1 minute read
Editor’s letter
Welcome to AUT if you’re new and welcome back if you’re a returning student. This dinky little mag you’ve picked up is your on-campus student publication. Although we’re affiliated with AUTSA, we’re editorially independent from both AUTSA and AUT, with a primary focus on telling your stories and giving you important information (we think) you need to know.
It’s been fun putting this first issue together and we’ve got a range of content for you inside. On page 14, Sophia Romanos has all the tips around what not to do when you’re starting back at uni. Sophia’s got the deets around tertiary concessions and why ignoring the Student Hub won’t do you any favours.
On page 26, Zoe Holland talks about how being a little afraid of starting uni is perfectly normal. She talks about holing herself away in the library (not recommended) and how communicating and being open with your peers is one of the surest ways for university success.
On page 24, we profile the new AUTSA President Sisifa Lui and ask what her plans are for her constituents (you guys!). Sisifa talks campus culture, her wild campaign for the presidency and 2020 goals.
This issue is also full of all the upcoming O Week happenings and we’ve included a calendar on page 18 where you can find more about all of this.
If you like the look of the mag and think you might want to get involved, then flick me an email to debate@aut.ac.nz and we can get the ball rolling.
Finally, I wish you all the best in your studies going forward and we’ll see you on stands again in a couple of weeks.