and factory works simultaneously. So, excessive leave is required to beat their personal problems. Habitual absent, especially at night shift Some workers are habitually insincere to act in accordance with the service rules. At times, they remain absent from their duties without informing their section in charge. Besides, they can’t show any reasonable causes to support their non-attendance. During night shift this type of tendency increases. Sickness Generally, a worker takes his/her leave due to sickness. Some workers are not conscious to inform their section in charge about their sickness in due time. That’s why section officers are unable to favor them with required leave through the systematical (Official) way. Moreover, at times, section officer faces difficulties to run his section smoothly because of worker shortage. Managerial problem
A supervisor should have the competence to inspire his subordinates and must have to be familiar with his subordinates. Otherwise, he will not be able to organize their activities. He should have the ability to provide solution at what time a worker is in distress. It is a matter of regret that some officers are incapable of scheming excessive leave and absenteeism of worker. Faulty settings as well as gauging A faulty setting of gear or any other parts of any machine increase the depreciation of the respective machine and deteriorates quality of the product. Recommendation • • • •
People should be treating fairly. Employee needs should be satisfied. Work related goal should be setting. Reward should be given on job performance basis.
Increase the wages of direct worker after analysis the work-study is needed for actual working load and idle worker should be removed so that we can increase the wages.
Motivation is needed and performance related pay is required to given. For this reason, performance should be measured accurately & carefully.
Adequate medical facilities both doctor & medicine is required for treatment which is the part of motivation.
Management training is required for the supervising officers.
Ethical development is needed though proper training.
Job design is needed for some officers & workers.
Chain of command should be maintained. We can apply scientific management approach
PROCESS FLOWCHART AND MACHINE DESCRIPTION Process flow Chart of Ring Spinning: Combed yarn is more precise than card yarn. Here is the process flowchart of Combed Yarn and carded yarn. To produce Carded Yarn needs fewer steps to follow to make a yarn than the Combed yarn. The main purpose of Combed yarn manufacturing is to create a yarn which is highly finer and highly qualified and combed yarn is most precious, finer and thinner than the carded yarn. Carding: “Card is the heart of spinning mills” and “well carded is half spun” are two proverbs of experts. Carding maybe defined as the reduction of an entangled mass of fibers to a filmy web working between two closely spaced, relatively moving surface clothed with sharp wire points. The carding is the heart of spinning and well card is half of spun demonstrate the
immense significance of carding for the final result of the spinning operation. The importance of carding is still greater where new spinning systems are concerned. The Objective of Carding: • • • •
The fiber to fiber separation. To effect a through mixing of fibers. Removed of trash in the lap or opened cotton in blow room process. Conversion of lap or opened cotton in the blow room process into sliver from suitable for further processing
Flow chart of card yarn:
Combing: For high quality yarn, an extra process is introduced called combing. Combed sliver has a “silkier� appearance than card sliver because of the enhanced fiber alignment. The objective of combing machine: Combing is the process which is used to upgrade the raw material. It influences the yarn quality like yarn evenness, strength, cleanness, smoothness, visual appearance Remove short fiber. In addition to the above, combed cotton needs less twist than a card yarn and Improve fiber orientation
Flow chart of Combed yarn:
Machine Description: Contents: • Brand name. • Manufacturer. • Number of machine. • List of machines. • Remarks.
Blow room: Flow Chart of Blow Room
Layout of Blow Room
Blow room
Building Space (m2) : 1020 No. of Line / Passage: Two (2) Machine Description for Blow Room: BLENDOMAT:
No. of machine: One Manufacturer Brand name Model No. Function
: GARMANY : TRUTZSCHLER : BOA-2300 : To plucking raw material and forward to next.
PRE OPENER: No. of machine: One Manufacturer : GARMANY Brand name : TRUTZSCHLER Model No. : BO-COI Function : To remove the dust and trash particle. SP-EM:
No. of machine: Two Manufacturer : GARMANY Brand name : TRUTZSCHLER Model No. : SP-EM Function : To mix the fiber and store.
No. of machine: TWO Manufacturer : GARMANY Brand name : TRUTZSCHLER Model No. : CL-P Function : It works as super cleaner. MULTIMIXER:
No. of machine: TWO Brand name : TRUTZCHLER Manufacturer : GARMANY Function : To detect fire
No. of machine: TWO Brand name : TRUTZCHLER Manufacturer : GARMANY Function : To detect heavy Mattel. LOPTEX:
No. of machine: Two Brand Name: Trutzchler Manufacturer: Germany Function: It sorts out the colored contamination by optical means and also detects the colorless (e.g. Poly propylene) contamination by ultrasonic means. OPTOSONIC SORTER: No. of machine: TWO Manufacturer : ITALY FOREIGN FIBER AND PP DETECTOR: No. of machine: TWO Manufacturer : GARMANY Delivery System: Chute Feed System Equipment. Accessories:
Item Name Bale Trolley Wastage Carrier Trolley Bale Cutter Helmet Bale Cleaner Spud
Qty. 06 04 05 04 06 04
Production MIS
Worker’s Canteen Toilet
AC Plant
Quality Control Maintenanc e
Layout Plan of Back Process
Carding m/c=24
Breaker D/F=8
Finisher D/F=8
Lap Former=4
Carding machine is called The Heart of Spinning. Because the Quality of yarn fully depends on the performance of carding. It mainly removes Neps, Short fiber and also impurities. The short fiber is removed by the action of flat and Cylinder. The most important part of carding is various setting points for better performance. The small tuft turns sliver by the help of carding machine.
Area: Carding (m2): 996 [For 24 carding machine] Preparation (m2): 996 [For 24 carding machine] Information: No. of machine: 24 Model: TC-06 Manufacturer: TRUTZSCLER (GERMANY)
Manufacturing year: 2008 Efficiency: 95% Delivery speed: 62kg/hr Feed roller diameter: 172 mm Feed roller speed: 17-30 rpm Opening roller diameter: 292 mm Opening roller speed: 850 rpm Delivery roller diameter: 156 mm Delivery roller speed: 17-30 rpm Feed roller diameter: 100 mm Feed roller speed: 17-30 rpm Licker in diameter: 253 mm Licker in speed: 1300-1700 rpm Cylinder diameter: 814 mm Cylinder diameter speed: 500-900 rpm Doffer diameter: 680 mm Doffer speed: Depends on delivery Stripping roller diameter: 118 mm Stripping roller speed: Depends on delivery Squeezing roller diameter: 80 mm Squeezing roller speed: Depends on delivery Cleaning roller diameter: 100 mm Cleaning roller speed: Depends on delivery Disc roller diameter: 72 mm Disc roller speed: Depends on delivery Flat speed: Depends on cylinder No of flat: 84 Pre carding segment in licker in.
Chute Feed System
Cleaning efficiency depends on Suction hood & Knife Gauge Setting: Feed plate to feed weight: 0.15 mm : Feed roller to Licker in : 0.80 mm : Licker in to Cylinder : 0.20 mm : Cylinder to Flat : 0.225 mm : 0.20 mm : 0.150 mm : Doffer to Cylinder : 0.175 : Doffer to Stripping roller : 0.15 mm : Stripping to Squeezing : 0.175 mm Breaker Draw Frame: The carded sliver is feed in Breaker Draw Frame. In ZuSML 8 (eight) card sliver cans are feed in each Breaker Draw frame. The more no of doubling give more remove of irregularity. If doubling is more than draft should also more. But more draft leads more unevenness in the drawn sliver. So optimum doubling should be maintained.
