CHRISTINE ZAHREN Business Development Manager, ClinTrial Refer
The ClinTrial Refer mobile app and website platform Increasing visibility of trial sites and access to current clinical trials.
Timely participant recruitment into clinical trials has longstanding and complex challenges. Stringent protocol eligibility criteria and onerous visit schedules are just some of the problems that can interfere with successful participant recruitment. Two key reasons for insufficient accrual relate to poor access to, and awareness of, open trials. Around 90% of clinical trials experience recruitment delays in Australia1 and this statistic is similar and true for trials around the world today. Siloed solutions tailored to individual studies exist, but have proved insufficient to deal with Professor Judith Trotman, Head of Department, Haematology, Concord Hospital; Senior Staff Specialist, Concord Hospital; and Ms Roslyn Ristuccia, Co-Founder and Executive Manager at ClinTrial Refer, St George Hospital.
the scale of the problem as a whole, as well as with the varying challenges posed by individual stakeholders and trials.
The Health Advocate • AUGUST 2019