GUESTS’ BOOKLET Employment Network Event 2015 - 4th edition International & EU law Programme
23 April 2015 - 17.30 Venue: The Hague University International & EU law program
Employment Network Event 2015
Guests’ booklet ENE 2015
Content Introduction Content - Introduction Page 4 Preface of the Director of the Academy Public Management, Safety and Law Page 5 Master of Ceremony Employment Network Event 2015 Page 6 Agenda Employment Network Event 2015 Page 7 International Law & EU law Program - LAW Curriculum Page 8 Research - Theses Page 10 Internships Page 12 Alumni (in 2014) Page 14 Employment Network Event Guest Speakers Page 16 Employers & Universities at the Employment Network Event 2015 Page 18 Student ambassadors & student activities Page 34 Some more things... on the International & EU law Programme Page 36
About the Guest booklet This booklet contains an overview of the International Bachelor of Law Programme of The Hague University of Applied Sciences and its Employment Network Event. We intend to highlight several aspects of the programme and the students of particular relevance and interest to prospective employers. It is a source of great pride for the students, faculty members and administrative staff alike that, just four years after its inception, our Law Programme was recognized in 2014 as the best Bachelor of Law Programme in the Netherlands. We, the organisers of the Employment Network Event, (the sole job fair organised by a Dutch University focusing on International and EU law employment), are delighted to give the floor to the representatives of that professional and international programme of Law studies; the students. When the Employment Network Event was created in 2010, it was impossible to envision that it would not only generate enthusiasm and interest on the part of employers and potential employees, but also result in so many connections between the two, including more than 160 internship offers to our students both within and outside the Netherlands. This year, 2015, we welcome all of you reading this booklet to the fourth annual Employment Network Event, organized with the ambition of facilitating contact between an even greater numbers of students and employers, as well as providing employers with a platform from which to raise awareness of their organizations and stimulate interest in their activities. It is also an important opportunity for alumni to support the university from which they obtained their first law degree and to forge an even stronger attachment between the students and potential partners of development of the International Bachelor of Law Programme to the city of The Hague, all the international organisations and the University of Applied Sciences. We all wish you a pleasant and fruitful Employment Network Event 2015.
Hyun-Ju Park - Coordinator of the External Relations
AurĂŠlien Lorange - Co-founder of the
Employment Network Events
Employment Network Event 2015
Preface of the Director of the Academy Public Management, Safety and Law Esteemed guests, dear students, On behalf of the Academy Public Management, Safety and Law, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our guests here at the Employment Network Event 2015, organized by the International Bachelor of Law Program. Based in the city of Peace and Justice The Hague, this program is an ambitious Law Program within the Academy that strives to develop students into high quality professionals who can operate in an international market. The Employment Network Event serves as a means to acquaint the students with potential employers for their internship and further career opportunities. Moreover, it aims to acquaint employers to the International Bachelor of Law Programme and its skilled and motivated students, as well as cementing relationships between the Program and the work field. Both the Program and I are very pleased to see that the Network Employer Event has grown into an event that is beneficial to both students, employers and the program as a whole. I would especially like to express our appreciation for the key note speakers who have volunteered to share their knowledge and experience with our students, as well as the many esteemed employers which are represented here today. Your valued presence forms the crucial link between the program and the employer market. As an Academy and a Programme, we are dedicated to educate the students in such a way that they can enter into your organization with the competences and skills that your require and expect.
Mr Balder Schumacher Director of Academy Public Management, Safety and Law The Hague University of Applied Sciences
The program for today includes an introduction to The Hague University and the International Bachelor of Law Program, key note speeches and contributions from alumni. Last but not least, we invite you to participate in a meet and greet between employers and students on an individual basis. Lastly, I would like to thank Mr Aurelien Lorange, Ms. Hyun Ju Park and Ms. Garcia-Porras of the External Relations Committee as well as the student ambassadors for their enormous efforts in making this event a success. Also on behalf of the Programme Manager of the International Bachelor of Law program Ms. Hilde Cadenau, I wish all of our guests a successful and enjoyable day.
5 International & EU law program
Master of Ceremony Employment Network Event 2015 Welcome / Bienvenue / Welkom / Willkommen / الها/ 欢迎你来 / добре дошъл / Witaj / Bine ai venit I began lecturing in the Law Programme in 2011, as a result of my involvement with the International Criminal Bar, unhampered by preconceived notions about European trade or technical education and institutions. I continue to teach here, despite the 8,000 kilometres which separates me from my home in Canada for part of the year, for two significant reasons: 1) Firstly, the commitment of the students, characterized, almost without exception, by attitudes that do not convey entitlement. They are, by and large, gracious, diligent and quick to internalize the view that there is no magic formula to success, only a simple one; the ability to work conscientiously, efficiently and in a way that creates benefit for others and makes their efforts indispensable.
Ms. Diane Turner Barrister & Sollicitor Kelliher-Turner (Canada) Lecturer - International & EU Law Programme The Hague University of Applied Sciences
2) Secondly, the extraordinarily capable faculty, whose expertise and tireless efforts have ensured that the Law Programme at the Hague University is a place where reason and ingenuity prevail, preparing students for the real world in practical manner, unparalleled by law schools committed to a wholly academic approach. Diversity and inclusiveness are unique resources at the disposal of the International and EU Law Programme. No-one can dispute their combined power. The students, faculty and staff originate from almost every corner of the globe. Given the many recent events that have cast a shadow on the potential for adherence to democratic principles and a peaceful existence, it is even more crucial that insight is developed into the existence of those whose cultures, languages, religions and legal traditions are different from our own. The inability of western countries to fully achieve the ideals of intellectual freedom and political liberty does not diminish the essential nature of these principles, so within the Law Programme, determined measures are taken to foster scrutiny and analysis in a culture of respect. The great diversity of the students and faculty is utilized in an all-encompassing manner, to accentuate the values which enable humanity to strive for justice, tolerance and lasting peace. Thank you all for you interest and contribution to what promises to be a successful employment networking event and to the students who have toiled hard for this opportunity, many of whom, will no doubt, take leadership roles in their countries of origin.