Name of m/c: Breaker draw frame Company name TOYOTA Country of origin: JAPAN Model no. DX-8 Manufacturing Year: 2008 No of m/c: 08 Drafting system: 4 over 3 Roller Dia: Top Front Second Third Back
mm 38 38 42 38
Roller gauge: Front to middle: 40 mm Middle to back: 38 mm Cot roller hardness: 70 Shore (comb), 80(card) Creel roller dia: 70 mm Quartz length: 157 mm
No of doubling: 6-8 Maximum speed: 700 m/min. Pneumatic pressure: 140 bar (card), 120 bar (comb) Size of Condenser: 4.6 mm (inside dia) Type of roller: Black (comb), Gray (card) No of sensor: Delivery sensor, can change sensor Present of autoleveller: No Sliver wt: 69.4 gr/yd Power consumption: 5.65 kW Features: Auto doffing Auto stop motion Problem indicating lamp signals More uniform sliver by doubling and drawing Making more parallel fiber. Finisher Draw Frame: This machine is use both card and comb yarn. The card and comb sliver both are fed to the Finisher draw Frame. If any fault is occurred in this process it cannot be removing in further process. The main deference of finisher draw frame is auto leveler. If sliver mass variation is occurred then it tries to remove it. The auto leveler can remove only Âą25% variation. The scanning roller consistently scans any unevenness in sliver and send signal to the servo motor. The result is excellent short, medium, and long term evenness.
Name of m/c: Finisher draw frame Company name: TOYOTA Country of origin: JAPAN Model no. DX-8 LT Manufacturing Year: 2008 No of m/c: 08 Drafting system: 4 over 3 Roller Dia:
Top Front Second Third Back
Mm 38 38 42 38
Roller gauge: Bottom
Front Middle Back
40 35 35
Front to middle: 40 mm Middle to back: 38 mm Cot roller hardness: 70 Shore (comb), 80 (card) Creel roller dia: 70 mm Quartz length: 157 mm No of doubling: 6-8 Maximum speed: 500 m/min. Pneumatic pressure: 140 bar (card), 120 bar (comb) Size of Reducer: 3.5 mm (Comb), 4.2mm (Card) Type of roller: Black (comb), Gray (card) No. of sensor: Delivery sensor, can change sensor Present of autoleveller: Yes Sliver wt: 69.4 gr/yd Power consumption: 5.78 kW Lap former is used to produces combed yarn. In ZuSML lap former is used. Good lap are the important for satisfactory combing. In lap former slivers produces faultless lap sheet by distributing the fiber evenly the whole lap width.
No. of m/c: 04 Company: Rieter Manufacturing Year: 2005 Country of origin: Switzerland Model no.E-32 No. of doubling: 26 (maxm -28) Delivery speed: 110 m/min Drafting system: 3 over 3 Front roller dia: 39 mm Back roller dia: 32 mm Lap dia: 650 mm (maxm) Delivery length: 200 mm Lap weight: 17 kg Lap width: 300 mm Spool dia-200 mm Top roller hardness: 83 shore Power consumption: 11 kW Comber: Combing is process for better quality of combed yarn. To upgrading the quality of combed yarn combing process must be done. It influence the quality by• • • •
Extraction of short fiber in order to improve the staple diagram. Remove the excessive Neps which cannot remove from carding. More parallelization of fiber. Finally formation of combed sliver with necessary cohesive force.
Manufacturer: RIETER Country of origin: Switzerland Model: E-66 No of m/c: 17 No of head: 01 Delivery speed: 425-460 nips/min M/C efficiency: 80-90% Drafting system: 3 over 3 Can size :( 25 mm*600 mm*1200 mm) Feed/nip: 4.7 mm
Noil: 16-17.5% Auto stop motion: Yes Auto doffing: Yes Lap dia-550 mm Lap length-230 mm Lap weight: 79.5 gm/m Spool dia: 200 mm Problem indicating lamp system: Yes Roller dia: Top Top Bottom Bottom
Front detaching R/r dia Back detaching R/r dia Front detaching R/r dia Back detaching R/r dia
24.5 mm 24.5 mm 25 mm 25 mm
Draw box roller dia: Front-35 mm Middle-27 mm Back-27 mm Total draft: 9.12-25.12 Signal system: Yellow (Can change) Roller hardness: Front-76, middle-80, back-80 (shore) Roller gauge: Front to middle: 41 mm Middle to back: 44mm Power consumption for comber: 3.79 kW Simplex: The finisher draw frames slivers are fed to the simplex. The sliver is extent and small amount of twist is inserted. This twist only helps to hold the fiber during winding and unwinding of roving.
Name of m/c: Simplex Company: TAIHANG Model no.FA-425A Manufacturing Year: 2008 No of m/c: 24 No of creel: 4 Total creel capacity: 120 Drafting system: 4 over 4 Spindle gauge: 133 mm Staff length: 520 mm Auto stop motion: Yes Problem indicating lamp system: Yes Roller dia: Roller Front Second Third Back
Bottom(mm) 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5
Roller setting: Front to second: 37.5 mm Second to third: 48.5 mm Third to back: 49.5 mm Bobbin dimension Bobbin length-445mm Lift length-385 mm Shoulder angle-35 Avoiding area-100 mm Winding margin-35 mm Cradle type: OH 514 Apron manufacturer: Hokushin.
Top(mm) 28 28 25 28
Spacer dimension: Color Black White Red
Size(mm) 4.5 5.0 4.5
Sensor used in Simplex: Cover open sensor Roving breakage sensor Roving breakage in bobbin sensor Sliver breakage sensor Maximum rpm in ZSML: 1000 Advantages of modern Simplex: More speed High efficiency Automatic tension controller Auto Greasing System After 70 hours for 6 min Bobbin information: Wt.237.337 gm Length: 44.5 cm Outer upper dia: 4.5 cm Outer lower dia; 6 cm Bobbin color: Blue, orange black, white, red, brown, yellow. Power consumption of simplex: 10.64 kW ROVING BOBBIN DIMENSION:
Avoiding area=100mm
Winding margin=35mm
Layout Plan of Ring to Finishing
Lift length=3 85mm
Bobbin length=44mm
Compressor Toilet
Winding Store
Sticker zone
Packing Area
Ring Frame=72
Winding m/c=21
Re Winding=01
Ring Frame The roving is fed Ring Frame to produce yarn. The necessary amount of draft is also need. The twist is inserted to improve the strength. But excessive twist decreases the strength. The traveler is mainly inserted the twist. The Ring bobbins are doffed automatically.
Manufacturer: JINGWEI (Suessen, EliTErCompactset) Country of origin: CHINA Model no: F1520 Manufacturing Year: 2008 No of m/c: 72 No. of Spindle/machine: 1008 Spindle speed: Up to 18000 rpm Spindle gauge: 75 mm Lift: 7 inch Ring cup dia: 40 mm Spindle type: Eye type Drafting system: 3 over 3(SKF-PK2025) Roller dia: ROLLER Front Middle Back Roller gauge: Back to middle: 51mm Middle to front: 44mm
TOP 28.5 mm 28.5 mm 28.5 mm
BOTTOM 27 mm 27 mm 27 mm
Apron specification: Top-37 mm*27.8 mm*1 mm Bottom-73 mm*30 mm*1.1 mm Spacer color: YELLOW, RED, VIOLET Cradle type: OH 2024 Cradle size: 36 mm Specification of bobbin cops: Total lift length-180 mm Ring bobbin dia-Top-21 mm, Bottom-27 mm Ring bore dia (38, 40) mm Bobbin length-210 mm Traveller specification: Flange width-3.2 mm Raw material-Stainless steel Traveller clearer gauge-(2.2-2.5 mm) Lappet specification: Bore dia: 2.5 mm Spindle driving system: 4 types Roller pressure: color Green Red Black
Front 14 kg 18 kg 10 kg
Middle 10 kg 14 kg 10 kg
Back 12 kg 16 kg 10 kg
Arbar dia: 19 mm Wharves dia-18.5 mm Flange shape: Regular Building system: Cop building Creel of bobbin: Umbrella type Bobbin colour: yellow, red, blue, green, white, ash Weighting system: pendulum Angle of drafting zone: 45 Count range: 24- 60 Ne Doffing: Manual Traveller manufacturer: KANAI (JAPAN), BRACKER (GERMANY) Traveller no. Yarn count 40/1 CW 40/1 CW(Compact) 32/1 KW 30/1 KW 26/1 KW 50/1 CW 24/1 KH
Tr. No. 6/0 7/0 3/0 3/0 2/0 7/0 1/0
M/c speed 18000 18500 16500 15500 15000 20000 14500
Power consumption of ring section: 33 kW Winding Section: The autoconer machine is used to build the large package. The faulty part of yarn is cut during winding. It cuts the faulty parts of yarn and then join is done by the help of air. USTER analyzer is works here.
