DR CHRIS BOURKE Strategic Programs Director, Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association
COVID-19 and its impacts on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
The fast and comprehensive action taken
For example, the pre-existing grossly inadequate
by Aboriginal Community Controlled Health
housing in many communities is well-known,
Organisations (ACCHOs) facing the emerging
with much higher rates of crowded households in
COVID-19 pandemic early this year was very
remote communities (34%) compared with urban
successful. By early May 2020, only 55 cases
areas (8%). A recent research report, arising from a
were reported among people identifying as
partnership between the University of Queensland
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, 0.8%
and Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation in
of all cases tested. No cases were reported in
the Northern Territory’s Barkly region, found that
remote or very remote communities.
extreme overcrowding combined with broken-down
Public health philosophy adopted It all began in January when the devastating potential that COVID-19 could wreak upon communities was immediately recognised by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health leaders. Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health experts they determined that a public health philosophy was required for a campaign to reduce the risks of the pandemic, with a strong focus on the social determinants of health.
bathroom and laundry facilities severely increased the transmission risk of preventable, hygienerelated infectious diseases like COVID-19. Not only is the housing supply inadequate but the housing itself is inadequate in many remote communities. The campaign steps were created by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, health groups and organisations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. They have included culturally appropriate awareness campaigns for Aboriginal and Torres Strait The Health Advocate • AUGUST 2020
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