Staff security awareness Data breaches seem to be a regular feature in the
with access to sensitive data. Big businesses,
news nowadays, especially since the Notifiable Data
corporations and banks have the money and
Breach (NDB) scheme came into force in Australia
infrastructure available to put together a dedicated
last year.
cybersecurity team. Healthcare organisations
This higher frequency of articles announcing newly-hacked victim organisations gives an idea of the growing scale of the security problem — a trend
seldom have this luxury and therefore are perceived to be an easier target for attackers. According to the latest quarter statistics (Q1
that we at Foregenix have been talking and warning
2019) from the Office of the Australian Information
about for years.
Commissioner, the health sector contributed by
Healthcare organisations have been a particular
far the most data breach notifications in the
focus for hackers, given the often-stretched
quarter (27%), more than double the 2nd (Finance
resources and large number of employees
sector, 13%).
Source: OAIC – Notifiable data breaches quarterly statistics, Q1 2019. 1. A health service provider includes any entity that provides a health service within the meaning of s 6FB of the Privacy Act, regardless of annual turnover. 2. This sector includes banks, wealth managers, financial advisors, superannuation funds and consumer credit providers (regardless of annual turnover). 3. This sector includes private education providers only, as APP entities, and the Australian National University. Public sector education providers are bound by state and territory privacy laws, as applicable.
The Health Advocate • AUGUST 2019