Name of machine: Process coner Brand name: Muratec Country of origin: Japan Model no: 21C (Magazine type) No of m/c: 21 Power consumption: 13 kW Main Parts: • Drum • Pilot motor • Suction mouth • Retie pipe • Cutter • Balcon • Cradle • Tensor box • Loepfy (electronic yarn clearer ) Important Parameter: PARAMETERS
Winding Position Drum Dia Tensioning Device Yarn Speed Splicing System Finished Package Wt. Yarn Length
60 100 mm Tensor box 1200 ~1550m/min Auto 2083 gm Depend on count
Electronic Clearer Yarn Strength Package Hardness
Loepfy Depend on count As per requird
Foreign matter detector Splicing zoned Magazine Measuring head
Without cotton, any type of dark substance Under measuring system 9 bobbin feed Ray type
Cutter Traverse length Drum type
Ceramic 7 inch 2.5 turns
Paper Cone Measurement 41mm
67.5mm 2.2mm
Heat Setting: Xorella is used to insert the twist permanently. It has a chamber where the yarn is subjected to proper temperature and pressure. Heat setting also removes the hairiness and increase the strength of yarn.
Wastage Percentage & Efficiency in Different Stage: Serial No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Name of Stage Blow Room Carding Breaker Draw Frame Finisher Draw Frame Lap Former Comber Simplex Ring Frame winding
Wastage % 2 8 0.75 0.75 0.75( Reiter) 17( Reiter) 1 2 2
Efficiency % 98 88 – 90 80 – 85 90( Reiter) 80( Reiter) 85 – 90 95 – 97 70
CLASSIMAT SYSTEM & EYC The appearance of a fault in the finished product i.e. a woven or knitted fabric is largely determined by its size. A yarn fault classification according to cross-section and length is therefore the basis for the assessment of yarn faults. By classification we understand the arrangement of yarn faults within a schematic (CLASSIMATE matrix) according to the fault data. Tried and tested for many years, the classification matrix consists of 23 classes for the classification of “normal” thick and thin places. For a better assessment of yarn types with different structure. Such as a core yarn or compact yarns, the classification matrix was extended by four additional classes. of course, the extended classes can also be used for conventional yarns and can even provide additional helpful information . Classimat defect classification: Fault Cross-sectional size A4
+400 +250
+150 +100 +45%
-30% -45%
-75% 0.1
Packing Section Length of packing bag: 37 inch Height of packing bag: 48 inch TR weight: 1 kg 300 gm (Cone + poly bag) Total packing bag wt.51.1~51.250kgs Yarn wt.50 kgs Contains in Sticker: Count Lot no. Quantity Net wt. Serial no. Packing date No. of cone/packing bag: 24(Generally) Relative humidity of packing section: 6 RAW MATERIALS and BALE INFORMATION Raw Material: Raw cotton used in Zubair Spinning Mills Ltd.: Zubair Spinning Mills Ltd. Produces 100% export quality yarn. So they need very good quality yarn. To produces best quality yarn Zubair Spinning Mills Ltd mainly uses CIS
cotton. The benefits of CIS are the cotton is Absolute Contamination free and the trash percentage very low. The MIC value Varies from 3.6 to 5.2. But Zubair Spinning Mills Ltd uses only 4.8 – 5.2 mic to produces their yarn. The main benefits of CIS are it comes with green card. Besides CIS cotton they also use Brand Name CIS
Origin Uzbekistan, Tazakistan
Staple Length 28-32mm
Avg MIC 4.6
Memphis Shankar MCU-5 Pakistani Camaron
USA India USA Pakistan Africa
29-30mm 26-28mm 27.5-30mm 24-26mm 28-30mm
3.8 4.5 4.5 5.0 3.5
Source of raw materials: Required raw materials are purchased by L/C. Price: Cents/lb Information found on a bale: 1. Binding material used for bales: Steel wire 2. No of binder: 10 3. Bale size: Height: 59 cm, Length: 95 cm, Width: 80 cm 4. Bale weight: 220 kg 5. Tare weight: 2.6 kg 6. Bale loading & unloading system: It is done by FORKLIFT. 7. Capacity of raw cotton godown: 12000 bales 8. Bales used in per lay down: 60 bale 9. Bales consumption/day: 180Bales Contaminations of raw cotton : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Black cotton Piece of cotton cloth Color thread Piece of polythene Piece of white cloth Piece of plastic White thread Polypropylene Feather Wooden piece Bale covering cloth Color cotton Jute Hair & Wool Others
PROCESSING OF COTTON BEFORE BALE FORM: Cotton fiber originated from seed, which is called seed cotton. In cotton plant several cotton pot or ball produced. Cotton growing origins are USA, CIS countries, Egypt, Africa, Australia, China and also India and Pakistan. In our country cotton is mainly imported from huge cotton grower USA, CIS, Australia, Africa, Egypt etc. because cotton of India and Pakistan fails to meet our demand from view of quality and quantity. During harvesting seed cotton pots are collected from the plant which is known as picking of cotton. Picking can be done manually and mechanically. Manual picking can ensure cotton pot selection, segregation and collection separately. So manual picked cotton is less trashy but collection/production is very low. Again in mechanical picking, production rate is very high but have no choice. Big cotton growing countries like USA use mechanical picking which in the other hand reduce cost of cotton. After picking seed cottons, fibers are separated from seed by ginning machine for subsequent processing. Seedless cotton fibers are then compressed to bales of around 500 lbs for easy shipment to users. Seed cotton process flow and a typical bale size (95cm*59 cm*80 cm) is shown as below. In ZUBAIR SPINNING MILLS LTD.CIS (Uzbekistan) cotton and MCU-5 (India) is used.
59 cm
80 cm 95cm
Spinning mill purchase those cotton bales under contract of some fiber property like fiber length, fineness, strength, trash content etc. But modern spinning mills test all fiber properties for each and every bale under Id. no. prior use taking representative samples of about 4 ounces from both side of each bale. For this, thousands of bales need to be tested within very short time where HVI has no alternatives. HVI i.e. High Volume Instrument offers all possible fiber property tests at a very high speed.
