The Health Advocate - Issue 55 / October 2019

Page 29


DR INES RIO Chair, Australian Medical Association Victoria Section of General Practice, and Chair, North Western Melbourne PHN

Please just tell me when the appointment will be! GPs, patients and opaque waiting lists for public hospital specialists. Your patient told you they’d been putting off

They don’t have health insurance and can’t

making an appointment to see you, but now

afford the out-of-pocket cost of a private specialist,

they’re finally at your GP clinic. At first the

so you decide to send off a referral to the local

symptoms weren’t that bad, but they haven’t gone

public hospital’s specialist clinic.

away and it’s starting to affect their quality of

After a few weeks, your patient rings the

life. Perhaps it’s that increasing pain in their hip,

hospital clinic to find out a date for their specialist

intermittent rash or a ringing in the ear that is now

appointment but they’re given no idea how long

keeping them awake at night and affecting their

it might be until one is available. You also try

functioning. So you decide your patient needs to

to enquire, but no-one can provide an answer.

see a non-GP specialist for assessment; perhaps

You may even be told they are on the waitlist

even an operation.

for the waitlist. Your patient is now on what The Health Advocate • OCTOBER 2019

> 29

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