Diane Turner, Q.C. practices personal injury, family and criminal law and victim’s advocacy. She was called to the Bar of British Columbia, Canada in 1984 and obtained an LL.M at King’s College in London in 1986, after which she commenced work as a prosecutor until 1996, including providing policy and legal advice in the Ministry of Attorney General, particularly regarding violence against women. She was appointed to the British Columbia Task Force on Family Violence and was instrumental in the development of a justice system policy on Violence Against Women in Relationships. She served on various B.C. Law Society Committees, the Canadian Bar Association Judicial Advisory Committee and the Provincial Court of British Columbia Judicial Council, responsible for screening candidates seeking judicial appointment. She is on the list of counsel to practice before the International Criminal Court and is one of two permanent members of the ICC disciplinary board. She received a Queen’s Counsel designation in 2011.
6 Employment Network Event 2015
Agenda Employment Network Event 12.30 - 17.00
23 April
Nos invitĂŠs(Auditorium)
Presentations of Master Programmes by Guest Universities
Rendez-vous (Auditorium - Atrium) 17.30 Official Opening of the Employment Network Event 2015 Ms. Diane Turner, Lecturer International Bachelor of Law, Barrister & Sollicitor at Kelliher-Turner
17.35 Welcome to The Hague University of Applied Sciences Mr Balder Schumacher, Director of the BRV Academy
17.40 Interview with our Key-note speaker MEP Eva Paunova & Ms. Hilde Cadenau, Programme Manager of the International & EU law Programme
18.00 Alumni Speech & Videos Mr Trajce Gjorgiev - Ms. Vessela Miladinova - Words by alumni around the world
Entretiens& PrĂŠsentations(Atrium - O.V. Rooms) 18.30-21.00 18.40 18.40 European Commission - EPSO
Institute for Environmental Security
Radio Netherlands Worldwide
International Criminal Court
Meet your future 19.00 intern / employer / Forward TBH Master Programme 19.30 Student - Employers - Universities interviews
Ernst & Young
International & EU law program
International and EU law program - LAW Curriculum
Skills courses Legal Analysis Legal writing Representing Logic & Decision making Advanced Legal Analysis Projects International negotiation Oral Advocacy Model United Nations EU crisis Due Diligence ICC Moot Court EU Moot Court Telders Moot Court New York MUN
Employment Network Event 2015
Program based on 8 legal competences Legal Analysis Advice Representation Decision-Making Regulation File Management Organisation Legal Communication
“Since 2007 the International & EU Law programme has provided
a four year course of legal study to an exceptionally international and multicultural student population. The setting for the LAW programme is a city, renowned for its international law heritage, as evidenced by the continuing presence of a myriad of international organisations with their headquarters or branch offices located here. In early 2000, the possibility of studying in International & EU law in English in the “legal capital of the world” was a distant dream, but through the efforts of a committed and productive faculty and staff, the LAW programme has set high and competitive standards of professionalism in the delivery of legal education. The practical focus of the Programme is to prepare students for the realities of the workplace and to be to be operational and competent after graduation at their working place. The Curriculum provides the opportunity to realize those practical goals by commencing with a strong, comprehensive foundation from which to understand and apply international and EU law in various areas. In successive years, the Programme follows a progression from simple mastery of legal concepts to their more detailed analysis and then finally implementation in a legal setting, be it office, court room, arbitration table and boardroom. The students obtain greater and greater independence in their studies, contemplating that they will enter their career with the ability to perform with a high level of professionalism and solid legal foundation. Learning by doing is the tradition of the LAW programme and therefore internship and work placements are essential for the accomplishment of our goal to advance knowledgeable legal professionals. That is one of the reasons why we are keen to ensure employers and students are both satisfied, so we can consistently build on the internationalisation and professionalism, celebrated during the annual Employment Network Event.
” Hilde Cadenau
Programme Manager of the International & EU law Programme
9 International & EU law program
International and EU law program - LAW Research - Thesis Topics
Judicial review of national security clauses in BITs by international courts and The right to self-determination and the emergence of new States: how to avoi Konovov v. Latvia, war crimes and the principle of legality- J. Biskina The creation of an International Environmental Law Clinic - K. Kubovicova Bilateral non-surrender agreements and conflicting international obligations f foreign nationals to the ICC? - M. Boxberg The European Union at the United Nations: a more supranational EU External Ac Revisiting the Right to Self-Determination in International Law in light of rece Holding corporations liable for human rights violations committed in conflict z
The evolution of the concept of military necessity in international humanitaria Systematic Limitations to the Presumption of Innocence at the ICC: a threat to Can Grand Corruption be Considered as an “Other Inhumane Act” for the Purpo The progressive decline of trust and confidence in the United States Criminal J Judicial notice of adjudicated facts and its effect on the right to a fair trial in Understanding the Position of Sexual Violence against Men during Armed Confl What needs to be changed? - I. Moraru...
Are same-sex married couples considered as ‘family’ under the Free Movement The ECtHR superior to the ECJ in the context of the future EU accession to the The extraordinary case of Security Council Resolutions in the EU: Which way fo As assessment of the proposed Ecocide Directive for its appropriateness to bec Comparative Advertising in Europe - K. Javorska The Jurisprudence of the ECJ and its contribution to the free movement of goo EU Military Crisis Management - an effective policy or mere wishful thinking?
