Nordplus – etwinning ‘‘Primary students experiment, observe, investigate and create“
Primary school children are curious, capacious and enthusiastic. We were ascertain of that working on the eTwinning, Nordplus, Comenius or other projects. But this project stands out from the others. In what way? The project is not only perfectly integrated into the education process by consolidating Maths knowledge, Science, Physical Education, Art and Technology, it teaches pupils to know and understand how the rocket skyrocks, why the candle blows out, when it seems that should burn, what happens to our lungs when a person smokes, how exciting and why milk "dances". This project is not the only one which only pupils like - it is charming and children's parents willingly help.
The partners • 1.Siauliai "Juventa" progymnazium, Lithuania // • 2. Tallinna kindergaten (Tallinna Laagna Lasteaed-Põhikool) – basic school, Eston • 3. Skujene pamatskola, Primary School, Latvia
Logo competition
Project logo
Project plan • September - October, 2014 - contests of creating a project logo and symbol. Their results will be summed during the first project meeting in Latvia. (Latvia is responsible) • October - November, 2014 - "The environment we live in". Air pollution research. Meetingd with environmentalists. Dictionary "Nature". (Estonia is responsible for organizing a video conference) • October - November, 2014 - reaseach "Acid effect on teeth". Dictionary "My body". • December, 2014 - "Christmas traditions in my country". Making souvenirs from waste products. Dictionary "Christmas". (Latvia is responsible for the common presentation about traditions) • January, 2015 - experiments with water. "Water states. The importance of water to human". • February - March, 2015 - "Mini eco-garden". Dictionary "Potherb". (Lithuania is responsible for organizing a video conference). • April, May, 2015 - experiment "Sun's effect on plants". Dictionary "Vegetables and fruit". • June, 2015 - project meeting. The sum of the results of the first project year, discussion.
Project plan
• September, 2015 - survey of our habits. Calendars of survey of our activeness will be made in classes (morning exercise, various trainings, at the end of the months the average of activeness will be summed, conclusions will be made and presented to all partners). • October, 2015 - experiment "Do I move enough" (using pedometers children will measure their everyday route). Dictionary "Kinds of sport". (Estonia is responsible for video conference) • November, December, 2015 - experiment-research "The route I and my friends have done". Children will introduce with a map and spot the route they have made. • January - February, 2016 - research "How noise effects our health". Dictionary "Music instruments". • Latvia is responsible for organizing a video conference • March - April, 2016 - "Colours' effect on our mood and health". Dictionary "Colours". • May - June, 2016 - We will start evaluation and will start the work on evaluation schemes. • 2016 - final meeting. Mini teachers conference where the project, its activities and pupils achievements will be discussed. The teachers from other schools will be invited to the conference. We will start to work on the final report. (Lithuania is responsible for the conference)
First experiment "The Elephant's Trunk“ Lithuania
Peroxide 30% + dishwashing liquid + KL = THE ELEPHANT'S TRUNK
First meeting (online) Lithuania - Latvia
First meeting Lithuania - Estonia (online)
During the first meeting Lithuanian pupils played folk tune. Children from Estonia and Lithuania made acquaintance of each other presenting their names, how old are they, what they like.
Move – Grow healthy
Meeting in Skujenes pamatskola
Firs day in Latvia – Concert
Meeting in Latvia
Last school year our young pupils enjoyed working on eTwinning project “Primary students experiment, observe, investigate and create“ and had partners from Spain and Iceland. This project was so interesting, modern and useful that we decided to expand it and became as eTwinning-Norplus Project. Schools from Estonia - Tallinna kindergarten and Latvia - Skujene Pamatskola became our partners and project activities are done now not only online but in reality too.
