The Health Advocate - Issue 54 / August 2019

Page 23



Creating patient-centred data The new health frontier.

A meme in the modern world is that ‘data is the

that provides data analytics to multiple Primary

new oil’, and indeed, this is true particularly in

Health Networks in Victoria and New South Wales

health. The increasing digitisation of healthcare

and their constituent general practices, covering

and its data is both opening up possibilities and

about 25% of the Australian population.

exposing weaknesses in the current system. A particular weakness is the jurisdictional and

The POpulation Level Analysis and Reporting (POLAR) program uses an integrated governance

organisational limitations to sharing data. This is

framework to make the GP data available and

no longer acceptable. We have a moral imperative

useful for multiple purposes.1 Moving beyond the

to ensure that data follow the patient in various

concept of ‘secondary use of data’, it understands

forms. This article outlines our organisation’s

that all uses of data are valid, across the multiple


levels of use cases, namely: patient identification

The Outcome Health data journey

(used for linkage); patient care; clinical governance

Outcome Health started out as a division of general practice, and 15 years ago developed a process for extracting and processing data for traditional quality assurance (QA) activities at the practice level. From there the program has developed and expanded. Outcome Health is now a not-for-profit

(of which QA activities are a part); population health; research; and administrative/business purposes. So, for example, a diagnosis of diabetes in a patient, and concomitant tests and medications are recorded in the GP system attached to patient identifiers and used by the GP for the care of The Health Advocate • AUGUST 2019

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