AU Family Spring 2020

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AU Family A publication for families of Aurora University students

Dear Friends, A new year just dawned on campus as we launched the 2020 spring semester. The fall saw a renewed emphasis on campus safety, the opening of the long-promised parking garage and the completion of a baseball facility developed in collaboration with the local park district. Now we turn the corner into a new decade with ambitious plans for ongoing improvement. Here I want to address a serious subject and to seek your support. In February, Aurora will mark the anniversary of the Pratt workplace shooting. As is so frequently the case when such tragedies occur, we learned a great deal. The summer saw major investments in enhanced emergency communication capacity and the fall witnessed a number of drills on campus. We also introduced the “Run. Hide. Fight.” protocol that is the preferred higher education modality for responding to an active shooter. This is quite different from the direction provided in schools. When a student goes to college, s/he


takes on more responsibilities — for learning, for making good decisions and for acting in his or her own behalf in an emergency. It is easy to think of college as a continuation of schooling. In fact, it is something quite different. Our goal is to prepare students for the rest of their lives, for the times when they must act for themselves in many different circumstances. This newsletter provides an overview of the recommended higher education protocol — as well as other subjects. Help us make this the best and safest year yet at Aurora University. Sincerely,

Rebecca L. Sherrick, PhD President P.S. As always, we welcome your questions and suggestions about our campus safety efforts and invite you to share your feedback at

Campus safety remains a top priority The AU Campus Emergency Operations Team continues its efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of students, faculty, staff, and guests. The following is an overview of the most recent safety and emergency preparedness efforts. General Safety Awareness » Safety presentations were conducted for new student orientations and student leadership organizations, with all new incoming students receiving education and training on campus safety procedures. »

Safety key card tags were made available to all students and employees. Tags display general safety information and the “Run. Hide. Fight.” protocol as well as contact information for Campus Public Safety.


A tornado safety video was created to demonstrate proper response procedures in the event of severe weather or a tornado on campus. It is available at continued on next page


Each classroom, residence hall room, and common area on campus is outfitted with both a building evacuation map as well as an Emergency Response Guide, which lists safety procedures for different emergency situations.

“Run. Hide. Fight.” » The university created and developed an educational video to teach the “Run. Hide. Fight.” safety protocol for active shooter or hostile intruder situations. This video was shown during new student orientation, at student leadership trainings, in classrooms, and is posted at »

During the spring semester, the university will host expert speakers to facilitate training presentations on “Run. Hide. Fight.” and active shooter response procedures.

» All course syllabi will be imbedded with the “Run. Hide. Fight.” protocol, along with additional information on campus safety and emergency preparedness. Drills/Exercises » Fire drills were conducted in the residence halls during fall semester. » A system-wide tornado drill was conducted across campus to better prepare the university community for responding to tornado and severe weather threats. »

In the fall, the university conducted a test of its lockdown system to ensure that the system works quickly and accurately. All university buildings are equipped with door access security that allows an immediate lockdown to restrict access.

Security » AU is coordinating its safety efforts with P4 Security Solutions to increase its security presence and safety procedures at large university events, including athletic competitions, concerts, and graduation ceremonies — as well as increased security in and around its new parking garage structure. Technology » The university has dramatically strengthened its AU Alert emergency notification system to include broadcasting emergency messages across all university communication platforms — to include text messages, email, website, social media channels, and emergency alert beacons. »

Emergency alert beacons are now located throughout the campus. These beacons serve as an emergency notification tool that can broadcast a loud audible siren, flash strobe lights, and scroll emergency messages when needed.

More about the “Run. Hide. Fight.” protocol Aurora University follows the “Run. Hide. Fight.” protocol in the event of an active shooter or hostile intruder. “Run. Hide. Fight.” is the leading protocol followed across college campuses and is endorsed by both local and federal law enforcement agencies, including the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. “Run. Hide. Fight.” provides clear, actionable steps: RUN If there is an accessible escape path, attempt to evacuate. » Have an escape route and plan in mind. » Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow. » Leave your belongings behind. » Help others escape, if possible. » Follow the instructions of any police officers. HIDE If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you. Your hiding place should: » Be out view. » Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (e.g., an office with a closed and locked door, behind a file cabinet, or a copier). » Not trap you, or restrict your options for movement (for a fast escape). You should: » Silence your cell phone (including vibrate mode) and remain quiet. » Lock and barricade the door. » Turn off the lights in the room and remain calm and quiet. FIGHT As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the shooter. You should: » Act as aggressively as possible against the armed intruder. Yell and scream. » Improvise weapons or throw items at the armed intruder. » Commit to your actions…your life depends on it.

Students and family members who have questions or concerns about campus safety are invited to contact the AU Campus Emergency Operations Team at

Students join together to learn beyond the classroom AU students are gaining global perspective during group study tours in the United States and around the world. Through AU’s Study Beyond program, students are experiencing different cultures and learning firsthand at reputable museums, theaters, sports facilities, and educational institutions. This past fall, secondary education history students traveled to Washington, D.C., to learn more about handson teaching strategies. They visited congressional offices, explored several museums, and attended a play at the historic Ford’s Theatre. Upcoming faculty-led travel opportunities » The AU Chorale and Chamber Choir will embark on its first overseas tour this May to Ireland, singing in churches and universities in Dublin, Galway, Killarney, Cork, and other locations. »

Exercise science and athletic training students will visit the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, as part of a 2020 Travel in May course with AU faculty.


A group of AU students and faculty will explore the south of France during a Study in May course in 2020 with a focus on history, culture, the French language, and the humanities.


As part of a spring 2021 course, nursing and social work faculty are planning to take students to Ireland during spring break to study the country’s health care system in relationship to its culture and history.


In May 2021, theatre and art faculty will again bring students to New York City to tour museums by day and experience plays by night.

The university also works with students to arrange individual or small-group study abroad experiences through AU affiliate programs, including internships, coursework, and volunteer opportunities. This past summer and fall, a large number of AU students completed individual programs abroad in Costa Rica, France, Italy, Peru, Québec, and Spain.

For more information about the Study Beyond program and other study abroad opportunities, please visit

What to know about Spring Commencement The Aurora University Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony will take place Sunday, May 3, 2020, at 2 p.m. on the University Quadrangle. Each participant for the undergraduate ceremony will be allotted four tickets, which will be distributed during Cap and Gown Days, April 1–2, 2020. Ticketed overflow seating will be available for viewing a live stream of the ceremony in Crimi Auditorium. If the auditorium becomes full, additional viewing for ticket holders will take place in Perry Theatre. Live stream tickets will be limited and reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Information on how to register for these tickets will be emailed to students in the spring. The live stream will also be available on the AU website.

The graduation application period is now open. Students planning to graduate in May or August must complete a graduation application as soon as possible through their WebAdvisor account. For more information about Commencement, please visit

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In light of a forecast expecting severe weather conditions, the ceremony may need to be moved into Thornton Gymnasium. This could result in a rescheduled ceremony date and time and this information would be provided to you as soon as possible.

Lora de Lacey, Vice President for Student Life @LoradeLacey

Follow the latest athletic news and events: @au_spartans


AU Family

A publication for families of Aurora University students




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