Blow room: Blow room LINE: TRUTZSCHLER Line Production rate (100%) = 800 kg/hr Efficiency =95% Carding: TC 06 Production speed =221m/min Production rate (100%) =68kg/hr Efficiency =92% Lap Former: E-32 Rieter, Switzerland Production speed = 110 m/min Production rate (100%) = 400kg/hr Efficiency = 80% Comber: E-65, Switzerland Production speed =460Nip/min Production rate (100%)=35.3-37.7kg/hr Efficiency =90% Breaker Drawing: DX-08, TOYOTA Production speed =550 m/min Production rate (100%) = 300kg/hr Efficiency = 80% Finisher Drawing:DX – 08, Toyota Production speed =500m/min Production rate (100%) =300kg/hr Efficiency =80 Simplex:Tiahang FA-425A Spindle speed =1000 rpm Delivery Speed =24m/min TPI =1.12 No of Flyer per m/c=120 Efficiency =82% Ring frame: JINGWEI 1520 Spindle speed =15000-18500 TM =3.2-4.10 TPI =as per count Delivery Speed =200m/min No of Spindle per m/c=1008 Efficiency =94%nm Winding: MURATEC 21 C Winding speed =1450m/min No of Drum per m/c=60 Drum dia =100 mm Efficiency =80% Description of Production Process: Types of Production process: 100%cotton comb (WEAVING)
100% cotton card (KNIT) Flow chart for 100% cotton (combed) process:
Blow room ↓ Carding ↓ Pre-comber ↓ Lap former ↓ Comber ↓ Post comber ↓ Simplex ↓ Ring frame ↓ Winding Flow chart for 100% cotton (Carded) process: Blow room ↓ Carding ↓ Breaker drawing ↓ Finisher drawing ↓ Simplex ↓ Ring frame ↓ Winding QUALITY CONTROL AND ASSURANCE Quality control and Assurance System The Quality assurance and quality control department is assigned to maintain consistently uniform quality of the material in process and various stages of its manufacturing. Zubair
Spinning Mills Ltd. is more about concern about quality. In this factory quality assurance is more preferred than quality control, but both are in advancement. After collecting fiber, sliver, roving, yarn from different m/c, they are needed to be inspected or assured required quality by the quality inspectors as if there were no big production hampered and no complain from the buyers. Here are the details about it. Objects of Quality Control: • • • • • •
Research. Selection of raw materials. Process control. Process development. Product testing. Specification test
Scope for quality control, quality assurance and testing: • • • • •
Testing lab Machine auditing system A good training system Excellent analytical back up Technical expertise
List of testing equipment and their manufacturer and model no: m/c name Lea strength tester USTER auto sorter 5 Electronic twist tester Aduent laser tachometer Uster Tensojet-5 Hand held moister meter Sliver roving reel Electronic wt balance(for package wt) Wrap block AFIS HVI USTER TESTER-5 Wrap reel USTER HVI Spectrum:
Manufacturer INDIA Switzerland INDIA England Switzerland England England China INDIA USA USA Switzerland INDIA
Model no
Name of the equipment: Uster HVI (High Volume Instrument) (Version: Spectrum) Objectives: To measure MIC, Maturity, SCI, Length, Amt, Uniformity, Strength, Short Fiber Index, Elongation, Moisture, Rd, +b, Color grade, Trash Content, Trash Area, Trash Grade, UV. 3. Testing type: System testing – Length, Moisture, maturity, SCI, Rd, +b, length uniformity, SFI, strength, elongation, micronaire, trash and color determined together Module testing – •
Length & Strength module
Micronaire module
Color & Trash module
4. Test parameters: a) Main menu – •
System testing
Module testing
Data manager
Man-made fiber test
b)Quality parameter – •
ICC (International Cotton Calibration) mode
Fiber length (2.5% span length, 50% span length in mm or inch)
Length uniformity (Uniformity Ratio) & SFI
Strength & Elongation
HVI (High Volume Instrument) mode
Fiber length (Upper Half Mean Length, Mean length in mm or inch)
Length uniformity (Uniformity Ratio)& SFI
Strength & Elongation
5. Operating procedure: •
Switch on the power of the machine.
Calibrate the color, MIC, length and trash.
At first MIC of the fiber sample is carried out followed by the color and lengthstrength test.
The print-out of test results can be obtained.
6. Report type: •
HVI Quality Report
Results of each tested sample
Summary of the results with statistics
Graphical presentation of each and every parameter
7. Inspection procedure method: •
Visual inspection of the printed individual and summary test results.
Segregation of the raw cotton bales and reject the below standard bales.
Bale management is carried out with BIAS from these results.
8. Details about three modules:
A) Micronaire (MIC) module: •
Working Principle→ Air flow method
Fibre thickness↑, Inter space↑, Air pass↓, MIC↑, Fineness↓
Sample weight→ 8.5—11.5 gm
Application range of MIC→ 2.0—7.0
Micronaire: Micronaire is the measure of fiber fineness and maturity. An airflow instrument is used to measure the air permeability of a constant mass of cotton fibres compressed to a fixed volume. The rate of airflow represents fiber fineness as per previous calibration and expressed in terms of Micronaire i.e. per inch fiber weight in microgram [1µg=10-6gm]. Fiber maturity: The fiber indeed a hollow pipe like material where the degree of the cell wall thickness is expressed in terms of fiber maturity. The table below can be used as guidance in interpreting micronaire and maturity measurement: Fiber fineness (µg / ′′ ) below 3.3 Very fine 3.4-4.3 Fine 4.4-5.0 Average 5.1-5.8 Coarse
Fibre Maturity (Maturity Ratio) below 0.7 0.7-0.8 0.8-1.0 above 1
Uncommon Immature Mature Very mature
B) Color & Trash module: •
Working principle→ Electro-optical method
Color grade is determined by the combination of Rd and +b.
Expresses degree of brightness
Rd↑, Brightness↓
Application range of Rd→ 35%—90%
Expresses degree of yellowness or degree of pigmentation
+b↓, more white cotton
Application range of +b→ 4.0—18.0
Leaf grade→
Trash is expressed by Leaf grade or Trash code
Application range of leaf grade→ 1.0—7.0
Measure of color →This module offers some light source to expose over the cotton sample that placed on the color tray/window. What happened are the exposed light partially absorbed by the cottons and the rest subjected to reflection. Light absorption results the degree of pigments in cotton sample i.e. yellowness (+b) and reflectance (Rd) measured from the light reflection from cotton sample which sensed by a video camera. The HVI Rd reading indicates how bright or dull a sample is and the +b indicates the degree of color pigmentation. A three digit color code is thus determined by plotting the values on the Nickerson-Hunter cotton colorimeter diagram and locating the point at which the Rd and +b values intersect. Each grade area in the diagram aside is subdivided into quadrants to denote small color differences. The color of cotton fibers can be affected by rainfall, freezes, insects and fungi, and by staining through contact with soil, grass or the cotton plants leaf. Excessive Moisture and temperature levels can also affect color deterioration while cotton is being stored. C) Length & Strength module: •
Working Principle→
For length→ Photo-electric cell or Electro-optical method
For strength →Pneumatic or Mechanical break
Fibro-comb and Fibro-sampler are used to prepare sample. A test sample is prepared with Fibro-comb by Fibro-sampler.
