KIM WEBBER Executive Lead – Strategy and Partnerships, cohealth
Targeted efforts protect residents of high-risk accommodation from COVID-19
Australia has proven to be a world leader in
laundries, kitchens, stairwells and entries. During
managing the COVID-19 pandemic and has
the peak of transmissions schools were closed,
successfully prevented widespread community
people were working from their homes and public
transmission through uptake of social isolation
spaces were closed, further contributing to physical
measures by the Australian community.
crowding within the home environment.
Part of the success story is that as a society
It is well established that infection can spread
we have proactively accounted for the impacts of
quickly in high density and shared accommodation,
the social determinants of health and its influence
so a COVID outbreak near, or in, one of these
on the community’s ability to socially isolate
properties would be difficult to contain.
where required. A range of programs have been implemented to
This higher risk, coupled with many people’s difficulties accessing information about rule
specifically focus support and services to those who
changes, COVID-19 screening and testing services,
are most at risk of contracting COVID-19 such as
led to a situation where those at highest risk were
those living in high density housing.
least exposed to messages about what needed
High-risk due to shared spaces, high-density living
to be done to prevent transmission and manage
High density housing residents are at higher risk of viral transmission because of crowded living spaces and the need for people to share areas such as
The Health Advocate • MAY 2021
outbreaks. To address this, the Victorian Government developed the High Risk Accommodation Response (HRAR) program in late 2020. The program