MS ERYNN JOHNSON Climate Risk & Net Zero Unit, NSW Health
DR KATE CHARLESWORTH Climate Risk & Net Zero Unit, NSW Health
Creating a low-carbon, climate resilient healthcare system in NSW Australia is on the frontlines of climate change.
In the past year, we have published our position
There is overwhelming scientific evidence
statement, which builds on previous strategies
that climate change is driving more extreme
and policies within NSW Health, and outlines our
weather. In NSW, we are already experiencing the
commitment to delivering a modern low-carbon,
impacts of climate change, most recently through
climate resilient healthcare system.
the unprecedented cycle of heatwaves, droughts,
Whilst recognising that climate change is the
bushfires, storms and floods. Climate change is
biggest global health threat of the 21st century,
also affecting health.
it is also the biggest opportunity. Staff right
As the largest and busiest public health system
across the system are actively informing the
in Australia, NSW Health produces vast amounts
public about the consequences of climate change
of waste, driving fossil-fuel air pollution and
on health and taking local action to reduce their
greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, we are in
environmental impact.
fact, a major contributor to the climate crisis.
Energy and transport initiatives are an important
Pleasingly, we have identified environmental
part of achieving a low carbon system, however,
sustainability as one of six strategic outcomes
research shows that more than half of health care’s
in Future Health, NSW Health’s 10-year Plan,
footprint comes from scope 3 emissions. These
and have committed to an environmentally
are our supply chain emissions related to clinical
sustainable footprint for future healthcare.
care delivery, including our pharmaceuticals and
The Health Advocate • NOVEMBER 2023