The Over-the-Counter Derivative Market in the EU, US and China: lessons for C Online Dispute Resolution: an International Business Perspective - V. Yordanova Fighting Corruption in Pakistan: Empowerment of Private Actors - N. Amin Future of Patent Law in the EU: the Unitary Patent System: Road to Failure or t The future of US trade agreements after the Trade Promotion Authority Act - N Lobbying: a Legal Form of Corruption?- L. Schäfer Copyright law infringements in Russia - K. Nuzhdova The notion of Corporate Social Responsibility under Islamic Law - L. Hamraz Towards an effective unitary patent system: Do Dreams Come True?- D. Velikov Analysis of the new double taxation treaty between China and The Netherlands
“The students of the international bachelor of law program undergo rigorous training in academic research in the last years of their studies. The LL.B. Thesis constitutes the pinnacle of their research training. Students work for 6 months under the vigilant eye of their corresponding thesis supervisor on current topics of international, European and comparative law. In doing so, students demonstrate through their written and oral work their ability to engage in legal analysis and communication on topics closely connected to the problems that states, institutions and businesses face.
As regards the outcome of their endeavours, the record speaks for itself.
Employment Network Event 2015
Dr. Michael Vagias - Thesis Coordinator
“Research at the University of Applied Sciences is rooted in ques-
Research within The Hague University
Student research is stimulated by lecturers who are also engaged in various research activities. Lecturers are encouraged to take part in the multi-disciplinary research groups around which research at The Hague University is organized. Each research group consists of a Lector and lecturer members. Of particular relevance to the Law programme are the research groups on European Integration led by Professor Jaap de Zwaan, the Lectorate of International Peace Justice and Security led by Prof Joris Voorhoeve and the Lectorate of International Cooperation led by Professor Jos Walenkamp.
arbitral tribunals - A. Baciu id the democratic bias - M. Della Porta Rodiani
for the United States: To surrender or not to surrender
ction after Lisbon? - A. Hagenauer ent developments - M.C.. Oliobi Omali zones - D. Tsaneva...
an law - N. Banas o ICJ? - G. Schöpf oses of Article 7(1)(k) of the Rome Statue? - S. Chin Justice System - K. Bilarev case of Prosecutor v. Radova Karadzic - L. Luca lict within International Criminal Law and UN Resolutions:
t Directive? - G. Antonov ECHR - V. Grozdeva orward? -M. Vatsov come an EU legislative act - K. Donald
ods - D. Stivas - K. Stoyanov...
tions that are generated from professional practice. Law students develop the ability to provide legal solutions to societal problems. In their course work and academic research training they learn to adopt a methodological approach to applying their knowledge of the law to carry out research into the operation of new and existing laws and regulations for clients or groups of clients.
Research carried out by law lecturers acts a bridge between the educational objectives of the university and the needs of the market. This is in keeping with the ambition of the university to profile itself as a knowledge center that is of relevance to private and public sector institutions. A recent example of such practice oriented research is the High Level Seminar at the Hague University (sponsored by OLAF - The European Anti-fraud office) on how to more effectively sanction corruption offences by multinational corporations. Lecturers of the law programme have published numerous books as well as articles in international journals. They present papers and seminars across the globe and have conducted workshops and training programs for Judges and other government officials. Some lecturers also maintain blogs about their research to reach a broader audience. Lecturers are often invited speakers at professional conferences and are themselves members of professional associations as well as national and international bodies. The cycle of research completed to the benefit of all stakeholders in the Law program. As lectures engage in research, they train students to engage in future research. Law lecturers teach what they research and through their research engage in the broader issues that are of concern to professional practice and ultimately to society in general.
China - R. Brust a
to Success?- D. Dinut N. Engelhart
va s (2013) in the context of BEPS - Y. Luo...
Dr. Abiola Makinwa - Lecturer & Researcher
Quality of theses written by advanced students
“Students of the LAW Programme are required to write a detailed paper in year
three, progressing to a thesis and its defence before graduation. These two elements of the Programme are compulsory and are designed to foster the ability to communicate effectively in in the realm of legal English and analysis. They serve as a sound basis for those who may wish to with legal research in the future. During their studies, the students explore a wide range of topics and areas with diverse legal issues. The varied subject matter in the Programme engenders much curiosity and interest in writing on a particular field rather than another. We always emphasize to the students that some topics can be managed at their level, and some are not appropriate for a year three paper or thesis. Maintaining a good quality of analysis during the preparation of a research paper, in addition to providing logical and articulate legal arguments is not always an easy task for students reaching a Bachelor level. As mentors, we try to keep the attention of the students focused on the quality of their analysis, with a view to preparing them for the
writing likely required in their future career.