Meeting in Latvia Before the first meeting in Vest Skujene School, Latvia, we, teachers and pupils, got introduced each other on skype and eagerly were waiting for the real meeting. With the help of pupils‘ parents we went to visit our Latvian partners. The journey was long, children admired the wonderful nature. When we finally reached our journey destination, we saw Latvian‘s school headmaster and some pupils dressed in Latvian national costumes waiting for us outside the school. The school headmaster Anda couldn‘t remember when was the last time when so many people were in this small school: 50 Latvians – teachers and pupils, 4 Estonian teachers, 42 Lithuanian pupils and 7 their teachers. In Latvia pupils from Latvia and Lithuania performed a wonderful concert, they sang, danced, talked to each other, played various games. The hosts prepared for children a very interesting entertaining program. We visited one of the oldest Latvian town Cesis, its mediterranean castle.
Meeting in Latvia The most impressive for children was the visit to educational centre ZINOO ( It seemed that this centre was held just especially for our project. There the children got acquainted with the various laws of nature: felt the taste of gravity, understood and felt the force of friction while running special karting, saw and felt the power of lightining. Children learned that in order to lift 1 tonne rocket into the air, it is necessary to use 20 tons of fuel. Wow. But even more impressive was when children made rockets themselves and put them in a 5-storey height of the house. Strenght. The children weren‘t able to believe what was going.
Meeting in Latvia Only late in the evening Lithuanian pupils went home. Teachers Diana, Aurelija and Ingrida stayed there for 5 days to work on project activities. They conducted lessons, shared their pedagogical experience with project partner teachers. The Vest Skujene School is located between the forests and fields so it was very difficult to reach this school from the hotel (35 km) because there are no public transport to this village. So our teachers had to hire a car, to upload GPS programs on their phones and learn how to use them.
Meeting in Latvia Lithuanian teachers conducted lessons to Latvian pupils, made paper, did some experiments with it, with flowers and colours in the milk, proved that a human being has electricity, made dolls and candles. Teacher Aurelija taught other partner teachers how to use the newest Twinspace, its tools. There was held a project presentation and all partner school presentations to Latvian school community. As the symbols of the project were chosen a hand-lens and a butterfly net. The next project meeting we are planning to organise in Estonia in spring. Now all partner children are working on creating a project Logo.The first project meeting was successful and it was very difficult to say goodbye. We are very glad that in these modern times we can meet online. We have to continue working on planned project activities.
Meeting in Latvia. Paper making in Latvia
Meeting in Latvia. Experiment “Milk dace“ Lithuania. Meeting in Latvia
Color Changing Milk Experiment Is An Explosion of Colors!!!
Magic lily. Lithuania. Meeting in Latvia
Paper is made up of lots of tiny fibres. By folding the paper you squash these fibres on the inside of the fold. When the fibres get wet they will expand and start to push outwards. This pushing force will cause the paper flower to slowly unfold. You can try different types of paper to see if they open up any quicker or slower.
Advent crown Makers (Latvia)
• Things that you need: • old cardboard,
• yarn waste • tea candles, • beautiful things • hot glue,
• divider. • To prepare the Advent wreath, you will need: • a compass to draw a carton 2 laps per second, • cut out the circles, and the resulting shape of the yarn reel. • Composition is your choice. • Then stick candles and arrange things. • Good luck!
A secret milk message (Lithuania) To do the experiment you need: 2,5% or fat-free milk
A dish for the milk 2 brushes A white sheet of paper Finely ground pepper (in a pepperpot)
1. Pour the milk into the dish. Take a clean brush, steep it into the milk and write a secret message. 2. Wait till the message get dry. Then we will make it visible again: sift the ground pepper and with the second brush distribute it on the sheet of paper. The mysterious pattern is seen again. Hurray! We revealed the secret. Explanation of the experiment: Milk, which is in water (88 %) is absorbed into the paper, but unnecessary fat, carbohydrates and protein adhesive, especially casein, remains on the surface. When we sift some ground pepper on the sheet of paper, the grains stick on the protein of the pattern and the mystery message becomes visible again.
Dancing rice (Latvia)
Things that you need: balloon, rice, plasmasas single cup, scissors, tape recorder or radio.
Rice to dance, you will need: plastic dish cut out the bottom of the hole, cut the cylinder at the narrowest and replace it in a balloon on the dish, Sift the balloon a little bit of rice, and place in container and radios benches. And now turn on loud music. Rice dance.