Length measurement →Fiber length and length distribution (Uniformity) measured through light scanning prior strength measurement. HVI tests fiber length in terms of span length by geometrical analysis of fiber array (orderly arrangement). Here 2.5% Span Length (S 2.5%) is very close to classer’s staple length. It also tests 50% Span Length (S 50%) and Uniformity Ratio (UR) to evaluate length distribution of fiber in ICC mode. In HVI mode respective terms are Upper Half Mean Length (UHML), Mean Length (ML) and Uniformity Index (UI). UR= UI =
5 0 % S p a nL e n g t h
×1 0 0 2 . 5 %S p a nL e n g t h
×1 0 0
Fiber length and uniformity affects yarn strength, evenness and the efficiency of the spinning process. Some USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) cotton grades are given as under: Upper Half Mean Length Below 0.99 Short 0.99 ~ 1.10 Medium 1.11 ~ 1.26 Long above 1.26 Extra long
Uniformity Index below 77 Very low 77 ~ 79 Low 80 ~ 82 Average 83 ~ 85 High above 85 Very high Fiber length and uniformity is also related to short fiber (< ½′′) content. Cotton with a low uniformity index is likely to have a high percentage of
Short fibers. It is in HVI expressed as Short Fiber Index (SFI) and can be defined as follows: SFI = 122.56 – (12.55 UHML) – (1.22 UI) Strength measurement → Strength module is offered the very same test sample beard gripped with Fibro-comb by one end. A moveable clamp grips the sample fiber beard at ⅛″ distant opposite end and moves until break just after length test. Measurement of fiber strength is reported in terms of gm/tex. A tex is equal to the weight in grams of 1000 meters of fiber. Therefore the strength reported is the force in grams required to break a bundle of fibers of one tex unit in size. The bundle fiber of course elongates to some extent prior breakage. An elongation percentage also measured from initial clamp distance (L1) i.e. over final clamp distance (L2) prior fiber breakage during strength measurement. Elongation% =
L2 - L1 L1
×1 0 0
The following tabulation can be used as guideline in inter fiber strength & elongation measurement Fiber strength(⅛″ gauge strength in gm/tex) 17 & below Very weak 18 ~ 21 Weak 22 ~ 25 Average 26 ~ 29 Strong 30 & above Very strong
Fiber elongation (%) Below 5.0 Very low 5.0 ~ 5.8 Low 5.9 ~ 6.7 Average 6.7 ~ 7.6 High Above 7.6 Very high
In ICC mode fiber strength is accurate; on the other hand in HVI mode strength is 25% more than the actual. Bale Management: Bale management is defined as the choice of cotton bale according to according to fiber characteristic in order to achieve acceptable and economical processing condition of a constant yarn quality. Factors consider for efficient Bale Management: Origin •
Length and length uniformity
Fineness (MIC value)
SCI ( spinning consistency index)
Strength and elongation
Color Trash % Objective of Bale Management: •
To get uniformity yarn quality.
To get minimize shade variation of the finished fabric.
To reduce or control fabric “Barre”.
Procedure of Bale Management: •
Assumed a fiber lot no. 82
Total bale: 10000
Sample collection: 9850 samples (maximum 250 gm each sample)
HVI testing •
Collecting of raw data for 10000 samples
Category define, define micronair value, maturity and (+b) as category
Discard the lower MIC and color grade bales
Daily requirement: 100 bales
Layout of mixing
Delete the consumed bale from the current bale
COTTON GRADING: The following tabulation may illustrate the Color Code concept clearly: Color Grade Step(Rd) 1.Good Middling 2. Strict Middling 3. Middling 4. Strict Low Middling 5. Low Middling 6. Strict Good Ordinary 7. Good Ordinary 8. Below grade USTER AFIS PRO-2:
Color Group (+b) 1.White 2. Light spotted 11 12 21 22 31 32 41 42 51 52 61 62 71 81 82
3. Spotted 13 23 33 43 53 63 83
4.Tinged 5. Yellow Stained 24 34 35 44 54 84 85
Name of the Equipment:Uster Advanced Fiber Information System (AFIS) Objectives: To measure following fiber propertiesNep (Cnt/gm) Nep (μm) SCN (Cnt/gm) SCN (μm) L(w) (mm) L(w) (%cv) SFC(w) (mm) SFC(w) (%<12.7) UQL(w) (mm) L(n) (mm) L(n) (%cv) SFC(n) (%<12.7) IFC (%) Maturity Ratio Technical data: Application range•
Number of fibers : maximum-10000 & default- 3000
Sample weight : 0.5 gm
Sample length : 30
Modules Testing:
Multi data testing module : UQL, SFC, Fineness, IFC, M.R., Neps, SCN, Dust, Trash, VFM
Neps module : Neps, SCN
Length &Dia module : UQL, SFC, IFC,M.R., Fineness
Trash module : Dust, Trash, VFM
Operating procedure: •
Switch on the power of the m/c.
Select measurement from the main menu.
Select module
Select identifier
Select sample type
Input filename
Press start button.
Feed the prepared samples in the feed nozzle
The print out of the tested results could be obtained after the test.
Report type: •
AFIS quality report
Results of each tested sample
Summary of the results with statistics
Graphical representation of each and every parameters e.g. histogram etc.
Inspection: •
Visual inspection of the printed individual and summary test results.
Raw cotton selection is done from the measured neps, SFC, Maturity Ratio etc.
Test results help to select proper process parameter.
Fiber lot: CIS (1414+1715)
Mill lot: 09-10/07 0.3
Cleaning intensity: 0.4
Cleaning intensity:
Process: KH waste: 5%
Relative amount of waste: 8%
Relative amount of
Carding production rate: 63 kg/hr
After After After Card unifloc uniclean uniflex mat
Card sliver
B sliver
F sliver
Neps/gm 242
-10.82% 9.96%
76.05% 4.05% 5.63% 25.37% 9.96%
Lay down
Name of the Equipment: Uster tester-4 (UT-4) Objectives: To testâ&#x20AC;˘
Thin -50% /km
Thick +50% /km
Neps +200% /km
CVm 3m
CVm 10m
Number of Slots: •
For Slivers: 1 Slot
For Roving: 1 Slot
For Yarn
: 2 Slot
Measuring principle: Electronic Capacitance Method. Testing speed: •
For yarn – 400 m/min
For roving – 50 m/min
For sliver – 50 m/min
Testing results: •
Mass variation (U%, CV %)
Imperfections (Thin/km, Thick/km, Neps/km)
Periodic faults of machine parts
Fabric Construction.
Quality parameters: a. Unevenness (Um %, CVm% at different cut length) Cut length – •
For sliver: 20mm
For roving: 12mm
For yarn: 8mm
b. Imperfections •
Thin place/km : at -30%,-40%,-50%&-60% sensitivity
Thick place /km
: at +35%,+50%,+70%&+100% sensitivity
: at +140%,+200%,+280%&+400% sensitivity
c. Hairiness (at different cut length and CV% of hairiness) d. Periodic faults (mechanical)
Operating System: •
Switch on the power of the machine.
Select “Test Program” and then press recall button.
Write the changeable parameter through keyboard and start the test with start button.
Feed the test sample manually through the proper guide. No interruption is valid during test period.
The printer automatically prints a report along with diagrams just after a test is being completed.
Report type: •
Single / Overall values
Diagram (mass)
Diagram (hairiness)
Spectrogram (mass)
Spectrogram (hairiness)
Variance-Length curve
Name of the equipment : Twist Tester
Machine specification :
Sample clamp
Load adjusting cursor
Level adjusting screw
Plum bob
Change lever of untwisting direction both ‘S’ and ‘Z’ twist.
Sample elongates and shrinks scale
Handle for move the revolve chuck.
Operating procedure: •
Set the reference length (e.g. 10 cm) in the twist tester.
Adjust deflecting needle deflection ‘0’ degree as weight free.
Select proper weight from weight table.
Adjust deflecting needle again to the centre of the graduated scale (i.e. deflection ‘0’ degree) while attaching the sample yarn with rear end by fixed and rotating jaw.
Rotate the wheel against the twist in the yarn allowing the deflection needle to move not or more than three graduations.
Rotate the wheel until deflection angle becomes ‘0’ degree again.
