The Health Advocate - November 2023

Page 34

MS CAROL BEHNE Sustainable Healthcare Program Manager, CAHA

Health sector leaders showcase action for low carbon, climate resilient healthcare Policy, research and practice for advancing low carbon and climate resilient healthcare in Australia and New Zealand

The Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA) and its

Questions like how do we include the healthcare

members have advocated for a low carbon, climate

sector in this shift; how do we engage our decision-

resilient and sustainable health system for over a

makers, colleagues, suppliers and patients in the


process; and how do we overcome inevitable

As Australia’s peak body on climate and health,

barriers to progress?

and coordinators of the Global Green and Healthy

In Perth, CAHA proudly teamed up with the WA

Hospitals network (GGHH) in the Pacific region,

Health Sustainable Development Unit to address

CAHA faces many questions from its members and

some of these questions through our annual

healthcare institutions to help them transition to a

Greening the Healthcare Sector Forum. Held

sustainable future.

between September 14-15, it was the first time the

But this transition brings with it many questions.


The Health Advocate • NOVEMBER 2023

Forum had been conducted in the west on beautiful

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