JEREMY KENNETT Communications Coordinator, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network
A walk to remember
Mental health system doors and journeys in North Western Melbourne. When North Western Melbourne Primary Health
from all backgrounds and experiences to walk
Network embarked on the idea of doing a
and talk about a public health issue, visiting
‘CroakeyGO’ on mental health, we wanted to look
meaningful places along the way and most
at the different ‘doors’ that people walked through
importantly sparking connection and conversation
to access the mental health system, and how that
about the topic.
affected their patient journey through the system and the care they received. A CroakeyGO is an act of walking journalism
We planned to walk in the footsteps of a person accessing the system, building connections with those walking with us and gaining insights to
initiated by Croakey Health Media (see www.
develop our Regional Plan for Mental Health and A CroakeyGO brings together people
Suicide Prevention. The Health Advocate • OCTOBER 2019