Dr. Eva Kassoti - Lecturer & Researcher
International & EU law program
International and EU law program - LAW Internships
Professional Advisory Committee
“The year of 2014 was a fresh start for the Professional Advisory Committee(PAC). Thanks to the PAC member’s, new collaborations were
established in order to meet the professional profile of the international professional industry by incorporating experiences, knowledge, views and needs as expressed by PAC member’s organizations. We aimed at creating a committed group of professionals with whom our management team can consult on an ongoing basis to support our program through the systemic evaluation of our curriculum and the development of uniform intern competency standards. We will continue to measure the quality of our education provision through quality assurance, to ensure that it meets the desired standards. At the same time, to develop a strong set of competences which a legal professional or intern should possess to match the expectations and needs of organizations within the LAW program’s professional network and to implement the standards that are set by the PAC
Catherine Garcia-Porras - Coordinator of the Professional Advisory Committee
Employment Network Event 2015
“Employers have often expressed to those of us mentoring students in internship positions that they are very satisfied with the work of the students of the LAW Programme. We are extremely appreciative of such feedback on the performance of the students. We constantly review our projects and the learning objectives in the courses to ensure the students are well-equipped for the demands of the workplace. It is gratifying for us is that employers make frequent requests for more students of the LAW programme for internship positions in their offices. Law firms, companies, NGOs communicate with lecturers regularly to post internship offers on our “Blackboard” which is our intranet. Students often have the ability and motivation to send their applications to the employer on short notice to help initiate the interview process in an expeditious manner. This cooperation is useful for us because we know better what the needs on the workfield are” William T. Worster - Lecturer
Publication of Internship offers on the Blackboard for recruitment of students
Training offered to students with Workshops on CV, Cover Letter, Job Interview, Career after specialisation and online professional networks
Mandatory internship period of 100 working days before graduation
“The goal of employment workshops held for students every year is to prepare them to face an internship or an employment interview during or immediately following graduation. It is important that students familiarize themselves with the usual steps and documents required to concisely and accurately convey their capabilities, strengths and interests. They are taught the mechanics of preparing a professional resume, a well-structured cover letter, how to manage questions during Job interviews, to respect the dress-code and to create an online professional profile. Students display an ardent desire to impress the employers and the Employment Network Event provides that moment opportunity, with the chance to apply the skills acquired during the previous months. We try encourage students to maintain a focus on the job market while they are studying. They are made aware that styles of communication, formats and approaches differ depending on the country, the sector of activity and the degree of experience expected. Above all, students of the LAW Programme realize the necessity of an active role in securing an internship or employment of interest to them, and that complacency is not recommended if they hope to realize their career goals” Aurelien Lorange - Co-founder & organiser of the Employment Network Events “The Internship course consists of 100 consecutive or non-consecutive working days completed on the site of the employer in relation to the legal knowledge acquired during the 4 years of studies in the LAW Programme. Students are expected to follow the instructions of the employer, while using and applying the competences acquired in the programme. During the internship, a member of the Faculty mentors the students and meets the employer to discuss the performance of the student. We invite and welcome employers to visit the university and to the Professional Advisory Committee meetings and/or the Employment Network Event. In this way, we maintain a continuous dialogue and exchange of ideas in order to improve the curriculum, the internship course, and the overall preparation of students for entry into the workforce and the attainment of a successful career.” David den Dunnen - Internship coordinator & Co-founder of Employment Network Events
Study & Career coaching Group work in Tutorials & Projects
“In Year 1 and in Year 2, students are divided into tutor groups of approximately 15 students and meet their tutor each week; over 32 times during the academic year, to discuss assignments, project tasks, study techniques and to receive career coaching. These tutorials sessions are essential, not only as an effective method to provide support to the students in regard to their studies, but also to create a similar atmosphere to what they may encounter in the daily life of a legal officer in a company, a law firm, a public authority or an association. The conscientious performance of Individual tasks and team work are both emphasized. Students are taught the skills required to draft contracts, demand letters, speeches, memorandum, and to engage in the various steps of negotiation, arbitration and the conduct of a case in a courtroom, with a view to exposing them to the obligations they may have to undertake during a legal career. Tutors, at the LAW Programme, have diverse professional backgrounds, including, private practice, prosecutors, lobbyists, researchers, academics, with many having worked or still working in a variety of organisations and institutions. They all regard students as potential employees of these places.”
Guido Wilbers - Lecturer & Coordination of Tutoring
International & EU law program
International and EU law program - LAW Alumni (in 2014) Master - International Financial Law
Master - Law
Master - Commercial Law Master - Politics of the Middle East and North Africa Master - European Law & Policy Master - Maritime Law
Master - Public International Law
Master - Intellectual Property Law, Computer & Communication law
Master - International Law & International Relations Master - International Law Master - Global Environment & Climate Change Law, European Law Master - International Relations & Diplomacy Master - International and European Law Masters - European Law, International Corporate & Commercial Law, International Economic Law, Globalisation & Law, Forensic, Criminology and Law Master - Law
Master - International Public Relations Master - European Economic Law Master - European & International Law Master - Management & Law Master - European Intellectual Property Law
“In 2011, the first students graduated from the International & EU law Programme. Some attend law and since that date students graduating have enhanced their career prospects or begun workin employment or further academic opportunities around Europe and the globe, with more than 17 cou Upon the completion of their studies alumni often return to visit their former lecturers and colleag and the connection to those who supported their entrance into the professional world. They also co of students. As the network expands we are happy to see more and more of the students them grad committed to maintaining contact and inviting our graduates to the Employment Network Event, w
Employment Network Event 2015
Bachelor - National Finnish Law
Master - Public International Law Master - European & International Business Law Master - Law Master - Comparative, European & International Law Master - Law
Master - Droit International & Transnational Master - Business Law Master - International Legal Studies Master - International Law Master - Energy Law
