ene 2013 Guests' booklet

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The Hague, 5th April 2013 Venue: The Hague University of Applied Sciences Johanna Westerdijkplein 75 2521 EN The Hague The Netherlands

Table of Contents Preface of the director ............................................................................................................................ 3 Program................................................................................................................................................... 4 Employers ............................................................................................................................................... 5

Coordination by Mr David den Dunnen – Coordinator of External relations Documentation elaborated and prepared by Mr Aurelien Lorange – Member of External relations with Ms Deyana Dyankova Mr Martin Tasev and Mr Darius van Laeken student ambassadors

Preface of the Director of the Academy Public Management, Safety and Law

Esteemed guests, dear students, On behalf of the Academy Public Management, Safety and Law, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our guests here at the Employment Network Event 2013. This network Event is organized by the International Bachelor of Law Program. Our innovative program, based in this beautiful city of Peace and Justice The Hague, is an ambitious and growing Program within the Academy. The Employment Network Event is an expression of exactly this ambition. The Employment Network Event was organized for the first time in 2012. It serves as a means to acquaint the students with potential employers for their internship and beyond. Moreover, it aims to acquaint employers to the International Bachelor of Law Program and its motivated students, as well as cementing relationships between the Program and the work field. Both the Program and I are very pleased to see that this year the Network Employer Event has grown and matured into an event that we can be proud of, given the enthusiasm and level of participation of all concerned. I would especially like to express our appreciation for the key note speakers who have volunteered to share their knowledge and experience with our students, as well as the many esteemed employers which are represented here today. Your valued presence forms the crucial link between the program and the employer market. As an Academy and a Program, we are dedicated to educate the students in such a way that they can enter into your organization with the competences and skills that your require and expect. You are heartily invited to meet our students and see for yourself. The program for today includes an introduction to The Hague University and the International Bachelor of Law Program by Program Manager Mr Ernst E. van Bemmelen van Gent, key note speeches of Ms Marietje Schaake and Mr. Pieter Duisenberg and contributions from alumni. Last but not least, we invite you to participate in a meet and greet between employers and students on an individual basis. Lastly, I would like to thank Mr David den Dunnen and Mr Aurelien Lorange of the External Relations Committee as well as the student ambassadors for their enormous efforts in making this event a reality. I wish all of our guests a successful and enjoyable day!

Ms.Marianne Nannings LLM Mssc Director of Academy Public Management, Safety and Law The Hague University of Applied Sciences


Employment Network Event 2013 The Hague Law School 5 April 2013 THU Main Building 13:30

Welcome Coffee, tea & cake




Introduction to The Hague University and The Hague Law School; Introducing today’s program Mr Ernst E. van Bemmelen van Gent LL.M. Head, International Bachelor of Law Program


Key-note speech and Q&A


Ms Marietje Schaake MEP Member of the European Parliament (ALDE/D66) Member, Parliamentary Committee on Culture, Education & Youth


Coffee & tea break


Key-note speech and Q&A


Mr Pieter Duisenberg MP Member of the Netherlands Parliament (Liberal Party/VVD) Member, Parliamentary Committee on Education, Culture & Science


Video messages by alumni The Hague Law School To be confirmed


Speech by alumnus student


Mr Maximilian Garre LL.B.


Meet your future intern / employee


5-minute ‘speed-date’ with max. 10 advanced students Alternatively: Tour of The Hague University


Drinks & snacks



Central hall ‘Ovaal’



INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA (ICTY) The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) is a United Nations court of law dealing with war crimes that took place during the conflicts in the Balkans in the 1990’s. Since its establishment in 1993 it has irreversibly changed the landscape of international humanitarian law and provided victims an opportunity to voice the horrors they witnessed and experienced. Representative: Mr Milinkovic, Internship Coordinator - ICTY Internship office Interns: Ms Tsaneva, Ms Balan, Ms Boxberg, Ms Makraiova, Mr Masumi, Ms Moraru, Ms Phelipa, Mr D. Raymond, Ms X. Raymond, Mr Stoychev, Ms Todorova, Ms Vuckovic, Ms Ghoulyan, Mr Schoepf, Ms Adil, Ms Bikoff, Ms Antonova, Ms Kegel, Mr Gjorgjiev, and Mr Mihaylov

ORGANISATION FOR THE PROHIBITION OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS (OPCW) The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is the implementing body of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC or Convention). The OPCW is given the mandate to achieve the object and purpose of the Convention, to ensure the implementation of its provisions, including those for international verification of compliance with it, and to provide a forum for consultation among States Parties. Representative : Ms Rashi Bhatnager, Human Resources- Recruitment and Mr Karim Esragh Interns : Ms Tsaneva, Ms Safdari and Ms Baciu


