The Health Advocate – August 2021

Page 52

SAM HARKUS Principal Audiologist, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Hearing Australia

New research shows kids’ ear and hearing health is an urgent priority For the majority of Australian children who

type of middle ear condition and will experience

experience it, otitis media or middle ear infection is

middle ear disease over 10 times longer than non-

a painful but relatively short-term condition, happily

Indigenous children.1 More children experience

unlikely to impact children’s long term listening and

the severest forms, at rates the World Health

communication skills development.

Organization call ‘a massive public health problem

However, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

requiring urgent attention’.2 Persistent otitis media

children have a significantly different experience of

is not confined to remote communities however,

middle ear disease than non-Indigenous Australian

almost half of a group of Aboriginal babies in an

children. They tend to acquire ear disease earlier,

ongoing Perth study had developed middle ear

as young as six weeks old. It’s often without obvious

infection by the age of six months.3

signs. It’s more prevalent and more likely to become

When otitis media presents like this, it impacts

chronic: one in three children will have at least one

development and life trajectories. It often persists


The Health Advocate • AUGUST 2021

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