ANGELA RYAN RN MACN FAIDH, Chief Clinical Information Officer Australian Digital Health Agency
LEE WOODS RN PhD, Senior Project Manager Australian Digital Health Agency
SHIVA SHARIF PhD, Digital Health Officer Australian Digital Health Agency
The National Digital Health Workforce and Education Roadmap Improving the digital capabilities of Australia’s health workforce
The benefits of digital health technologies are
The National Digital Health Workforce &
significant and compelling. Used effectively, digital
Education Roadmap (the roadmap) is a strategy
health technologies can save lives, as well as
for the health workforce and preparedness in
improve the health and wellbeing of all Australians.
digital health. The roadmap provides a basis for
Further, these technologies can support a
understanding the digital capability requirements
sustainable health system that delivers safe, high
of all those involved in the healthcare system
quality, and effective health services. These
including the health workforce, volunteers and
technologies are already profoundly changing the
health consumers. The coverage and relevance
way healthcare is delivered, impacting traditional
extend beyond the over 760,000 registered
approaches to health occupations, tasks and
healthcare providers as the entire sector’s
functions. In addition, a confident and capable
workforce will play a role in delivering the benefits
health workforce is required to realise the benefits
of the evolving digital health system. The roadmap
of digital health technologies.
also acknowledges how the application of digital > The Health Advocate • NOVEMBER 2020