The European Commission represents the interests of the EU as a whole. It proposes new legislation to the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, and it ensures that EU law is correctly applied by member countries. Represented by : Ms Victoria Krasteva - DG SANCO Intern: Ms Dilkova (DG COMP)

EUROJUST Eurojust stimulates and improves the coordination of investigations and prosecutions between the competent authorities in the Member States and improves the cooperation between the competent authorities of the Member States, in particular by facilitating the execution of international mutual legal assistance and the implementation of extradition requests. Eurojust supports in any way possible the competent authorities of the Member States to render their investigations and prosecutions more effective when dealing with cross-border crime. Represented by : Mr Dimitar Hadzhiyski, Seconded National Expert and Assistant to the National Member of Bulgaria Interns: Ms Dyankova, Mr Tasev, Mr Pashkunov, Ms Liepa, Mr Atanasov, Ms Filipova, Ms Yordanova, Ms Biskina, Ms Paligova

EMBASSY OF BULGARIA IN THE HAGUE, THE NETHERLANDS The Bulgarian Embassy in The Netherlands has the mission of maintaining and developing the bilateral relationship between the Republic of Bulgaria and The Kindgom of The Netherlands in all areas – political, economic, military, legal, cultural, educational, scientific, research and security. Represented by : Mr Georgi Georgiev, Second Secretary, Consul

Interns: Ms Georgieva, Mr Ivanov, Mr Tsikalov, Mr Nikolov, Mr Jelev

EMBASSY OF ISRAEL IN THE NETHERLANDS The Israeli Embassy in The Netherlands has the mission of maintaining and developing the bilateral relationship between Israel and The Kingdom of The Netherlands in all areas – political, economic, legal, cultural, educational, scientific, research and security. Represented by : Mr Shoshi Mor, Legal Advisor

GERMAN CONSULATE-GENERAL IN AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS The Consulate-General of Germany is concerned mainly with legal and consular affairs, trade promotion, cultural cooperation and public diplomacy. Political relations, however, are the exclusive domain of the embassies. Consulates-general and consulates provide assistance and support for Germans in need as well as information of all kinds. Consular officers also perform various functions of German courts, notaries public and municipal authorities. Represented by : Mr Bernd Weiser, Consul Interns: Ms Limbert


The Afghanistan Embassy in The Netherlands has the mission of maintaining and developing the bilateral relationship between Afghanistan and The Kindgom of The Netherlands in all areas – political, economic, legal, cultural, educational, scientific, research and security. Represented by : Mr Farid Ahmad Fazli, Second Secretary

Interns: Ms Rahmani

PARIS CITY HALL The Paris City Hall is locally known as the Hôtel de Ville. It is the building, where City of Paris's administration functions take place. It is the place where the Mayor of Paris and his officers are situated. The main functions of Paris City Hall include all local administrative affairs. Represented by : Mr Maxime Daumas, Chargé de la Démocratie locale (Conseils de Quartier), du Commerce et du Développement économique

BENTLEY SYSTEMS B.V. Bentley is a company dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Represented by: Ms Ella Frankland, HR Officer and Recruiter EMEA and Ms Elise de Jong Wilson, Senior Employment Officer EMEA Interns: Ms Toneva, Ms Smilev, Ms Otcenasova, Ms Nuzhdova

PANTEIA Panteia offers a full range of services in policy research & consultancy and marketing research. It is a partner for national governments, provincial governments, local councils, the European Commission, national and international organisations, trade associations and the business world in general. Represented by: Mr Adriaan Roest Crollius, Senior consultant at NEA Transport research and training Interns : Ms Lilova, Ms Lu, Mr Ferencz, Ms Ilie, Ms Dinut, Ms Flasch, Mr Fechtner, Mr Stivas, Ms Yankova, Mr Antonov


TomTom was founded in 1991 with a focus on developing software products for mobile devices. The company is a leader in the field of portable navigation devices. TomTom develops maps, traffic information and navigation technology. Represented by: a member of the IP department Interns : Ms Engelhart

MANAGE WISE ICT CONSULTANCY & MANAGEMENT ManageWise ICT Consultancy & Management is a company offering ICT consultancy and management services in different and new markets. Represented by : Mr Satie Mahadew, Managing Director and Mr Feike Witlam, HR Solutions & Consultancy Intern of Mr Mahadew: Mr Hryo’ryev