Report type: Calculation of twist per inch or cm from display counter Inspection: Check the twist variation and take necessary action. Quality Reports: Waste % Calculation in Blow Room & Carding m/c no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Initial Reading(Kg) 334 333 329 315 306 298 297 329 330 327 330 284 151 285 281
Final Reading(Kg) 439 438 434 420 411 404 403 428 429 426 429 370 183 378 374
Actual Production 105 105 105 105 105 106 106 99 99 99 99 86 32 93 93
16 17 18
282 281 309
375 371 414 Total
Wastage Produce in Blow Room =45.85 Kg Wastage Produce in Carding Total Total Raw Cotton Production
=130.60Kg =176.45Kg = 1725+176.45 = 1901.45 Kg
45.85*100 % of wastage in Blow Room = 2.41 = 1901.45 130.6*100 % of wastage in Carding = 6.87 = 1901.45 END BREAKAGE STUDY •
Start time:
Ring frame no:
Stop time:
2:50 pm
Lot no:
Total time observed (min):146 •
Bobbin wt:
Traveller no:
Avg spindle speed(rpm): 18500
43 gm 23.39 5/0
29° C
93 93 90 1725
Patern position 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Length (%)
Speed pattern speed (rpm) 0-10% 18000 10-20% 18000 20-30% 18500 30-40% 19000 40-50% 19000 50-60% 19000 60-70% 19000 70-80% 19000 80-90% 19000 90-100% 18100 Monitoring Date: 05/07/2011
Avg speed
No of end Total no oftends Total breaks/po breaks/position end sition breaks 20 7 3 3 4 3 4 2 6 3
Ends break 1000 spi/h
Monitoring Time Start: 10:45 am m/c type Carding Carding Carding Breaker D/F Lap former Lap former Comber Comber Finisher D/F Simplex Simplex Simplex Simplex Finisher D/F Ring Ring Ring Autocone Autocone Autocone Autocone
no. of m/c 6 7 15 8 3 1 1 8 5 9 8 5 1 1 14 25 28 11 2 8(Drum-12) 6(Drum11-24)
Stoppage time 10:50 10:50 10:50 10:51 10:52 10:55 10:56 10:56 10:58 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:02 11:02 11:05 11:05 11:06 11:07 11:08 11:10
Causes Cleaning Maintenance Cleaning Can short Lap change Trolly short Operator short Can change Sliver short Maintenance Back side cleaning Roving break Sliver short Maintenance Doffing Doffing Doffing Uster Quantum Jam Maintenance Uster Quantum Jam Maintenance
CARDING AFIS SUMMARY Fiber lot: CIS (13+14)/07 Card no.
Prod Neps/gm Kg/hr (mat)
Neps/gm (sliver)
Cyl Licker rpm in rpm 800 1450
Flat m/min 0.33
Cyl Prod (ton) 489
Flat prod after grinding(ton) 136
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Avg.
65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 62.78
304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304
72 91 91 98 71 110 82 83 75 84 84 90 79 73 82 89 78 85.1
76.32 70.07 70.07 67.76 76.64 63.82 73.03 72.70 75.33 72.37 72.37 70.39 74.01 75.99 73.03 70.72 74.34 72.02
800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800
1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450
0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33
486 487 482 484 465 482 470 483 475 484 477 471 477 477 442 436
11 88 37 52 37 52 10 37 88 85 72 80 Maintenance 36 35 75 74
MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Maintenance: Machine, buildings and other facilities are subjected to deterioration due to their use and exposure to environmental condition. Process of deterioration, if unchecked, culminates in rendering these service facilities unserviceable and brings them to a standstill. In Industry, therefore has no choice but to attend them from time to time to repair and recondition them so as to elongate their life to the extent it is economically and physically possible to do so. Objectives of Maintenance: •
To keep the factory plants, equipments, machine tools in an optimum working condition.
To ensure specified accuracy to product and time schedule of delivery to customer.
To keep the downtime of machines to the minimum thus to have control over the production program.
To keep the production cycle within the stipulated range.
To modify the machine tools to meet the need for production
Maintenance of Machinery: Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance
Break Down Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance: Preventive maintenance is a predetermined routine actively to ensure on time inspection / checking of facilities to uncover conditions that may lead to production break downs or harmful description. Break Down Maintenance: In this case, repairs are made after the equipment is out of order and it cannot perform its normal functions. Routine Maintenance: Maintenance of different machines is prepared by expert engineer of maintenance department. Normally in case of dyeing machine maintenance after 30 days complete checking of different important parts are done. Maintenance Procedure: Normally preventive maintenance should be done. During maintenance procedure following points should be checked: SL. No.
Items need to be checked & Serviced Check and tightening all motor terminals. Check and clean pressure sensor and tightening terminals Check and clean the interfacing and data cables. Check and tightening the proximity switch terminals. Inspection, cleaning and tightening all the terminals in the panel. Check and tightening limit switch, safety door guard and the emergency switch. Functional test of the fiber, sliver, roving and yarn detector.
BLOW ROOM MAINTENANCE: At the beginning of the maintenance operation, all the covers of the machines are opened and the machine is cleaned with a cloth internally. This is called as general cleaning. Inside the machine the conveyor belt tension (if present) is checked and wooden lattice is also cleaned and conveyor belt is cleaned if needed. Jam in the two sides of spiked lattice is opened and under cover of spiked lattice is opened and cleaned. Jam in the sides of the bearing house of evener roller, cleaner roller with oils or lubricants as instructed by the manufacturer. Chain box is checked and jam is cleaned if necessary. M/c parts are checked conveniently and or changed if necessary.
Cleaning of dust and collected fly from the m/c
Cleaning of motor air intake screens
Cleaning of flat belts, v-belts and sprockets
Cleaning the brush roller
Checking the condition & tension of flat belt & chain drives.
Oil change in gear motors
Lubrication works of bearing of supporting shaft and tension pulley.
Cleaning of fiber accumulating from the grid bars and the pins of the beaters.
Cleaning of the intake grill of the fan cover of the driving motor.
General cleaning of machinery by the operator.
Checking of lube oil
Checking of stop motion photo switches etc.
Belt tension and condition
Checking of doffer to cylinder driving gears
Full setting / re-setting
Checking of auto leveler.
Checking the condition of wire of cylinder-in doffer and flat combs.
Checking the bearings & motor shafts
Checking of trumpet, calendar roller & gears
Under casings setting and checking the condition
Wire replacement of cylinder, doffer & flats.
Wire replacement of T-in
Grinding of cylinder, doffer and flats
Replacement of flat stripping comb. Flat stripping fillet and scrapper blades.
General cleaning of machine, cleaner pad by operator
Cleaning of top roller cots with suitable solvent
Checking the drive / motion of clearer cloth, clearer pad, positive drive comb, can change drive.
Checking the function of oil pump of outer side, gear end side, filling the oil in oil tank.
Function of stop motion limit switches etc.
Greasing the top bushes having bearings
Top roller cot treatment
Roller gauge checking / re-setting
Pressure checking / re-setting
Cleaning the bottom fluted roller with wire brushes
Cleaning and polishing of coiler tube and brush
Tightening the loose nuts, bolts, Allan screws etc.
Checking the condition of trumpets, sliver guides, air pipes, grease nipples etc.
Checking of timing belt tension
Checking of machine gears
Checking the eccentricity of top and bottom roller (if needed)
General cleaning of creel part and drafting part by the operator.
Function of limit switches, photo switches etc.
Top roller cot treatment / greasing
Gauge checking / resetting
Over hauling of pneumatic unit
Cleaning and plashing of sliver table, calendar rollers etc.
Cleaning of top roller bushes by spindle oil.
Greasing the ball / needle bearings shell roller bearings open gear.
Checking and tightening of nuts, bolt etc.
Top roller cot buffing / grinding and pressure setting.
Replacement of top roller cots
Cleaning of nipple jaws
Cleaning and straightening of cylinder needles and top combers
Topping the oil the tank
Check functioning of limit switches, photo switches, stop motions etc.
Top roller cots treatment greasing
Gauge checking / re-setting
Greasing / lubricating the top detaching roller.
Checking and tightening of nuts, bolt etc.
Change of lubricating oil
Top roller cot buffing / grinding
Replacement of top roller cots
Replacement of top comb brackets, top comb strips, brushes.