ded Maastricht University, others travelled to the United Kingdom to pursue a Master’s degree in ng in a variety of positions within and outside the European Union. Now in 2015, alumni have found untries welcoming these young professionals. gues at The Hague University. They value the relationships built during their time at the University onsider it important to share their experiences; both success and mistakes, with the new generation duating from prestigious universities and obtaining fascinating employment prospects. We keep are which is a moment of recognition for their perseverance and ongoing contribution. Stefani Marassi - Alumni Coordinator
International & EU law program
Interview by Video
Video Message
Employment Network Event Guest speakers
Vera JourovĂĄ
Jyrki Katainen
European Union’s Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality
European Commission Vice-President, responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness Affairs
Key-note speaker
Alumni speakers
Trajce Georgiev Vessela Miladinova Eva Paunova Member of the European Parliament (EPP) Internal Market and Consumers Committee
LLB International & Assistant Strategic Analyst EU law (summa cum at The Hague Centre for laude) Strategic Studies Scholarship for an LLM at Melbourne University in 2015
Guest speakers for the Employment Network Event 2015
16 Employment Network Event 2015
Olga Shelyagova
Member of the Parliament of the Netherlands
Legal Account Manager at CIS Management B.V. Graduated in 2011
Tanja Jadnanansing
Maarje Schaake
Katarina Otcenášová 2013
Rebecca Brust
Member of the Parliament of the Netherlands
Foreign Associate at King & Wood Mallesons in Beijing Graduated in 2013
Director of the Institute for Environmental Security
Kirsty Donald 2014
Wouter Veening
Thomas Spiller Vice-President of the Walt Disney Company for Global Public Affairs
Lecturer in Academic Writing & Legal English at Maastricht University Graduated in 2013
Bobi Smilev 2014
Lawyer at Carnogursky ULC Law Firm in Bratislava Graduated in 2013
Pieter Duisenberg 2014
Member of the European Parliament
Legal Assistant at Bentley Systems B.V. Graduated in 2013
Previous speakers: leaders and Alumni
17 International & EU law program
Employers & Guest Universities
18 Employment Network Event 2015
Employers International Organisations & Embassies Office for the Prohibition of the Chemical Weapons Representative: Danilo Campisi - Legal Officer at the Technical Secretariat The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is the implementing body of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC or Convention). The OPCW is given the mandate to achieve the object and purpose of the Convention, to ensure the implementation of its provisions, including those for international verification of compliance with it, and to provide a forum for consultation among States Parties. Website:
Internationational Criminal Court Representatives: Alex Paredes-Penades - Defense Associate Pauline Moeijes - Internship and Visiting Assistant The International Criminal Court is a permanent international tribunal to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression. The ICC was created by the Rome Statute which came into force on 1 July 2002. It is intended to complement existing national judicial systems, and may only exercise its jurisdiction when national courts are unwilling or unable to investigate or prosecute such crimes. Website:
Eurojust Representative: Dimitar Hadzhyski - Assistant to the National Member of the Republic of Bulgaria Eurojust stimulates and improves the coordination of investigations and prosecutions between the competent authorities in the Member States and improves the cooperation between the competent authorities of the Member States, in particular by facilitating the execution of international mutual legal assistance and the implementation of extradition requests. Eurojust supports in any way possible the competent authorities of the Member States to render their investigations and prosecutions more effective when dealing with cross-border crime. Website:
19 International & EU law program
Embassy of Poland to the Kingdom of the Netherlands Representative: Arkadiusz MIchonski - Minister Counsellor The activities of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in the Kingdom of the Netherlands are led by Ambassador dr Jan Borkowski. Structure and competences of the sections of the Embassy: - Political-Economic Section - Consular Section - Trade and Investment Promotion Section - Defense Attache Office Website:
Embassy of Bulgaria to the Kingdom of the Netherlands Representatives: Georgi Rumenov Georgiev - Consul Mariana Chavrakova - Head of the Commercial and Economic Section Main mission is to maintain and develop the bilateral relationship between the Republic of Bulgaria and The Kindgom of The Netherlands in all areas – political, economic, military, legal, cultural, educational, scientific, research and security. Website:
Sénat (French Senate) Representative: Maxime Daumas - Member of the Parliament’s Assistant The Senate (French: Sénat) is the upper house of the Parliament of France, presided over by a president. Indirectly elected by elected officials, it represents territorial collectivities of the Republic and French citizens living abroad. The Senate enjoys less prominence than the lower house, the directly elected National Assembly; debates in the Senate tend to be less tense and generally receive less media coverage. Website:
20 Employment Network Event 2015
Embassy of Israel to the Kingdom of the Netherlands Representative: Shoshi Reshef Mor - Legal Adviser Designing, implementing and evaluating Israel’s international development assistance and humanitarian aid policy and programs. Building partnership and mobilizing Israel and global resources towards sustainable development in areas such as food security, education, gender equality and the empowerment of women, peace building as well as poverty reduction with a special emphasis on Africa. Developing and maintaining close professional contacts with leading international political, developments and corporate figures. Developing partnerships with: UN agencies and more State International Development Agencies Website:
European Commission - EPSO Representatives: Diana van Altena - EPSO Communication and Attractiveness Margot Richter - Student Ambassador EPSO EPSO is responsible for selecting staff to work for the Institutions and Agencies of the European Union. The European Union Institutions offer an international career to ambitious and capable people. When you join us, you take the first step in a long-term career that could take you anywhere you want to go. Based in the heart of Europe, you will enjoy a fast-moving international environment and real responsibility from your first day. We’re here to serve 500 million people in 28 member states, so you can expect exceptional scope and scale – and the chance to make a real and lasting difference. Website:
Special Tribunal for Lebanon Representatives: Siham Aboulmachail - Internship Coordinator Kadija Boyreau - Human Resources Assistant The Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) is an international criminal tribunal underaking the prosecution, under Lebanese criminal law, of the persons responsible for the attack resulting in the assassination of Rafic Hariri, former Lebanese prime minister, and the deaths of 22 others, on 14 February 2005.The Tribunal is also referred to as the “Hariri Tribunal”. Website:
21 International & EU law program
22 Employment Network Event 2015
Employers Companies Radio Netherlands Worldwide Representative: Janet H. Anderson - Coordinator International Justice RNW promotes free speech through independent journalism and the use of new media. We create thought-provoking content for changemakers around the globe and provide a safe space for them to tell their stories and exchange ideas. RNW is an independent media organisation active in China and 17 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Arab world, where freedom of expression is severely restricted. RNW offers information unavailable in local media because of legislation or taboos. RNW is the former Radio Netherlands Worldwide or Wereldomroep, which was founded as the Dutch international public broadcaster in 1947. Website:
Forward TBH Representative: Ernest Moonen - Chief Executif Officer FORWARD TBH is a modern, internationally oriented network organisation. Only reputable network partners are participating. We comprise a wide variety of disciplines and complementary fields. Our network partners have the capacity “to renew�. In practice, this means that they match their expertise in their profession with their affinity for complementary professions. They generate Renewing Value Creations in the projects in which FORWARD TBH plays a role. Website:
Panteia B.V. Representative: Adriaan Roest Crollius - Senior Consultant Panteia offers a full range of services in policy research & consultancy and marketing research. It is a partner for national governments, provincial governments, local councils, the European Commission, national and international organisations, trade associations and the business world in general Website:
23 International & EU law program
Fugro Engineers B.V. Representative: Erica McCormick-Dorst - Legal Business Advisor We are the world’s largest integrator of geotechnical, survey, subsea and geosciences services. Our services are specifically designed to support your engineering design and large structure building projects. Website:
Bentley Systems Representatives: Elise de Jong-Wilson - Senior Recruitment/Employment Officer International Nathalie Dimitrova - Legal Assistant (Alumna 2014) Bobby Smilev - Legal Assistant (Alumnus 2013) Bentley Systems, Incorporated, is a software company that produces solutions for the design, construction and operation of infrastructure. The company’s software serves the building, plant, civil, and geospatial markets in the areas of architecture, engineering, construction (AEC) and operations. Their software solutions are used to design, engineer, build, and operate large constructed assets such as roadways, railways, bridges, buildings, industrial and power plants and utility networks. The company actively re-invests 20% of their revenues in research and development. Website:
Unique Multilingual Representatives: Sandra van der Puil-Torie - Manager Frida Eriksson - International Recruitment Consultant Maaike Schrage - Recruiter We are Unique and have been since 1972. We know the market like no other because we have focused on providing services to companies from day one. Unique knows the forces in play, the challenges and the possibilities. We thrive on the dynamics. Unique has specialist experts in different branches who are completely in touch with what is going on in the workplace. Check here for an overview and find out which specialist knows your market and understands your specific staffing needs. Website:
24 Employment Network Event 2015
Employers Law Firms & Consultancy BlauStein Lawyers Representative: Kristina Kerbel - International Business Development Manager BlauStein is a family of lawyers, handing down its exclusive world vision from generation to generation. There is a world without borders. A world that is not divided by continents, countries, jurisdictions, lands, cantons, provinces, regions or districts. Taking the best from all the places on the Earth, from every nation, every culture, every system, every law, every person and every idea. Being able to combine these advantages to profit the Client – this is the unique talent of BlauStein! Website:
Ernst & Young Advisory Government & Public Sector Representative: Meri Georgievska - Senior Manager Advisory Services The Global Government & Public Sector (GPS) Center is the hub of a network of highly skilled professionals from our assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services, dedicated to serving you in government and public sector organizations and institutions. “We connect teams around the globe who share information on current and emerging trends. Teams who really understand your industry and who can speak your language.” Website:
Schlicher Advocaten Representatives: Pauline Montanus - Attorney-at-Law Hilde Dreesmann - Attorney-at-Law Maud Winthagen - Attorney-at-Law Marlies Tuinman - Attorney-at-Law “As a specialised law firm, Schlicher Advocaten is a leading player in personal and family law. For decades now, we have been taking care of the interests of both private individuals and companies in family cases. Our (inter)national experience ensures that we are able to guarantee a profound understanding of your case. Our strong motivation is guided by a keen sense of realism.” Website:
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Van Diepen van der Kroef Representative: Steven Claassen - Corporate Law Counsel Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten is the largest independent law firm in the Netherlands. We grew from the will and the audacity to start a successful business. In all the steps we have taken, we sought and will seek people who share our ambitions. Our lawyers are entrepreneurs who – just like our largest client group – are building on their business. Website:
Collet International Lawyers Representative: Michel Collet - Attorney-at-Law With the base office in Rotterdam, this Law Firm is ideally positioned to work on the international trade and commerce with the whole world. Rotterdam is still the largest Port of the world. They concentrate their business on China, the grow market for the next decennia. To assist their clients they practice a wide range of law. They have clients from China, Iran, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Arabia, England and of course the Netherlands. The lawyers all speak English, but they also have people speaking Mandarin, Cantonese, Farsi, French, German and of course Dutch working in their offices. Website:
European Affairs Consulting Group Representative: Natalia Kuznetsova - Junior Consultant eacon, the European Affairs Consulting Group, is a public affairs agency specialized in issues related to the European Union. We were founded in 2003 following a merger between policy consultants miller und meier, public affairs agency Euro PA, and Brussels-based public affairs expert Martin Saeckl. All associated partners have been active in European and international public affairs and political consultancy since the early 1990s. We hold invaluable experience in dealing with European and national parliaments, authorities and administrations. This broad experience has been used continuously for the benefit of our clients for almost ten years. Website:
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Employers Non-governmental Organisations & Institutes Municipality of the City of The Hague Representatives: Madelon Awater - Policy Advisor Anouk Boom - Project Assistant The Municipality of The Hague is located in the centre of The Hague. In the municipality of The Hague is responsible for the administrative functions of The Hague such as e.g. public services, culture and social affairs & employment projects. Website:
Institute for Environmental Security Representatives: Wouter Veening - President Shirleen Chin - Legal Project Officer (Alumna 2013) The Institute for Environmental Security (IES) is an international non-profit non-governmental organization established in 2002 in The Hague, with the aim to increase political attention to environmental security as a means to help safeguard essential conditions for peace and sustainable development. The Institute’s mission is: “To advance global environmental security by promoting the maintenance of the regenerative capacity of life-supporting eco-systems”. Website:
