AU Family Spring 2015

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AU Family A publication for families of Aurora University undergraduate students

Dear Families, Each season on the Aurora University campus brings special pleasures and celebrations. None is more important, however, than the arrival of the commencement tent on campus. For years, our goal at AU has been to allow each graduate to invite as many family and friends as possible. We depend upon a HUGE tent to literally cover the length and width of the Quadrangle for this purpose. Inevitably all within the campus community await the arrival and subsequent positioning of the tent with great anticipation. A year or two ago, one of our graduating seniors tweeted the message that captured the feelings of many. “The tent is going up,” she wrote. “And this year, it’s for me.” With those words, she did more than celebrate her own graduation. She captured the essence of an AU education. While some institutions of higher learning serve many different publics, at Aurora University we have one clear and overarching purpose — to fulfill our promises to students. By their very


nature, campuses are filled with many different people who have divergent opinions. But on this singular point…all are in agreement. So as we approach our season of celebration on campus, I hope that you will take a few moments to read this newsletter. It is filled with solid counsel for families of AU students. Here you will find crucial graduation information, a financial aid checklist and advice on using the summer months to jumpstart a career. In addition, we have provided information about important dates. The tent is going up. And it’s for you (and your student).

Rebecca L. Sherrick, PhD President

SAVE THE DATE: Commencement 2015 Graduation packets, which include tickets and information about the ceremony, were mailed earlier this month to the permanent addresses of students who graduated in December 2014 and those planning to graduate in May or August 2015. CAP AND GOWN DAYS April 14 and April 15, 2015 | 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Institute for Collaboration Atrium UNDERGRADUATE CEREMONY Sunday, May 3 | 2:00 p.m. Aurora University Quadrangle For more information about commencement, visit

Get a career jumpstart this summer Maximize summer. That’s the advice coming from AU career services advisors. Students can make the most of their summer break by establishing some career-related goals this spring. There are several options to consider: volunteering, working part- or full-time, interning, studying abroad, learning a new language or taking summer courses, among others. Regardless of which goal a student chooses, he/she will want to start planning now. Fortunately, AU career services advisors are available during the academic year and summer to help students prepare for different opportunities. Free on-campus services include: » Resume guidance » Interviewing practice » Job search assistance Students can also prepare for their futures by taking time this summer for informational interviews and job shadowing—both great ways to explore a field of interest and network with professionals. An informational interview can take place in person (e.g., over lunch or coffee), over the phone or through email.

Students can ask professionals questions about working in a particular field and about their career paths. A job shadow is a one-time experience of observing someone in his/her occupation. This could be a full day, a half a day, an hour—whatever works best for the student and the professional. Regardless of what students do this summer, it’s important that it involves something that interests them. Even if it’s an activity unrelated to their field of interest, it gets them out talking to people. That is the key for networking. Opportunities to gain professional experience, regardless of the field, are always beneficial, too. Students will benefit from a work or volunteer position that helps enhance their communication, time management and computer skills. Students can seek such opportunities through the College Central Network at The online board provides students a one-stop shop to search for part-time jobs (both on and off campus), internships and full-time employment.

Financial aid to-do list The Office of Financial Aid offers the following reminders: » The 2015–2016 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should be submitted as soon as possible, if it hasn’t already been submitted. You do not need to wait for your student’s 2014 taxes to be complete. » Your student’s 2015-2016 award letter will be available on his or her online AU WebAdvisor account under “Financial Aid Award Letter.” Award letters are not mailed; they are only available online. » Any documents needed to complete a student’s financial aid will also be listed under “My Documents” in WebAdvisor. » Complete and submit all requirements and/or forms by Monday, June 1, 2015, to allow the Office of Financial Aid time to process everything before 15/FA bills are mailed in July. For more information, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at 630-844-6190 or

Learning beyond the classroom A new program is providing students with opportunities to learn more from their professors outside of the classroom. The AU Faculty Speaker Series challenges students to “discover what matters” through discussions about research, different perspectives and diverse areas of interests. This year, AU faculty gave presentations in Perry Theatre about a variety of experiences, including time spent as a Fulbright Scholar in Sierra Leone, the writing of a book about movie theater culture during the 1970s in Chicago’s Loop and efforts to engage more young people in STEM learning (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). “Faculty are engaged in many meaningful projects, and the Faculty Speakers Series is a great forum for professors to share their work

in a valuable way,” said Jeff Bulanda, Assistant Professor of Social Work, who spoke about his year in Sierra Leone. “It’s also an opportunity to connect students with opportunities to become involved in a professor’s service and scholarship endeavors.”

During fall semester, Jeff Bulanda, Assistant Professor of Social Work, spoke to AU students about his year in Sierra Leone.

Building communities during Alternative Spring Break by Kelly Jimenez, AU ’17 Plane ticket, check. Swimsuit, check. Wallet, check. For some Aurora University students, these items may resemble what their checklists looked like for a trip down south with friends or family. For others like me though, work boots, old clothes and sleeping bags compiled our spring break checklists. On Sunday morning, March 1, 2015, a group of 15 AU students and faculty members loaded a bus traveling to St. Joseph County, Indiana, for a week-long service opportunity with Habitat for Humanity. With guidance from Habitat for Humanity site managers, we painted, replaced cabinetry, installed insulation, hung doors and much more to make a house ready for a family. Throughout the week, we learned the basics in remodeling, but we also learned much deeper lessons we will carry with us for the rest of our lives. At the end of the week, we reflected on our experiences. Some of us were laughing thinking back to when we fit 15 people in a shower stall during a game of sardines. Some were smiling with fulfillment knowing they made new friends. Some were crying thinking of how much they impacted a family in need.

All of us received affirmation from family and friends that “giving up” our spring break to serve was a good thing. However, if you ask any of us on the trip, we did not give up anything. Instead we gained immeasurable experiences and life lessons that will never be counted as a “loss.”

(left to right) Tiffany Thomas, ’16, Lindsay Krachtus, ’16, and Haley Pessina, ’15, participated in the Aurora University Alternative Spring Break.

Campus Connections CONTACTS


Campus Public Safety 630-844-6140 |

April 1 | 7:30 p.m. | Music of the Baroque “Imogen Cooper Plays Beethoven”

Office of Financial Aid 630-844-6190 |

April 9 | 7:30 p.m. | Daniel Pink “How Smart Organizations Are Rethinking Innovation”

Office of Student Accounts 630-844-5470 |

April 17–18 and 22–25, 2015 | 7:30 p.m. | Spring Play “Dancing at Lughnasa”

Office of Student Life 630-844-5467 |

April 24 | 7:30 p.m. | Spring Concert Mozart’s Requiem, Aurora University Choirs and the Fox Valley Orchestra and Chorus To register for the above events, visit All presentations are free of charge.

Join the AU Family Facebook group conversation at This group provides opportunities for posting questions, sharing news and making connections with other AU families.

Follow: Lora de Lacey, Vice President for Student Life @LoradeLacey Sammy Spartan (AU mascot) @AUSammySpartan

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AU Family

A publication for families of Aurora University



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