Check functioning of oil pump
Checking the function of limit switches, photo switches etc
Topping of oil
Building motion setting
General cleaning of machine by operator – •
Flyers, fly rail, bobbin rail position
Creel rollers, sliver guide
Drafting parts bottom fluted rollers, apron, top rollers top arm cradles.
Top roller cost treatment / greasing
Roller gauge checking / re-setting
Bottom roller truing (if required).
Centering / alignment the sliver guide, collector and condenser in relation to cot.
Alignment of bottom apron tensioning pulley W.R.I knurled roller.
Checking & tightening of loose nuts blots etc.
Pressure checking / re-setting
Top roller cot grinding
Lubricating oil change
Replacement of top roller cots
General cleaning of spindle rail drafting zone wooden clearer, jockey pulley, tin pulley knee brake etc. by operators
Function of limit switches, photo switches etc
Checking of oil pump (working)
Refilling of oil
Tension of V-belts and spindle tapes
Checking of gears & gear meshing
Pneumafil pie setting and clips
Inverter checking A/C (Input & Output), D.C voltage, ring data motor, sensor ring data cable
General cleaning of magazine peg. cone holder, conveyer belt, blow cleaner.
Checking and removal of blow cleaner waste
General cleaning of blower motor, filter cam shaft, motor filter control box clipper filter.
Checking of blow clearing
Checking of motor ampere
Measuring head checking
Al micro switch checking
Gauge checking / re-setting
Drum checking
Checking / replacement of reversing roller gear, drum belt, tension unit.
Checking / replacement of splicing
Checking / replacement of all cutters i.e. tension cutter, splicing cutter etc.
Spray lubricant for cutter
Checking of cone sensor
Spray grease for drive gear / spindle oil for cam shaft
Checking of drum bearing, splicing bearing, blower shaft bearing
Mounting machine
Grinding machine
Draw frame + Simplex: 1. Long card mounting m/c 2. Flyer washing m/c 3. Grinding m/c 4. Barcolizing m/c 5. Brush cleaning m/c RING FRAME: 1. Cot grinding m/c 2. Barcolizing m/c 3. Spindle oil change m/c 4. Cot mounting m/c 5. Maintenance Schedule Maintenance Schedule for Ring Spinning Sr. No
Number of Machine
Day interval
1 2 3
Blow Room Carding Preparatory Section
20 10 15
4 5
Ring Finishing
Line – 1 & Line - 2 DK 803 (4) & TC 06 ( 20) DF – 8 ,Comber – 17 , Lap Former – 4, Simplex - 24 Ring Frame – 72 Muratec-21
25 20
Mounting Mounting is done at carding machine, Mounting is a process to replacement of component from the machine when its performance is very poor cannot be increased the performance. So that component should be replaced for better performance.
Replacement target •
Doffer : 900 tons
Pre Stationary flat
: 300 tons
Post Stationary Flat
: 450 tons
: 850 tons
Licker – in 2& 3
: 750tons (CVT-1 Line)
Licker – in 2 & 3
: 500 tons (CXL line)
: 750tons : 900tons
Grinding Grinding is done according to the machine performance and efficiency. The maintenance department must have a grinding schedule for better performance of machine. ZuSML also follow a grinding schedule strictly. Humidity Plant Humidity plant is a plant which maintains the temperature. It is a machine which provides cool air or air to control the temperature. It required RH and temperature is given below. Section Blow Room Back Section Ring Finishing
RH 53.5 55.5 58 63
Temperature 38 37 34.8 30.8
Maintenance of m/cis very essential to prolong the m/c life and good maintenance is important consideration. It is necessary to check that all routine maintenance is being done regularly and properly otherwise efficiency of each department will be reduced. UTILITY SERVICES In Zubair Spinning Mill the available Utility Services are given below: •
Electrical & Electronics
A/C Plant
Brand Name: WAUKESHA
Country of Origin: USA
Type: Gas Generator
No. of Generator: 10
Capacity of each Generator: 900 KW
Total Capacity: 6.18 MW
Mill requirement (existing): 7 MW/day
Function: To produce steam
Country of Origin: Germany
No. of Boiler: 2
Capacity of Boiler:
2.94 ton/hr
2.94 ton/hr
Steam of boiler is used for chiller.
Function of chiller: To produce cool water for AC plant.
No. of chiller: 5 (2 steam,3 Hot-Water)
Brand name: LS (USA)
Capacity Total : 1890 USRT
Company name: Hitachi
Country of origin: Japan
Compressor supplier: SAF International
No. of m/c: 06
Power consumption for a compressor: 60KW/Pcs
Normal pressure:5.5 bar
Pressure after compressed: 8.6 bar
Suction fan
Air filter
Oil can
Air Filter change (after 2000 hours)
Oil filter change (after 2000 hours)
Oil change
Oil separator change(after 4000 hours)
Motor greasing(after 4000 hours)
Damper on and off
Material distribution
Air valve open(In Loptex)
Coiler tray up and down
Sliver cutting
Dust removal from suction hood by air flow
BREAKER DRAW FRAME: In drafting system, weighting arm gripping FINISHER DRAWFRAME: •
Scanning roller pressure
Weighting arm lock
Detaching roller pressure
Draw box
For cylinder
LAP FORMER: In drafting zone RING FRAME: •
SCD(Stationary cop doffing)
Tray moving
Cop gripping
Doffing bar in and out
Cradle lifting
Suction mouth lifting
Retie pipe lifting
Tension device
A/C PLANT The main function of A.C plant is to control relative humidity in different section during processing of yarn. Humidity control is very important factor for spinning. If humid is out of control then it is difficult to process the yarn various disturbances arise e.g. excessive breakage roller lapping, static electricity formation specially for polyester processing. Manufacturer: LUWA Set up by LUWA COMMERCIAL LTD. NECESSARY INFORMATION: Section Blow room Carding, Draw frame, comber, Lap former, Simplex. Ring frame
Serial Number A.C. No. – 1(Unit-1) A.C. No. – 2(Unit-2)
No. of A/C. 1 1
A.C. No. – 3,4,5,6. (Unit-3)
A.C. No. –7(Unit-4)
RLATIVE HUMIDITY IN DEFERENT SECTION: RING SECTION: 53% PREPARATORY: 50% BLOW ROOM: 52% FINISHING : 60% TEMPERATURE OF DIFFERENT SECTION: Blow room: 27C Preparatory: 27C Ring: 28C Finishing: 27C AIR EXCFHANGE RATE: Blow room: 12.8/hr Carding: 44.1/hr Draw frame, lap former, comber: 9.8/hr Simplex: 11.2/hr Ring: 47/hr Finishing: 33.4/hr Workshop Machine specification Machine Name Leath Machine Elliott Shapper Machine
Purpose Thread cutting , Faceing Grinding Carning Surface Finishing
Manufacturer Spain England
Cust Drilling Machine Power saw Machine Pipe Bender Machine Welding Machine Table Baish Machine Branch Grinding Machine Gas Cutter machine Hand Grinding machine Hand Drill Machine
Drilling Cutting Metal Parts Bending Welding Anything vice Grinding any Surface
China England Bangladesh England Bangladesh China
Gas cutting, gas welding Light Grinding Light drilling
England Korea China
Fire fighting Team ZuSML have a trained team who can straightforwardly fight against any type of fire exposure. Every one of this team is endow with a distinct costume and requisite equipment to stand before the fire hazard. Equipment
ZuSML installed a modernized fire hydrant system covering the entire area of the factory. Fire extinguishers of CO2 and ABC gas powder are available in every section of the factory. A fire can rapidly spare in a spinning mill if it cannot be control. Cotton ignited very fast. The worker and other related person are always ready for any kind of accident with their modern equipment. STORE AND INVENTORY CONTROL Inventory Control: Store is the place where every type of raw materials, spares, finished goods are kept in proper system. Inventory control means the accurate calculation and data of every type of raw materials spares and finished goods in time to time store 4 inventory control are necessary, because – •
To know about the required amount of raw material
To know about the job no – which would be processed
To be continued the production process
To find out the profit or loss of a company
Stock and stock value for consumption measuring Frequency of Inventory Update: •
Monthly inventory control.