Dictionary. Parst of body. Lithuania
Dictionary. Nature (Lithuania)
Studying sculptures and their materials (Estonia) The students visited the artmuseum KUMU in Tallinn to learn about making sculptures. We found out that sculptures can be made of stone, wood, bronze, marble, plaster and other materials. The students also made some small sculptures.
Experiment “Association among salt and water” (Lithuania) 4/english-VANDENS-IR-DRUSKODRAUGIJA_MANTAS
Smoke Damage. Lithuania
Can a sheet of paper to hold a book? (Lithuania)
How to save the planet and the soil. (Latvia)
We want to take care of nature (Latvia)
Our trees (Latvia)
Experiments 1a (Lithuania)
1a experimets with candle (skype Lithunia Estonia)
Skujenes students visiting the neighboring school (Latvia)
Our visit to the neighboring school
Skype meeting Latvia – Lithuania
Colored crystals (Lithuania)
Oliziukas (Lithuania)
Electic circuit (Lithuania) We tested the electic circuit - light switch, battery, connected electric wires - and the light is burning!
Skype meeting – Latvia - Lithuania
Meeting in Estonia
The first year of the eTwinning – Nordplus project "Primary school children create, experiment, do researches" has finished. Siauliai “Juventos” primary school children are already on vacation, and the teachers, the project participants, still remember experience and impressions of the second project meeting held in LaagnaLasteaed-Pohikool school, in Tallinn. Going to the meeting, we knew that the school, which we will be is slightly different from the schools we are accustomed. And students - are different...
Meeting in Estonia
Meeting in Estonia We saw wheelchairs, walkers in the school yard. They belong to the fate of the disadvantaged, but they hold themselves end up with perception of curiosity, creativity and wisdom of other children. As for Discipline and desire to be self-sufficient, these children are from the majority of regular students. During the meeting, pupils of school Pohikool LaagnaLasteaed we presented their programme - they played, sang, performed. Indeed, it was a very moving moment, so our eyes glistened... disloyal.
Meeting in Estonia A week and its works passed very quickly. Activities organised by the school and the teachers charmed all the pupils. They willingly carried out various tests, explored and experimented. We and children got to know many new things when we visited Tartu University of Technology. Here we have learnt what is nano chemistry, we tried out the plastic bags in manufacturing technology, and have worked with nylon stitches. We were introduced with the newest techologies for the next decade.
Experiment with teeth (Lithuania) 083/Acid-effect-on-teeth
We put the first formers' milk-teeth into four cups filled with coca-cola, sprite, fresh squeezed orange juice and water. Now we are waiting for the results. What will happen to the teeth? The first symptom that a child is matured for school – the deciduous teeth are falling. That’s why there are lots of toothless children in the first forms. Still in September in our class not one friend gave a cry during the lesson: ”The tooth has just fallen”. Now all pupils have real – constant teeth, which, it is understandable, we need to preserve very much in order not to cry at the dentist, not to envy friends’ healthy, strong teeth.
Studying moss and lichen in Lahemaa National park (Estonia) Estonian students visited Lahemaa National Park to study moss and lichen. We explored them in the park and later on by microscope.
A lesson in Tallinn Health Museum (Estonia) Estonian students visited Tallinn Health Museum and had a lesson about senses there. We made experiments and learned about hearing, seeing, tasting and touching.
Visiting Seaplane Harbour (Estonia) Estonian students visited an interactive exhibition "Swims or sinks" at Tallinn Seaplane Harbour. It was really fun!
Experiment with sweets (Lithuania)
Primary school pupils like sweets very much. But what are the sweets made of, what are they? Children tried to find out that with very known sweets - "M&Ms". We pour the glass with water and put there a handful of these sweets. The water in the glass immediately turned to the rainbow, and after a few minutes the letters from the sweets appeared on the surface. So, the children decided that maybe it is better not to eat paints and these letters, which nobody knows what they are made of.