Netherlands Helsinki Committee Representative: Harry Hummel - Executive Director The Netherlands Helsinki Committee develops and implements project that assist both governmental and non-governmental partners in strengthening the rule of law and improving human rights. It stimulates the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe to fulfil its human rights and human security commitments. It also promotes compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights and other Council of Europe standards, and with the European Union Fundamental Rights Charter. Website:
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The Hague Institute for Global Justice Representative: Sukhdev Zomer - Human Resource Officer The Hague Institute for Global Justice is an independent, nonpartisan organization established to conduct interdisciplinary policy-relevant research, develop practitioner tools, and convene experts, practitioners and policymakers to facilitate knowledge sharing. Through this work the Institute aims to contribute to, and further strengthen, the global framework for preventing and resolving conflict and promoting international peace. Website:
ADC-ICTY Representatives: Daynelis Vargas - Assistant to the Head of Office Isabel Meyer-Landrut - Assistant to the Head of Office The ADC-ICTY is an independent professional association established under the laws of The Netherlands. It is not an organ of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. We are, however, recognised as the Defence Counsel organisation serving the Tribunal pursuant to Rule 44 of the ICTY Rules of Procedure and Evidence. Website:
HiiL Innovative Justice Representative: Liubovi Bosenko - Human Resources Manager HiiL is an advisory and research institute for the justice sector, based in The Hague, city of peace and justice. Our HiiL professionals are leading academics, from various cultural backgrounds, with many years of experience in places where justice is most needed. Website:
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Waterlex Representatives: Jan van de Venis - Director of the Legal Desk Dr. Elodie Tranchez - Legal Officer WaterLex Legal Desk advises and supports governments, parliamentarians, national human rights institutions, and non-state actors, including business and NGOs, in their individual and collective response at national, regional, and international levels. The Legal Desk undertakes various activities relating to the legal challenges connected to the human right to water and sanitation and broader human rights-based water governance. Website:
Asser Institute Representative: Onur G端ven - Researcher/Account Manager Research Office The T.M.C. Asser instituut (established in 1965) is a professional inter-university centre of knowledge and research. The institute carries out research in private and public international law, European law, international commercial arbitration and all other related fields, such as international sports law and international humanitarian and criminal law. It is based in The Hague and it is affiliated to the University of Amsterdam. Website:
Coalition for the International Criminal Court Representative: Alix Vuillemin Grendel - Legal Officer International non-governmental organisation (NGO) with a membership of over 2,500 organizations worldwide advocating for a fair, effective and independent International Criminal Court (ICC.Coalition NGO members work in partnership to strengthen international cooperation with the ICC; ensure that the court is fair, effective and independent; make justice both visible and universal, and advance stronger national laws that deliver justice to victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Website:
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Unrepresented Nations & People Organisation Representative: Jeroen Zandberg - Treasurer The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) is an international, nonviolent, and democratic membership organisation. Its members are indigenous peoples, minorities, and unrecognised or occupied territories who have joined together to protect and promote their human and cultural rights, to preserve their environments, and to find nonviolent solutions to conflicts which affect them. Website:
Hague Conference on Private International Law Representative: Thomas John - Attaché to the Secretary General The Hague Conference on Private International Law (or HCCH, for Hague Conference/ Conférence de La Haye) is the preeminent organisation in the area of private international law. The HCCH was formed in 1893 to “work for the progressive unification of the rules of private international law”. The Conference has developed thirty-eight international conventions since its Statute was completed in 1951. HCCH Conventions and instruments are open for adoption or ratification by non-members of HCCH. Website:
Justice Rapid Response Representative: Chantal Joubert - Senior Policy Advisor Swift, impartial and well conducted investigations are the necessary basis for uncovering the truth and holding accountable those who are responsible for mass atrocities. This is especially true for those most responsible, those who order or condone such acts, as they are often in positions of leadership far away from the actual events. Having the right experts responding quickly to identify, collect, preserve and report on such evidence is the key. Website:
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Universities Master Programmes Central European University Representative: Pr. Wolfgang Reinicke - Dean Central European University (CEU) is a graduate-level, English-language university accredited in the U.S. and Hungary and located in Budapest. The university offers degrees in the social sciences, humanities, law, public policy, business management, environmental science, and mathematics. CEU has more than 1500 students from 100 countries and 300 faculty members from more than 30 countries. CEU was founded by philanthropist George Soros, who has provided an endowment of US$880 million, making the university one of the wealthiest in Europe. Website:
European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights & Democratization Representative: Dr. Pietro Sullo - Director The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) is an interdisciplinary centre of excellence formed by 41 universities from all European Union Member States. EIUC was founded in 2002 on a commitment to the realisation of the values promoted by the EU, the promotion of high-level inter-disciplinary human rights education. EIUC is located in Venice, Italy. Website:
University of Reading - School of Law Representative: Dr. Ruvi Ziegler - Lecturer in Law One of the UK’s top 10 research-intensive Law Schools (according to REF 2014) The School of Law is part of the world-ranked University of Reading, rated among the UK’s most research intensive institutions and one of the UK’s largest, best-known and most successful campus universities. We are ideally located in the thriving town of Reading, just 25 minutes by train from London, and at the heart of the employment-rich Thames Valley region. Website:
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University of Edinburgh (School of Law) Representatives: Claire Simpson - Marketing and Communication Officer Ginny Spencer - Graduate Manager The University of Edinburgh (abbreviated as Edin. in post-nominals), founded in 1583, is the sixth-oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of Scotland’s ancient universities. The university is deeply embedded in the fabric of the city, with many of the buildings in the historic Old Town belonging to the university. The University of Edinburgh is ranked 17th in the world by the 2013–14 and 2014–15 QS rankings. The Research Excellence Framework, a research ranking used by the UK government to determine future research funding, ranked Edinburgh 4th in the UK in 2014. It is ranked the 15th most employable university in the world by the 2013 Global Employability University Ranking. Website:
Faculte Libre de Droit de Lille
