Improving health and wellbeing through person-centred care Our experience Sydney North Health Network
Person-centred care may well be the future of
support and education to healthcare teams to help
general practice in Australia—and it’s here now
enhance patient experience of coordinated care,
in Sydney’s north. A person-centred care model,
improve systems and data collection, optimise
sometimes referred to as a person-centred medical
health and wellbeing, and improve the work life of
home (PCMH), combines the traditional core
healthcare clinicians.
values of a family-focused medical practice with
‘This shared or team approach not only provides
a team-based approach to care and an ongoing,
additional value for patients, it can help prevent
active relationship between the person and their
burnout of our medical professionals’, says Sue
healthcare team.
Barry, Primary Care Coordinator/Program Lead
‘Person-centred care focuses on the patient,
at SNHN.
their needs, and their goals to achieve better
Practice nurse Kathleen Chapman said she was
health outcomes. It is a team-based approach
in a very fortunate position in that she was able
to healthcare, where the GP works with a team
to spend time with the patient. ‘We work out
to look after a patient’s welfare and health.
what they need and what is important to them.
This allows health professionals to focus on their
I get to do a full health assessment which can take
individual skill sets to deliver a better quality of
up to an hour depending on complexity, then we
care to patients,’ says Sydney local northside GP,
go and talk to the GP together. We like to make
Dr Kiril Siebert.
sure they keep the same doctor and nurse, and
Sydney North Health Network (SNHN) provides
The Health Advocate • MAY 2020
work towards their healthcare goals as a team.