The Health Advocate – November 2021

Page 40

SIÂN SLADE PhD Researcher, The Nossal Institute of Global Health, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health

“Health challenges are almost always unanticipated, whether acute or chronic, leaving us vulnerable to a system when we are least prepared. ”

Mind The Gap: Navigating Health From Silos to Solutions Furthering the themes of Value-Based Healthcare,

almost always unanticipated, whether acute or

Patient First, Leading Better Value Care and Beyond

chronic, leaving us vulnerable to a system when we

Covid-19 in our August edition, a two-part webinar

are least prepared.

series, Mind The Gap: Navigating Health was held in

Starting each webinar with a consumer/carer

September 2021 sponsored by the Australian Disease

and practioner dyad, speakers from Queensland,

Management Association (ADMA), the Consumers

Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania provided

Health Forum and Melbourne School of Population

vignettes from across the public and not-for-profit

and Global Health.

sectors in health, disability, and aged care. Whilst

The London Underground map was the perfect

the challenges were acknowledged the conversation

backdrop for the webinars’ theme, Mind the Gap:

focus was on solutions and sharing local, state and

Navigating Health. Did you know that before

national approaches. The intent? To kick-start a

the map was built the way to find your way

conversation about developing an Australian person-

round (including the cheapest fare) was to ask a

centred systems approach, moving from the talk to

policeman? This ‘know-how’ or word of mouth as

a system-wide walk.

to how to get things done, who to ask, where to go

Leanne Wells, CEO Consumers Health Forum

is familiar to us all in our fast-moving lives where

opened the series highlighting the opportunity for

services or people change. Health challenges are

navigators (connectors, link-workers) to address


The Health Advocate • NOVEMBER 2021

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