Representatives: Aurelien Raccah - Vice-Dean Souad Ait R’baa - International Communication Officer The International and European Law School (IELS) is an academic and research department within the Faculté Libre de Droit of Lille and Paris. All the international and European law programmes provide lectures at least in French and English delivered by visiting professors coming from number of prestigious universities. The ‘Faculté Libre de Droit’ takes part in many university partnerships in Europe (Erasmus) and in the world (Global Convention). The students have thus the possibility to study one year abroad. The IELS also welcomes many international students in the international and European law programmes. Refresher courses in French help them to improve their linguistic knowledge and to follow the lectures in French law. Website:
Campus France
Representative: Gala-Alexa Amagat - Higher Education Cooperation Officer Campus France Agency was created by law on the July 27th, 2010. It is a public institution (EPIC) in charge of promoting higher education and managing the reception and international mobility of students, researchers, experts and guests. A decree from December 30th, 2011 indicates the agency’s terms of action. Thanks to its global network of 200 Campus France Spaces, the agency informs international students about French higher education, guides them on their choice of training, helps them complete their application form and gain a visa. The agency keeps in touch with former students, particularly through France Clubs. Website:
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University of Kent (Kent Law School) Representative: Stephen McLaughlin - Postgraduate Admission Officer Kent Law School is ranked 10th in both the 2014 and 2015 Times Good University Guide, with outstanding teaching, an award-winning Law Clinic, world-leading research and excellent graduate prospects, Kent is the UK’s leading critical law school. Kent is ranked as the 7th best law school in the UK for research power in the Research Excellence Framework 2014, and more than three quarters of our research output (79%) is rated as ‘world-leading’ and ‘internationally excellent’ in terms of originality, significance and rigour. All academic staff teach at undergraduate level, with all students (undergraduate and postgraduate) taught by leading academic scholars. Students at Kent are taught in lectures and in small group seminars, with friendly and approachable teachers engaging and encouraging students. Website:
University of Kent (School of Law) Representatives: Anna Gray - Business Development Europe & LLM Paris Assistant Manager Dr. Costanza Russo - Lecturer in Law/Academic Director LLM International Banking Queen Mary, part of the prestigious University of London, is one of the top UK research universities and a member of the Russell Group of leading UK universities. The School of Law at Queen Mary University of London has been ranked 3rd in the UK and 1st in London in the Guardian University Guide 2015 subject league tables. In the National Student Survey (NSS) 2014, the School scored 91 per cent for student satisfaction. Website:
HEAD Paris Law School Representative: Anne Vandeville - Career Development Officer The LLM in Law and Business is a high level program that offers an interdisciplinary curriculum to students holding a graduate degree in law. Courses run from September to the end of May. Students wishing to stay longer in Paris will be able to register for an additional semester and make use of our placement office and support for finding an internship. A programmme that opens doors to the best international law firms and multinational companies. Website:
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University of Luxembourg (School of Law) Representative: Eric Gary - Head of Admission Office Welcome to the Centre for European Law at the Faculty of Law Economics and Finance of the University of Luxembourg. The Centre for European Law was established in July 2006 as part of the development of the Faculty of Law Economics and Finance of the University of Luxembourg. It concentrates the research activities of the University of Luxembourg in the field of EU law.It is in an ideal position to foster research and learning in the area of EU law, making use of its proximity to the European Court of Justice and other European institutions, the government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg as well as Luxembourg center of international financial and economic law. Website:
Maastricht University (School of Law) Representative: Colette Verlinden - Marketing and Communication Officer Maastricht University (officially abbreviated: UM[4]) is a public university in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Founded in 1976, the university is the second youngest of the 13 Dutch universities. The faculty of law offers both bachelor’s and master’s programmes. For professionals who aready obtained a master’s degree or have been active in the labour market for some time the faculty also offers interesting programmes. Furthermore, the faculty offers a substantial number of short courses (postgraduate education) Website:
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Student ambassadors and student activities Prepared by the Student Ambassadors: Piyumi Jahansandera, Lucia Hat’apkova, Marin Bankov, Kosara Mihaylova, Diana-Elena Sarbu
ILSA Chapter A student association (a sub-division of the main ILSA organisation) specifically for the Law programme, taking part in organising guest lectures, exam preparation sessions, panel discussions and law-related events.
Exchange programme An attractive combination of learning through experience about different legal traditions and cultures, and travelling outside of The Netherlands all over the world, including to countries such as Los Angeles (USA), Australia and the UK.
Student Ambassador Team for the Law Programme Greatly assisted in helping to plan the Employment Network Event, as there is no better advertisement for a university than its own satisfied students!
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Projects Putting theory into practice, through projects such as: Model United Nations, European Parliament, Due Diligence, and an ICC Moot Court.
Moot Courts and Competitions The most ambitious and motivated students from the Law Programme representing the university in prestigious competitions, both in national and international contexts. Most recently, these include participating in the New York Model United Nations and the Telders International Law Moot Court Competition.
Trips Building on students’ ‘hopes for the future’ by travelling to important legal cities, including Brussels and Geneva, and visiting significant international institutions in The Hague itself, such as the ICJ and the ICTY.
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Some more things... on the International & EU law program Winners of the Telder International Law Moot Court Competition 2014 In April 2014, Maria Della Porta Rodiani and Olivia Flasch won the Telders International Law Moot Court competition in the Peace Palace.
1st place in the Elsevier ranking among the Bachelors of Law in the Netherlands 2014 In September 2014, for the first time, the International & EU Law Program has been evaluated as the best bachelor of Law program out of 20 programs in the Netherlands with 66 points (grade significantly about the average grade of all the Bachelors of Law), before Radboud Nijmegen University (65 points), Royal Groningen University (63 points) and Leiden University (62 points).
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Global Internship Conference 2015 From June 9-12, 2015, Hyun-Ju Park and AurĂŠlien Lorange will go presenting and defending the Employment Network Event at the Global Internship Conference, on behalf of the LAW programme of The Hague University of Applied Sciences.
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April 2015 Ms Hilde Cadenau ( - Programme Manager External Relations Team of the LAW program ( Ms Hyun-Ju Park ( – Coordinator of External Relations & Organiser Mr Aurélien Lorange ( – Founder & Organiser of the Employment Network Events Ms Garcia Porras ( - Coordinator of the Professional Advisory Committee