The Health Advocate - Issue 55 / October 2019

Page 4


Grassroots is about value, affordability and outcomes

Welcome to the October 2019 issue of The Health Advocate. Our ‘grassroots’ theme for this issue is about localised health services, or healthcare ‘at the coalface’. Examples within these pages include care in

What was concerning was that, as it stands at the moment, the proposals for measuring healthcare performance are all about yesterday and not tomorrow. The data are instead heavily ‘input-centric’—they are about looking backwards and counting numbers

emergency departments, mental healthcare

of consultations, health system costs, numbers of

services, GP urgent care networks, hip fracture

admissions for condition X, numbers

rehab services, culturally responsive healthcare,

of consultations bulk-billed, and so on.

end-of-life care services, diabetes education and

These facts are obviously important, but are

assessment, GP services, and specialist services

certainly not about measuring outcomes of

in public hospitals.

treatments, as reported by patients as well as

Many factors have an impact on how healthcare is delivered, but ultimately the effectiveness of

health professionals. We need to collect information that leads us

such services is measured according to their value,

to procedures proving to be of good value, and

affordability and the outcomes achieved.

to situations where patients are getting the best

And, when assessing effectiveness according to these qualities, we want the patient voice,

outcomes at an affordable cost. In terms of ‘grassroots’, we need to collect and

the patient view, to be an integral part of the

disseminate data that show, for example:

assessment—in addition to healthcare providers,

• how often prescription renewals attract a

clinicians and administrators. It was for this reason that I had some concerns with the August 2019 release of a new online Australian Health Performance Framework by the

doctor’s fee when they could have been filled at less cost and at no detriment to the patient as part of, say, a package of ongoing care • the savings and outcomes that occur when

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).

using Practice Nurses to give injections instead

The Framework is described as ‘a tool to support

of doctors

reporting on Australia’s health and healthcare performance’.

• which treatments are still in use and heavily subsidised by Medicare when more effective evidence-based treatments are available


The Health Advocate • OCTOBER 2019

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