Annual inventory control.
Scope of Inventory Control: Raw materials •
Finished Yarn.
Spare parts.
General store: •
Capital equipments.
Maintenance parts.
Inventory System for Raw Material:•
Raw materials partially received from production planning & directly office.
from head
Material receiving & inspection report (MRIR) is prepared. Received quantity is mentioned and noted down.
Submitted to Q.C. department. Some are OK & few rejected.
Entry of data of goods in DATATEX.
Goods are arranged according to OK or rejected group.
As per requisition materials supplied & this record are noted down.
Raw cotton store: All the raw cotton is stored in godown, near the blow room section Spears: In this mills required amount of spears of different machine are stored in mechanical store room. All the spears are listed in a sheet which is controlled mechanical and maintenance personal. Spears are arranged in store room according their size, quantity and requirements. There are selves in store room to keep small spear parts. Finished goods: ZSML supplies its finished yarn to different fabric manufacturing industry. So package yarns are stored for short time in the finishing section. All the delivered yarns are noted on tally khata according to lot no, count, quantity, buyer’s name and other technical parameter. 1. Inventory Procedure 2. Store Requisition 3. Store Ledger Account 4. Daily Inspection & Package Report 5. Monthly Stock & Consumption Report 6. Monthly L/C wise Delivery Report 7. Received Delivery & Balance Stock COST ANALYSIS Costing is the Method used by a company to fix or change their Prices with regards to costs, profit targets, the activities of competitors and perceived value of the product by customer. ZuSML spinning follows Standards cost pricing. The standards variable cost per unit is calculated by adding the total variable costs of production ( such as the cost of material, direct labor & cost of bought in component ) , and dividing the sum by the number of units produced. According to ZuSML to calculated a standard cost price they follow the steps as below. •
Calculated the standard variable cost per unit.
Calculated the fixed cost per unit
Determine the profit required per unit during the same period.
Add the three to give a temporary price.
Analyze market prices for competitive products.
Adjust temporary prices as necessary to take account of market price level.
In Zubair spinning mills Ltd. the main raw material is cotton. The conversion of fiber into yarn is made in spinning department of a textile mill. Since the cost center wise computation of the cost of productions the lengthy and consuming process, presentation of such an exercise is not possible in a short training course. The board of categories of cost of spinning process is mention bellow: •
Raw materials
Packing materials
Power and Gas
Store & Gas
Salary & Wages
Other manufacturing overhead
Raw material cost: Cotton is raw materials used in spinning mill for the production of yarns. Raw material costs constitute about 55% to 65% of total yarn costs. A typical example of the computation of raw material cost is given bellow: Cotton supplier name and price/Lbs. (U.S.Cents and Taka) for the year of 2009 Name of the fibre CIS-Uzbek
Fibre Lot 01/05(I,II)
Price($) 83.70
Price(Tk) 50.22
Rate of count wise yarn price / kg. Yarn count Knitting 24/1k
Rate/kg US $
Rate/kg Taka
Rate/Lbs Taka
26/1k 28/1k 30/1k 34/1k 30/1k 40/1cw(cmt) 40/1cw 26/1c 50/1cw(cmt)
2.20 2.25 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.40 2.65 2.65
132 135 135 138 141 144 144 159 159
60 61 61 63 64 65 65 72 72
Computation of production cost per Kg (Tk.) Elements of cost Cost of production I)Raw materials II)Packing materials III)Power & Gas IV)Store & Spare V)Salary & Wages VI)Depreciation VII) Other manufacturing overhead Total(1) Operating cost Administrative & selling expenses Financial charges Total(2) Total cost (1+2)
68.85 2.26 4.08 2.46 4.23 6.39 1.71
71.91 2.26 6.83 4.12 7.07 10.57 2.91
77.27 2.26 9.92 5.98 10.27 15.35 4.23
132.04 2.26 18.71 11.29 19.37 28.96 7.97
182.16 2.26 28.80 17.37 29.81 44.57 12.27
182.16 2.26 35.50 21.20 36.30 51.20 15.60
10.82 13.77 103.11
12.31 15.78 121.45
14.22 18.33 143.61
20.47 26.61 247.21
28.80 37.56 354.80
34.50 45.00 389.22
MARKETING ACTIVITIES Consumers of product: Zubair Spinning Mills is a 100% export oriented company. The main buyers of this factory are given below: 1. Unlima Knitting mills Ltd. 2. HR Textile Ltd. 3. Saad-Saan Textile Ltd. 4. Jointex Knitwear Ltd. 5. KAC Fashion Ltd. 6. Girds Group Ltd.
7. Nigra Textile. 8. Meghna Knit Composite Ltd 9. Apex Knitwear. 10. GMS Group. 11. Gross Line Garments. 12. Flamigo Fashion Ltd. 13. Jinnat Fashion Ltd. 14. Noman weaving 15. P.A Knit Composite Ltd. 16. Epilion Knitwear Ltd. 17. Harun Twisting Ltd. Local market: Zubair Spinning Mills produce only Export Quality Yarn. This company does not sell yarn in local market. Package Sticker: •
Package level contain following information
Yarn count.
Types of yarn
Code no.
Lot no.
Factory name.
Date of making yarn.
Weight in kg
Measurement of Packing Bag: •
Length of Packing bag =37”
Height of Packing bag =48”
Bag weight = 51.3kg
A bag contains 24 cones.
Each cone contains 2.04 kg yarn.
Importing country: Raw cotton is imported mainly from Uzbek Exporting country: Zubair Spinning Mills Ltd. does not export yarn directly. They sell yarn to the various factory of DBL group and other export oriented factory. They make knitted garments & dyed fabric, then export final product. Marketing strategy: The marketing men at first analysis value of raw cotton present time & future time. If they see that it will be better to buy cotton at present time, they will contract with foreign company by L.C. immediately. Otherwise they will buy cotton in future time. •
Analysis the market.
Price strategy
How will act the market
100% export oriented
To take part on the economical condition of Bangladesh
To earn foreign currency
Responsibilities & duties of sales man: The main duty and responsibility of a sales man are•
Introductory call script
Standard call script
Create new customer by giving them concession
To introduce into new product.
To increase use procedure
To protect competition
To express the quality product for the customer
To analysis the test of customer
To bring stability of sales by following different techniques.
Marketing Strategy: Marketing strategy is a very important factors to sale the products to the buyer. If the marketing strategy is not so developed, it will be very hard to reach the goal. In case of garments marketing the dealings with the buyer is a very important factor.
Zubair Spinning Mills Ltd.Mainly senior marketing officers& higher officials deal with the buyer. There are some fixed buyers of the industry. The buyers give their orders continuously all over the year. By both side understanding the rate & the order quantity are fixed. A well-defined marketing strategy has the following characteristics: •
Good quality
Low price or competitive price
Prompt service
Good commitment
Good business communication
Responsibilities & duties of marketing officer: Marketing officer is a very important parson of a company and his duty and responsibilities are•
Buying, Selling and Transportation.
Financing and Packaging.
Publicity and advertising.
Collection of marketing information.
Development of strategy for attacking & penetrating customer master list.
They analysis total consumption of yarn all over the year.
They produce a cost sheet of yarn.
They visit different textile mills to realize total yarn required.
They always look after to world market.