MICROWEB EDU B.V Microweb B.V. is a company specializing in the digital production and delivery of fullcolour books. It supports educational institutions by providing them support with regards to the preparation and presentation of the educational materials. Represented by: Mr Gerard Brom, BUM and Mr Frank Vermeer, Project Leader

THE HAGUE INSTITUTE FOR THE INTERNATIONALISATION OF LAW (HIIL) The Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law (HiiL) is an international research institute that studies the challenges globalisation poses to legal systems, in particular at the national level. Representative : Ms Liubovi Bosenko, Human Resources Officer Interns : Mr Tsikalov, Ms Velikova, Ms Sburg Montero, Ms Charlemagne, Ms Keremidchieva, Ms Kask, Ms Teysing, Ms Schaefer


The Institute for Environmental Security (IES) is an international non-profit nongovernmental organization established in 2002 in The Hague, with the aim to increase political attention to environmental security as a means to help safeguard essential conditions for peace and sustainable development. The Institute's mission is: "To advance global environmental security by promoting the maintenance of the regenerative capacity of life-supporting ecosysteMs" Representative : Mr Wouter Veening, President Interns : Ms Kubovicova, Ms Chin, Ms Kuhn, Mr Nikolov, Mr Jalloh, and Ms Donald

RED CROSS THE NETHERLANDS The Dutch Red Cross belongs to the largest humanitarian network in the world: the International Red Cross movement that was established with the aim of providing immediate help in conflict areas. Represented by: Mr Arjen Vermeer, Legal Advisor


In 2002 experts from the world’s international criminal law community, together with Dutch governmental parties and Science Alliance B.V., founded the International Criminal Law Network (ICLN). ICLN has organized global interaction between academics, policymakers and legal professionals in the field of international criminal law. Represented by : Mr Lieneke Louman, Project Manager Interns: Mr Collins Tabot

T.M.C ASSER INSTITUTE The Institute’s international community of scholars is engaged in research, postgraduate training and dissemination of knowledge in furtherance of the purposes and principles of international law. This inter-university Institute cooperates closely with and supports the Dutch universities’ activities in the relevant disciplines and is in turn vastly networked to universities and institution, governments and NGOs on a global level. Represented by : Dr. Christophe Paulussen, Senior Researcher IHL/ICL

Interns: Mr Garre, Ms Mutlova, Mr Ferencz and Mr Velji

EUROPEAN BUREAU OF LIBRARY, INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION ASSOCIATIONS EBLIDA is the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations- an independent association of library, information, documentation and archive associations and institutions in Europe. Subjects on which EBLIDA concentrates are European information society issues, including copyright & licensing, culture & education. Represented by : Mr Vincent Bonnet, Director

ASSOCIATION OF DEFENCE COUNSEL PRACTISING BEFORE THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA The ADC-ICTY is an independent professional association established under the laws of the Netherlands. It is not an organ of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. The association is recognized as the Defence Counsel organisation serving the Tribunal pursuant to Rule 44 of the ICTY Rules of Procedure and Evidence. Represented by : Mr Jesse Huppenbauer on behalf of Mr Dominic Kennedy, Head of Office and Mr Aleksander Vujic, Case Manager Interns: Ms Arnaudova, Ms Gencheva, Mr Gjorgijev, Mr Jesse Huppenbauer

GROTIUS CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL LEGAL STUDIES The purpose of the Grotius Centre is the dissemination of knowledge on all fields of international law through two LL.M. programmes in Public International Law, various courses in the Law Faculty's Bachelor's programme, the Telders International Law Moot Court Competition, summer schools for students and professionals, high quality training courses, lectures, seminars and insightful yearly conferences. Representative: Ms Mette K. C. Leons, Programme Coordinator and Ms Martine Wierenga, Programme Manager/Project Officer Interns: Ms Chin and Mr van Gellecum

AFRICAN FOUNDATION FOR INTERNATIONAL LAW The African Foundation for International Law (AFIL) was established in December 2003 in The Hague (The Netherlands) with the aim and purpose of promoting the study, research and dissemination of international legal matters related to Africa; promotion and building the rule of law in Africa and encourage intellectual debate of legal matters by fomenting the establishment of networks of African international lawyers. Representative: Ms Jamilla Abdulle, Legal Researcher Interns: Ms Abdulle and Mr Raymond

External Relations Team Mr den Dunnen (d.dunnen@hhs.nl) and Mr Lorange (a.lorange@hhs.nl) International and EU law Program The Hague University of Applied Sciences March 2013

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