The Commonwealth’s commitment to Changing the way governments work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples National Indigenous Australians Agency
Closing the Gap The National Indigenous Australians Agency
making under the new National Agreement on
(NIAA) has been working with the Coalition
Closing the Gap (National Agreement). Effective
of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak
from 27 July 2020, this historic agreement was
Organisations (Coalition of Peaks), along with other
developed for the first time in genuine partnership
Commonwealth Government departments, all state
by the Coalition of Peaks, the Commonwealth,
and territory governments and the Australian Local
all state and territory governments, and ALGA.
Government Association (ALGA), to change the way
The Coalition of Peaks is a representative
governments work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait
body of more than 70 community-controlled
Islander peoples.
organisations, convened by Pat Turner, CEO of the
National Agreement on Closing the Gap (National Agreement) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have long advocated for a decision-making role in policies, programs and services to achieve better outcomes. In recognition of the inherent strengths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations, all governments have committed to a new era of partnership and shared decision
The Health Advocate • FEBRUARY 2022
National Aboriginal Community-Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO). While the 2008 Closing the Gap agenda was developed by governments alone, the 2020 National Agreement was negotiated and developed with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives at the table as an integral part of the process. The National Agreement has been built around what Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have said is important to improve their lives. It includes four Priority Reforms to change the way