The dissemination of Nordplus project "Primary students experiment, observe, investigate and create" in the conference of scientists (Lithuania)
Experiment with book (Lithuania)
Can a sheet of paper to hold a book
Move grow healthy (Lithuania)
How preparing kefir (Latvia) • • • • •
Prepare 4 cups, The first glass is poured into the store buy milk. The second poured into the store buy milk and add a teaspoon of sour cream. The third glass is poured into a home milked milk. The third glass is poured into a home milked milk and add a teaspoon of sour cream. • After two days it determines what changes have taken place in the glasses, the tasting. • We conclude that the lactic acid bacteria 2 glasses are savairojušās. Guess where? • Enjoy your meal!
Advent crown Makers (Latvia)
Research "How noise effects our health" (Lithuania) Schoolchildren from class 1b visited the Museum of radio and television. Here children had an educational activity "Talking box" about great-grandfather of CD, the first machines and moving pictures. It was very intersting for pupils to hear and see, touch and feel and experience. The children even tried to call for help using a Morse-code. Pupils got to know a lot and met the effects of noise on man.
The school nurse led the activity about noise damage on children. She showed a movie and let children themselve to feel how noise affects in a few minutes. Finally, the first formers measured up noise decibelus.
Balloon and pin - the balloon does not break (Lithuania)
Science experiments for children – Balloon jet car (Lithuania)
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
What you need 4 plastic lids from soft-drink or water bottles. hand drill or power drill rectangle of thick corrugated cardboard (15 cm x 10 cm) straight straw bendable straw 2 bamboo skewers balloon rubber band masking tape scissors plasticine coloured pencils and decorations
Estonian days
Grows (Latvia)
VISITING ENERGY DISCOVERY CENTRE • We spend the whole day in Energy discovery centre in Tallinn. • We studied the topics of physics. We did some intresting experiments about light, electricity, mechanics and temperatures on the science theatre. We saw the lightning bolts and the effect of static electricity and we explored different voices and sounds, light and optic. We made laterns with LED lamps. • We learned the history of Estonian oil shale industry. • We saw an interactive exhibition „What is inside the earth?” and we learned a lot about the world of chrystals, semiprecious stones, jewels, historical treasure troves, skeletons and fossils of prehistoric creatures. And we had lot of fun in the exhibition „Spider the Architect and Mole the Engineer”.
We visited Tallinn TV Tower and took part in some educational programmes. We studied the history of TV, radio, internet and other means of media and communiction. Our students tried the job of the news presenters, they recorded their clips and sent them to their friends via e-mail. We also explored the interactive exhibition „Where are we in the Universe?� We saw a 3D film about TV Tower, it was funny and thrilling.
We visited the lab of senses in the Estonian Healtcare Museum. We learned a lot about our senses: smell, hearing, touching, seeing, tasting.
The Week of Bread (Estonia) We devoted the whole week to our main food – black bread. We made the dough and baked the bread. Our students explored the leaven under the microscope. We tasted different types of bread and chose our favourites.
AT THE ZOO (Estonia) We took part in the special programme at the zoo. Students had to make and bring a mug that has a cat picture in it. We saw different animals at the zoo. And before we left, every student made a small elephant for themselves.
We visited Lahemaa National Park and its Enviromental Centre in Palmse. We explo d linches and wood fungi and in the national history classroom we studied the collection of rocks, animal pelts and skulls, seashells and butterflies. We also saw the interactive exhibition about Lahemaa National Park.
We visited the Seaplane Harbour twice to see two interactive expositions. „Sail or sink” was about the forces of nature in realm of water and related colourful stories from maritime history. We generated waves and whirpools, steered ships through locks, escaped from sinking ship and did much more interesting. „Race to the end of the Earth” was the story of conquering the South Pole, nature and wildlife of the Antarctic.
VISITING ESTONIAN THEATRE AND MUSIC MUSEUM (Estonia) We studied different instruments and their names in Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian. After that we went to Estonian Theatre and Music Museum to see their exposition that consists of more than 125 musical instruments. We learned a lot about Estonian national instruments and our composers and song festivals. We also made birthday cards for our Independence Day. We visited the museum the second time as well. Then we listened the concert of classical music perfomed by the students of musical schools.