MEGAN CAHILL Capital Health Network CEO
The WOKE Program Mental health services for young people with emerging Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a complex
The WOKE program utilises dialectical behavioural
mental health issue that emerges in early
therapy (DBT) to teach young people (15-21 years)
adulthood and can cause ongoing behavioural
skills and techniques which can then be effectively
issues and feelings that result in decreased
adapted to their environment to assist with
functioning and increased distress over time.
reducing psychological distress, and which are
Meeting an identified need ‘As ACT’s Primary Health Network, we recognised the lack of early intervention programs for young people with early symptoms of BPD in the ACT region. So, we commissioned the University of Canberra (UC) to develop and run a suitable program to address this need which resulted in the WOKE Program,’ said Ms Cahill, Capital Health Network CEO.
The Health Advocate • NOVEMBER 2022
transferrable through all areas of their life. An evaluation of the first four programs, run from September 2019 to June 2021, has showed that young people attending the program have significantly reduced their symptoms, distress, suicidal ideation, and dysfunctional coping approaches. Young people who attended WOKE have reported that they achieve significant gains in their ability to regulate their moods, achieve goals and improve relationships.